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以尿素作氮源,甘油作碳源,对雪腐格氏霉(Gerlachia nivalis)有较强的选择加富作用,Fe-Na-EDTA和生物素对其分生孢子萌发和菌落生长有促进作用,五氯硝基苯、敌克松、瑞毒霉是较好的选择抑制剂。据此,提出了雪腐格氏霉选择性培养基配方:KH_2PO_4 1.0g,MgSO_4·7H_2O 0.5g,Fe-Na-EDTA 0.01g,尿素0.5g,甘油2.0g,生物素0.005mg,五氯硝基苯20ppm,敌克松14PPm瑞毒霉5PPm,硫酸链霉素100单位/ml,氨苄青霉素50μg/ml,琼脂18g,蒸馏水1000ml。该培养基可促进雪腐格氏霉孢子萌发和菌落生长,可抑制多种常见土壤真菌生长。  相似文献   
The phages HP1c1 and S2 and a defective phage of Haemophilus influenzae have been compared. The morphology of the phages and the mol wt of their DNAs are similar, although the defective phage appears to have a different tail plate region. Electron microscope observation indicates that the defective phage does not attach to the cell surface, and its DNA appears to lack cohesive ends. The homology of the DNAs of the phages has been measured by hydridization. DNA from the defective phage shows little or no homology with the other phage DNAs. HP1c1 and S2 DNAs show a high level of homology. Each of these phages can form plaques on lawns of the lysogen of the other phage but at reduced plating efficiencies, suggesting that the two phages have related but not identical immunity systems.  相似文献   
The interaction between transformation and prophages of HP1c1, S2, and a defective phage of Haemophilus influenzae has been investigated by measurement of (i) the effect of prophage on transformation frequency and (ii) the effect of transformation on phage induction. The presence of any of the prophages does not appreciably alter transformation frequencies in various Rec(+) and Rec(-) strains. However, exposure of competent lysogens to transforming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) may induce phage but only in Rec(+) strains, which are able to integrate transforming DNA into their genome. Transformation of Rec(+) lysogens with DNA irradiated with ultraviolet (UV) light causes the production of even more phage than results from unirradiated DNA, but this indirect UV induction is not as effective as direct induction by UV irradiation of lysogens. Both types of UV induction are influenced by the repair capacity of the host. Wild-type cells contain a prophage and can be induced by transformation to produce a defective phage, which kills a small fraction of the cells. Defective phage in wild-type cells are also induced by H. parainfluenzae DNA, and a much larger fraction of the cells is killed. Strain BC200, which is highly transformable but is not inducible for defective phage, is not killed by H. parainfluenzae DNA, suggesting that wild-type cells are killed by killed by this DNA because of phage induction. A minicell-producing mutant, LB11, has been isolated. Some phage induction occurs in this strain when the cells are made competent, unlike the wild type. A large majority of LB11 cells surviving the competence regime are killed by exposure to transforming DNA.  相似文献   
杭白菊作为著名的中药“浙八味”之一,种植规模和产区不断扩大,但其病毒病的发生也日益严重,对其产量和品质造成严重影响。本研究利用双链RNA(double stranded RNA,dsRNA)和非序列依赖PCR扩增(sequence independent amplification,SIA)等方法,对感病杭白菊病原物进行鉴定,为杭白菊病毒病原的检测构建一套快速和简便的方法。结果表明,感病杭白菊被菊花R病毒(Chrysanthemum virus R,CVR)侵染,将其命名为CVR-TX。通过对其全基因组进行序列扩增与分析,获得其全长基因组为8 872 bp,编码6个ORF,具有Carlavirus属病毒的典型特征。基于全基因组核酸序列以及复制酶、外壳蛋白氨基酸的序列比对发现,CVR-TX与CVR-BJ同源性最高,分别为85.5%、96.0%和96.3%;与Carlavirus属其他病毒同源性分别在48.2%~54.4%、46.9%~55.3%和36.8%~59.5%,因此CVR被确定为一种新的Carlavirus属病毒。系统进化分析表明,基于全长基因组、复制酶(replicase)基因和外壳蛋白(coat protein,CP)基因与CVR-BJ聚为一簇,亲缘性最近。本研究获得了CVR-TX的全长基因组,丰富了CVR的基因组信息,通过生物信息学分析明确其种属关系和区域变化情况,从而为建立CVR可靠灵敏的分子检测手段和有效的防控措施提供理论基础。  相似文献   
N-Methyl-N'-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) causes reversion of a temperature-sensitive mutation in a bacteriophage of Haemophilus influenzae if exposure to the mutagen takes place after infection but before lysis. However, neither pre-infection treatment of the phage DNA, host cells, or both will cause reversion. The reasons for this are discussed in relation to the somewhat different results in the Escherichia coli lambda phage system and in relation to error-prone repair and replication processes.  相似文献   
对功能性蛹虫草、野生蛹虫草、柞蚕蛹虫草及冬虫夏草的代谢组学进行非靶向成分比较分析,并对功能性蛹虫草的常见生物活性成分进行定量分析。结果表明,功能性蛹虫草共检测出代谢产物成分2 213种,占成分总量的72.67%,其特有成分497种,与冬虫夏草、柞蚕蛹虫草和野生蛹虫草相比具有显著的成分优势。除目前已经报导的部分成分外,还含有丰富的特殊性代谢产物,如灵芝酸、茯苓新酸、人参皂苷、仙茅皂苷、苦玄参苷、黄芪皂苷、金铁锁环肽、王不留行环肽、甾醇、丹酚酸等。常规成分定量分析表明功能性蛹虫草子实体中虫草素和喷司他丁含量均较高,麦角甾醇、SOD酶、维生素E含量均显著高于对照组。大量药物活性物质在蛹虫草代谢产物成分体系中得到表达,对于揭示蛹虫草保健价值的物质基础具有重要意义。  相似文献   
鲸类是一类次生性的水生哺乳动物,其陆生祖先大约53~56Ma从陆地返回海洋。为了适应水下的弱光环境,鲸类的光感受器以视杆细胞为主,视锥细胞功能大多退化,缺乏辨别颜色的能力,然而鲸类视觉退化的分子机制尚不清楚。本文选择在视锥细胞中表达且对光传导级联反应起重要作用的GNAT2和CNGB3基因,通过PCR扩增、测序以及在数据库中下载已有的基因序列,共获得8个鲸类代表性物种的同源序列。MEGA6.0软件比对发现侏儒抹香鲸和抹香鲸的GNAT2基因分别在148位和1012位插入了1个碱基 A,而抹香鲸的CNGB3分别在554位和1407位有1个碱基的缺失,导致提前终止密码子出现;另外,小须鲸CNGB3基因在1525 ~1527位出现了提前终止密码子,提示鲸类的这两个基因可能为假基因。通过I-TASSER在线预测GNAT2和CNGB3蛋白的三维结构,发现出现移码突变终止密码子的位置均位于这两个基因的重要功能域。另外,运用PAML软件的Branch model分析表明发生假基因的鲸类物种GNAT2和CNGB3基因出现选择压力放松,且假基因化可能是一个近期事件。侏儒抹香鲸、抹香鲸以及小须鲸的GNAT2和CNGB3基因出现假基因可能与其深潜习性以及完全的水生生境导致其色觉功能丢失相关。此外,Free-ratio model分析发现其他鲸类的ω值接近于1,说明GNAT2和CNGB3基因出现了选择压力放松,这可能是长期适应水生生境视觉退化的结果。  相似文献   
一氧化氮对家兔压力感受器活动的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
沈靖  钮伟真 《生理学报》1997,49(3):285-291
本实验旨在研究外源性一氧化氮对家兔离体颈动脉窦压力感受器活动的影响,进一步探讨这种影响是否由cGMP所介导。实验中发现:(1)窦神经传入纤维基础放电大致可分为高幅值和低幅值两种,其中高幅值放电对经典的化学感受性刺激无反应并呈现显著的灌流速度依赖性。这些放电特征证明其不是来自于颈动脉体化学感受器而是来自CS-BR。(2)NO的前体L-精氨酸(4.6 ̄5.7nmol/L)和供体硝酸甘油(0.07 ̄0.  相似文献   
我国第2次空间蛋白质晶体生长实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年7月,在我国返回式卫星FSW-2上进行了第2次空间蛋白质结晶实验.该次实验中的晶体生长状况明显优于首次空间实验结果,参加实验的10种蛋白质中有9种蛋白质在空间长出了晶体,48个样品的单晶产生率达70%以上.其中3种蛋白质在空间长出较大单晶体,能用于X射线衍射实验和收集强度数据.这3种蛋白质中,除了在首次空间实验中长出较大晶体的溶菌酶,还有由于结晶条件优化而结晶效果明显改进的酸性磷脂酶A2和斑头雁氧合血红蛋白.微重力条件对蛋白质晶体生长的良好效应在本次实验中得到进一步证实.  相似文献   
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