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Arthropod predators and parasitoids support the health and functioning of the world's ecosystems, most notably by supplying biological control services to agricultural landscapes. Quantifying the impact that these organisms have on their prey can be challenging, as direct observation and measurement of arthropod predation is difficult. The use of sentinel prey is one method to measure predator impact; however, despite widespread use, few studies have compared predation on different prey types within a single experiment. This study evaluated the predation rates on four sentinel prey items in grass and wheat fields in south-east Queensland, Australia. Attack rates on live and dead Helicoverpa armigera eggs, and dead H. armigera larvae and artificial plasticine larvae, were compared and the predators that were attracted to each prey type were documented with the use of field cameras. There was no significant difference in predation rates between sentinel eggs, while dead larvae were significantly more attacked than artificial larvae. Prey were attacked by a diverse range of predators, including ants, beetles, various nymph and juvenile insects and small mammals. Different predators were active in grass and crop fields, with predator activity peaking around dawn and dusk. The same trends were observed within and between the two habitats studied, providing a measure of confidence in the sentinel prey method. A range of different sentinel prey types could be suitable for use in most comparative studies; however, each prey type has its own benefits and limitations, and these should be carefully evaluated to determine which is most suitable to address the research questions.  相似文献   
The use of Process Analytical Technology tools coupled with chemometrics has been shown great potential for better understanding and control of mammalian cell cultivations through real-time process monitoring. In-line Raman spectroscopy was utilized to determine the glucose concentration of the complex bioreactor culture medium ensuring real-time information for our process control system. This work demonstrates a simple and fast method to achieve a robust partial least squares calibration model under laboratory conditions in an early phase of the development utilizing shake flask and bioreactor cultures. Two types of dynamic feeding strategies were accomplished where the multi-component feed medium additions were controlled manually and automatically based on the Raman monitored glucose concentration. The impact of these dynamic feedings was also investigated and compared to the traditional bolus feeding strategy on cellular metabolism, cell growth, productivity, and binding activity of the antibody product. Both manual and automated dynamic feeding strategies were successfully applied to maintain the glucose concentration within a narrower and lower concentration range. Thus, besides glucose, the glutamate was also limited at low level leading to reduced production of inhibitory metabolites, such as lactate and ammonia. Consequently, these feeding control strategies enabled to provide beneficial cultivation environment for the cells. In both experiments, higher cell growth and prolonged viable cell cultivation were achieved which in turn led to increased antibody product concentration compared to the reference bolus feeding cultivation.  相似文献   
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - A Gram-reaction-negative halotolerant bacterial strain, designated Ka21T, was isolated from agricultural soil and characterised using a polyphasic approach to determine...  相似文献   
Tobacco smoke, recognized as a major etiological factor for cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract, represents an abundant source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are believed to play a significant role in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. An additional source of ROS in tissues exposed to tobacco smoke may be metabolic oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). To investigate the relationships between oxidative DNA lesions and aromatic DNA adducts, six modified DNA bases 5-hydroxyuracil, 5-hydroxycytosine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine, 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine and 4,6-diamino-5-formamidopyrimidine and the total level of PAH-related DNA adducts were measured in cancerous and the surrounding normal larynx tissues (68 subjects), using gas chromatography/isotope-dilution mass spectroscopy with selected ion monitoring and the 32 P-postlabeling-HPLC assay, respectively. The levels of oxidative DNA lesions in cancerous and adjacent tissue were comparable; the differences between the two types of tissue were significant only for 5-hydroxypyrimidines (slightly higher levels were observed in the adjacent tissue). Comparable levels of DNA lesions in cancerous and the surrounding normal tissues observed in the larynx tumors support a field cancerization theory. The surrounding tissues may still be recognized as normal by histological criteria. However, molecular alterations resulting from the chronic tobacco smoke exposure, which equally affects larynx epithelia, may lead to multiple premalignant lesions. Thus, a demonstration of similar levels of DNA damage in cancerous and the adjacent tissue could explain a frequent formation of secondary tumors in the larynx and the frequent recurrence in this type of cancer. A weak, but distinct effect of tumor grading and metastatic status was observed in both kinds of tissue in the case of 5-hydroxyuracil, 5-hydroxycytosine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine. This effect was displayed as a gradual shift in the data distribution toward high values from G1 through G2-G3 and from non-metastatic to metastatic tumors. Since the levels of oxidative DNA base modifications tended to increase with the tumor aggressiveness, we postulate that the oxidative DNA lesions increase genetic instability and thus contribute to tumor progression in laryngeal cancer. No associations between aromatic adduct levels and oxidative DNA lesions were present, suggesting that the metabolism of PAH does not contribute significantly to the oxidative stress in larynx tissues, remaining the tobacco smoke ROS as a major source of oxidative DNA damage in the exposed tissue.  相似文献   
A validated simple and sensitive spectrofluorimetric method was developed for the determination of chlorpromazine hydrochloride, promethazine hydrochloride, trifluperazine hydrochloride, thioridazine hydrochloride, perazine maleate and oxomemazine. The method was based on condensation of malonic acid/acetic anhydride (MAA) under the catalytic effect of the tertiary amine moiety of the studied phenothiazines to provide a deep yellow to brown colour with green florescence. Relative fluorescence intensity of the products was measured at λexc 398 nm and λem 432 nm. Different variables affecting the reaction were studied and optimized. The method was successfully applied for the determination of the studied drugs in commercial dosage forms. The lower detection limits allowed the application of this method for the determination of the compounds in plasma as an example of a biological fluid. In addition, the method was considered specific for the determination of tertiary amines in the presence of primary and secondary amines; as a result, it was deemed suitable for the determination of the cited drugs in the presence of their degradation products resulting from N‐dealkylation or oxidation of the corresponding sulphoxides or sulphones. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Highlights? Two-way modulations of adipose VEGF were generated with aP2-Cre transgene ? Adipose VEGF KO reduces vasculature, increases hypoxia and inflammation in fat ? Adipose VEGF KO accelerates the development of metabolic disease in high-fat diet ? Induced adipose VEGF has opposite effect on fat and restores metabolic homeostasis  相似文献   
Allele-specific DNA methylation (ASM) is well studied in imprinted domains, but this type of epigenetic asymmetry is actually found more commonly at non-imprinted loci, where the ASM is dictated not by parent-of-origin but instead by the local haplotype. We identified loci with strong ASM in human tissues from methylation-sensitive SNP array data. Two index regions (bisulfite PCR amplicons), one between the C3orf27 and RPN1 genes in chromosome band 3q21 and the other near the VTRNA2-1 vault RNA in band 5q31, proved to be new examples of imprinted DMRs (maternal alleles methylated) while a third, between STEAP3 and C2orf76 in chromosome band 2q14, showed non-imprinted haplotype-dependent ASM. Using long-read bisulfite sequencing (bis-seq) in 8 human tissues we found that in all 3 domains the ASM is restricted to single differentially methylated regions (DMRs), each less than 2kb. The ASM in the C3orf27-RPN1 intergenic region was placenta-specific and associated with allele-specific expression of a long non-coding RNA. Strikingly, the discrete DMRs in all 3 regions overlap with binding sites for the insulator protein CTCF, which we found selectively bound to the unmethylated allele of the STEAP3-C2orf76 DMR. Methylation mapping in two additional genes with non-imprinted haplotype-dependent ASM, ELK3 and CYP2A7, showed that the CYP2A7 DMR also overlaps a CTCF site. Thus, two features of imprinted domains, highly localized DMRs and allele-specific insulator occupancy by CTCF, can also be found in chromosomal domains with non-imprinted ASM. Arguing for biological importance, our analysis of published whole genome bis-seq data from hES cells revealed multiple genome-wide association study (GWAS) peaks near CTCF binding sites with ASM.  相似文献   
NADH cytochrome b5 oxidoreductase (Ncb5or) protects β-cells against oxidative stress and lipotoxicity. The predominant phenotype of lean Ncb5or-null mouse is insulin-dependent diabetes due to β-cell death. This suggests the putative role of NCB5OR polymorphism in human diabetes. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of natural missense mutations on the expression of human NCB5OR. Protein and mRNA levels of five non-synonymous coding variants were analyzed in transfected HEK293 and HepG2 cells. Although the mRNA levels were only slightly affected by the mutations, the amount of Ncb5or protein was largely reduced upon two Glu to Gly replacements in the third exon (p.E87G, p.E93G). These two mutations remarkably and synergistically shortened the half-life of Ncb5or and their effect could be attenuated by proteasome inhibitors. Our results strongly indicate that p.E87G, p.E93G mutations lead to enhanced proteasomal degradation due to manifest conformational alterations in the b5 domain. These data provide first evidence for natural mutations in NCB5OR gene resulting in decreased protein levels and hence having potential implications in human pathology.  相似文献   
Despite their production potential and ability to survive on marginal resources in extreme conditions, dromedaries have not been exploited as an important food source. Camels have not been specifically selected for milk production, and genetic improvement has been negligible. High individual variation in milk production both within the population and within breeds provides a good base for selection and genetic progress. In this paper, we discuss the possibilities and constraints of selective breeding for milk production in camels, and include a summary of the use of embryo transfer at the world's first camel dairy farm. Embryo transfer is an integral part of the breeding strategy at the camel dairy farm because it increases selection intensity and decreases the generation interval. Using high milk-producing camels as donors and low producing camels as recipients, 146 embryos were recovered (6.1 ± 1.0 embryos/donor; range: 0–18). Embryos were transferred non-surgically into 111 recipients (83 single and 28 twin embryo transfers). Pregnancy rate at 21 days and 5 months was 55% (61/111) and 45% (50/111), respectively. Finally, a total of 46 recipients delivered a live calf. These results document the utility of embryo transfer using high milk producing dromedaries as donors.  相似文献   
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