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The consequences of interactions between porcine sperm, eggs, and oviduct cells before and during fertilization in vitro (IVF) has been examined with particular reference to the block to polyspermy. The pattern of polypeptides secreted by porcine oviduct epithelial cells has been determined and its effects on sperm both during pre-fertilization co-culture and during fertilization have been examined. In standard IVF procedures with no oviduct cell involvement, high rates of penetration (91%) were accompanied by equally high rates of multiple sperm penetration (91% of penetrated eggs). Fertilization on oviduct cell monolayers or a combination of 1 h co-culture of sperm and oviduct cells before the addition of in vitro matured oocytes did not reduce polyspermy. However, a sperm-oviduct cell co-culture period of 2.5 h followed by IVF on oviduct cells selectively reduced the rate of polyspermy by 40% and 50% in two separate series of trials (United Kingdom and Japan, respectively): Overall fertilization rates after this treatment were high (95% or 84%, respectively). A 3.5 h period of pre-fertilization co-culture further reduced polyspermy to only 14% of penetrated eggs, but this treatment was accompanied by a sharp drop in the fertilization rate from an overall mean of 88% for all other groups to 19% after 3.5 h co-culture.  相似文献   
During periods of water deficit, plants accumulate late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins which are thought to protect cells from stresses associated with dehydration. One of these genes, le25, is expressed in tomato leaves and roots in response to water deficit and abscisic acid accumulation. To study the function of this protein and to test the effect of overproduction of the LE25 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc), a recombinant plasmid in which le25 is expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter was constructed. The content of LE25 was high in Sc cells transformed with the recombinant plasmid. The transformant exhibited several stress-tolerant phenotypes. Growth of the transformant in a medium with 1.2 M NaCl was improved, as compared to a control strain. While the control strain showed a long lag phase of 40 h, le25-expressing cells showed a shortened lag phase of 10 h. However, no growth improvement was observed in a medium with 2 M sorbitol. In addition, the transformant had an increased survival rate after freezing stress, but not after high-temperature stress. These results, together with its predicted secondary structure, may indicate that LE25 functions as an ion scavenger.  相似文献   
The appropriate expression of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5→4-isomerase (3β-HSD) is vital for mammalian reproduction, fetal growth and life maintenance. Several isoforms of 3β-HSD, the products of separate genes, have been identified in various species including man. Current investigations are targeted toward defining the processes that regulate the levels of specific isoforms in various steroidogenic tissues of man. High levels of expression of 3β-HSD were observed in placental tissues. It has been generally considered that the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblastic cells are the principal sites of 3β-HSD expression and, moreover, that 3β-HSD expression is intimately associated with cyclic AMP-promoted formation of syncytia. Herein we report the presence of 3β-HSD immunoreactive and mRNA species in uninucleate cytotrophoblasts in the chorion laeve, similar to that in syncytia but not cytotrophoblast placenta. In vitro, 3β-HSD levels in chorion laeve cytotrophoblasts were not increased with time nor after treatment with adenylate cyclase activators, whereas villous cytotrophoblasts spontaneously demonstrated progressive, increased 3β-HSD expression. Moreover, 3β-HSD synthesis appeared to precede morphologic syncytial formation. Thus high steroidogenic enzyme expression in placenta is not necessarily closely linked to formation of syncytia. Both Western immunoblot and enzymic activity analyses also indicated that the 3β-HSD expressed in these cytotrophoblastic populations was the 3β-HSD type I gene product (Mr, 45K) and not 3β-HSD type II (Mr, 44K) expressed in fetal testis. In cultures of fetal zone and definitive zone cell of human fetal adrenal, 3β-HSD expression was not detected until ACTH was added. ACTH, likely acting in a cyclic AMP-dependent process, induced 3β-HSD type II activity and mRNA expression. The higher level of 3β-HSD mRNA in definitive zone compared with fetal zone cells was associated with parallel increases in cortisol secretion relative to dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate formation.  相似文献   
Combined treatment with propranolol and reserpine enhanced acetylcholine-induced doseresponse curves for bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs in vivo. This airway hyperreactivity model was investigated pharmacologically. (1) Increased capillary permeability and increases in leukocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were not observed after this combined treatment. (2) The increased airway sensitivity to acetylcholine produced by propranolol and reserpine was inhibited by ketotifen and theophylline, reported in clinical studies to inhibit airway hyperreactivity. (3) Two leukotriene (LT) receptor antagonists, MCI-826 and FPL-55712, clearly inhibited this increased airway reactivity. (4) A thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor antagonist, ONO-3708, and TXA2 synthetase inhibitor, OKY-046, also inhibited this increased airway reactivity.These results suggest that the airway hyperreactivity model produced by propranolol and reserpine in guinea pigs is a valuable pharmacological tool for investigating a remedy and LT and TXA2 may be involved in the onset of this airway hyperreactivity.  相似文献   
Summary The growth of Spirulina platensis was studied in a light-limited culture under various dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. At high DO concentration, e.g. at 1.25 mM DO, the growth rate was decreased up to 36 % compared with that of 0.063 mM DO. The retarded growth rate at high DO concentrations seemed to be coupled with the degeneration of photosynthetic activity in terms of O2 evolution. Under higher DO concentrations, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase activities tended to increase, while the contents of photosynthetic pigment, such phycocyanin, carotenoid and chlorophyll-a decreased distinctly.  相似文献   
The gene le25 is an abscisic acid (ABA)-induced gene of tomatowhich is expressed both in wilted vegetative organs and developingseeds. Spatial and temporal expression was analysed in tobaccoplants transformed with a chimeric gene in which 5'-upstreamDNA sequences of le25 were fused to the E. coli uidA gene, whichencodes ß-glucuronidase (GUS). Histochemical stainingrevealed that GUS was expressed in all tissues of vegetativeorgans in response to water deficit. Exogenous ABA induced expressionto a lesser extent, even though ABA content was the same asdroughtstressed leaves, indicating a difference in responseto endogenous ABA compared to exogenous ABA. Water-deficit-inducedGUS expression in floral tissues was examined in pre-anthesisfloral buds from four different stages (I–IV; 11, 16,33, 49 mm bud length, respectively). While non-stressed floralorgans showed no GUS activity except in pollen at stages IIIand IV, GUS activity was water-deficit-induced in sepals ofall stages, petals of stage II, and stigmas of stage II andIII. In seeds, GUS activity was detected in both the embryoand endosperm at 15 d post-anthesis, which coincided with alarge increase in the concentration of ABA in the seed. In transgenicplants, the le25 5'-flanking DNA drove expression of GUS duringwater deficit in two modes: non-tissue-specific expression invegetative organs, and tissue-specific expression in reproductiveorgans. The location of GUS activity indicated that ABA concentrationis elevated throughout the tissues of the leaf during periodsof water deficit. Key words: Tomato, ABA, drought stress, lea gene, water deficit  相似文献   
Stimulation of synovial cell prostaglandin production by a factor obtained from casein-induced peritoneal polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells has been investigated. Both the extract and short time cultured medium of rat peritoneal PMN cells stimulate prostaglandin (PG)E2 production as well as collagenase production in the culture of rat synovial cells. PGE2 production by the cells in the presence of the PMN factor is much faster (5 to 24 hr) than collagenase production (24 hr or later, Biomedical Res. 3, 506-516, 1982). This stimulating factor is confirmed to be derived from PMN cells, based on the purification of the cells from peritoneal exudate cells by the Ficoll-Urographin method. Elution profile of the factor on gel filtration has indicated that both PGE2 and collagenase productions by synovial cells are stimulated by the same effluent fractions corresponding to molecular weights of 15,000 - 20,000 daltons and 30,000 - 40,000 daltons. These results suggest that PMN cells are involved in PG production as well as collagenase production in the inflamed tissue by stimulating connective tissue cells such as synovial cells.  相似文献   
Chemical ionization (CI) mass spectra with isobutane and ammonia for the oligosaccharides obtained from sphingoglycolipids were compared with their electron impact (EI) mass spectra. The oligosaccahride moieties were liberated from the parent glycolipids and were further reduced with sodium borohydride. They were analyzed as their permethyl peracetyl and pertrimethylsilyl derivatives. In the CI spectra, peaks corresponding to QM+ and/or [M-59]+ were observed in all of the peracetylated oligosaccharides examined. In CI with ammonia as the reagent, H+ was transferred to nitrogen-containing saccharides to produce [MH]+ and NH4 was transferred to nitrogen-free saccharides to yield [M+NH4]+ as QM+. Non-reducing ends yielded very intense peaks in CI spectra. On the other hand, the reduced end, glucitol, produced rather prominent peaks in EI spectra. Fragment ions due to cleavage of glycosidic bonds were major ones under the CI conditions, and they could be used for elucidating the sugar sequence in the oligosaccharides. An additional characteristic feature in the CI spectra was that ions due to scission of hexosaminyl glycosidic linkages were observed with very high intensities.  相似文献   
Antennal responses of male European corn borer moths, Ostrinia nubilalis, to their two pheromone components, (Z)- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetates (tda), were studied. The electroantennogram (EAG) response was highest when the ventral side and lowest when the dorsal side of the antenna faced the air stream carrying the chemical stimulus. Repetitive stimulation with one of the isomers resulted in adaptation which affected the amplitude of response in subsequent tests of both (Z)- and (E)-11-tda. This suggested that the receptors for the two tda isomers are either identical or highly interactive. Mixtures of the two pheromone components did not elicit higher responses than the major component, (Z)-11-tda. A significant difference was observed between London and New York strains of this insect in their relative responses to (Z)- and (E)-11-tda. EAG responses of hybrids of these two strains resembled those for the New York strain.  相似文献   
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