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Myosin content and phosphorus (P) concentration of myosin preparations were measured in non-pregnant and pregnant human myometrial tissue specimens. It was found that the amount of myosin gained from 1 g of minced myometrial tissue is 0.5 mg in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, 0.6-0.7 mg in the late luteal phase, and 6-7 mg during pregnancy. Considering the different functional stages of the myosin sources and the performance characteristics of the methods, the estimated myosin content of non-pregnant myometrium is 1.0-1.5 mg, while 10-15 mg in pregnant myometrial tissue. A considerable amount of P is bound to the preparations. It is the smallest in the post-menstrual period and increases towards the end of the cycle. The largest amount of P is gained from fresh pregnant uterine samples. Analysis of the alkaline hydrolysate showed that the phosphate group was bound to amino acids, in the largest amount to arginine, less to histidine and the smallest amount to lysine and serine. As a function of the duration of storage, especially the P-Arg concentration was decreasing. The prolonged hydrolysis time decreases again the concentration of P-Arg with a consecutive increase of No. 1 and 2 P-containing peaks in the chromatographic profile of alkaline hydrolysate.  相似文献   
Alcohol administration in drinking water to mother rats during gestation resulted in a permanent learning deficit of the offspring when behavioural reactions were tested in active avoidance conditioned reflex situation in adult age. A similar deficit of learning capacity was observed in adult rats following alcohol administration for two weeks; the acquisition of active avoidance response was tested later. Administration of arginine-vasopressin and ACTH 4-10 during behavioural test led to a significant improvement of learning ability of the animals pretreated with alcohol. The observations indicate that the ethanol-induced deficit of learning capacity involves peptidergic mechanisms and the behavioural manifestations following chronic alcohol treatment are not irreversible processes.  相似文献   
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) content of the two halves of the median eminence of the rat hypothalamus was determined by radioimmunoassay three weeks after three different unilateral knife cuts around the preoptic area. A unilateral cut in front or above the area caused a more than 25% decrease in the GnRH content of the two halves of the median eminence. A cut lateral to the preoptic region had only a slight effect similar to that observed after sham operations. The data suggest that probably more than 50% of the rat median eminence GnRH derives from outside the preoptic-suprachiasmatic region. The GnRH fibres projecting to the median eminence but arising from outside the preoptic region, probably mainly from GnRH perikarya in the limbs of the diagonal band of Broca and septum, enter this area partly from rostral and partly from above, but not from lateral direction. partly from rostral and partly from above, but not from lateral direction. Several of these fibres probably cross before terminating in the median eminence.  相似文献   
The paper deals with problems involved in the formation of stable structures in a system, in which processes typical of bimolecular autocatalytical reactions occur when the respective components are directly influenced from the outside. Such systems can arise in biochemical, biological and ecological sphere (see, e.g. Glansdorff and Prigogine 1971; Nicolis and Prigogine 1977; Haken 1977; 1980). It has been shown that a regions of so-called subcritical and supercritical regulation exist, manifested by the fact that the given system component would either persist or disappear. The selection of processes consists in the fact that generally only one solution can be realized from N alternatives as a stable state having the nature of a stable node, or a stable focus. When one of the components is supplied to the system from the exterior in a supercritical amount, the system can be "forced" to produce only that single substance. Thus, the system studied can be considered as a model of a biological filter. The results can also be applied in ecology and biotechnology.  相似文献   
红皮树胚胎发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道红皮树(Styrax suberifoltus Hook.et Arn.)大小孢子发育和早期胚胎发生。子房具胚珠20—23枚,胚珠横生,珠被二层,薄珠心,孢原细胞直接起大孢子母细胞作用。合点端大孢子具功能。胚囊发育为正常型。成熟胚囊具大量淀粉粒。小孢子形成为同时型,成熟花粉为二细胞型。传粉后、受精前两个助细胞在形状和对苏木精着色程度上有显著区别。胚乳发育为细胞型。在合子分裂前,胚乳细胞增至约26个时,暂时停止分裂。苏木精对细胞质不易着色,似解体细胞。有胚乳吸器。  相似文献   
MH2 is an avian retrovirus that contains the v-mil and v-myc oncogenes. In vitro it transforms chick macrophages that are capable of proliferation in the absence of growth factor. Earlier work showed that v-myc induces macrophage transformation and that v-mil induces the production of chicken myelomonocytic growth factor (cMGF), thus generating an autocrine system. We describe the isolation of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of MH2 virus. As suggested by marker rescue experiments, one mutant bears a ts lesion in v-mil, whereas the other carries a mutation in v-myc. Ts v-mil MH2-transformed macrophages become factor-dependent at the non-permissive temperature (42 degrees C), while ts-v-myc MH2-transformed macrophages cease growing and acquire a more normal macrophage phenotype at 42 degrees C irrespective of the presence of cMGF. Both phenotypes can be reversed by backshift to the permissive temperature. These results suggest that the gene products of v-mil and v-myc function independently of each other and that v-mil is necessary for the maintenance of autocrine growth, whereas v-myc is required to maintain the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   
图们江流域林区居民点鸟类群落的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
居民点鸟类与人类关系极为密切,在居民点生态系统中起着不可忽视的作用,因此对其生态学的研究具有一定意义。杜恒勤(1958、1959)、周昌乔等(1959)、钱国桢(1964)、郑光美(1965、1982),赵正阶(1981)等,对麻雀、家燕、金腰燕等居民点鸟类进行过大量种群生态学研究。居民点鸟类群落研究和数量统计,尚未见有报道。  相似文献   
Rat liver mitochondrial fractions corresponding to four morphological structures (matrix, inner membrane, intermembrane space and outer membrane) contain proteinases that cleave casein components at different rates. Proteinases of the intermembrane space preferentially cleave kappa-casein, whereas the proteinases of the outer membrane, inner membrane and matrix fractions degrade alpha S1-casein more rapidly. Electrophoretic separation of the degradation products of alpha S1-casein and kappa-casein in polyacrylamide gels shows that different polypeptides are produced when the substrate is degraded by the matrix, by both membranes and by the intermembrane-space fraction. Some of the degradation products resulting from incubation of the caseins with the mitochondrial fractions are probably the result of digestion by contaminating lysosomal proteinase(s). The matrix has a high peptidase activity, since glucagon, a small peptide, is very rapidly degraded by this fraction. These observations strongly suggest that distinct proteinases, with different specificities, are associated respectively with the intermembrane space and with both membrane fractions.  相似文献   
The complete amino acid sequence of a structural protein isolated from pharate cuticle of the locust Locusta migratoria was determined. The protein has an unusual amino acid composition: 42% of the residues are alanine and only 14 of the 20 common amino acid residues are present. The primary structure consists of regions enriched in particular amino acid residues. The N-terminal region and a region close to the C-terminus are enriched in glycine. The rest of the protein is dominated by alanine, except for two short regions enriched in hydrophilic residues. Almost all the proline residues are situated in the alanine-rich regions in a conserved sequence 'A-A-P-A/V'. An internal duplication has taken place covering most of the protein except for the glycine-rich regions. Owing to the unusual features of the protein a combination of automated Edman degradations and plasma-desorption m.s. was used to determine the complete sequence. The protein does not show sequence homology to other proteins, but proteins divided into regions enriched in the same kind of amino acid residues have been isolated from other insect structures.  相似文献   
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