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Chronic sojourn in hypoxic environment results in the structural remodeling of peripheral pulmonary arteries and pulmonary hypertension. We hypothesize that the pathogenesis of changes in pulmonary vascular structure is related to the increase of radical production induced by lung tissue hypoxia. Hypoxia primes alveolar macrophages to produce more hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, the increased release of oxygen radicals by other hypoxic lung cells cannot be excluded. Several recent reports demonstrate the oxidant damage of lungs exposed to chronic hypoxia. The production of nitric oxide is high in animals with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and the serum concentration of nitrotyrosine (radical product of nitric oxide and superoxide interaction) is also increased in chronically hypoxic rats. Antioxidants were shown to be effective in the prevention of hypoxia induced pulmonary hypertension. We suppose that the mechanism by which the radicals stimulate of the vascular remodeling is due to their effect on the metabolism of vascular wall matrix proteins. Non-enzymatic protein alterations and/or activation of collagenolytic matrix metalloproteinases may also participate. The presence of low-molecular weight cleavage products of matrix proteins stimulates the mesenchymal proliferation in the wall of distal pulmonary arteries. Thickened and less compliant peripheral pulmonary vasculature is then more resistant to the blood flow and the hypoxic pulmonary hypertension is developed.  相似文献   
Separation of peptides and proteins by capillary zone electrophoresis suffers from the interaction of these solutes with the capillary wall which results in the formation of broad peaks and low resolution. To minimize the protein/peptide-capillary wall interaction we tried to use Pluronic F127, a triblock copolymer of the general formula (polyethylene oxide)(x)(polypropylene oxide)(y)(polyethylene oxide)(z) when x=106, y=70 and z=106 which can be considered a surfactant capable of self-association both into isotropic and anisotropic gels. The analytes studied were enzymatic digests (obtained by trypsin or pepsin treatment) of insoluble matrix proteins from avian eggshell. The best separations were obtained by a system exploiting 10% Pluronic F127 in 20 mmol/l phosphate buffer, pH 2.5. Electrophoretic peptide profiles obtained were very complex owing to the complicated nature of the samples (the exact composition of the proteinous insoluble part of the eggshell is still unknown). The separation in phosphate buffer only offered complex maps of incompletely resolved peaks. The use of Pluronic F127 distinctly improved the separation with a considerably better resolution regarding both the number of peaks obtained and the quality of the separation.  相似文献   
Changes in the cover and density of shrubs and trees were assessed from aerial photographs (1940, 1974 and 1998) as well as from fixed-point photographs taken in 1984 and 1996 in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Woody cover (trees and shrubs combined) increased by 12% on granite substrates but decreased by 64% on basalt substrates over the past 58 years. Both these figures are expressed in terms of the initial values, respectively. The density of the large tree component of woody vegetation decreased on both substrates. Woody vegetation cover declined as fire return periods became shorter, but the relationship was weak. The increases in woody plant density and cover on granite are thought to be the result of decreased competition from grasses, which in turn is a result of overgrazing by wild herbivores whose numbers have been kept high through the provision of surface water. These effects were not seen on the relatively nutrient-rich basalts, where grasses can recover rapidly even after heavy grazing. The decline in overall woody cover on basalts is interpreted as a result of regular, short-interval prescribed burning over the past 40 years, while the universal decline in large trees seems to result from an interaction between regular, frequent fires and utilization by elephants. The implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   
Galactosylceramide (GalCer) and 3- O -sulfo-GalCer (sulfatide) are abundant sphingolipids in myelinating glial cells. However, low levels of GalCer and sulfatide have also been found in neurons, though their physiological role in these cells is unknown. Transgenic mice over-expressing UDP-galactose : ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT) under control of the Thy1.2 promoter synthesize C18 : 0 fatty acid containing GalCer and sulfatide in neurons. Depending on the genetic background, these transgenic mice have a significantly reduced life span. Transgenic mice were extremely sensitive to sound stimuli and displayed lethal audiogenic seizures after relatively mild acoustic stimulation, i.e., key jangling. CGT-transgenic mice additionally over-expressing the adenosine 3'-phospho 5'-phosphosulfate : cerebroside sulfotransferase were more sensitive to audiogenic seizure induction than mice expressing only the CGT-transgene. This correlated with the higher sulfatide content in neuronal plasma membranes of the double-transgenic mice compared with CGT-transgenic mice, and strongly suggests that lethal audiogenic seizures are caused by elevated sulfatide levels in transgenic neurons. CGT-transgenic mice will be a useful model to further investigate how sulfatide affects functional properties of neurons.  相似文献   
Selective solubilization of chlorosome proteins in Chloroflexus aurantiacus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proteins were solubilized selectively from chlorosomes of Chloroflexus aurantiacus by electrophoretic gel filtration according to Griebenow et al. Whereas the 11 kDa and 18 kDa proteins were extracted almost completely, the remaining modified chlorosomes contained high amounts of pigment and c-protein. It was concluded that the c-protein in contradiction to the publication by Griebenow et al. is indeed localized in the interior of Chloroflexus chlorosomes.  相似文献   
The discovery of human remains from the Lauricocha cave in the Central Andean highlands in the 1960’s provided the first direct evidence for human presence in the high altitude Andes. The skeletons found at this site were ascribed to the Early to Middle Holocene and represented the oldest known population of Western South America, and thus were used in several studies addressing the early population history of the continent. However, later excavations at Lauricocha led to doubts regarding the antiquity of the site. Here, we provide new dating, craniometric, and genetic evidence for this iconic site. We obtained new radiocarbon dates, generated complete mitochondrial genomes and nuclear SNP data from five individuals, and re-analyzed the human remains of Lauricocha to revise the initial morphological and craniometric analysis conducted in the 1960’s. We show that Lauricocha was indeed occupied in the Early to Middle Holocene but the temporal spread of dates we obtained from the human remains show that they do not qualify as a single contemporaneous population. However, the genetic results from five of the individuals fall within the spectrum of genetic diversity observed in pre-Columbian and modern Native Central American populations.  相似文献   
The impact of termites on nutrient cycling and tropical soil formation depends on their feeding habits and related material transformation. The identification of food sources, however, is difficult, because they are variable and changed by termite activity and nest construction. Here, we related the sources and alteration of organic matter in nests from seven different termite genera and feeding habits in the Terra Firme rainforests to the properties of potential food sources soil, wood, and microepiphytes. Chemical analyses comprised isotopic composition of C and N, cellulosic (CPS), non-cellulosic (NCPS), and N-containing saccharides, and molecular composition screening using pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS). The isotopic analysis revealed higher soil δ13C (-27.4‰) and δ15N (6.6‰) values in nests of wood feeding Nasutitermes and Cornitermes than in wood samples (δ13C = -29.1‰, δ15N = 3.4‰), reflecting stable-isotope enrichment with organic matter alterations during or after nest construction. This result was confirmed by elevated NCPS:CPS ratios, indicating a preferential cellulose decomposition in the nests. High portions of muramic acid (MurAc) pointed to the participation of bacteria in the transformation processes. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) revealed increasing geophagy in the sequence Termes < Embiratermes < Anoplotermes and increasing xylophagy for Cornitermes < Nasutitermes, and that the nest material of Constrictotermes was similar to the microepiphytes sample, confirming the report that Constrictotermes belongs to the microepiphyte-feeders. We therewith document that nest chemistry of rainforest termites shows variations and evidence of modification by microbial processes, but nevertheless it primarily reflects the trophic niches of the constructors.  相似文献   
Mutations in CAV3 cause LQT syndrome 9 (LQT9). A previously reported LQT9 patient had prominent U waves on ECG, a feature that has been correlated with Kir2.1 loss of function. Our objective was to determine whether caveolin 3 (Cav3) associates with Kir2.1 and whether LQT9-associated CAV3 mutations affect the biophysical properties of Kir2.1. Kir2.1 current (IK1) density was measured using the whole-cell voltage clamp technique. WT-Cav3 did not affect IK1. However, F97C-Cav3 and T78M-Cav3 decreased IK1 density significantly by ∼60%, and P104L-Cav3 decreased IK1 density significantly by ∼30% at −60 mV. Immunostained rat heart cryosections and HEK293 cells cotransfected with Kir2.1 and WT-Cav3 both demonstrated colocalization of Kir2.1 and WT-Cav3 by confocal imaging. Cav3 coimmunoprecipitated with Kir2.1 in human ventricular myocytes and in heterologous expression systems. Additionally, FRET efficiency was highly specific, with a molecular distance of 5.6 ± 0.4 nm, indicating close protein location. Colocalization experiments found that Cav3 and Kir2.1 accumulated in the Golgi compartment. On-cell Western blot analysis showed decreased Kir2.1 cell surface expression by 60% when expressed with F97C-Cav3 and by 20% when expressed with P104L-Cav3 compared with WT-Cav3. This is the first report of an association between Cav3 and Kir2.1. The Cav3 mutations F97C-Cav3, P104L-Cav3, and T78M-Cav3 decreased IK1 density significantly. This effect was related to a reduced cell surface expression of Kir2.1. Kir2.1 loss of function is additive to the increase described previously in late INa, prolonging repolarization and leading to arrhythmia generation in Cav3-mediated LQT9.  相似文献   
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