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All picornaviral genes are expressed as a single, large polyprotein, which is proteolytically processed into the system produces functional proteins, including viral protease 3C, which plays a major role in processing the precursor proteins. To study the function of the two putative proteases 3C and leader (L) in processing, we constructed several cDNA plasmids encoding various regions of the FMDV type A12 genome. These plasmids, containing FMDV cDNA segments under the control of the T7 promoter, were transcribed in vitro by using T7 RNA polymerase and then translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. The expressed FMDV gene products were identified by immunoprecipitation with specific antisera and analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The results demonstrate the following: (i) the leader protein, L, is processed from the structural protein precursor, P1, in the absence of any P2 or P3 region proteins; (ii) protein 2A remains associated with the structural protein precursor, P1, rather than the precursor, P2; (iii) the processing of the P1-2A/P2 junction is not catalyzed by 3C or L; (iv) the proteolytic processing of polyproteins from the structural P1 region (except VP4/VP2) and the nonstructural P2 and P3 region is catalyzed by 3C.  相似文献   
Lysed mouse thymocytes release [3H]inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate from [3H]inositol-labelled phosphatidyl inositol 4,5-bisphosphate in response to GTP gamma S, and rapidly phosphorylate [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate to [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate. The rate of phosphorylation is increased approximately 7-fold when the free [Ca2+] in the lysate is increased from 0.1 to 1 microM, the range in which the cytosolic free [Ca2+] increases in intact thymocytes in response to the mitogen concanavalin A. Stimulation of the intact cells with concanavalin A also results in a rapid and sustained increase in the amount of inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate, and a much smaller transient increase in 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Lowering [Ca2+] in the medium from 0.4 mM to 0.1 microM before addition of concanavalin A reduces accumulation of inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate by at least 3-fold whereas the increase in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate is sustained rather than transient. The data imply that in normal medium the activity of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate kinase increases substantially in response to the rise in cytosolic free [Ca2+] generated by concanavalin A, accounting for both the transient accumulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and the sustained high levels of inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate. Inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate is a strong candidate for the second messenger for Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane. This would imply that the inositol polyphosphates regulate both Ca2+ entry and intracellular Ca2+ release, with feedback control of the inositol polyphosphate levels by Ca2+.  相似文献   
Murine/human chimeric gamma 1 and K Ig genes were cloned adjacent to the gene coding for methotrexate-resistant dihydrofolate reductase. These constructs were introduced into myeloma cells, and lines containing stably integrated genes were selected. The integrated Ig genes were then amplified by selection of the cells in increasing concentrations of methotrexate. The extent of gene amplification, mRNA accumulation, and production of Ig was studied in transfectomas containing introduced light chain genes, heavy chain genes, or both. When the light chain gene was introduced alone, it was expressed at low levels, but after selection with methotrexate, light chain expression was increased as much as 63-fold. In contrast, the transfected heavy chain genes were highly expressed, but production of the corresponding protein was increased a maximum of only fourfold by methotrexate treatment. Cellular toxicity of unassembled heavy chain monomer was not observed, even at amounts equivalent to 2% of total cellular protein. Cointroduction of the heavy and light chain constructs with subsequent amplification resulted in as much as 25-fold increase in secretion of intact antibody relative to unamplified cells. The results demonstrate that amplification of Ig genes can induce transfectomas to secrete antibody at nearly the rate of hybridomas.  相似文献   
Rubrophilin, a unique brain specific polypeptide, was purified to apparent homogeneity from microsomal fractions of bovine brains. The peptide stains pink with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (C.I. No. 42660) under specific conditions, has an apparent Mr of 53,000, and is acidic with an apparent pI of 4.9. The purification involves initial solubilization of delipidated microsomes in sodium dodecyl sulfate, followed by ammonium sulfate fractionation, reversed ammonium sulfate gradient elution from diatomaceous earth, gel filtration on polyacrylamide (Biogel P-200), gradient elution chromatography from hydroxylapatite, and reverse-phase chromatography from phenyl-Sepharose. A yield of about 5 mg of rubrophilin was obtained from 9 g of microsomal proteins. Amino acid analysis shows that rubrophilin contains only nine amino acids with residues/mol as follows: alanine (102), glutamic acid (97), lysine (65), proline (55), aspartic acid (48), glycine (44), serine (37), threonine (35), and valine (10). Cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, tyrosine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, histidine, and arginine could not be detected. Relative rubrophilin content of vertebrate brains was as follows: mammals greater than birds greater than reptiles greater than fishes. It is present in mouse retina and human neuroblastoma cell cultures but could not be detected in octopus optic lobe or in cultured C-6 rat glioma cells.  相似文献   
We launched imbibed seeds of Zea mays into outer space aboard the space shuttle Columbia to determine the influence of microgravity on cellular differentiation in root caps. The influence of microgravity varied with different stages of cellular differentiation. Overall, microgravity tended to 1) increase relative volumes of hyaloplasm and lipid bodies, 2) decrease the relative volumes of plastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes, and the vacuome, and 3) exert no influence on the relative volume of nuclei in cells comprising the root cap. The reduced allocation of dictyosomal volume in peripheral cells of flight-grown seedlings correlated positively with their secretion of significantly less mucilage than peripheral cells of Earth-grown seedlings. These results indicate that 1) microgravity alters the patterns of cellular differentiation and structures of all cell types comprising the root cap, and 2) the influence of microgravity on cellular differentiation in root caps of Zea mays is organelle specific.  相似文献   
Representatives of several families of insect viruses were tested for growth and pathogenicity in the olive fruit fly, Dacus oleae Gmel. The viruses included nuclear polyhedrosis viruses, an iridovirus, two picornaviruses, and Trichoplusia ni small RNA virus (a member of the Nudaurelia β family), in addition to two naturally occurring viruses of the olive fruit fly. Two viruses, one of the two picornaviruses (cricket paralysis virus [CrPV] and the iridovirus (type 21 from Heliothis armigera), were found to replicate in adult flies. Flies which were fed on a solution containing CrPV for 1 day demonstrated a high mortality with 50% dying within 5 days and nearly 80% dying within 12 days of being fed. The virus was transmissible from infected to noninfected flies by fecal contamination. The CrPV which replicated in the infected flies was demonstrated to be the same as input virus by infection of Drosophila melanogaster cells and examination of the expressed viral proteins, immunoprecipitation of the virus purified from flies, and electrophoretic analysis of the structural proteins.  相似文献   
Populations of agrobacteria in excess of 105 CFU/g were recovered from 12 soil and root samples obtained from the Allison Savanna, Minn., a natural oak savanna and tallgrass prairie which has never been disturbed agriculturally. Of 126 strains picked randomly from selective media, 54 were identified as Agrobacterium spp. Biovar 2 strains predominated (35 of 54), but these strains were distributed into three phenotypically distinct subgroups. Of the remaining Agrobacterium strains, four were biovar 1-2, one was biovar 1, and none were biovar 3. The last 14 Agrobacterium strains formed a homogeneous group which differed biochemically from the hitherto reported biovars. Opine utilization (coded for by genes on the tumor-inducing plasmid in pathogenic Agrobacterium spp.) by these agrobacteria was limited to two biovar 2 strains. In contrast, 10 nonfluorescent gram-negative strains utilized either nopaline or octopine as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. There may be a need to reexamine the source and role of opines in the terrestrial environment because (i) all of these opine utilizers were isolated from an environment free of crown gall, the only known terrestrial source of opines, and (ii) 83% of the opine utilizers were not Agrobacterium spp.  相似文献   
Serological techniques and restriction enzyme cleavage patterns of total DNA were used to differentiate strains of Agrobacterium spp. Forty-five wild-type and plasmid-cured Agrobacterium strains were tested by immunodiffusion and immunofluorescence against polyclonal antisera to a crude ribosome preparation from Agrobacterium strains K84, U11, B6, A323, NT1, and C58. In immunodiffusion gels, these antisera reacted only with water-phenol extracts of the homologous strain, producing a single, strain-specific precipitin line. In contrast, when the same antisera were used in immunofluorescence staining, cross-reactions occurred with a limited number of heterologous Agrobacterium strains. However, the cross-reacting heterologous cells fluoresced generally less brightly than the homologous cells. When the EcoRI-digested DNA profiles from the same Agrobacterium strains were compared, 34 distinct cleavage patterns were observed. The DNA profiles were the same for all strains sharing a common chromosomal background and correlated with the strain-specific serological reaction. The presence or absence of plasmid DNA did not alter the strain-specific serological reaction or the DNA cleavage patterns. Both the serological reaction and the restriction enzyme digestion of total DNA were complementary to each other. These methods were used successfully to identify A. radiobacter K84 strains which were recovered 6 months after being inoculated to young trees in the field.  相似文献   
Liver -glucuronidase is structurally altered in inbred strain PAC so that a peptide subunit with a more basic isoelectric point, GUS-SN, is produced. This allele of -glucuronidase was transferred to strain C57BL/6J by 12 backcross matings to form the congenic line B6 · PAC-Gus n. Liver -glucuronidase activity was halved in males of the congenic strain compared to normal males. The lowered activity was specifically accounted for by a decrease in the lysosomal component. There was no alteration in the concentration of microsomal activity. This alteration in the subcellular distribution of -glucuronidase in Gus n/Gus n mice was confirmed by two independent gel electrophoretic systems which separate microsomal and lysosomal components. -Glucuronidase activity was likewise approximately halved in mutant spleen, lung, and brain, organs which contain exclusively or predominantly lysosomal -glucuronidase. The loss of liver lysosomal -glucuronidase activity was shown by immunotitration to be due to a decrease in the number of -glucuronidase molecules in lysosomes of the congenic strain. The Gus n structural alteration likely causes the lowered lysosomal -glucuronidase activity since the two traits remain in congenic animals. Heterozygous Gus n/Gus b animals had intermediate levels of liver -glucuronidase. Also, the effect was specific, in that three other lysosomal enzymes were not reproducibly lower in Gus n/Gus n mice. Gus n is, therefore, an unusual example of a mutation which causes a change in the subcellular distribution of a two-site enzyme.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants GM-33559 and GM-33160 and National Science Foundation Grant PCM-8215808.  相似文献   
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