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Abstract: In this study, we immunohistochemically examined the several constituents of senile plaques (SPs) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) in aged cynomolgus monkeys. Apolipoprotein E (apoE) deposited in all mature plaques and CAA, and in half of the diffuse plaques. Alpha-1-antichymotripsin (αACT) deposited in half of the mature plaques and in one third of the CAA. Amyloid precursor protein (APP), ubiquitin (Ub), and microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) accumulated in the swollen neurites of mature plaques. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was detected in the astrocytes and their processes surrounding the mature plaques. Tau was detected in neither the SPs nor CAA. Therefore, mature plaques involved extracellular Aβ, apoE, and αACT, and also astrocytes and swollen neurites. However, diffuse plaques involved only extracellular Aβ and apoE. Since these features, except for tau, were consistent with those in humans, this animal model will be useful for studying the pathogenesis of cerebral amyloid deposition.  相似文献   
Light-enhanced active pyruvate uptake into mesophyll chloroplastsof C4 plants was reported to be mimicked by either of the twotypes of cation jump: H+-jump in maize and phylogenically relatedspecies (H+-type) and Na+-jump in all the other C4 species tested(Na+-type) [Aoki, N., Ohnishi, J. and Kanai, R. (1992) PlantCell Physiol. 33: 805]. In this study, medium and stromal pH was monitored in the suspensionof C4 mesophyll chloroplasts. Medium alkalization lasting for5 to 10 seconds after pyruvate addition was detected by a pHelectrode and observed only in the light and only in mesophyllchloroplasts from H+-type species, Zea mays L. and Coix lacryma-jobiL., but not in those from Na+-type species Panicum miliaceumL., Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. and Panicum maximum Jacq. Theinitial rate of H+ consumption showed good correlation with[14C]pyruvate uptake measured by silicone oil filtering centrifugation,both being inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide and 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-l,3-diazole to the same degree. The ratio of the rate of H+ uptaketo that of pyruvate uptake was always about 1. Pyruvate-inducedacidification of the stroma was observed in maize mesophyllchloroplasts. These results show one to one cotransport of H+and pyruvate anion into mesophyll chloroplasts of H+-type C4species in the light. (Received January 5, 1994; Accepted May 6, 1994)  相似文献   
The insulin superfamily comprises a group of peptides with diverse physiological functions and is conserved across the animal kingdom. Insulin-like peptides (ILPs) of crustaceans are classified into four major types: insulin, relaxin, gonadulin, and androgenic gland hormone (AGH)/insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG). Of these, the physiological functions of AGH/IAG have been clarified to be the regulation of male sex differentiation, but those of the other types have not been uncovered. In this study, we chemically synthesized Maj-ILP1, an ILP identified in the ovary of the kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus, using a combination of solid-phase peptide synthesis and regioselective disulfide bond formation reactions. As the circular dichroism spectral pattern of synthetic Maj-ILP1 is typical of other ILPs reported thus far, the synthetic peptide likely possessed the proper conformation. Functional analysis using ex vivo tissue incubation revealed that Maj-ILP1 significantly increased the expression of the yolk protein genes Maj-Vg1 and Maj-Vg2 in the hepatopancreas and Maj-Vg1 in the ovary of adolescent prawns. This is the first report on the synthesis of a crustacean ILP other than IAGs and also shows the positive relationship between the reproductive process and female-dominant ILP.  相似文献   
We investigated the difference in cell-killing effect and mutation induction between carbon- and neon-ion beams in normal human cells. Carbon- and neon-ion beams were accelerated by the Riken Ring Cyclotron (RRC) at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan. Cell-killing effect was measured as the reproductive cell death using the colony formation assay. Mutation induction at the HPRT locus was detected to measure 6-thioguanine-resistant clones. The mutation spectrum of the deletion pattern of exons of induced mutants was analyzed using the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Cell-killing effect was almost the same between carbon- and neon-ion beams with similar linear energy transfer (LET) values, while there observed a large difference in mutation frequency. Furthermore, in the case of neon-ion beams 60% of mutants showed total deletions and 35-40% showed partial deletions, while 95-100% of carbon-ion induced mutants showed total deletions. The results suggest that different ion species may cause qualitative and quantitative difference in mutation induction even if the LET values are similar.  相似文献   
Specific antibody against 2'-(5"-phosphoribosyl)-5'AMP (PR-AMP), a monomer of poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) (poly(ADP-Rib)), was produced by immunizing a rabbit with PR-AMP coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA). Antibody against PR-AMP was purified 53-fold from serum by (NH4) 2SO4 precipitation, and BSA-Sepharose 4B, DEAE-cellulose and (PR-AMP)-BSA-Sepharose 4B column chromatographies. Inhibition experiments show that the adenine ring, 5'-phosphate residue and ribose-ribose bond of PR-AMP were essential for the antigenic determinant of PR-AMP. Anti PR-AMP antibody bound, not only with PR-AMP, but also with poly(ADP-Rib) of various chain lengths, while anti poly(ADP-Rib) antibody bound with poly(ADP-Rib) but not with PR-AMP.  相似文献   
Hydrophobic protein (H protein) was isolated from membrane fractions of Bacillus subtilis and constituted into artificial membrane vesicles with lipid of B. substilis. Glutamate was accumulated into the vesicle when a Na+ gradient across the membrane was imposed. The maximum effect of Na+ on the transport was achieved at a concentration of about 40 mM, while the apparent Km for Na+ was approximately 8 mM. On the other hand, Km for glutamate in the presence of 50 mM Na+ was about 8 μM. Increasing the concentration of Na+ resulted in a decrease in Km for glutamate, maximum velocity was not affected. The transport was sensitive to monensin (Na+ ionophore).Glutamate was also accumulated when pH gradient (interior alkaline) across the membrane was imposed or a membrane potential was induced with K+-diffusion potential. The pH gradient-driven glutamate transport was sensitive to carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and the apparent Km for glutamate was approximately 25 μM.These results indicate that two kinds of glutamate transport system were present in H protein: one is Na+ dependent and the other is H+ dependent.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas pseudomallei, the causative microorganism of melioidosis, was grown in Mueller-Hinton liquid medium, and glycoprotein fractions were separated from the culture filtrate by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel-filtration with Sephadex G-75, and column chromatography with DEAE-cellulose. The fractions revealed acid phosphatase activity, and reacted to the sera from melioidosis patient in gel-diffusion precipitation assay.  相似文献   
A preliminary survey was conducted for the prevalence of HIV infections in pulmonary tuberculosis and melioidosis patients in Ubon Ratchathani province, in Thailand, the second largest province in population which supplies labors to Bangkok metropolis. In this province, tuberculosis is prevalent in a higher rate than in most other provinces and melioidosis is endemic. Four HIV-seropositives were found in a total of 551 suspected and culture-positive cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, while no HIV-seropositive was found in 121 melioidosis patients. In view of the rapidly expanding HIV-infections in Thailand, a strict watch will be needed on the future epidemiological status of HIV-infection in tuberculous patient.  相似文献   
A new apolipoprotein complex designated as the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was identified in the lipoprotein fractions of human plasma with apoE phenotypes containing apoE2 (E4/E2, E3/E2, and E2/E2). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by an immunoblotting assay using anti-apoE or anti-apoAII antibodies, established that the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex, with a molecular weight of 58,000, was identical to the complex consisting of apoE and apoAII, and that it also dissociated following reduction with beta-mercaptoethanol. This new complex was also demonstrated to be distinct from the apo(E-AII) complex and apoE monomer by isoelectric focusing, in the samples that were not treated with beta-mercaptoethanol. In apoE phenotype E3/E2, the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was primarily included in the high-density lipoprotein (HDL, 1.063 < d < 1.21 g/ml) fraction, but was also observed in a small quantity in the very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL, d < 1.006 g/ml) fraction. For further characterization, the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was isolated by preparative SDS-PAGE, and no contamination of apo(E-AII) complex and apoE monomer was detected by immunoblotting assay using an anti-apoE antibody. It was confirmed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system that a molecular ratio between apoAII monomer and apoE in the isolated apo(AII-E2-AII) complex was approx. 2, when the apo(E-AII) complex was used as a standard with the ratio of 1:1. It indicates that the apo(AII-E2-AII) complex is formed from two molecules of apoAII monomer and one molecule of apoE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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