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A novel photorespiratory mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, designatedgld2, was isolated based on a growth requirement for abnormallyhigh levels of atmospheric CO2. Photosynthetic CO2 fixationwas inhibited in the mutant following illumination in air butnot in atmosphere containing 2% O2. Photosynthetic assimilationof 14CO2 in an atmosphere containing 50% O2 resulted in accumulationof 48% of the soluble label in glycine in the mutant comparedto 9% in the wild type. The rate of glycine decarboxylationby isolated mitochondria from the mutant was reduced to 6% ofthe wild type rate. In genetic crosses, the mutant complementedtwo previously described photorespiratory mutants of A. thalianathat accumulate glycine during photosynthesis in air due todefects in glycine decarboxylase (glyD, now designated gld1)and serine transhydroxymethylase (stm). Because glycine decarboxylaseis a complex of four enzymes, these results are consistent witha mutation in a glycine decarboxylase subunit other than thataffected in the gld1 mutant. The two gld loci were mapped tochromosomes 2 and 5, respectively. 3Present address: Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, MichiganState University, East Lansing, MI 48824, U.S.A. 4Present address: Department of Applied Bioscience, Facultyof Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Kita-Ku, Sapporo, 060 Japan 5Present address: Department of Biology, Carnegie Institutionof Washington, 290 Panama Street, Standford, CA 94305, U.S.A.  相似文献   
We describe four different mechanisms that lead to oscillations in a network of two reciprocally inhibitory cells. In two cases (intrinsic release and intrinsic escape) the frequency of the network oscillation is insensitive to the threshold voltage of the synaptic potentials. In the other two cases (synaptic release and synaptic escape) the network frequency is strongly determined by the threshold voltage of the synaptic connections. The distinction between the different mechanisms blurs as the function describing synaptic activation becomes less steep and as the model neurons are removed from the relaxation regime. These mechanisms provide insight into the parameters that control network frequency in motor systems that depend on reciprocal inhibition.  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between the early rearing experience of zoo-born, zoo-reared chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and the subsequent occurrence of successful copulation as adults. Developmental histories were acquired for 71 subjects via questionnaires and phone interviews. The following variables related to aspects of chimpanzees' early rearing experience were examined: (1) Rearing conditions, that is, hand reared alone, reared with siblings or peers, or reared by at least one adult conspecific. (2) Age removed from mother. (3) Sex of subject, and/or (4) participation in shows. Each of these variables was then compared to the subjects' sexual competence, defined here as having been observed to exhibit functional copulatory behavior as adults. Seventy-five percent of the subjects were observed to exhibit functional copulatory behavior on at least one occasion. No single component of rearing was successful in producing sexually competent adults 100% of the time; no rearing condition, as defined in this study, resulted in reproductive failure for all subjects experiencing those conditions. Chimpanzees that were hand reared alone, that is, in the total absence of conspecifics, were least likely to copulate as adults; about half of those chimpanzees that were reared with siblings or peers (and in the absence of adult conspecifics) copulated as adults. Almost 90% of those chimpanzees that were reared with at least one adult conspecific copulated as adults. Chimpanzees removed from their mothers at an early age (less than one year of age) were less likely to reproduce as adults. Male and female chimpanzees were equally likely to reproduce as adults. Participation in shows or demonstrations appeared to have no effect on chimpanzees' ability to copulate as adults. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The genes for the fibroblast growth factor receptors Fgfr2, Fgfr3, and Fgfr4 have been mapped in the mouse using an interspecific backcross mapping panel. The Fgfr loci map to previously defined regions of homology between human and mouse chromosomes and provide additional information regarding human/mouse comparative mapping.  相似文献   
Sera from approximately 30% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) contain high titers of autoantibodies that bind to the 52-kDa Ro/SSA protein. We previously detected polymorphisms in the 52-kDa Ro/SSA gene (SSA1) with restriction enzymes, one of which is strongly associated with the presence of SLE (P < 0.0005) in African Americans. A higher disease frequency and more severe forms of the disease are commonly noted among these female patients. To determine the location and nature of this polymorphism, we obtained two clones that span 8.5 kb of the 52-kDa Ro/SSA locus including its upstream regulatory region. Six exons were identified, and their nucleotide sequences plus adjacent noncoding regions were determined. No differences were found between these exons and the coding region of one of the reported cDNAs. The disease-associated polymorphic site suggested by a restriction enzyme map and confirmed by DNA amplification and nucleotide sequencing was present upstream of exon 1. This polymorphism may be a genetic marker for a disease-related variation in the coding region for the protein or in the upstream regulatory region of this gene. Although this RFLP is present in Japanese, it is not associated with lupus in this race.  相似文献   
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) treatment of rats decreases gain of body weight without affecting food intake; simultaneously, the activities of liver malic enzyme and cytosolic glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase are increased. In the present study experiments were conducted to test the possibility that DHEA enhances thermogenesis and decreases metabolic efficiency via trans-hydrogenation of cytosolic NADPH into mitochondrial FADH2 with a consequent loss of energy as heat. The following results provide evidence which supports the proposed hypothesis: (a) the activities of cytosolic enzymes involved in NADPH production (malic enzyme, cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase, and aconitase) are increased after DHEA treatment; (b) cytosolic glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase may use both NAD+ and NADP+ as coenzymes; (c) activities of both cytosolic and mitochondrial forms of glycerol-3-P dehydrogenase are increased by DHEA treatment; (d) cytosol obtained from DHEA-treated rats synthesizes more glycerol-3-P during incubation with fructose-1,6-P2 (used as source of dihydroxyacetone phosphate) and NADP+; the addition of citratein vitro further increases this difference; (e) mitochondria prepared from DHEA-treated rats more rapidly consume glycerol-3-P added exogenously or formed endogenously in the cytosol in the presence of fructose-1,6-P2 and NADP+.  相似文献   
In vivo electrochemistry was used to investigate the mechanisms contributing to the clearance of locally applied dopamine in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens of urethane-anesthetized rats. Chronoamperometric recordings were continuously made at 5 Hz using Nafion-coated carbon fiber electrodes. When a finite amount of dopamine was pressure-ejected at 5-min intervals from a micropipette adjacent to the electrode, transient and reproducible dopamine signals were detected. Substitution of L-a-methyldopamine, a substrate for the dopamine transporter but not for monoamine oxidase, for dopamine in the micropipette did not substantially alter the time course of the resulting signals. This indicates that metabolism of locally applied dopamine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid is not responsible for the decline in the dopamine signal. Similarly, changing the applied oxidation potential from ±0.45 to ±0.80 V, which allows for detection of 3-methoxytyramine formed from dopamine via catechol-O-methyltransferase, had little effect on signal amplitude or time course. In contrast, lesioning the dopamine terminals with 6-hydroxydopamine, or locally applying the dopamine uptake inhibitors cocaine or nomifensine before pressure ejection of dopamine, significantly increased the amplitude and time course of the dopamine signals in both regions. The effects of cocaine and nomifensine were greater in the nucleus accumbens than in the dorsal striatum. Local application of lidocaine and procaine had no effect on the dopamine signals. Initial attempts at modeling resulted in curves that were in qualitative agreement with our experimental findings. Taken together, these data indicate that (1) uptake of dopamine by the neuronal dopamine transporter, rather than metabolism or diffusion, is the major mechanism for clearing locally applied dopamine from the extracellular milieu of the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens, and (2) the nucleus accumbens is more sensitive to the effects of inhibitors of dopamine uptake than is the dorsal striatum.  相似文献   
Reexamination of the immature Upper Pleistocene hominid maxilla from Mugharet el-'Aliya (Tangier), Morocco is undertaken in light of new evidence on the growth and development of Upper Pleistocene hominids. Metric and qualitative comparisons were made with 17 immature Upper Pleistocene maxillae, and with a recent Homo sapiens sapiens sample. No unambiguous criteria for aligning the maxilla with Neandertals were found, although one character, the degree of maxillary flexion on the zygoma, strongly suggests that this child could be a representative of H. s. sapiens. The probable lack of a canine fossa in Mugharet el-'Aliya 1, the primary criterion used previously to align it with Neandertals, cannot be accurately extrapolated to its adult form from this juvenile. The present evidence suggests that it is inappropriate to refer to this fossil as “Neandertal-like” or as a North African “neandertaloid.” Thus, the Tangier maxilla should not be cited as evidence for the presence of Neandertal facial features in North Africa during the Upper Pleistocene. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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