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The charge translocation associated with sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ efflux is compensated for by a simultaneous SR K+ influx. This influx is essential because, with no countercurrent, the SR membrane potential (Vm) would quickly (<1 ms) reach the Ca2+ equilibrium potential and SR Ca2+ release would cease. The SR K+ trimeric intracellular cation (TRIC) channel has been proposed to carry the essential countercurrent. However, the ryanodine receptor (RyR) itself also carries a substantial K+ countercurrent during release. To better define the physiological role of the SR K+ channel, we compared SR Ca2+ transport in saponin-permeabilized cardiomyocytes before and after limiting SR K+ channel function. Specifically, we reduced SR K+ channel conduction 35 and 88% by replacing cytosolic K+ for Na+ or Cs+ (respectively), changes that have little effect on RyR function. Calcium sparks, SR Ca2+ reloading, and caffeine-evoked Ca2+ release amplitude (and rate) were unaffected by these ionic changes. Our results show that countercurrent carried by SR K+ (TRIC) channels is not required to support SR Ca2+ release (or uptake). Because K+ enters the SR through RyRs during release, the SR K+ (TRIC) channel most likely is needed to restore trans-SR K+ balance after RyRs close, assuring SR Vm stays near 0 mV.  相似文献   
Soft rot by bacterial pathogens is one of the most widespread and destructive diseases on various plants including orchids throughout the world. The pathogenicity of the pathogens is reported to be mainly determined by massive production of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (PCDE). In the previous work, we have isolated 20 isolates of bacterial soft rot from orchids collected in Yogyakarta Special Region and West Java province, Indonesia. In this study, we further confirmed them as pathogens by hypersensitive reaction assay on tobacco leaves followed by pathogenicity test on Phalaenopsis sp. The production of four major PCDE by qualitative plate assays including pectate lyase, polygalacturonase, cellulase and protease was also evaluated. Even though all the isolates were able to initiate soft rot symptom, our results showed two distinct groups which clustered as producing and non-producing PCDE. The 16S rDNA analysis revealed that the isolates belonged to the genera Pectobacterium, Klebsiella, Serratia, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Providencia and Pseudomonas.  相似文献   
Organic p‐type materials are potential candidates as solution processable hole transport materials (HTMs) for colloidal quantum dot solar cells (CQDSCs) because of their good hole accepting/electron blocking characteristics and synthetic versatility. However, organic HTMs have still demonstrated inferior performance compared to conventional p‐type CQD HTMs. In this work, organic π‐conjugated polymer (π‐CP) based HTMs, which can achieve performance superior to that of state‐of‐the‐art HTM, p‐type CQDs, are developed. The molecular engineering of the π‐CPs alters their optoelectronic properties, and the charge generation and collection in CQDSCs using them are substantially improved. A device using PBDTTPD‐HT achieves power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 11.53% with decent air‐storage stability. This is the highest reported PCE among CQDSCs using organic HTMs, and even higher than the reported best solid‐state ligand exchange‐free CQDSC using pCQD‐HTM. From the viewpoint of device processing, device fabrication does not require any solid‐state ligand exchange step or layer‐by‐layer deposition process, which is favorable for exploiting commercial processing techniques.  相似文献   
Bilateral symmetric tissues must interpret axial references to maintain their global architecture during growth or repair. The regeneration of hair cells in the zebrafish lateral line, for example, forms a vertical midline that bisects the neuromast epithelium into perfect mirror-symmetric plane-polarized halves. Each half contains hair cells of identical planar orientation but opposite to that of the confronting half. The establishment of bilateral symmetry in this organ is poorly understood. Here, we show that hair-cell regeneration is strongly directional along an axis perpendicular to that of epithelial planar polarity. We demonstrate compartmentalized Notch signaling in neuromasts, and show that directional regeneration depends on the development of hair-cell progenitors in polar compartments that have low Notch activity. High-resolution live cell tracking reveals a novel process of planar cell inversions whereby sibling hair cells invert positions immediately after progenitor cytokinesis, demonstrating that oriented progenitor divisions are dispensable for bilateral symmetry. Notwithstanding the invariably directional regeneration, the planar polarization of the epithelium eventually propagates symmetrically because mature hair cells move away from the midline towards the periphery of the neuromast. We conclude that a strongly anisotropic regeneration process that relies on the dynamic stabilization of progenitor identity in permissive polar compartments sustains bilateral symmetry in the lateral line.  相似文献   
Ichthyological Research - A taxonomic review of Indo-Pacific species of the scorpionfish genus Scorpaena resulted in the recognition of 21 valid species (including 2 subspecies and 2 new species)...  相似文献   
Comparison of studies of cells derived from normal and pathological tissues of the same organ can be fraught with difficulties, particular with cancer where a number of different diseases are considered cancer within the same tissue. In the thyroid, there are 4 main types of cancer, three of which arise from follicular epithelial cells; papillary and follicular which are classified as differentiated, and anaplastic which is classified as undifferentiated.One assay that can be utilised for isolation of cancer stem cells is the side population (SP) assay. However, SP studies have been limited in part due to lack of optimal isolation strategies and in the case of anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) are further compounded by lack of access to ATC tumors. We have used thyroid cell lines to determine the optimal conditions to isolate viable SP cells. We then compared SP cells and NSP cells (bulk tumour cells without the SP) of a normal thyroid cell line N-thy ori-3-1 and an anaplastic thyroid cancer cell line SW1736 and showed that both SP cell populations displayed higher levels of stem cell characteristics than the NSP. When we compared SP cells of the N-thy ori-3-1 and the SW1736, the SW1736 SP had a higher colony forming potential, expressed higher levels of stem cell markers and CXCR4 and where more migratory and invasive, invasiveness increasing in response to CXCL12.This is the first report showing functional differences between ATC SP and normal thyroid SP and could lead to the identification of new therapeutic targets to treat ATC.  相似文献   
Ca2+-entry via L-type Ca2+ channels (DHPR) is known to trigger ryanodine receptor (RyR)-mediated Ca2+-release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The mechanism that terminates SR Ca2+ release is still unknown. Previous reports showed evidence of Ca2+-entry independent inhibition of Ca2+ sparks by DHPR in cardiomyocytes. A peptide from the DHPR loop II-III (PepA) was reported to modulate isolated RyRs. We found that PepA induced voltage-dependent “flicker block” and transition to substates of fully-activated cardiac RyRs in planar bilayers. Substates had less voltage-dependence than block and did not represent occupancy of a ryanoid site. However, ryanoids stabilized PepA-induced events while PepA increased RyR2 affinity for ryanodol, which suggests cooperative interactions. Ryanodol stabilized Imperatoxin A (IpTxA) binding but when IpTxA bound first, it prevented ryanodol binding. Moreover, IpTxA and PepA excluded each other from their sites. This suggests that IpTxA generates a vestibular gate (either sterically or allosterically) that prevents access to the peptides and ryanodol binding sites. Inactivating gate moieties (“ball peptides”) from K+ and Na+ channels (ShakerB and KIFMK, respectively) induced well resolved slow block and substates, which were sensitive to ryanoids and IpTxA and allowed, by comparison, better understanding of PepA action. The RyR2 appears to interact with PepA or ball peptides through a two-step mechanism, reminiscent of the inactivation of voltage-gated channels, which includes binding to outer (substates) and inner (block) vestibular regions in the channel conduction pathway. Our results open the possibility that “ball peptide-like” moieties in RyR2-interacting proteins could modulate SR Ca2+ release in cells.  相似文献   
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