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The effect of hypophysectomy and bovine growth hormone (GH) administration on somatostatin (SRIF) content as well as gastrin content in the rat stomach was investigated. SRIF content was determined by a specific radioimmunoassay. The total SRIF content in the stomach had decreased 4 weeks after hypophysectomy but was restored significantly in those rats which were subjected to bovine GH administration for 7 days after hypophysectomy. Furthermore, in control rats, an increase in SRIF content in the stomach was observed after 7 days of GH administration. Similar changes in total content of gastrin were observed after hypophysectomy and bovine GH administration, although these changes were not significant. These results indicate that GH may influence gastric function through changes in SRIF and gastrin content in the stomach.  相似文献   
Summary A filamentous diatom Melosira italica was collected at the beginning of rainy season from a shallow lake in the tropical savanna region in Brazil. Even the sample taken from surface water contained empty cells in high percentages. The number of cells per filament of M. italica showed a peculiar pulse-like frequency distribution with peak values at 4, 8, 12 and 16. Evidences of the synchronous cell division in this planktonic diatom under natural environment are discussed.  相似文献   
Two primary ciliary bands, the prototroch and metatroch, are required for locomotion and in the feeding larvae of many spiralians. The metatroch has been reported to have different cellular origins in the molluscs Crepidula fornicata and Ilyanassa obsoleta, as well as in the annelid Polygordius lacteus, consistent with multiple independent origins of the spiralian metatroch. Here, we describe in further detail the cell lineage of the ciliary bands in the gastropod mollusc I. obsoleta using intracellular lineage tracing and the expression of an acetylated tubulin antigen that serves as a marker for ciliated cells. We find that the I. obsoleta metatroch is formed primarily by third quartet derivatives as well as a small number of second quartet derivatives. These results differ from the described metatrochal lineage in the mollusc C. fornicata that derives solely from the second quartet or the metatrochal lineage in the annelid P. lacteus that derives solely from the third quartet. The present study adds to a growing body of literature concerning the evolution of the metatroch and the plasticity of cell fates in homologous micromeres in spiralian embryos.  相似文献   
Oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) and uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) are two of the most important repair enzymes that are involved in the base excision repair processes to eliminate oxidative damage from mammalian DNA, which accumulates with aging. Red and white skeletal muscle fibers have very different antioxidant enzyme activities and resistance to oxidative stress. In this paper, we demonstrate that the activity of OGG1 is significantly higher in the red type of skeletal muscle compared with white fibers from old rats. Exercise training resulted in increased OGG1 activity in the nuclei of red fibers and decreased activity in nuclei of white fibers and in the mitochondria of both red and white fibers. The activities of UDG were similar in both red and white muscle fibers. Exercise training appears to increase the activity of UDG in the nuclei and mitochondria. However, exercise training affects the activity of OGG1 in nuclei and mitochondria differently, suggesting different regulation of the enzymes. In contrast, UDG showed similar activities in nuclei and mitochondrial extracts of exercise-trained animals. These data provide evidence for differential regulation of UDG and OGG1 in maintaining fidelity of DNA in oxidatively stressed cells.  相似文献   
Mutant strains of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystissp. PCC 6803, in which the psaK gene was insertionally inactivatedby targeted mutagenesis, were constructed. The gene is one ofthe two potential PsaK-coding genes which have been found asa result of the genome project with this cyanobacterium. Oneof the mutants was characterized in detail. A monocistronic,480-nucleotide mRNA of psaK was absent in total RNA from themutant cells. Inactivation of psaK had little effect on theaccumulation of polypeptides in the isolated PSI complexes exceptfor a polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 4.6 kDawhich was absent in the mutant. The amino-terminal amino acidsequence of the 4.6-kDa polypeptide confirmed that it was thetranslation product of psaK and further revealed a presequenceof PsaK. Characteristics of photoautotrophic growth at differenttemperatures, the amount of chlorophyll per cell, photosyntheticelectron transport rates with various electron acceptors, thekinetics of charge recombination between P700+ and reduced FA/FB,and the molar ratio of chlorophyll to P700, of the mutant werenot significantly different from those of the wild type. Furthermore,the trimer to monomer ratio of the PSI complexes isolated fromthe mutant was similar to that isolated from the wild type. (Received July 27, 1998; Accepted October 13, 1998)  相似文献   
Time-sequential responses to endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilators and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors were studied in the subendocardial arterioles (Endo) of canine renovascular hypertension (HT) compared with subepicardial arterioles (Epi; both <120 microm) by charge-coupled device intravital microscope. Vascular responses to acetylcholine, papaverine, and cilazaprilat were compared between normotensive (NT) and HT dogs [4 wk and 12 wk of HT (4wHT and 12wHT)]. The acetylcholine-induced vasodilation of Endo in both 4wHT and 12wHT was smaller than that of NT (both P < 0.01 vs. 4wHT and 12wHT), and that of Epi was smaller than that of NT only in 12wHT (P < 0.05). The papaverine-induced vasodilation of Endo, but not Epi, was impaired only in 12wHT (both P < 0.01 vs. NT and 4wHT). Vasodilation by cilazaprilat remained unchanged at 4wHT and 12wHT in both Epi and Endo. In conclusion, at the early stage, the endothelium-dependent response of Endo was impaired, whereas at the later stage, the endothelium-dependent and -independent responses of Endo and the endothelium-dependent response of Epi were impaired. However, the vasodilatory responses to the ACE inhibitor were maintained in both Endo and Epi of HT.  相似文献   
The Ccs1 gene, encoding a highly divergent novel component of a system II type c-type cytochrome biogenesis pathway, is encoded by the previously defined CCS1 locus in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. phoA and lacZalpha bacterial topological reporters were used to deduce a topological model of the Synechocystis sp. 6803 Ccs1 homologue, CcsB. CcsB, and therefore by analogy Ccs1, possesses a large soluble lumenal domain at its C terminus that is tethered in the thylakoid membrane by three closely spaced transmembrane domains in the N-terminal portion of the protein. Molecular analysis of ccs1 alleles reveals that the entire C-terminal soluble domain is essential for Ccs1 function and that a stromal loop appears to be important in vivo, at least for maintenance of Ccs1. Site-directed mutational analysis reveals that a single histidine (His(274)) within the last transmembrane domain, preceding the large lumenal domain, is required for c-type cytochrome assembly, whereas an invariant cysteine residue (Cys(199)) is shown to be non-essential. Ccs1 is proposed to interact with other Ccs components based on its reduced accumulation in ccs2, ccs3, ccs4, and ccsA strains.  相似文献   
In embryos of clitellate annelids (i.e. oligochaetes and leeches), four ectodermal teloblasts (ectoteloblasts N, O, P and Q) are generated on either side through a stereotyped sequence of cell divisions of a proteloblast, NOPQ. The four ectoteloblasts assume distinct fates and produce bandlets of smaller progeny cells, which join together to form an ectodermal germ band. The pattern of the germ band, with respect to the ventrodorsal order of the bandlets, has been highly preserved in clitellate annelids. We show that specification of ectoteloblast lineages in the oligochaete annelid Tubifex involves cell interaction networks distinct from those in leeches. Cell ablation experiments have shown that fates of teloblasts N, P and Q in Tubifex embryos are determined rigidly as early as their birth. In contrast, the O teloblast and its progeny are initially pluripotent and their fate becomes restricted to the O fate through an inductive signal emanating from the P lineage. In the absence of this signal, the O lineage assumes the P fate. These results differ significantly from those obtained in embryos of the leech Helobdella, suggesting the diversity of patterning mechanisms that give rise to germ bands with similar morphological pattern.  相似文献   
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