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Cave bears have disappeared from the Alps from different altitudes at different times. The temporal progression of the HDEL (Height Dependent Extinction Line) – a compilation of the geologically most recent radiocarbon dates per altitude level – is not consistent with the general cooling of the temperatures from about 45 ka BP. The cave bear sites of the Northern Alps with the most recent radiocarbon ages are not situated in the lowlands but in caves in altitudes of 1,500 m to 1,700 m above sea level (a.s.l.).

Cave bears fed almost exclusively on herbs and leaves. It was assumed that with the general cooling in the OIS 3 since about 45 ka BP also the migration of the alpine elements into the lowlands took place. It could be recognized that the populations in the lower situated cave bear site became earlier extinct than the cave bear population in the higher altitudes.

With new radiocarbon dates, done at the Curt-Engelhorn-Center Archaeometry at the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen in Mannheim (Germany), the HDEL can be determined much more precisely and the causes of gradual extinction are also better understood.  相似文献   
To evaluate whether observed cycles in proceptive behavior in aging lowland gorilla females (age 40+) at Brookfield Zoo were driven by ovarian activity, we compared monthly behavioral data to estradiol and progestogen cycles based on fecal hormone assessments. Progestogen peaks showed regularity and close coincidence with monthly sexual behaviors. Estradiol was more variable. Progestogen peaks varied between 22+/-5 days for the control female (29 years old), to 24+/-2.5 and 29+/-8 for the two aged subjects. In the first aged female, which was housed with other females and a silverback, the high degree of cyclicity in sexual behavior, regularity of progestogen cycles, and close concordance between hormonal cycling and sexual behavior strongly compared to patterns found (in this and other studies) in gorilla females <35 years old. Cyclical progestogen peaks were longer and more variable in the second aged female-perhaps because she lacked the social mediation of other females or a male. For husbandry reasons she is not housed with the gorilla group, behavioral data were not collected from her. The value of our longitudinal study is in obtaining reproductive profiles of primate females that are approaching maximum lifespan. This pilot study is part of a larger research project on reproductive senescence that will include other captive females >35 years old, a population that is rapidly increasing in North American zoos as gorillas continue to age.  相似文献   
Integrated self-transmissible elements called conjugative transposons (CTns) are responsible for the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in many different species of bacteria. One of the best characterized of these newly recognized elements is the Bacteroides CTn, CTnDOT. CTnDOT is thought to have a circular transfer intermediate that transfers to and integrates into the genome of the recipient cell. Previous investigations of the mechanism of CTnDOT integration have been hindered by the lack of an in vitro system for checking this model of integration and determining whether the CTnDOT integrase alone was sufficient to catalyze the integration reaction or whether host factors might be involved. We report here the development of an in vitro system in which a plasmid containing the joined ends of CTnDOT integrates into a plasmid carrying a CTnDOT target site. To develop this in vitro system, a His-tagged version of the integrase gene of CTnDOT was cloned and shown to be active in vivo. The protein produced by this construct was partially purified and then added to a reaction mixture that contained the joined ends of the circular form of CTnDOT and a plasmid carrying one of the CTnDOT target sites. Integration was demonstrated by using a fairly simple mixture of components, but integration was stimulated by a Bacteroides extract or by purified Escherichia coli integration host factor. The results of this study demonstrate both that the circular form of CTnDOT is the form that integrates into the target site and that host factors are involved in the integration process.  相似文献   
The mitochondria-rich (mr) cell of amphibian skin epithelium is differentiated as a highly specialised pathway for passive transepithelial transport of chloride. The apical membrane of mr cells expresses several types of Cl(-) channels, of which the function of only two types has been studied in detail. (i) One type of channel is gated by voltage and external chloride concentration. This intriguing type of regulation leads to opening of channels only if [Cl(-)](o) is in the millimolar range and if the electrical potential is of a polarity that secures an inwardly directed net flux of this ion. Reversible voltage activations of the conductance proceed with long time constants, which depend on V in such a way that the rate of conductance activation increases when V is clamped at more negative values (serosal bath grounded). The gating seems to involve processes that are dependent on F-actin localised in the submembrane domain in the neck region of the flask-shaped mr cell. (ii) The other identified Cl(-) pathway of mr cells is mediated by small-conductance apical CFTR chloride channels as concluded from its activation via beta-adrenergic receptors, ion selectivity, genistein stimulation and inhibition by glibenclamide. bbCFTR has been cloned, and immunostaining has shown that the gene product is selectively expressed in mr cells. There is cross-talk between the two pathways in the sense that activation of the conductance of the mr cell by voltage clamping excludes activation via receptor occupation, and vice versa. The mechanism of this cross-talk is unknown.  相似文献   
Sinsel NK  Guelinckx PJ 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,111(4):1432-43; discussion 1444-5
In a previous study, the influence of the midfacial musculature upon growth and development of the maxilla and mandible was established macroscopically. Dry skull measurements revealed a reduced premaxillary, maxillary, mandibular, and anterior corpus length with a simultaneous increase in mandibular ramal height on the paralyzed side. It was demonstrated that these reduced premaxillary and maxillary lengths were among others the result of reduced nasofrontal growth, whereas the increased ramal height was accompanied by condylar growth alterations. This study investigated whether the growth alterations at the mandibular corpus region could be explained by altered periosteal growth at the muscle-bone interface of the zygomatico-auricular muscle and the mandibular corpus, caused by altered muscle activity acting upon the periosteal sleeve. Fifty-six 12-day-old New Zealand White rabbits were randomly assigned to either a control or an experimental group. In the experimental group, left-sided partial facial paralysis was induced surgically when the animals were 12 days old. To study the muscle-bone interface, seven follow-up time intervals were defined between 3.5 and 60 days following the surgery. At these time intervals, four randomly selected control animals and four randomly selected experimental animals were killed. The anterior mandibular corpus region with the muscle-bone interface of the left control hemimandible and the left and right experimental hemimandibles was processed for undecalcified tissue preparation. Quantitative analysis of the total bone area at the muscle-bone interface revealed no significant differences between the left control hemimandible and the left and right experimental hemimandibles. Also, qualitative study of the histologic sections showed no major changes in the appearance or development of the trabecular pattern between the groups. However, slight differences in the distribution pattern of osteoblasts and osteoclasts along the bony surface were found between the left control hemimandible and the left and right experimental hemimandibles, which seemed to explain the alterations in mandibular corpus shape between these groups. It was suggested that these changes in the distribution pattern of osteoblasts and osteoclasts were the result of changes in the loading distribution pattern acting upon the mandible, caused by an altered neuromuscular recruitment pattern of the remaining functionally intact, mandibularly attached muscles. The latter was probably the result of adaptive mandibular positioning in response to an altered occlusal relationship, which was induced by the abnormal maxillary growth as a result of the unilateral partial facial paralysis.  相似文献   
Galland P  Tölle N 《Planta》2003,217(6):971-982
Light-induced fluorescence changes (LIFCs) were detected in sporangiophores of the blue-light-sensitive fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus (Burgeff). The LIFCs can be utilized as a spectrophotometric assay for blue-light photoreceptors and for the in vivo characterization of their photochemical primary reactions. Blue-light irradiation of sporangiophores elicited a transient decrease and subsequent regeneration of flavin-like fluorescence emission at 525 nm. The signals recovered in darkness in about 120 min. In contrast to blue light, near-UV (370 nm) caused an increase in the fluorescence emission at 525 nm. Because the LIFCs were altered in a light-insensitive madC mutant with a defective photoreceptor, the fluorescence changes must be associated with early photochemical events of the transduction chain. Action spectra for the fluorescence changes at 525 nm showed major peaks near 470 and 600 nm. Double-pulse experiments involving two consecutive pulses of either blue and near-UV, blue and red, or near-UV and red showed that the responses depended on the sequence in which the different wavelengths were applied. The results indicate a blue-light receptor with intermediates in the near-UV, blue and red spectral regions. We explain the results in the framework of a general model, in which the three redox states of the flavin photoreceptor, the oxidized flavin (Fl), the flavo-semiquinone (FlH·), and the flavo-hydroquinone (FlH2) are each acting as chromophores with their own characteristic photochemical primary reactions. These consist of the photoreduction of the oxidized flavin generating semiquinone, the photoreduction of the semiquinone generating hydroquinone, and the photooxidation of the flavo-hydroquinone regenerating the pool of oxidized flavins. The proposed mechanism represents a photocycle in which two antagonistic photoreceptor forms, Fl and FlH2, determine the pool size of the biological effector molecule, the flavo-semiquinone. The redox changes that are associated with the photocycle are maintained by redox partners, pterins, that function in the near-UV as secondary chromophores.Abbreviations FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide - Fl oxidized flavin - FlH flavo-semiquinone radical - FlH2 flavo-hydroquinone - LIAC light-induced absorbance change - LIFC light-induced fluorescence change - Pt oxidized pterin - PtH2 dihydro-pterin - PtH4 tetrahydro-pterin  相似文献   
Results of a recent study of antibiotic resistance genes in human colonic Bacteroides strains suggested that gene transfer events between members of this genus are fairly common. The identification of Bacteroides isolates that carried an erythromycin resistance gene, ermG, whose DNA sequence was 99% identical to that of an ermG gene found previously only in gram-positive bacteria raised the further possibility that conjugal elements were moving into Bacteroides species from other genera. Six of seven ermG-containing Bacteroides strains tested were able to transfer ermG by conjugation. One of these strains was chosen for further investigation. Results of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis experiments showed that the conjugal element carrying ermG in this strain is an integrated element about 75 kb in size. Thus, the element appears to be a conjugative transposon (CTn) and was designated CTnGERM1. CTnGERM1 proved to be unrelated to the predominant type of CTn found in Bacteroides isolates-CTns of the CTnERL/CTnDOT family-which sometimes carry another type of erm gene, ermF. A 19-kbp segment of DNA from CTnGERM1 was cloned and sequenced. A 10-kbp portion of this segment hybridized not only to DNA from all the ermG-containing strains but also to DNA from strains that did not carry ermG. Thus, CTnGERM1 seems to be part of a family of CTns, some of which have acquired ermG. The percentage of G+C content of the ermG region was significantly lower than that of the chromosome of Bacteroides species-an indication that CTnGERM1 may have entered Bacteroides strains from some other bacterial genus. A survey of strains isolated before 1970 and after 1990 suggests that the CTnGERM1 type of CTn entered Bacteroides species relatively recently. One of the genes located upstream of ermG encoded a protein that had 85% amino acid sequence identity with a macrolide efflux pump, MefA, from Streptococcus pyogenes. Our having found >90% sequence identity of two upstream genes, including mefA, and the remnants of two transposon-carried genes downstream of ermG with genes found previously only in gram-positive bacteria raises the possibility that gram-positive bacteria could have been the origin of CTnGERM1.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial fusion and fission play important roles for mitochondrial morphology and function. We identified Mdm30 as a novel component required for maintenance of fusion-competent mitochondria in yeast. The Mdm30 sequence contains an F-box motif that is commonly found in subunits of Skp1-Cdc53-F-box protein ubiquitin ligases. A fraction of Mdm30 is associated with mitochondria. Cells lacking Mdm30 contain highly aggregated or fragmented mitochondria instead of the branched tubular network seen in wild-type cells. Deltamdm30 cells lose mitochondrial DNA at elevated temperature and fail to fuse mitochondria in zygotes at all temperatures. These defects are rescued by deletion of DNM1, a gene encoding a component of the mitochondrial division machinery. The protein level of Fzo1, a key component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery, is regulated by Mdm30. Elevated Fzo1 levels in cells lacking Mdm30 or in cells overexpressing Fzo1 from a heterologous promoter induce mitochondrial aggregation in a similar manner. Our results suggest that Mdm30 controls mitochondrial shape by regulating the steady-state level of Fzo1 and point to a connection of the ubiquitin/26S proteasome system and mitochondria.  相似文献   
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