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ABSTRACT: Transgenic and knockout mice usefully model the mechanisms that result in the clearance of Cryptosporidium parvum from the gut. CD4+ cells, cells expressing MHC class II, and CD154/CD40 interactions are essential. Unexpectedly, AND RAG-/- and DO11.10 RAG-/- mice with single specificities of T cells successfully clear Cryptosporidium infection. Clearance is accompanied by activation of CD4+ cells in the MLN. The ability of T cells bearing receptors for apparently irrelevant and non-cross reactive antigens to activate and to clear infection is surprising. The requirement for class II MHC expression for Cryptosporidium clearance raises the alternative possibilities that (a) class II MHC is required to present a peptide that is loaded as a consequence of infection or (b) that the cytokine environment engendered by a Cryptosporidium infection allows affinity for self MHC to activate nahe T cells. In order to test the hypothesis that peptide loading is necessary, we used ApEα-/-Ii-/- mice that express a hybrid IA-IE MHC molecule. They also carry a transgene that makes an Ea peptide while disruption of their invariant chain blocks the loading of a foreign peptide on to their MHC class II molecules. After oral gavage, the course of infection was followed by ELISA. CD4+ cells in the MLN of these mice were activated to express CD69 and the infection was cleared. We conclude that the loading of a Cryptosporidium or other infection-dependent peptide onto the MHC class II molecules of APCs is not necessary for clearance of Cryptosporidium. Instead the TcR affinity for self-MHC must suffice for T cell activation in the cytokine environment resulting from infection  相似文献   
Population outbreaks of the coral-eating starfish, Acanthaster planci , are hypothesized to spread to many localities in the Indo-Pacific Ocean through dispersal of planktonic larvae. To elucidate the gene flow of A. planci across the Indo-Pacific in relation to ocean currents and to test the larval dispersal hypothesis, the genetic structure among 23 samples over the Indo-Pacific was analysed using seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. The F -statistics and genetic admixture analysis detected genetically distinct groups in accordance with ocean current systems, that is, the Southeast African group (Kenya and Mayotte), the Northwestern Pacific group (the Philippines and Japan), Palau, the North Central Pacific group (Majuro and Pohnpei), the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, and French Polynesia, with a large genetic break between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. A pattern of significant isolation by distance was observed among all samples ( P =  0.001, r  = 0.88, n  = 253, Mantel test), indicating restricted gene flow among the samples in accordance with geographical distances. The data also indicated strong gene flow within the Southeast African, Northwestern Pacific, and Great Barrier Reef groups. These results suggest that the western boundary currents have strong influence on gene flow of this species and may trigger secondary outbreaks.  相似文献   
Abstract Ferns, bryophytes and lichens are the most diverse groups of plants in wet forests in south‐eastern Australia. However, management of this diversity is limited by a lack of ecological knowledge of these groups and the difficulty in identifying species for non‐experts. These problems may be alleviated by the identification and characterization of suitable proxies for this diversity. Epiphytic substrates are potential proxies. To evaluate the significance of some epiphytic substrates, fern and bryophyte assemblages on a common tree‐fern species, Dicksonia antarctica (soft tree‐fern), were compared with those on a rare species, Cyathea cunninghamii (slender tree‐fern), in eastern Tasmania, Australia. A total of 97 fern and bryophyte species were recorded on D. antarctica from 120 trunks at 10 sites, and 64 species on C. cunninghamii from 39 trunks at four of these sites. The trunks of C. cunninghamii generally supported fewer species than D. antarctica, but two mosses (particularly Hymenodon pilifer) and one liverwort showed significant associations with this host. Several other bryophytes and epiphytic ferns showed an affinity for the trunks of D. antarctica. Species assemblages differed significantly between both sites and hosts, and the differences between hosts varied significantly among sites. The exceptionally high epiphytic diversity associated with D. antarctica suggests that it plays an important ecological role in Tasmanian forests. Evidently C. cunninghamii also supports a diverse suite of epiphytes, including at least one specialist species.  相似文献   

The effect of 1-methyladenine (1-MeA) on adenylate cyclase (AC) basal activity and on preliminary stimulated AC activity was investigated in oocyte membrane preparations of the starfish Aphelasterias japonica. 1-MeA inhibited the membrane-bound AC activity both after its addition to intact oocytes and in cell-free experiments. GTP did not affect AC activity but it intensified the inhibitory effect of 1-MeA on AC activity. Sodium fluoride (F″) stimulated the oocyte AC (8 fold), while 1-MeA significantly reduced F″-stimulated activity. Manganese (MnCl2, 5mM) stimulated AC (150 fold), but 1-MeA did not reduce Mn2+-stimulated activity. However, Mn2+-stimulated AC activity was inhibited by 1-MeA in the presence of MgCl2. Forskolin stimulated AC activity (7 fold) and 1-MeA had no effect on AC. Thus, the inhibitory effect of 1-MeA on stimulated AC activity is displayed only after stimulation of the regulatory AC subunit. We suggest that 1-MeA inhibits the oocyte AC acting via inhibitory regulatory Gi protein of AC.  相似文献   
1. We estimated the biomass and production of juvenile anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (parr) in 12 streams in the Skagerrak area of Norway to identify controlling environmental factors, such as land‐use and water chemistry. 2. Production estimates correlated positively with fish density in early summer, but not with the size of the catchment. The summer biomass of age‐0 brown trout and Atlantic salmon was smaller than that of age‐1 and constituted 27.4 and 25.7%, respectively, of the total biomass of the two groups. 3. Mean production of brown trout from July to September varied between streams, but in most cases it was below 2 g 100 m?2 day?1. Yearly cohort production from age‐0 in July to age‐1 in July was 10 g m?2 or less, with mean annual production of 1.32 g 100 m?2 day?1, equivalent to 4.8 g m?2 year?1. The corresponding annual cohort production of Atlantic salmon was 0.38 g 100 m?2 day?1 or 1.4 g m?2 year?1. Annual production to biomass ratio (P/B) for brown trout of the same cohort in the various streams was between 1.47 and 4.37; the overall mean (±SD) for all streams was 2.25 ± 0.94. Mean turnover rate of Atlantic salmon was 2.73 ± 0.24. 4. Production of 0+ brown trout during the summer correlated significantly with the percentage of agricultural land and forest/bogs in the catchment, with maxima at 20 and 75%, respectively. Age‐0 brown trout production also correlated with concentration of nitrogen and calcium in the water, with maxima at 2.4 and 14 mg L?1, respectively. 5. The results support the hypothesis that brown trout parr production reflects the quality of their habitat, as indicated by the dome‐shaped relationship between percentage of agricultural land and the concentration of nitrogen and calcium in the water.  相似文献   
Vertical CO2 profiles (between 0.02 and 14.0 m) were studied in forest canopies of Pinus contorta, Populus tremuloides, and in a riparian forest with Acer negundo and Acer grandidentatum during two consecutive growing seasons. Profiles, measured continuously during 1- to 13-day periods in four to five stands differing in overstorey canopy area index (CAI < 4.5; including leaves, branches and stems), were well stratified, with highest [CO2] just above the forest floor. Canopy [CO2] profiles were influenced by stand structure (CAI, presence of understorey vegetation), and were highly dependent on vegetation type (deciduous and evergreen). A doubling of CAI in Acer spp. and P. tremuloides stands did not show an effect on upper canopy [CO2], when turbulent mixing was high. However, increasing understorey biomass in Acer spp. stands had a profound effect on lower canopy [CO2]. In open stands with a vigorous understorey layer, higher soil respiration rates were offset by increased understorey gas exchange, resulting in [CO2] below those of the convective boundary layer (CBL). Midday depletions up to 20 ppmv below CBL values could be frequently observed in deciduous canopies. In evergreen canopies, [CO2] stayed generally above the CBL background values, [CO2] profiles were more uniform, and gradients were smaller than in deciduous stands with similar CAI. Seasonal changes of canopy [CO2] reflected changes in soil respiration rates as well as plant phenology and gas exchange of both dominant tree and understorey vegetation. Seasonal patterns were less pronounced in evergreen than in deciduous forests.  相似文献   
Drought‐induced forest decline, like the Scots pine mortality in inner‐Alpine valleys, will gain in importance as the frequency and severity of drought events are expected to increase. To understand how chronic drought affects tree growth and tree‐ring δ13C values, we studied mature Scots pine in an irrigation experiment in an inner‐Alpine valley. Tree growth and isotope analyses were carried out at the annual and seasonal scale. At the seasonal scale, maximum δ13C values were measured after the hottest and driest period of the year, and were associated with decreasing growth rates. Inter‐annual δ13C values in early‐ and latewood showed a strong correlation with annual climatic conditions and an immediate decrease as a response to irrigation. This indicates a tight coupling between wood formation and the freshly produced assimilates for trees exposed to chronic drought. This rapid appearance of the isotopic signal is a strong indication for an immediate and direct transfer of newly synthesized assimilates for biomass production. The fast appearance and the distinct isotopic signal suggest a low availability of old stored carbohydrates. If this was a sign for C‐storage depletion, an increasing mortality could be expected when stressors increase the need for carbohydrate for defence, repair or regeneration.  相似文献   
Soil methanotrophic bacteria constitute the only globally relevant biological sink for atmospheric methane (CH4). Nitrogen (N) fertilizers as well as soil moisture regime affect the activity of these organisms, but the mechanisms involved are not well understood to date. In particular, virtually nothing is known about the spatial distribution of soil methanotrophs within soil structure and how this regulates CH4 fluxes at the ecosystem scale. We studied the spatial distribution of CH4 assimilation and its response to a factorial drought × N fertilizer treatment in a 3‐year experiment replicated in two grasslands differing in management intensity. Intact soil cores were labelled with 14CH4 and methanotrophic activity mapped at a resolution of ~100 μm using an autoradiographic technique. Under drought, the main zone of CH4 assimilation shifted down the soil profile. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and cattle urine reduced CH4 assimilation in the top soil, but only when applied under drought, presumably because NH4+ from fertilizers was not removed by plant uptake and nitrification under these conditions. Ecosystem‐level CH4 fluxes measured in the field did show no or only very small inhibitory effects, suggesting that deeper soil layers fully compensated for the reduction in top soil CH4 assimilation. Our results indicate that the ecosystem‐level CH4 sink cannot be inferred from measurements of soil samples that do not reflect the spatial organization of soils (e.g. stratification of organisms, processes, and mechanisms). The autoradiographic technique we have developed is suited to study methanotrophic activity in a relevant spatial context and does not rely on the genetic identity of the soil bacterial communities involved, thus ideally complementing DNA‐based approaches.  相似文献   
1. The biological structure of arctic lakes is changing rapidly, apparently in response to global change processes such as increasing air temperatures, although altered nutrient stoichiometry may also be an important driver. Equally important, however, are local factors (e.g. landscape setting, hydrological linkages and trophic interactions) that may mediate responses of individual lakes at the regional scale. Despite general acknowledgement of the importance of local factors, there has been little focus on among‐lake variability in the response to environmental change. 2. Sedimentary pigments, organic carbon and nitrogen, and biogenic silica (BSi) in 210Pb and 14C‐dated sediment cores from three contrasting lakes in the Kangerlussuaq area (c. 67°N, 51°W) of south‐west Greenland were used to reconstruct algal and phototrophic bacterial ecological change during the late‐Holocene. Water chemistry for the individual lakes varies in terms of conductivity (range: 30–3000 μS cm?1) and stratification regimes (cold monomictic, dimictic and meromictic), linked with their position along the regional climate gradient from the coast and to the present ice sheet margin. 3. Despite essentially similar regional climate forcing over the last c. 1000 years, marked differences among lake types were observed in the phototrophic communities and their temporal variability. Considerable short‐term variability occurred in an oligosaline, meromictic lake (SS1371), dominated by purple sulphur bacterial pigments, most likely due to a tight coupling between the position of the chemocline and the phototrophic community. Communities in a lake (SS86) located on a nunatak, just beyond the edge of the present ice sheet shifted in a nonlinear pattern, approximately 1000 cal. years BP, possibly due to lake‐level lowering and loss of outflow during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. This regime shift was marked by a substantial expansion of green sulphur bacteria. 4. A dilute, freshwater coastal lake (SS49) dominated by benthic algae was relatively stable until ca. 1900 AD when rates of community change began to increase. These changes in benthic algal pigments are correlated with substantial declines (1.3–0.44‰) in δ15N that are indicative of increased deposition of atmospheric inputs of industrially derived NOx into the atmosphere. 5. Climate control on lake ecosystem functioning has been assumed to be particularly important in the Arctic. This study, however, illustrates a complex spatial response to climate forcing at the regional scale and emphasises differences in the relative importance of changes in the mass (m, both precipitation and nutrients) and energy flux (E) to lakes for the phototrophic community structure of low‐arctic Greenland lakes.  相似文献   
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