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M. DORSCH, N.J. ASHBOLT, P.T. COX AND A.E. GOODMAN. 1994. Published 16S rDNA sequencing data for Aeromonas species were analysed and the validity of signature sequences derived from our investigations of these sequences was examined by sequencing the corresponding 16S rDNA regions of 67 environmental isolates from sewage effluents and receiving waters around Sydney and one clinical isolate, all previously classified as Aeromonas species. Species-specific probes for Aer. hydrophila and Aer. veronii were designed and tested in PCR assays and clearly discriminated these species from the other Aeromonas isolates as identified by 16S rDNA sequences.  相似文献   
Parasites of two small fish species from a Ramsar wetland in South Africa were studied in 2014–2015. The cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Weber, 1897) was parasitised by the copepod Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758, the monogenean Gyrodactylus thlapi Christison, Shinn & van As, 2005 and four gryporhynchid metacestode (Cyclophyllidea) species: Paradilepis scolecina (Rudolph, 1819), Paradilepis maleki Khalil, 1961, Neogryporhynchus lasiopeius Baer & Bona, 1960 and Valipora campylancristrota (Wedl, 1855). The cyprinid Enteromius paludinosus (syn. Barbus paludinosus) (Peters, 1852) was infected with the monogenean parasites Dogielius intorquens Crafford, Luus-Powell & Avenant-Oldewage, 2012, Dactylogyrus teresae Mashego, 1983, and three Dactylogyrus spp. These results represent several new locality as well as host records and further contribute information on the parasitic diversity in the Barberspan Ramsar wetland.  相似文献   
Accurate quantification of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in animal fecal deposits on land is an essential starting point for estimating watershed C. parvum loads. Due to the general poor performance and variable recovery efficiency of existing enumeration methods, protocols were devised based on initial dispersion of oocysts from feces by vortexing in 2 mM tetrasodium pyrophosphate, followed by immunomagnetic separation. The protocols were validated by using an internal control seed preparation to determine the levels of oocyst recovery for a range of fecal types. The levels of recovery of 10(2) oocysts from cattle feces (0.5 g of processed feces) ranged from 31 to 46%, and the levels of recovery from sheep feces (0.25 g of processed feces) ranged from 21% to 35%. The within-sample coefficients of variation for the percentages of recovery from five replicates ranged from 10 to 50%. The ranges for levels of recovery of oocysts from cattle, kangaroo, pig, and sheep feces (juveniles and adults) collected in a subsequent watershed animal fecal survey were far wider than the ranges predicted by the validation data. Based on the use of an internal control added to each fecal sample, the levels of recovery ranged from 0 to 83% for cattle, from 4 to 62% for sheep, from 1 to 42% for pigs, and from 40 to 73% for kangaroos. Given the variation in the levels of recovery of oocysts from different fecal matrices, it is recommended that an internal control be added to at least one replicate of every fecal sample analyzed to determine the percentage of recovery. Depending on the animal type and based on the lowest approximate percentages of recovery, between 10 and 100 oocysts g of feces(-1) must be present to be detected.  相似文献   
The dispersion and initial transport of Cryptosporidium oocysts from fecal pats were investigated during artificial rainfall events on intact soil blocks (1,500 by 900 by 300 mm). Rainfall events of 55 mm h(-1) for 30 min and 25 mm h(-1) for 180 min were applied to soil plots with artificial fecal pats seeded with approximately 10(7) oocysts. The soil plots were divided in two, with one side devoid of vegetation and the other left with natural vegetation cover. Each combination of event intensity and duration, vegetation status, and degree of slope (5 degrees and 10 degrees ) was evaluated twice. Generally, a fivefold increase (P < 0.05) in runoff volume was generated on bare soil compared to vegetated soil, and significantly more infiltration, although highly variable, occurred through the vegetated soil blocks (P < 0.05). Runoff volume, event conditions (intensity and duration), vegetation status, degree of slope, and their interactions significantly affected the load of oocysts in the runoff. Surface runoff transported from 10(0.2) oocysts from vegetated loam soil (25-mm h(-1), 180-min event on 10 degrees slope) to up to 10(4.5) oocysts from unvegetated soil (55-mm h(-1), 30-min event on 10 degrees slope) over a 1-m distance. Surface soil samples downhill of the fecal pat contained significantly higher concentrations of oocysts on devegetated blocks than on vegetated blocks. Based on these results, there is a need to account for surface soil vegetation coverage as well as slope and rainfall runoff in future assessments of Cryptosporidium transport and when managing pathogen loads from stock grazing near streams within drinking water watersheds.  相似文献   
Survival of fecal microorganisms in marine and freshwater sediments.   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The survival of culturable fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, and Clostridium perfringens spores in freshwater and marine sediments from sites near sewage outfalls was studied. In laboratory studies, the inhibition of protozoan predators with cycloheximide allowed the fecal coliforms to grow in the sediment whereas the presence of predators resulted in a net die-off. C. perfringens spores did not appear either to be affected by predators or to die off throughout the duration of the experiments (28 days). Studies using in situ membrane diffusion chambers showed that, with the exception of C. perfringens, die-off of the test organisms to 10% of their initial numbers occurred in both marine and freshwater sediments within 85 days. The usual exponential decay model could not be applied to the sediment survival data, with the exception of the data for fecal streptococci. It was concluded that application of the usual decay model to the fecal coliform data was confounded by the complex relationship between growth and predation. The survival of seeded Escherichia coli in marine sediment was studied by using an enumeration method which detected viable but nonculturable bacteria. Throughout the duration of the experiment (68 days), the same proportion of E. coli organisms remained culturable, suggesting that sediment provides a favorable, nonstarvation environment for the bacteria.  相似文献   
The dispersion and initial transport of Cryptosporidium oocysts from fecal pats were investigated during artificial rainfall events on intact soil blocks (1,500 by 900 by 300 mm). Rainfall events of 55 mm h−1 for 30 min and 25 mm h−1 for 180 min were applied to soil plots with artificial fecal pats seeded with approximately 107 oocysts. The soil plots were divided in two, with one side devoid of vegetation and the other left with natural vegetation cover. Each combination of event intensity and duration, vegetation status, and degree of slope (5° and 10°) was evaluated twice. Generally, a fivefold increase (P < 0.05) in runoff volume was generated on bare soil compared to vegetated soil, and significantly more infiltration, although highly variable, occurred through the vegetated soil blocks (P < 0.05). Runoff volume, event conditions (intensity and duration), vegetation status, degree of slope, and their interactions significantly affected the load of oocysts in the runoff. Surface runoff transported from 100.2 oocysts from vegetated loam soil (25-mm h−1, 180-min event on 10° slope) to up to 104.5 oocysts from unvegetated soil (55-mm h−1, 30-min event on 10° slope) over a 1-m distance. Surface soil samples downhill of the fecal pat contained significantly higher concentrations of oocysts on devegetated blocks than on vegetated blocks. Based on these results, there is a need to account for surface soil vegetation coverage as well as slope and rainfall runoff in future assessments of Cryptosporidium transport and when managing pathogen loads from stock grazing near streams within drinking water watersheds.  相似文献   
Accurate quantification of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in animal fecal deposits on land is an essential starting point for estimating watershed C. parvum loads. Due to the general poor performance and variable recovery efficiency of existing enumeration methods, protocols were devised based on initial dispersion of oocysts from feces by vortexing in 2 mM tetrasodium pyrophosphate, followed by immunomagnetic separation. The protocols were validated by using an internal control seed preparation to determine the levels of oocyst recovery for a range of fecal types. The levels of recovery of 102 oocysts from cattle feces (0.5 g of processed feces) ranged from 31 to 46%, and the levels of recovery from sheep feces (0.25 g of processed feces) ranged from 21% to 35%. The within-sample coefficients of variation for the percentages of recovery from five replicates ranged from 10 to 50%. The ranges for levels of recovery of oocysts from cattle, kangaroo, pig, and sheep feces (juveniles and adults) collected in a subsequent watershed animal fecal survey were far wider than the ranges predicted by the validation data. Based on the use of an internal control added to each fecal sample, the levels of recovery ranged from 0 to 83% for cattle, from 4 to 62% for sheep, from 1 to 42% for pigs, and from 40 to 73% for kangaroos. Given the variation in the levels of recovery of oocysts from different fecal matrices, it is recommended that an internal control be added to at least one replicate of every fecal sample analyzed to determine the percentage of recovery. Depending on the animal type and based on the lowest approximate percentages of recovery, between 10 and 100 oocysts g of feces−1 must be present to be detected.  相似文献   
Diel movements of Orange–Vaal smallmouth yellowfish Labeobarbus aeneus (Burchell, 1822) in the Vaal River, South Africa, were determined by externally attaching radio transmitters to 11 adult fish and manually tracking them between March and May 2012. Twenty-four radio telemetry monitoring surveys produced 2 304 diel tracks. At night, yellowfish displayed a preference for slow shallow (<0.3?m s?1, <0.5?m) and fast shallow habitats (>0.3?m s?1, <0.3?m), whereas by day they avoided these habitats, preferring fast deep areas (>0.3?m s?1, >0.3?m). The average total distance of 272?m moved per 24-hour period was three times greater than the diel range, and the average maximum displacement per minute was significantly higher in daytime (4?m) than at night (1.5?m). These findings suggest that L. aeneus is active primarily during the day in fast-flowing, deeper waters, and relatively inactive at night, when it occupies shallower habitats. This behaviour should be further explored to identify causal mechanisms underlying the diel habitat shifts in this species such as water temperature, foraging tactics and/or predator avoidance.  相似文献   
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