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Phase contrast X-ray computed tomography (PCI-CT) has been demonstrated as a novel imaging technique that can visualize human cartilage with high spatial resolution and soft tissue contrast. Different textural approaches have been previously investigated for characterizing chondrocyte organization on PCI-CT to enable classification of healthy and osteoarthritic cartilage. However, the large size of feature sets extracted in such studies motivates an investigation into algorithmic feature reduction for computing efficient feature representations without compromising their discriminatory power. For this purpose, geometrical feature sets derived from the scaling index method (SIM) were extracted from 1392 volumes of interest (VOI) annotated on PCI-CT images of ex vivo human patellar cartilage specimens. The extracted feature sets were subject to linear and non-linear dimension reduction techniques as well as feature selection based on evaluation of mutual information criteria. The reduced feature set was subsequently used in a machine learning task with support vector regression to classify VOIs as healthy or osteoarthritic; classification performance was evaluated using the area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). Our results show that the classification performance achieved by 9-D SIM-derived geometric feature sets (AUC: 0.96 ± 0.02) can be maintained with 2-D representations computed from both dimension reduction and feature selection (AUC values as high as 0.97 ± 0.02). Thus, such feature reduction techniques can offer a high degree of compaction to large feature sets extracted from PCI-CT images while maintaining their ability to characterize the underlying chondrocyte patterns.  相似文献   
A membrane-embedded curdlan synthase (CrdS) from Agrobacterium is believed to catalyse a repetitive addition of glucosyl residues from UDP-glucose to produce the (1,3)-β-d-glucan (curdlan) polymer. We report wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis (WG-CFPS) of full-length CrdS containing a 6xHis affinity tag and either Factor Xa or Tobacco Etch Virus proteolytic sites, using a variety of hydrophobic membrane-mimicking environments. Full-length CrdS was synthesised with no variations in primary structure, following analysis of tryptic fragments by MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry. Preparative scale WG-CFPS in dialysis mode with Brij-58 yielded CrdS in mg/ml quantities. Analysis of structural and functional properties of CrdS during protein synthesis showed that CrdS was co-translationally inserted in DMPC liposomes during WG-CFPS, and these liposomes could be purified in a single step by density gradient floatation. Incorporated CrdS exhibited a random orientation topology. Following affinity purification of CrdS, the protein was reconstituted in nanodiscs with Escherichia coli lipids or POPC and a membrane scaffold protein MSP1E3D1. CrdS nanodiscs were characterised by small-angle X-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation and the data obtained were consistent with insertion of CrdS into bilayers. We found CrdS synthesised in the presence of the Ac-AAAAAAD surfactant peptide or co-translationally inserted in liposomes made from E. coli lipids to be catalytically competent. Conversely, CrdS synthesised with only Brij-58 was inactive. Our findings pave the way for future structural studies of this industrially important catalytic membrane protein.  相似文献   
A central component of the epigenome is the pattern of histone post-translational modifications that play a critical role in the formation of specific chromatin states. Following DNA replication, nascent chromatin is a 1:1 mixture of parental and newly synthesized histones and the transfer of modification patterns from parental histones to new histones is a fundamental step in epigenetic inheritance. Here we report that loss of HAT1, which acetylates lysines 5 and 12 of newly synthesized histone H4 during replication-coupled chromatin assembly, results in the loss of accessibility of large domains of heterochromatin, termed HAT1-dependent Accessibility Domains (HADs). HADs are mega base-scale domains that comprise ∼10% of the mouse genome. HAT1 globally represses H3 K9 me3 levels and HADs correspond to the regions of the genome that display HAT1-dependent increases in H3 K9me3 peak density. HADs display a high degree of overlap with a subset of Lamin-Associated Domains (LADs). HAT1 is required to maintain nuclear structure and integrity. These results indicate that HAT1 and the acetylation of newly synthesized histones may be critical regulators of the epigenetic inheritance of heterochromatin and suggest a new mechanism for the epigenetic regulation of nuclear lamina-heterochromatin interactions.  相似文献   
Members of the LuxI protein family catalyze synthesis of acyl-homoserine lactone (acyl-HSL) quorum sensing signals from S-adenosyl-L-methionine and an acyl thioester. Some LuxI family members prefer acyl-CoA, and others prefer acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) as the acyl-thioester substrate. We sought to understand the evolutionary history and mechanisms mediating this substrate preference. Our phylogenetic and motif analysis of the LuxI acyl-HSL synthase family indicates that the acyl-CoA-utilizing enzymes evolved from an acyl-ACP-utilizing ancestor. To further understand how acyl-ACPs and acyl-CoAs are recognized by acyl-HSL synthases we studied BmaI1, an octanoyl-ACP-dependent LuxI family member from Burkholderia mallei, and BjaI, an isovaleryl-CoA-dependent LuxI family member from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. We synthesized thioether analogs of their thioester acyl-substrates to probe recognition of the acyl-phosphopantetheine moiety common to both acyl-ACP and acyl-CoA substrates. The kinetics of catalysis and inhibition of these enzymes indicate that they recognize the acyl-phosphopantetheine moiety and they recognize non-preferred substrates with this moiety. We find that CoA substrate utilization arose through exaptation of acyl-phosphopantetheine recognition in this enzyme family.  相似文献   
The kinetics of α-helix formation in polyalanine and polyglycine eicosamers (20-mers) were examined using torsional-coordinate molecular dynamics (MD). Of one hundred fifty-five MD experiments on extended (Ala)20 carried out for 0.5 ns each, 129 (83%) formed a persistent α-helix. In contrast, the extended state of (Gly)20 only formed a right-handed α-helix in two of the 20 MD experiments (10%), and these helices were not as long or as persistent as those of polyalanine. These simulations show helix formation to be a competition between the rates of (a) forming local hydrogen bonds (i.e. hydrogen bonds between any residue i and its i + 2, i + 3, i + 4, or i + 5th neighbor) and (b) forming nonlocal hydrogen bonds (HBs) between residues widely separated in sequence. Local HBs grow rapidly into an α-helix; but nonlocal HBs usually retard helix formation by “trapping” the polymer in irregular, “balled-up” structures. Most trajectories formed some nonlocal HBs, sometimes as many as eight. But, for (Ala)20, most of these eventually rearranged to form local HBs that lead to α-helices. A simple kinetic model describes the rate of converting nonlocal HBs into α-helices. Torsional-coordinate MD speeds folding by eliminating bond and angle degrees of freedom and reducing dynamical friction. Thus, the observed 210 ps half-life for helix formation is likely to be a lower bound on the real rate. However, we believe the sequential steps observed here mirror those of real systems. Proteins 33:343–357, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effect of magnetic field (MF) treatments of maize (Zea mays L.) var. Ganga Safed 2 seeds on the growth, leaf water status, photosynthesis and antioxidant enzyme system under soil water stress was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The seeds were exposed to static MFs of 100 and 200 mT for 2 and 1 h, respectively. The treated seeds were sown in sand beds for seven days and transplanted in pots that were maintained at -0.03, -0.2 and -0.4 MPa soil water potentials under greenhouse conditions. MF exposure of seeds significantly enhanced all growth parameters, compared to the control seedlings. The significant increase in root parameters in seedlings from magnetically-exposed seeds resulted in maintenance of better leaf water status in terms of increase in leaf water potential, turgor potential and relative water content. Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content increased in plants from treated seeds, compared to control under irrigated and mild stress condition. Leaves from plants of magnetically-treated seeds showed decreased levels of hydrogen peroxide and antioxidant defense system enzymes (peroxidases, catalase and superoxide dismutase) under moisture stress conditions, when compared with untreated controls. Mild stress of -0.2 MPa induced a stimulating effect on functional root parameters, especially in 200 mT treated seedlings which can be exploited profitably for rain fed conditions. Our results suggested that MF treatment (100 mT for 2 h and 200 for 1 h) of maize seeds enhanced the seedling growth, leaf water status, photosynthesis rate and lowered the antioxidant defense system of seedlings under soil water stress. Thus, pre sowing static magnetic field treatment of seeds can be effectively used for improving growth under water stress.  相似文献   
d-Serine is a physiological co-agonist of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. It regulates excitatory neurotransmission, which is important for higher brain functions in vertebrates. In mammalian brains, d-amino acid oxidase degrades d-serine. However, we have found recently that in chicken brains the oxidase is not expressed and instead a d-serine dehydratase degrades d-serine. The primary structure of the enzyme shows significant similarities to those of metal-activated d-threonine aldolases, which are fold-type III pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes, suggesting that it is a novel class of d-serine dehydratase. In the present study, we characterized the chicken enzyme biochemically and also by x-ray crystallography. The enzyme activity on d-serine decreased 20-fold by EDTA treatment and recovered nearly completely by the addition of Zn2+. None of the reaction products that would be expected from side reactions of the PLP-d-serine Schiff base were detected during the >6000 catalytic cycles of dehydration, indicating high reaction specificity. We have determined the first crystal structure of the d-serine dehydratase at 1.9 Å resolution. In the active site pocket, a zinc ion that coordinates His347 and Cys349 is located near the PLP-Lys45 Schiff base. A theoretical model of the enzyme-d-serine complex suggested that the hydroxyl group of d-serine directly coordinates the zinc ion, and that the ϵ-NH2 group of Lys45 is a short distance from the substrate Cα atom. The α-proton abstraction from d-serine by Lys45 and the elimination of the hydroxyl group seem to occur with the assistance of the zinc ion, resulting in the strict reaction specificity.  相似文献   
The anaerobic biodegradation of picloram (3,5,6-trichloro-4-amino-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid) in freshwater sediment was favored under methanogenic conditions but not when sulfate or nitrate was available as a terminal electron acceptor. Under the former conditions, more than 85% of the parent substrate (340 μM) was removed from nonsterile incubations in 30 days, following a 50-day acclimation period. Concomitant with substrate decay, an intermediate transiently accumulated in the sediment slurries. By liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, the intermediate was identified as an isomer of dichloro-4-amino-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance evidence suggested that a chlorine was reductively removed from the parent substrate at the position meta to the nitrogen heteroatom. Upon continued incubation, the dechlorinated product was transformed into an unidentified compound which accumulated and resisted further decay. The addition of sulfate or bromoethanesulfonic acid to sediment slurries inhibited picloram dehalogenation, but molybdate reversed the inhibitory effect of sulfate on pesticide metabolism. These findings help clarify the fate of a halogenated nitrogen heterocyclic herbicide in anaerobic environments.  相似文献   
Several human diseases including neurodegenerative disorders and cancer are associated with abnormal accumulation and aggregation of misfolded proteins. Proteins with high tendency to aggregate include the p53 gene product, TAU and alpha synuclein. The potential toxicity of aberrantly folded proteins is limited via their transport into intracellular sub-compartments, the aggresomes, where misfolded proteins are stored or cleared via autophagy. We have identified a region of the acetyltransferase p300 that is highly disordered and displays similarities with prion-like domains. We show that this region is encoded as an alternative spliced variant independently of the acetyltransferase domain, and provides an interaction interface for various misfolded proteins, promoting their aggregation. p300 enhances aggregation of TAU and of p53 and is a component of cellular aggregates in both tissue culture cells and in alpha-synuclein positive Lewy bodies of patients affected by Parkinson disease. Down-regulation of p300 impairs aggresome formation and enhances cytotoxicity induced by misfolded protein stress. These data unravel a novel activity of p300, offer new insights into the function of disordered domains and implicate p300 in pathological aggregation that occurs in neurodegeneration and cancer.  相似文献   
IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) is a chemokine important in the attraction of T cells, which are essential for resolution of chlamydial genital tract infection. During infections with Gram-negative bacteria, the IP-10 response mediated through type I IFNs usually occurs as a result of TLR4 stimulation by bacterial LPS. However, we found that levels of IP-10 in genital tract secretions of Chlamydia trachomatis-infected female wild-type mice were similar to those of infected TLR2- and TLR4-deficient mice but significantly greater than those of infected MyD88-deficient mice. We investigated the mechanism of IP-10 and IFN-beta induction during chlamydial infection using mouse macrophages and fibroblasts infected ex vivo. The induction of IP-10 and IFN-beta was unchanged in Chlamydia-infected TLR2- and TLR4-deficient cells compared with wild-type cells. However, infection of MyD88-deficient cells resulted in significantly decreased responses. These results suggest a role for MyD88-dependent pathways in induction of IP-10 and IFN-beta during chlamydial infection. Furthermore, treatment of infected macrophages with an endosomal maturation inhibitor significantly reduced chlamydial-induced IFN-beta. Because endosomal maturation is required for MyD88-dependent intracellular pathogen recognition receptors to function, our data suggest a role for the intracellular pathogen recognition receptor(s) in induction of IFN-beta and IP-10 during chlamydial infection. Furthermore, the intracellular pathways that lead to chlamydial-induced IFN-beta function through TANK-binding kinase mediated phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of IFN regulatory factor-3.  相似文献   
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