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Acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (EC, commonly named thiolase II, condenses two molecules of acetyl-CoA to give acetoacetyl-CoA and CoA. This enzyme acts in anabolic processes as the first step in the biosynthesis of isoprenoids and polyhydroxybutyrate in eukaryotes and bacteria, respectively. We have recently reported the evolutionary and functional equivalence of these enzymes, suggesting that thiolase II could be the rate limiting enzyme in these pathways and presented evidence indicating that this enzyme modulates the availability of reducing equivalents during abiotic stress adaptation in bacteria and plants. However, these results are not sufficient to clarify why thiolase II was evolutionary selected as a critical enzyme in the production of antioxidant compounds. Regarding this intriguing topic, we propose that thiolase II could sense changes in the acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio induced by the inhibition of the tricarboxylic acid cycle under abiotic stress. Thus, the high level of evolutionary and functional constraint of thiolase II may be due to the connection of this enzyme with an ancient and conserved metabolic route.  相似文献   
Tick‐borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is caused by Borrelia spirochetes transmitted to humans by Argasid soft ticks of the genus Ornithodoros. We investigated the presence of Ornithodoros ticks in rodent burrows in nine sites of the Gharb region of northwestern Morocco where we recently documented a high incidence of TBRF in humans. We assessed the Borrelia infection rate by nested PCR and sequencing. All sites investigated were colonized by ticks of the Ornithodoros marocanus complex and a high proportion of burrows (38.4%) were found to be infested. Borrelia infections were observed in 6.8% of the ticks tested. Two Borrelia species were identified by sequencing: B. hispanica and B. crocidurae. The discovery in northwestern Morocco of Ornithodoros ticks infected by B. crocidurae represents a 350 km range extension of this Sahelo‐Saharan spirochete in North Africa. The spread of B. crocidurae may be related to the increasing aridity of northwestern Morocco in relation to climate change.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of the addition of metabolic precursors and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as an oxygen carrier to cultures of Bacillus subtilis BL53 during the production of γ-PGA. Kinetics analyses of cultivations of different media showed that B. subtilis BL53 is an exogenous glutamic acid-dependent strain. When the metabolic pathway precursors of γ-PGA synthesis, l-glutamine and a-ketoglutaric acid, were added to the culture medium, production of the biopolymer was increased by 20 % considering the medium without these precursors. The addition of 10 % of the oxygen carrier PDMS to cultures caused a two-fold increase in the volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient (kLa), improving γ-PGA production and productivity. Finally, bioreactor cultures of B. subtilis BL53 adopting the combination of optimized medium E, added of glutamine, α-ketoglutaric acid, and PDMS, showed a productivity of 1 g L?1 h?1 of g-PGA after only 24 h of cultivation. Results of this study suggest that the use of metabolic pathway precursors glutamine and a-ketolgutaric acid, combined with the addition of PDMS as an oxygen carrier in bioreactors, can improve γ-PGA production and productivity by Bacillus strains .  相似文献   
All non-human great apes are endangered in the wild, and it is therefore important to gain an understanding of their demography and genetic diversity. Whole genome assembly projects have provided an invaluable foundation for understanding genetics in all four genera, but to date genetic studies of multiple individuals within great ape species have largely been confined to mitochondrial DNA and a small number of other loci. Here, we present a genome-wide survey of genetic variation in gorillas using a reduced representation sequencing approach, focusing on the two lowland subspecies. We identify 3,006,670 polymorphic sites in 14 individuals: 12 western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and 2 eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri). We find that the two species are genetically distinct, based on levels of heterozygosity and patterns of allele sharing. Focusing on the western lowland population, we observe evidence for population substructure, and a deficit of rare genetic variants suggesting a recent episode of population contraction. In western lowland gorillas, there is an elevation of variation towards telomeres and centromeres on the chromosomal scale. On a finer scale, we find substantial variation in genetic diversity, including a marked reduction close to the major histocompatibility locus, perhaps indicative of recent strong selection there. These findings suggest that despite their maintaining an overall level of genetic diversity equal to or greater than that of humans, population decline, perhaps associated with disease, has been a significant factor in recent and long-term pressures on wild gorilla populations.  相似文献   
A gas chromatography–electron capture mass spectrometry assay has been developed for the histamine H3 receptor agonist, Nα-methylhistamine (Nα-MH). The assay is linear from 50 pg–10 ng, with a limit of detection of 50 pg/ml for gastric juice and plasma, and 50 pg/sample for bacteria (107–108 CFU) and gastric tissue (5–10 mg wet weight). The limits of quantification are 100 pg/ml for gastric juice (%RSD=1.4) and plasma (%RSD=9.4), and 100 pg/sample for bacteria (%RSD=3.9) and tissue (%RSD=5.8). Nα-MH was not present in human plasma, but low levels (1.4 ng/ml and 0.4 ng/ml) were detected in two samples of human gastric juice obtained from patients infected with Helicobacter pylori.  相似文献   
The evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA) hypothesis predicts that escape from intense herbivore damage may enable invasive plants to evolve higher competitive ability in the invasive range. Below-ground root herbivory can have a strong impact on plant performance, and invasive plants often compete with multiple species simultaneously, but experimental approaches in which EICA predictions are tested with root herbivores and in a community setting are rare. Here, we used Brassica nigra plants from eight invasive- and seven native-range populations to test whether the invasive-range plants have evolved increased competitive ability when competing with Achillea millefolium and with a community (both with and without A. millefolium). Further, we tested whether competitive interactions depend on root herbivory on B. nigra by the specialist Delia radicum. Without the community, competition with A. millefolium reduced biomass of invasive- but not of native-range B. nigra. With the community, invasive-range B. nigra suffered less than native-range B. nigra. Although the overall effect of root herbivory was not significant, it reduced the negative effect of the presence of the community. The community produced significantly less biomass when competing with B. nigra, irrespective of the range of origin, and independent of the presence of A. millefolium. Taken together, these results offer no clear support for the EICA hypothesis. While native-range B. nigra plants appear to be better in dealing with a single competitor, the invasive-range plants appear to be better in dealing with a more realistic multi-species community. Possibly, this ability of tolerating multiple competitors simultaneously has contributed to the invasion success of B. nigra in North America.  相似文献   
The effect of several imidazole containing drugs including keto on human adrenal 17 alpha-hydroxylase, 17,20-lyase, 21-hydroxylase, 11 beta-hydroxylase and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase (3 beta-HSD-I) activities was studied in vitro. The order of decreasing inhibitory potency as determined from ID50 values for both 17 alpha-hydroxylase (ID50 values ranged from 1.13-4.17 mumol/l) and 17,20-lyase (0.57-1.95 mumol/l) activities was: bifon greater than clot greater than keto greater than micon greater than econ greater than isocon greater than tiocon. Using [3H]progesterone (5.50-12.25 mumol/l) as the substrate for the 21-hydroxylase activity the order of decreasing inhibitory potency was: clot greater than bifon greater than isocon greater than micon greater than tiocon greater than econ greater than tiocon greater than keto. For the 11 beta-hydroxylation of [3H]deoxycortisol (1.48-2.34 mumol/l) the order of decreasing inhibitory potency was keto greater than bifon greater than clot greater than micon greater than econ greater than isocon greater than tiocon. The cytochrome P-450 dependent enzyme most sensitive to inhibition was 17,20-lyase and the least sensitive was 21-hydroxylase whereas the imidazole drugs were without effect on the cytochrome P-450 independent 3 beta-HSD-I activity. In agreement with previous results a common structural feature of the imidazole drugs having an inhibitory effect was the presence of aromatic rings on the N-1 substituent of the imidazole ring.  相似文献   
Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of channel proteins, which transport water and/or small solutes across cell membranes. AQPs are present in Bacteria, Eukarya, and Archaea. The classical AQP evolution paradigm explains the inconsistent phylogenetic trees by multiple transfer events and emphasizes that the assignment of orthologous AQPs is not possible, making it difficult to integrate functional information. Recently, a novel phylogenetic framework of eukaryotic AQP evolution showed congruence between eukaryotic AQPs and organismal trees identifying 32 orthologous clusters in plants and animals (Soto et al. Gene 503:165–176, 2012). In this article, we discuss in depth the methodological strength, the ability to predict functionality and the AQP community perception about the different paradigms of AQP evolution. Moreover, we show an updated review of AQPs transport functions in association with phylogenetic analyses. Finally, we discuss the possible effect of AQP data integration in the understanding of water and solute transport in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   
The thermodynamic stabilities and IR spectra of the three water clusters (H2O)20, (H2O)54,, and (H2O)100 are studied by quantum-chemical computations. After full optimization of the (H2O)20,54,100 structures using the hybrid density functional B3LYP together with the 6-31+G(d,p) basis set, the electronic energies, zero-point energies, internal energies, enthalpies, entropies, and Gibbs free energies of the water clusters at 298 K are investigated. The OH stretching vibrational IR spectra of (H2O)20,54,100 are simulated and split into sub-spectra for different H-bond groups depending on the conformations of the hydrogen bonds. From the computed spectra the different spectroscopic fingerprint features of water molecules in different H-bond conformations in the water clusters are inferred.  相似文献   
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