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We studied movements of individually marked greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) born in the Camargue, southern France, between their two most important breeding colonies in the western Mediterranean (Camargue and Fuente de Piedra, Spain) from 1986 to 1992. The two sites differ in the frequency with which they offer suitable conditions for breeding. Flamingos have bred each year in the Camargue since 1974, but in only 12 of the past 22 years at Fuente de Piedra. Higher colony fidelity is thus expected in the less variable environment (Camargue), but if dispersal occurs competition might be an important factor causing this dispersal. Following years during which breeding birds in the Camrgue were disturbed (1988 and 1990) a higher proportion of adults changed colonies between breeding attempts (= breeding dispersal, 12.4%), while only 0.4% of flamingos breeding in the Camargue dispersed in the other years. As expected, flamingos breeding at Fuente de Piedra showed a higher rate of breeding dispersal (8.14%). No differences were observed between males and females. The importance of breeding failure as a factor causing breeding dispersal in flamingos was also confirmed by the movements of individual birds. The proportion of young flamingos that moved from their natal colony to start breeding at Fuente de Piedra (= natal dispersal) was independent of sex and age, but increased when breeding access to the Camargue colony was more difficult. However, natal dispersal was also higher in 1988 and 1990 (40.5%) than in the remaining years (1.2%), as was breeding dispersal. We discuss possible ways in which the increased natal dispersal among inexperienced birds could be linked with the increased breeding dispersal of adults in the same year.  相似文献   
The division of labour in parental care between the two sexes varies between and within species. In birds, parents have been shown to invest more into egg production and nestling care when paired with an attractive rather than an unattractive mate, as predicted by the differential allocation hypothesis. Here we investigate variation in the female's and male's share of incubation behaviour, a vital, and costly, period of parental care during which the embryo is vulnerable to perturbations in developmental conditions. We manipulated the attractiveness of male zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata , using red or green leg-rings. To simulate their natural social environment we allowed them to breed in outdoor aviaries. All males within an aviary were given the same coloured ring to avoid ring-colour related assortative mating. Males within a colony, however, were still expected to show some variation in attractiveness with the earliest laying females possibly pairing with the most attractive males. Indeed we found that both factors played a role in explaining female incubation effort. Among females mated to red ringed males, earlier laying females contributed significantly more to incubation than late laying females, but no such pattern was found in females mated to green ringed males. Overall, there were no differences in the level of incubation provided by both parents between treatment groups, suggesting some compensation within the pair. Hatching success was correlated with a pair's total incubation effort. These results suggest that variation in the division of parental care between the sexes is in agreement with both increased effort of females mated with attractive males, and females compensating for the reduced effort of attractive males seeking further mating opportunities. These two factors can act at the same time in natural populations and both should be considered when explaining variation in division of labour between the sexes.  相似文献   
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration through human amnion membrane   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A new in vitro model has been developed for studying migration of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) through living native cellular and matrix barriers. Human amnion membrane consists of a single layer of epithelium bound to a continuous basement membrane interfacing an avascular collagenous stroma. Living amnion was placed in plastic chambers with separate compartments on each side of the membrane. PMN were introduced on the epithelial side of the amnion, and a Millipore filter (Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.) was placed against the stromal side. In response to N-formylmethionyl-leucyl- phenylanlanine (FMLP) chemoattractant, PMN penetrated the full thickness of the amnion and were collected and counted on the filter. The rate of PMN traversal of the amnion was dependent on the concentration of FMLP (optimal at 10(-8)M) as well as the slope of the FMLP gradient across the amnion. The route of PMN migration was studied by transmission electron microscopy. PMN first attached to the epithelial surface, then infiltrated between intercellular junctions. PMN migrated around or through tight junction and hemidesmosome attachments. The PMN then penetrated the basement membrane and migrated through the dense collagenous stroma. The present amnion migration system has characteristics of the in vivo inflammatory state not described in any previous method for monitoring PMN migration in vitro. Prior methods have not used native epithelium, whole basement membrane, or collagenous stroma. PMN penetration of these barriers occurs in the normal inflammatory response and probably involves biochemical mechanisms not required for simple migration through the pores of an artificial filter. The amnion system can be useful for future biochemical and morphological studies of PMN penetration of these barriers and possible repair processes that may follow.  相似文献   
  • 1 Tilapia tholloni (Substratbrüter), T. nilotica (weiblicher Maulbrüter) und T. heudeloti macrocephala (männlicher Maulbrüter) wurden künstlich erbrütet und ihre angeborenen Kontaktreaktionen in standardisierten Attrappenversuchen untersucht.
  • 2 Das Kontaktverhalten muß während einer kritischen Phase (bei T. nilotica unter den angegebenen Versuchsbedingungen bis ungefähr zum 21. Tag nach dem Ablaichen) aktiviert werden, wenn es längere Zeit andauern soll (= Reaktionsphase). Die Reaktionsphase kann bei T. nilotica mehrere Wochen dauern. In ihr nimmt die Reaktionsstärke (Anzahl und Dauer der Kontakte) zunächst rasch zu, erreicht ein Maximum und nimmt dann allmählich wieder ab. Anstieg, Maximum und Abnahme sind an bestimmte Entwicklungsabschnitte gebunden, weitgehend unabhängig davon, ob die Tiere zuvor schon Kontaktverhalten geäußert haben oder nicht. Die Kontaktreaktionen unterscheiden sich u. a. durch die Dauer der Kontakte: tholloni = 0,7 Sek., nilotica = 86,5 Sek., heudeloti m. = 1,5 Sek. je Tag und Tier (Maximalwerte bei bestimmten, für alle Arten gleichen Versuchsbedingungen).
  • 3 Von der Aufzuchttemperatur hängt es ab, in welchem Entwicklungsabschnitt die Reaktionsphase liegt. Das Reaktionsmaximum junger T. nilotica lag bei 24° C am 9., bei 29° C am Tag nach der Eiablage.
  • 4 Geblendete nilotica-Jungfische zeigten nur zu Beginn der Reaktionsphase schwaches Kontaktverhalten, normale Tiere äußerten gegenüber einer durchsichtigen Glasattrappe abgeschwächtes, nur kurze Zeit dauerndes Kontaktverhalten. Das Kontaktverhalten wird durch mechanische (Strömung) und optische Reize ausgelöter und gesteuert.
  • 5 Junge Maulbrüter aus kleinen Eiern erreichten eine längere Kontaktdauer als solche aus größeren. Nach künstlicher Reduktion der Dottermenge um 10–20%) erhöhte sich die Kontaktdauer bei jungen nilotica um 23,1%, die Zahl der Kontakte nahm gleichzeitig um 7,6% ab. Die ♀♀ der substratbrütenden T. mariae legen große Eier, die Jungen zeigten gegenüber Attrappen intensive Kontaktreaktionen. Es wird die Frage diskutiert, ob das Erreichen einer bestimmten Eigröße eine Voraussetzung für das Entstehen des Kontaktverhaltens gewesen sein könnte.
  • 6 Die Kurzkontakte junger T. tholloni werden aus ihrer Orientierungsreaktion abgeleitet und als Vorstufe des Kontaktverhaltens gedeutet.
  • 7 7. Mehrere Tilapia-Arten wurden künstlich gekreuzt. Bei Verwendung von tholloni-Sperma wiesen die Bastarde eine erhöhte Sterblichkeit auf. Aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) gingen nur ♀♀ hervor. Die Kreuzung T. heudeloti macrocephala ~ T. nilotica (männlicher ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) erbrachte fertile F1- und F2-Generationen sowie alle vier möglichen Rückkreuzungen. Bei der Vererbung des Kontaktverhaltens (gemessen an der Dauer der Kontakte) scheinen relativ wenig Erbfaktoren mitzuwirken, T. heudeloti m. erwies sich gegenüber nilotica als praevalent. Ein Teil der Bastarde aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (F1) (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) lag auf der Merkmalsskala zwischen den Ausgangsarten, der Rest verteilte sich sowohl auf den Bereich von tholloni als auch auf den Bereich von nilotica.
The objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence and describe the pattern and severity of training injuries in taekwondo, and to compare pattern and severity of training injuries with competition injuries. One hundred and fifty-two active Australian amateur taekwondo athletes, aged 12 years or over, completed an online survey comprising questions on training exposure and injury history over the preceding 12 months. The main outcome measures were: overall injury incidence rate per athlete-year; training injury incidence rate per athlete-year, per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and per 1000 athlete-hours of training; injury severity; and injury proportions by anatomical region and by type of injury. Injury incidence rates were calculated with 95% confidence intervals using standard methods, while injury proportions were compared using Fisher''s exact test. The vast majority (81.5%) of taekwondo injuries in an average athlete-year occurred during training. The training injury incidence rate was estimated to be 1.6 (95% CI: 1.4, 1.9) per athlete-year, 11.8 (95% CI: 10.4, 13.4) per 1000 athlete-training-sessions, and 7.0 (95% CI: 6.1, 7.9) per 1000 athlete-hours of training. Among athletes with five or fewer injuries, the severity and injury pattern of training injuries were, by and large, the same as for competition injuries. Approximately sixty percent (60.3%) of training injuries required treatment by a health professional. Considering the burden of training injuries exceeds that of competition injuries, taekwondo governing bodies and stakeholders are encouraged to devote more efforts towards the identification of risk factors for, and prevention of, training injuries in the sport of taekwondo.  相似文献   
Functional groups (FG) are an useful generalization to investigate environmental change effects on biotic communities. Assigning species to FGs is a contextual task and carries an arbitrary element, regardless of whether the grouping is obtained a priori or by sophisticated numerical methods. Using two grassland community case studies, we show that even simple FG allocation based on growth form, architecture and longevity (plants and mosses), or foraging characteristics (above-ground invertebrates) can be useful to increase our understanding of community processes. For example, the sensitivity of organisms to climate change increases with trophic rank and is higher in disturbed than in undisturbed communities. Complexity of interaction webs (in terms of web connectance), however, is larger in undisturbed than in disturbed communities. A significant and important relationship is likely to exist between anthropogenic disturbances, community complexity and the ecosystem effects of climate change. Trophic interactions may be disrupted much easier by climate changes in disturbed than in undisturbed communities where complexity may be buffering these effects.  相似文献   
Gillard  BK; Clement  RG; Marcus  DM 《Glycobiology》1998,8(9):885-890
There are several pathways for the incorporation of sugars into glycosphingolipids (GSL). Sugars can be added to ceramide that contains sphinganine (dihydrosphingosine) synthesized de novo (pathway 1), to ceramide synthesized from sphingoid bases produced by hydrolysis of sphingolipids (pathway 2), and into GSL recycling from the endosomal pathway through the Golgi (pathway 3). We reported previously the surprising observation that SW13 cells, a human adrenal carcinoma cell line, synthesize most of their GSL in pathway 2. We now present data on the synthesis of GSL in four additional cell lines. Approximately 90% of sugar incorporation took place in pathway 2, and 10% or less in pathway 1, in human foreskin fibroblasts and NB41A3 neuroblastoma cells. In contrast, approximately 50-90% of sugar incorporation took place in pathway 1 in C2C12 myoblasts. The C2C12 cells divide more rapidly and synthesize 10-14 times as much GSL as the other three cell lines. In C6 glioma cells, approximately 30% of sugar incorporation occurred in pathway 1 and 60% in pathway 2. There was no relation between the utilization of pathways for GSL and sphingomyelin synthesis in foreskin fibroblasts and C2C12 cells. In both cells pathways 1 and 2 each accounted for 50% of incorporation of choline into sphingomyelin. In five of the six cell lines that we have studied, most GSL synthesis takes place in pathway 2. We suggest that when the need for synthesis is relatively low, as in slowly dividing cells, GSL are synthesized predominantly from sphingoid bases salvaged from the hydrolytic pathway. When cells are dividing more rapidly, the need for increased synthesis is met by upregulating the de novo pathway.   相似文献   
Anogeissus dhofarica (Combretaceae) is an endemic tree of the monsoon affected coastal mountains of the southern Arabian Peninsula, being the character species of the Hybantho durae–Anogeissetum dhofaricae association, a drought deciduous, monsoon forest community found only in the Dhofar region of southern Oman and the eastern Al‐Mahra region of south‐east Yemen. Due to the steep precipitation gradient from the centre to the edges in this monsoon affected area, A. dhofarica is found in two different habitat types: in continuous woodland belts of the Hawf and Dhofar mountains, and in isolated, scattered woodland patches, as found especially in the Fartak Mts (south‐east Yemen). Fifteen populations (212 individuals) from across the whole distribution area of the species were analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting to: (1) evaluate the consequences of population fragmentation on the genetic diversity harboured in isolated patches versus cohering stands of the species and (2) to reconstruct the phylogeographical pattern of A. dhofarica as a consequence of oscillations in the monsoon activity during the Pleistocene and Holocene. The analysis of among‐population genetic differentiation and within‐population genetic diversity in A. dhofarica populations resulted in a lack of genetic pauperization and genetic differentiation of populations of the distinctly isolated patches of the Fartak Mts compared to the more luxurious forests of the Hawf and Dhofar regions. This is considered to be due to the high buffer capacity against the loss of genetic diversity caused by the long‐lived life‐form of the species combined with the capability to propagate clonally and the relatively recent fragmentation of Anogeissus forests into the described patches rather than due to high values of gene flow among remnant populations caused by bee pollination and anemochorical and hydrochorical diaspore dispersal. The phylogeographical pattern of the species argues for a quite recent fragmentation of a once continuous forest belt of A. dhofarica that is rather connected with climate changes in the Holocene than triggered by aridity–humidity oscillations reported for the Pleistocene. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 97 , 40–51.  相似文献   
JÖRG MALETZ 《Palaeontology》2010,53(2):415-439
Abstract: The virgellar spine is one of the most consistent features of the graptolite sicula. It is present in a large number of graptoloid groups, but evolved separately and independently in these as it is seen from the presence of the spine in either ventral (Axonophora) or dorsal (Phyllograptus, Xiphograptus) position. The evolution of the virgellar spine in the Pan‐Bireclinata in the Upper Dapingian to Lower Darriwilian time interval is known to follow four main steps, from a simple rutellum, through a lamelliform rutellum and a lanceolate virgella to the true virgellar spine. For the xiphograptids and in Phyllograptus, the origin and early development is less well documented, but appears to follow a similar path. However, the individual stages are condensed, and a true virgellar spine emerges already in the Floian time interval. A virgellar spine was found in Didymograptellus bifidus, necessitating a revision of the diagnosis of the genus Didymograptellus. A number of species of the virgellate genera Xiphograptus, Yutagraptus and Didymograptellus are described from isolated material for the first time. The species are useful for the biostratigraphic correlation of endemic mid‐continent North American faunas with the Pacific Type faunal realm. Xiphograptus artus sp. nov., Didymograptellus primus sp. nov. and Didymograptellus cowheadensis sp. nov. from the Cow Head Group of western Newfoundland are described as new.  相似文献   
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