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Summary The authors succeeded in establishing a murine model of systemic candidiasis being disseminated from the primary gastrointestinal lesions caused by oral inoculation of Candida albicans. Using this model, an attempt was made for detecting the Candida antigen by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using avidin-biotin (AB-ELISA) from the serum of infected mice.Gastrointestinal candidiasis was formed in all of the 20 mice treated with the drugs (antibiotics, antineoplastic agents, hydrocortisone, etc.) and inoculated orally with C. albicans. Fourteen of these mice suffered from submucosal candidiasis, and C. albicans was cultured from the visceral organs in 12 of them. The assay by AB-ELISA was able to detect 1.0 ng/ml Candida mannan in the mouse serum. The Candida antigen was detected in the sera of 11 of the 14 mice with submucosal candidiasis. However, the antigen could not be detected in the sera of the 6 mice with intramucosal candidiasis.The assay by AB-ELISA is more sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of systemic candidiasis than other serological assays.  相似文献   
Summary An improved detection of activity of l-gulonolactone oxidase, which is responsible for the final oxidative step in the synthetic process of l-ascorbate from glucose in animals, was achieved using phenazine methosulfate and cyanide. Cold acetone fixation eliminated non-specific deposition of formazan on lipid droplets. The specificity of the method was tested and proven by a biological control, histochemical controls, inhibitors and activators. By application of the method, strong reactivity was found in the cytoplasm of centrilobular parenchymal cells of livers of the opossum, rat, ground squirrel and flying squirrel. Staining of dog liver was moderate and centrilobular. Prosimians were strongly positive: The centrilobular localization was found in the tree shrew and galago; slow lorises and some pottos showed strong reactivity in centrilobular cells and some peripheral cells as well. These prosimians seem to be able to synthesize l-ascorbate as many lower mammals are. On the contrary, true simians (i.e. the squirrel monkey, spider monkey, rhesus monkey and chimpanzee) were negative as guinea pigs were, suggesting their probable inability for l-ascorbate synthesis.Visiting scientist from the Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan. T. R. Shanthaveerappa in previous publications, also fellow, Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University.  相似文献   
We studied five carcinogens for (a) organ-specific mutagenicity and expression time in the transgenic (TG) mouse mutation assay and (b) clastogenicity in the peripheral blood micronucleus assay in the same mice. Groups of mice were injected intraperitoneally (ip) with N-nitroso-di-n-propylamine (NDPA), propylnitrosourea (PNU), 7, 12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO), or procarbazine (PCZ); 4NQO was also administered orally. LacZ mutant frequencies (MF) of various organs, sampled 7, 14 and 28 days after treatment, were analyzed by galE positive selection. At least 5 organs were analyzed in each experiment. Bone marrow, liver, and testis were always analyzed, as were each chemical's target organs. All chemicals, except NDPA, induced micronuclei. All chemicals increased lacZ MF in all of their target organs for carcinogenesis and, to a lesser extent, in some non-target organs. That suggests that an organ that has a positive response to a chemical in the TG mouse mutation assay is likely to develop tumors on exposure to that chemical, but it does not always happen. The time-course of MF increases (7-28 days) differed among tissues. In general, time-dependent increase in MF occurred in organs with a low cell proliferation rate whereas no increase, or even a decrease, occurred in organs with a high proliferation rate. Our results demonstrated that the TG mouse mutation assay is effective for the detection of chemical mutagenesis in the target organs for carcinogenesis, and organ and time-course variations in chemical mutagenesis are important issues for the establishment of an optimal protocol for the assay.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the significance of the presence of mast cells in Warthin's tumor by evaluating the occurrence of these cells in cellular and immunohistochemical preparations. STUDY DESIGN: Specimens derived from five cases of FNAC were examined. A total of four slides from five cases were prepared from each: two air-dried smears were stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) stain and two with Hansel's stain. The other two were alcohol fixed and stained using the Papanicolaou method. The smears were evaluated for the presence of mast cells, especially associated with oxyphilic cells. In order to investigate the location of mast cells, we also counted those cells by means of immunohistochemistry using anti-mast cell monoclonal antibody AA1. RESULTS: The Hanselstained cellular sample from Warthin's tumor contained numerous mast cells, associated mainly with large, oxyphilic cell sheets. The number of AA1-positive cells (mast cells) stained with immunohistochemistry was greater in epithelial component than in lymphoid stroma. CONCLUSION: Mast cells in a salivary gland aspirate might be indicative of Warthin's tumor; therefore, MGG-stained slides offer the advantage of ease of preparation, particularly when the typical cytologic features are not present.  相似文献   
Both efficient gene transfer and the exact identification of gene product are required for gene therapy. Gene transfection of green fluorescence protein (GFP) might be useful for the reporter. After in vivo cotransfection of GFP and beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) genes in Sendai virus-coated proteoliposomes to rat hearts, we compared the sensitivity and specificity of three methods: GFP detection, histochemical staining (HC) of beta-Gal activity, and immunostaining (IS) of the beta-Gal protein. Fluorescence microscopy and double staining of HC and IS revealed that both GFP and IS were equally sensitive and fourfold superior to HC at the peak of gene expression. However, different from skeletal muscle, the GFP of transfected cardiomyocytes showed two demerits: the fluorescence quenching due to the intense staining of beta-Gal activity, and nonspecific autofluorescence from myocardium. Thus, specific IS would be so far the most reliable to identify the gene product in heart.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - The essential trace element zinc maintains liver functions. Liver diseases can alter overall zinc concentrations, and hypozincemia is associated with various...  相似文献   
It has hitherto been unknown whether the paradise fish Macropodus opercularis that inhabits the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, is native to the region or was introduced. This study examined the genetic identity of fish from five islands in the Ryukyu Archipelago (Okinoerabu, Okinawa, Yagaji, Kume, and Minamidaito islands) and compared it with those from Taiwan Island, mainland China, and Hainan Island. Analyses of the mtDNA control (760 bp) and cytb (660 bp) regions showed that haplotypes of specimens from the Ryukyu Archipelago were the same as or were very similar (with a 1- or 2-bp difference) to those from Taiwan. In addition, haplotypes from the Ryukyu Archipelago also showed lower genetic diversity than those from Taiwan Island, mainland China, and Hainan Island. These results suggest a high likelihood that the fish in the Ryukyu Archipelago were artificially introduced from Taiwan. However, the possibility that the fish is indigenous to the Ryukyu Archipelago cannot be completely ruled out, because some haplotypes and a clade from the Ryukyu Archipelago have not been found in the other areas. Regardless of its origin, we emphasize the importance of the conservation of the paradise fish in the Ryukyu Archipelago as an indicator of the threatened wetland environment as well as for its cultural value.  相似文献   
Postprandial lipemia has been thought to be one of risk factors for coronary heart disease, and enhances in potential patients for atherosclerotic disease. Patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) often show hypertriglyceride, which is caused by enhanced portprandial lipemia. Therefore, postprandial lipemia in patients with IGT and without hypertriglyceridemia has not been cleared. We have examined the levels of plasma triglyceride and chylomicron remnants after a high fat meal load (1250 kcal, 40% fat and 420 mg cholesterol) in 13 normotriglyceridemic subjects with IGT and 10 controls with normal glucose tolerance (NGT). Chylomicron remnants were evaluated as remnant-like particles (RLP) that were not bound to an immunoaffinity gel mixture containing apo A-I and apo B-100 monoclonal antibody. RLP cholesterol levels 4 hours after the fat load were significantly lower in IGT subjects than in NGT subjects. Increase of RLP cholesterol after the fat meal load only significantly correlated with increase of insulin during the first 30 min after a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, but not fasting lipid, insulinogenic index and HOMA-R (homeostasis model) in all subjects. These results suggest that postprandial response does not enhance in IGT subjects, and may associate with early-phase insulin secretion and without insulin resistance in normotriglyceridemic men with IGT or NGT.  相似文献   
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