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Electroendocytosis involves the exposure of cells to pulsed low electric field and is emerging as a complementary method to electroporation for the incorporation of macromolecules into cells. The present study explores the underlying mechanism of electroendocytosis and its dependence on electrochemical byproducts formed at the electrode interface. Cell suspensions were exposed to pulsed low electric field in a partitioned device where cells are spatially restricted relative to the electrodes. The cellular uptake of dextran-FITC was analyzed by flow cytometery and visualized by confocal microscopy. We first show that uptake occurs only in cells adjacent to the anode. The enhanced uptake near the anode is found to depend on electric current density rather than on electric field strength, in the range of 5 to 65 V/cm. Electrochemically produced oxidative species that impose intracellular oxidative stress, do not play any role in the stimulated uptake. An inverse dependence is found between electrically induced uptake and the solution’s buffer capacity. Electroendocytosis can be mimicked by chemically acidifying the extracellular solution which promotes the enhanced uptake of dextran polymers and the uptake of plasmid DNA. Electrochemical production of protons at the anode interface is responsible for inducing uptake of macromolecules into cells exposed to a pulsed low electric field. Expanding the understanding of the mechanism involved in electric fields induced drug-delivery into cells, is expected to contribute to clinical therapy applications in the future.  相似文献   
A new technique for the modeling of perennial vegetation patchiness in the arid/semiarid climatic zone is suggested. Incorporating the stochasticity that affects life history of seedlings and the deterministic dynamics of soil moisture and biomass, this model is flexible enough to yield qualitatively different forms of spatial organization. In the facilitation-dominated regime, scale free distribution of patch sizes is observed, in correspondence with recent field studies. In the competition controlled case, on the other hand, power-law statistics is valid up to a cutoff, and an intrinsic length scale appears.  相似文献   
Spatially extended catalyst-induced growth processes are studied. This type of processes exists in all domains of biology, ranging from ecology (nutrients and growth), through immunology (antigens and lymphocytes) to molecular biology (signaling molecules initiating signaling cascades). The extinction-proliferation transition is considered for a system containing discrete catalysts (A) that induces the proliferation of a discrete reactant (B). The realization of this model on an infinite capacity d-dimensional discrete lattice for immortal catalysts has been previously considered (the AB model). It was shown that the adaptation of the reactants to the diffusive noise induced by stochastic fluctuations of catalyst density yields proliferation even if the average environmental conditions lead to extinction. This model is extended here to include more realistic situations, like finite lifespan of the catalysts and finite carrying capacity of the reactants. By using a combination of Monte Carlo simulation, percolation-theory-based estimations and an analytic perturbative analysis, the asymptotic behavior of these systems is studied. In both cases studied, it turns out that the overall survival of the reactant population at the long run is based on the size and shape of a typical single colony, related to the localized proliferation around spatio-temporal catalyst density fluctuations. If the density of these colonies (based on the lifetime of the spatial fluctuation and the carrying capacity of the medium) is large enough, i.e. above the percolation threshold, the reactant population survives even in (on average) hostile environment. This model provides a new insight on the population dynamics in chemical, biological and ecological systems.  相似文献   
The stability of population oscillations in ecological systems is considered. Experiments suggest that in many cases the single patch dynamics of predator-prey or host-parasite systems is extinction prone, and stability is achieved only when the spatial structure of the population is expressed via desynchronization between patches. A few mechanisms have been suggested so far to explain the inability of dispersal to synchronize the system. Here we compare a recently discovered mechanism, based on the dependence of the angular velocity on the oscillation amplitude, with other, already known conditions for desynchronization. Using a toy model composed of diffusively coupled oscillators we suggest a classification scheme for stability mechanisms, a scheme that allows for either a priori (based on the system parameters) or a posteriori (based on local measurements) identification of the dominant process that yields desynchronization.  相似文献   
Adipose tissue plays a leading role in obesity, which, in turn, can lead to Type 2 diabetes. Adipocytes (AD) respond to the biomechanical stimulation experienced in fat tissue under static stretch during prolonged sitting or lying. To investigate the effect of such chronic stimulation on adipocyte cell metabolism, we used an in vitro system to mimic the static stretch conditions. Under in vitro culture stretching, cells were analyzed at the single-cell level and we measured an increase in the projected area of the AD and higher content of lipid droplets. A decrease in the projected area of these cells’ nucleus is associated with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma expression and heterochromatin. This is the first study to reveal proteins that were altered under static stretch following a mass spectrometry analysis and main pathways that affect cell fate and metabolism. Bioinformatics analysis of the proteins indicated an increase in mitochondrial activity and associated pathways under static stretch stimulation. Quantification of the mitochondrial activity by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and the ATPase related proteins specifically measured ATP5B indicated an increase in adipogenesis which points to a higher rate of cell metabolism under static stretch. In summary, our results elaborate on the metabolism of AD exposed to biomechanical stimulation, that is, associated with altered cellular protein profile and thereby influenced cell fate. The static stretch stimulation accelerated adipocyte differentiation through increased mitochondrial activity. Hence, in this study, we introduce a new perspective in understanding the molecular regulation of mechano-transduction in adipogenesis.  相似文献   
The regulatory enzyme protein kinase C (PKC) is proposed to be activated on its translocation from the cytosol to the membrane. However, a portion of the native activity is always associated with the membrane fraction. Using a noninvasive procedure to extract this endogenous activity from rat brain membranes, it has been possible to characterize the activity in a partially purified reconstituted system bearing resemblance to the in vivo system. Two subpopulations of membrane-associated PKC were identified and characterized at the level of activation, inhibition, and isozyme immunologic characteristics and chromatographic properties. One peak had properties similar to those of cytosolic PKC, whereas the second population, extracted as protein-lipid complexes, had considerable constitutive activity that could be stimulated further on addition of PKC activators. This latter activity was relatively resistant to staurosporine inhibition and phorbol ester treatment, but it phosphorylated the exogenous PKC substrates, histone 1 and the epidermal growth factor receptor peptide KTRLRR. The constitutive activity was totally dependent on its endogenous associated lipids coextracted by the solubilization procedure. The ratio between these two populations was ontogenetically regulated and modulated by phorbol ester treatment, suggesting that different PKC populations may serve unique functions in the rat brain regulated by the lipid environment. Analyses of the phospholipids extracted in these protein-lipid complexes showed differences in the major classes correlating to age. However, apart from a markedly lower cholesterol content in these complexes, no direct relationship between a specific lipid composition and the amount of constitutive PKC activity was evident.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases compose a family of serine/threonine kinases that function in many signal transduction pathways and affect various cellular phenotypes. Despite the abundance of available data, the exact role of each MAP kinase is not completely defined, in part because of the inability to activate MAP kinase molecules individually and specifically. Based on activating mutations found in the yeast MAP kinase p38/Hog1 (Bell, M., Capone, R., Pashtan, I., Levitzki, A., and Engelberg, D. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 25351-25358), we designed and constructed single and multiple mutants of human MAP kinase p38alpha. Single (p38D176A, p38F327L, and p38F327S) and subsequent double (p38D176A/F327L and p38D176A/F327S) mutants acquired high intrinsic activity independent of any upstream regulation and reached levels of 10 and 25%, respectively, in reference to the dually phosphorylated wild type p38alpha. The active p38 mutants have retained high specificity toward p38 substrates and were inhibited by the specific p38 inhibitors SB-203580 and PD-169316. We also show that similar mutations can render p38gamma active as well. Based on the available structures of p38 and ERK2, we have analyzed the p38 mutants and identified a hydrophobic core stabilized by three aromatic residues, Tyr-69, Phe-327, and Trp-337, in the vicinity of the L16 loop region. Upon activation, a segment of the L16 loop, including Phe-327, becomes disordered. Structural analysis suggests that the active p38 mutants emulate the conformational changes imposed naturally by dual phosphorylation, namely, destabilization of the hydrophobic core. Essentially, the hydrophobic core is an inherent stabilizer that maintains low basal activity level in unphosphorylated p38.  相似文献   
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