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The quality of MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometric analysis is highly dependent on the matrix and its deposition strategy. Although different matrix‐deposition methods have specific advantages, one major problem in the field of proteomics, particularly with respect to quantitation, is reproducibility between users or laboratories. Compounding this is the varying crystal homogeneity of matrices depending on the deposition strategy used. Here, we describe a novel optimised matrix‐deposition strategy for LC‐MALDI‐TOF/TOF MS using an automated instrument that produces a nebulised matrix “mist” under controlled atmospheric conditions. Comparisons of this with previously reported strategies showed the method to be advantageous for the atypical matrix, 2,5‐DHB, and improved phosphopeptide ionisation when compared with deposition strategies for CHCA. This optimised DHB matrix‐deposition strategy with LC‐MALDI‐TOF/TOF MS, termed EZYprep LC, was subsequently optimised for phosphoproteome analysis and compared to LC‐ESI‐IT‐MS and a previously reported approach for phosphotyrosine identification and characterisation. These methods were used to map phosphorylation on epidermal growth factor‐stimulated epidermal growth factor receptor to gauge the sensitivity of the proposed method. EZYprep DHB LC‐MALDI‐TOF/TOF MS was able to identify more phosphopeptides and characterise more phosphorylation sites than the other two proteomic strategies, thus proving to be a sensitive approach for phosphoproteome analysis.  相似文献   
Relatively anisohydric species are predicted to be more predisposed to hydraulic failure than relatively isohydric species, as they operate with narrower hydraulic safety margins. We subjected co‐occurring anisohydric Juniperus monosperma and isohydric Pinus edulis trees to warming, reduced precipitation, or both, and measured their gas exchange and hydraulic responses. We found that reductions in stomatal conductance and assimilation by heat and drought were more frequent during relatively moist periods, but these effects were not exacerbated in the combined heat and drought treatment. Counter to expectations, both species exhibited similar gs temporal dynamics in response to drought. Further, whereas P. edulis exhibited chronic embolism, J. monosperma showed very little embolism due to its conservative stomatal regulation and maintenance of xylem water potential above the embolism entry point. This tight stomatal control and low levels of embolism experienced by juniper refuted the notion that very low water potentials during drought are associated with loose stomatal control and with the hypothesis that anisohydric species are more prone to hydraulic failure than isohydric species. Because direct association of stomatal behaviour with embolism resistance can be misleading, we advocate consideration of stomatal behaviour relative to embolism resistance for classifying species drought response strategies.  相似文献   
MYB 转录因子在植物抗逆胁迫中的作用及其分子机理   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
刘蕾  杜海  唐晓凤  吴燕民  黄玉碧  唐益雄 《遗传》2008,30(10):1265-1271
摘要: 在植物抗逆反应体系中, 通过转录因子调控功能基因的表达, 是植物逆境应答反应的关键环节。作为植物体内最大的转录因子家族之一, MYB(v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog)类转录因子在植物抗逆胁迫过程中起着重要的作用。文章论述了MYB转录因子的结构特征、功能特性及其分子机理, 并结合研究进展着重讨论了它们在植物抗逆胁迫中的作用。  相似文献   
Invasive species are an important issue worldwide but predicting invasiveness, and the underlying mechanisms that cause it, is difficult. There are several primary hypotheses to explain invasion success. Two main hypothesis based on niche spaces stand out as alternative, although not exclusive. The empty niche hypothesis states that invaders occupy a vacant niche space in the recipient community, and the niche competition hypothesis states that invaders overlap with native species in niche space. Studies on trait similarity/dissimilarity between the invader and native species can provide information on their niche overlap. Here, we use the highly invasive and well‐studied cane toad (Rhinella marina) to test these two hypotheses in Australia, and assess its degree of overlap with native species in several niche dimensions. We compare extensive morphological and environmental data of this successful invader to 235 species (97%) of native Australian frogs. Our study is the first to document the significant morphological differences between the invasive cane toad and a continent‐wide frog radiation: despite significant environmental overlap, cane toads were distinct in body size and shape from most Australian frog species, suggesting that in addition to their previously documented phenotypic plasticity and wide environmental and trophic niche breadth, their unique shape also may have contributed to their success as an invasive species in Australia. Thus, the invasive success of cane toads in Australia may be explained through them successfully colonizing an empty niche among Australian anurans. Our results support that the cane toad's distinct morphology may have played a unique role in the invasiveness of this species in Australia, which coupled with a broad environmental niche breadth, would have boosted their ability to expand their distribution across Australia. We also propose RLLR (Relative limb length ratio) as a potentially useful measure of identifying morphological niche uniqueness and a potential measure of invasiveness potential in anuran amphibians.  相似文献   
上海部分地区戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)基因型的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)在上海部分地区流行的基因型,采用RT-nPCR的方法检验35例急性散发性戊型肝炎患者中HEV RNA,并对阳性产物进行克隆测序,然后对其基因型进行分析.结果显示在35例急性散发性戊型肝炎患者中PCR阳性为9例,测序证实8例为HEV的基因序列;其中1例为HEV 1型,7例为HEV 4型.提示在上海部分地区的急性散发性戊型肝炎中以HEV 4型感染为主.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to understand the effects of abiotic conditions on seasonal feeding activity of diverse herbivores on the same oak tree species in two different forests. We tracked changes in herbivore feeding activities on an oak tree species (Quercus serrata) in two localities: a low elevation small hillock forest patch (Muan, MN) and a middle elevation mountain forest patch (Mt. Jirisan, JR). A total of five sites were selected in each of two forest localities. Data for leaf expansion, leaf chemical qualities, leaf damage ratio, and numbers of lepidopteran caterpillars were collected during spring (May) and summer (July to August), 2012. Leaf expansion rate was higher at the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest from spring to summer. Nitrogen and carbon content decreased seasonally at both localities. Lepidopteran larval diversity was high in the mid‐mountain forest, and two‐way ANOVA showed that species richness of lepidopteran larvae was significantly affected by the interaction between season and locality. Leaf damage by all herbivores was higher in the low hillock forest than the mid‐mountain forest in spring, but was higher in the mid‐mountain forest in summer. Relative proportion of general herbivores increased from spring to summer in the mid‐mountain forest, but not in the low hillock forest. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination showed that altitude‐ and season‐related variables were significant species and environment interaction factors. Our data indicate that locality and temperature disproportionally affected the feeding activities of diverse herbivores in two different temperate forests.  相似文献   
鼎湖山森林生态系统演替过程中的能量生态特征   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:16  
任海  彭少麟 《生态学报》1999,19(6):817-822
以时空替代的方法,将灌草丛、针叶林、针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林等4个处于同一空间下的群落当作同一样落演替进程中的4个阶段,研究了鼎湖山南亚热带森林演替过程中的能量生态特征。结果表明,鼎湖山南亚热带森林群落演替过程中,其垂直层次、叶面积指数、冠层对太阳辐射能的截获量、叶生物量、总生物量、总初级生产力、总呼吸量、净初级生产力、枯树木现存量和年输入量、昆虫啃食量、群落的能量现存量等随演替的进程而增加,  相似文献   
Questions: To what degree do biological soil crusts (BSCs), which are regulators of the soil surface boundary, influence associated microbial communities? Are these associations important to ecosystem functioning in a Mediterranean semi‐arid environment? Location: Gypsum outcrops near Belmonte del Tajo, Central Spain. Methods: We sampled a total of 45 (50 cm × 50 cm) plots, where we estimated the cover of every lichen and BSC‐forming lichen species. We also collected soil samples to estimate bacterial species richness and abundance, and to assess different surrogates of ecosystem functioning. We used path analysis to evaluate the relationships between the richness/abundance of above‐ and below‐ground species and ecosystem functioning. Results: We found that the greatest direct effect upon the ecosystem function matrix was that of the biological soil crust (BSC) richness matrix. A few bacterial species were sensitive to the lichen community, with a disproportionate effect of Collema crispum and Toninia sedifolia compared to their low abundance and frequency. The lichens Fulgensia subbracteata and Toninia spp. also had negative effects on bacteria, while Diploschistes diacapsis consistently affected sensitive bacteria, sometimes positively. Despite these results, very few of the BSC effects on ecosystem function could be ascribed to changes within the bacterial community. Conclusion: Our results suggest the primary importance of the richness of BSC‐forming lichens as drivers of small‐scale changes in ecosystem functioning. This study provides valuable insights on semi‐arid ecosystems where plant cover is spatially discontinuous and ecosystem function in plant interspaces is regulated largely by BSCs.  相似文献   
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