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The mechanisms involved in the parasitic castration of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis by the trematode parasite Prosorhynchus squamatus Odhner, 1905, have been investigated in vitro with two bioassays employing dissociated host tissues. There is no conclusive evidence that P. squamatus affects the secretion of two host neuroendocrine factors, viz., gonial mitosis-stimulating factor and glycogen mobilization hormone, involved in the gametogenesis/nutrient storage cycles of the mussel. In contrast, extracts of P. squamatus sporocysts and cercariae significantly stimulated glycogen mobilization in host glycogen cells and strongly inhibited host gonial mitosis. A gonial mitosis-inhibiting factor (GMIF) was found in the hemolymph of parasitized mussels. The existence of an endogenous GMIF in mantle tissue of uninfected mussels has been demonstrated. This factor appeared to be secreted into the hemolymph during the period of sexual maturity. Whether the parasite acts directly on the host gonia, or by provoking the liberation of this endogenous GMIF, has yet to be ascertained. It would appear, however, that the parasite acts directly on host glycogen cells.  相似文献   
Thrombin-stimulated normal platelets contain a membrane system of dilated channels with openings to the exterior. Whether these membranes originate from the surface connected system (SCS), the alpha-granules or internalized portions of the plasmalemma has not yet been defined. The present study traces in series of ultrathin sections the rearrangement of these membranes during shape change, degranulation and internalization of surface membranes in washed normal and "gray" platelets upon the stimulation with thrombin (1 IU/ml). Cationized ferritin (CF) was used as a surface marker in order to recognize internalized portions of the plasmalemma. Within the first seconds after stimulation, both normal and gray platelets changed their shape by extrusion of the SCS membranes. Simultaneously they started to internalize surface membrane and formed surface membrane invaginations closely attached to the outer rim of the cytoskeletal sphere which developed during the internal contraction. CF was internalized in these invaginations. CF was not observed within the system of dilated channels of stimulated platelets, however. Thrombin-stimulated gray platelets showed a markedly reduced number of dilated channels or none at all. This observation may be due to the fact "gray" platelets are deficient in alpha-granules. It is concluded that the dilated system of membranes in degranulated normal platelets originates from membranes of the alpha-granules which have performed compound exocytosis.  相似文献   
The motion of both mitral cusps and the presence of valvular regurgitation during ventricular contractions were investigated in seven experiments on dogs in which radiopaque markers had been sutured to the cusps and the valve annulus 1-32 wk before the studies. Cineangiograms of the left ventricle were obtained during ventricular ectopic beats, interposed throughout the cardiac cycle (20-99% of cycle length) and during induced variations in the P-R interval (0-200 ms). Mitral regurgitation was observed only during a) weak, early ectopic beats (peak pressure below 34 mmHg) which were incapable of closing the cusps and b) when ventricular contractions suddenly interrupted normal leaflet motion toward the ventricle, during three well-defined periods of diastole (diastolic valve opening, diastolic rebound, and atrial opening). Valve closure following sudden reversal of cusp opening was slow and the leaflets often did not arrive simultaneously at their closed positions. These findings suggest that sudden interruption of leaflet opening by ventricular contractions is an important mechanism of transient mitral regurgitation in the normal heart.  相似文献   
1. The sodium and potassium conductances of the HODGKIN-HUXLEY model are simulated by a field effect transistor with a series resistor. This arrangement leads to a simple analog model of the excitable membrane (fig. 1 and 2). 2. Normally, the model is silent (fig. 3), but it becomes automatic (fig. 4) when the decay time (de-activation) of the potassium conductance is at least twice the recovery from inactivation time of the sodium conductance (taud greater than 2 tauri). 3. The effects of changes in sodium (fig. 5 and 6) and potassium (fig. 7, 8 and 9) concentration gradients upon the membrane potential and the ionic currents are easily studied when the model is silent or automatic. 4. When automatic, an increase in the potassium concentration gradient induces a lengthening of the period and ultimately, when the gradient is very high, spontaneous activity is blocked (fig. 9). On the other hand, increases of sodium gradient over 30% of normal value do not modify the period (fig 6). 5. The potassium concentration gradient modifies the excitability solely through membrane polarization (fig. 8), while sodium concentration has no effect on it (fig. 5). 6. Results with the model strengthen the hypothesis that tetraethylammonium (TEA) acts on both the maximum potassium conductance (gK) and the mechanism of sodium conductance inactivation (Tauh) to lengthen the action potential as observed on the Ranvier node (fig. 10). Effects of TEA on potassium conductance activation are also discussed. 7. Because of its simplicity and accuracy, this model lends itself easily to many other simulations.  相似文献   
Arsenicals and antimonials are first line drugs for the treatment of trypanosomal and leishmanial diseases. To create the active form of the drug, Sb(V) must be reduced to Sb(III). Because arsenic and antimony are related metalloids, and arsenical resistant Leishmania strains are frequently cross-resistant to antimonials, we considered the possibility that Sb(V) is reduced by a leishmanial As(V) reductase. The sequence for the arsenate reductase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ScAcr2p, was used to clone the gene for a homologue, LmACR2, from Leishmania major. LmACR2 was able to complement the arsenate-sensitive phenotype of an arsC deletion strain of Escherichia coli or an ScACR2 deletion strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Transfection of Leishmania infantum with LmACR2 augmented Pentostam sensitivity in intracellular amastigotes. LmACR2 was purified and shown to reduce both As(V) and Sb(V). This is the first report of an enzyme that confers Pentostam sensitivity in intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania. We propose that LmACR2 is responsible for reduction of the pentavalent antimony in Pentostam to the active trivalent form of the drug in Leishmania.  相似文献   
Gene knockout in murine embryonic stem cells (ESCs) has been an invaluable tool to study gene function in vitro or to generate animal models with altered phenotypes. Gene targeting using standard techniques, however, is rather inefficient and typically does not exceed frequencies of 10(-6). In consequence, the usage of complex positive/negative selection strategies to isolate targeted clones has been necessary. Here, we present a rapid single-step approach to generate a gene knockout in mouse ESCs using engineered zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs). Upon transient expression of ZFNs, the target gene is cleaved by the designer nucleases and then repaired by non-homologous end-joining, an error-prone DNA repair process that introduces insertions/deletions at the break site and therefore leads to functional null mutations. To explore and quantify the potential of ZFNs to generate a gene knockout in pluripotent stem cells, we generated a mouse ESC line containing an X-chromosomally integrated EGFP marker gene. Applying optimized conditions, the EGFP locus was disrupted in up to 8% of ESCs after transfection of the ZFN expression vectors, thus obviating the need of selection markers to identify targeted cells, which may impede or complicate downstream applications. Both activity and ZFN-associated cytotoxicity was dependent on vector dose and the architecture of the nuclease domain. Importantly, teratoma formation assays of selected ESC clones confirmed that ZFN-treated ESCs maintained pluripotency. In conclusion, the described ZFN-based approach represents a fast strategy for generating gene knockouts in ESCs in a selection-independent fashion that should be easily transferrable to other pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   
Pristine peatlands covered by Histosols (bogs and fens) with high water table and a restricted oxygen (O2) availability are known to have low emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) but may be a significant source for atmospheric methane (CH4) which are both important greenhouse gases. For the first time N2O and CH4 fluxes of a pristine slope mire in the German Harz Mountains have been monitored. Previously reported peatlands are characterised by anaerobic conditions due to high water table levels. Slope mires monitored here receive O2 through slope water inflow. Gas fluxes have been monitored deploying closed chamber method on a central non-forested area and a forested area at the periphery of the slope mire. By means of groundwater piezometers water table levels, ammonium and nitrate contents as well as hydro-chemical variables like oxygen content and redox potential of the mire pore water have been concurrently measured with trace gas fluxes at both monitoring sites of the slope mire. The slope mire took up small amounts of atmospheric methane at a rate of −0.02 ± 0.01 kg C ha−1 year−1 revealing no significant difference between the forested and non-forested site. Higher uptake rates were observed during low water table level. In contrast to pristine peatlands influx of oxygen containing pore water into slope mire does limit reduction processes and resultant CH4 emission. N2O fluxes of the forested and non-forested sites of the slope mire did not differ and amounted to 0.25 ± 0.44 kg N ha−1 year−1. Higher emissions were observed at low water table levels and during thawing periods. In spite of favourable conditions N2O fluxes of the slope mire have been comparable to those of pristine peatlands.  相似文献   
Biosynthesis of acetone and n-butanol is naturally restricted to the group of solventogenic clostridia with Clostridium acetobutylicum being the model organism for acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation. According to limited genetic tools, only a few rational metabolic engineering approaches were conducted in the past to improve the production of butanol, an advanced biofuel. In this study, a phosphotransbutyrylase-(Ptb) negative mutant, C. acetobutylicum ptb::int(87), was generated using the ClosTron methodology for targeted gene knock-out and resulted in a distinct butyrate-negative phenotype. The major end products of fermentation experiments without pH control were acetate (3.2?g/l), lactate (4.0?g/l), and butanol (3.4?g/l). The product pattern of the ptb mutant was altered to high ethanol (12.1?g/l) and butanol (8.0?g/l) titers in pH?≥?5.0-regulated fermentations. Glucose fed-batch cultivation elevated the ethanol concentration to 32.4?g/l, yielding a more than fourfold increased alcohol to acetone ratio as compared to the wildtype. Although butyrate was never detected in cultures of C. acetobutylicum ptb::int(87), the mutant was still capable to take up butyrate when externally added during the late exponential growth phase. These findings suggest that alternative pathways of butyrate re-assimilation exist in C. acetobutylicum, supposably mediated by acetoacetyl-CoA:acyl-CoA transferase and acetoacetate decarboxylase, as well as reverse reactions of butyrate kinase and Ptb with respect to previous studies.  相似文献   
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