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Flower‐visiting insects provide essential pollination services to many plant species. It is thus of critical importance to understand the effects of anthropogenic landscape modification on these animals. Particularly at the landscape scale, we still lack information on how flower visitors are affected by different intensities of human disturbance. In this study, we chose six representative types of forest modification across a heterogeneous South African landscape. At 36 study sites we observed insect visitation to Celtis africana flowers in two consecutive years. This generalist tree species has small unspecialized flowers which we found to be pollinated by a diverse array of insects as well as by wind. Visitation rates to flowers of C. africana differed significantly among the six forest types and between two study years. Visitation rates were enhanced in modified forests, facilitated by a high abundance of feral honeybees (Apis mellifera). Fruit set in C. africana showed significant positive associations with insect visitation and with the diversity of flower visitors, but was only weakly predicted by forest type. Our findings imply that even though forest modification can strongly alter flower visitors, pollination services for trees with unspecialized flowers may persist at a landscape scale. We advise conservation managers to maintain modified forest fragments in addition to natural forests as these may contribute to sustain pollination services in human‐modified landscapes.  相似文献   
Phylogeography of Soboliphyme baturini , a nematode parasite in mustelids, is explored across Beringia. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 4 genes were evaluated from 37 S. baturini , representing 19 localities throughout Alaska, Canada, and Siberia. A total of 30 haplotypes was recovered and maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses support the recognition of a single species with a distribution extending from the Palearctic to the Nearctic. Within S. baturini , a host-specific partition in North America between Martes caurina and Martes americana was not identified. Instead, substantial geographic structure within S. baturini relates to the dynamic geological history of this northern region and especially the North Pacific Coast. Beringia and other coastal refugia along the western margin of North America played a large role during stadial maxima in the persistence and divergence of the parasite. Repeated events for biotic expansion and geographic colonization across the Bering Land Bridge and the Holarctic during glacial maxima in the Pleistocene appear to have facilitated at least two episodes of host-switching of this nematode among mustelids in populations now distributed in eastern Beringia.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 651–663.  相似文献   
Global Pharmaceuticals: Ethics, Markets, Practices . Adriana Petryna, Lakoff Andrew, and Arthur Kleinman, eds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. 301 pp.  相似文献   
The spatial, habitat and dietary overlap of two breeding goose species was studied in Sassendalen, Svalbard, in summer 2003 based on abundance within 500 × 500‐m grid squares and faecal diet analyses during pre‐breeding, nesting and post‐hatching periods. More than half of all Pink‐footed Geese Anser brachyrhynchus occurred in the absence of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis during nesting and post‐hatching periods compared to c. 20% when concentrated by pre‐breeding snow cover. In contrast, only 5% of Barnacle Geese were observed in the absence of Pink‐footed Geese pre‐breeding, 15% during nesting, and 35% post‐hatching. Among six defined habitat types, Barnacle Geese resorted more to ‘upland’ habitats during pre‐breeding and nesting and to lowland lakes post‐hatching when compared to Pink‐footed Geese. Although Pink‐footed Geese showed less change in seasonal habitat preference, many shifted to the river valley bottom post‐hatching, giving access to open water (predator avoidance) and lush green vegetation (foraging for goslings). The smallest extent of distributional overlap between the two species occurred post‐hatching, but each species was also highly restricted by snow cover during pre‐nesting. The greatest extent of overlap in distribution and diet occurred during incubation, when large dietary variation between different breeding valleys reflected local food availability around nests (probably a result of nest‐site preference rather than food selection per se). Whether this means that increased interactions within and between the two goose species with future increases in local density are most likely to be manifest at this stage of the summer is impossible to determine without knowledge of available food resources and manipulative experiments. More detailed investigations of the effects of foraging by both species on plant structure, quality and community composition are necessary to predict likely outcomes of future changes in population densities of both species.  相似文献   
The Deschampsia cespitosa complex in Russia is revised. Related taxa common to Russia and adjacent regions (i.e. northern Europe, Arctic America and Japan) are also considered. Deschampsia cespitosa s.l. is characterized by open to less commonly rather contracted panicles, spikelets (1) 2 (3)-flowered, 4-toothed lemmas with the lateral teeth larger, and awns straight or bent, inserted from the base to the top of the lemmas. Due to extensive overlapping in diagnostic characters, it is not possible to accept the specific status for D. borealis (Traut.) Roshev., D. brevifolia R.Br., D. macrothyrsa Tatew. et Ohwi and D. obensis Roshev; instead, they are treated as subspecies of D. cespitosa (L.) Beauv. Morphological differences are insufficient for a clear differentiation among subspecies, and geographical distributions also need to be considered. A total of 14 subspecies is accepted. Observations on ecology, problems of specific and subspecific delimitation, a distribution map, and considerations of evolution of the complex are provided. One new combination is made, Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. sukatschewii (Popl.) Chiapella & Prob.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 213–228.  相似文献   
Animals are known to influence and sometimes help maintain plant species richness in terrestrial systems. This study investigated the effects of mammals in influencing plant species richness of a floating Typha marsh at Point Pelee National Park. The extent of use of the marsh by terrestrial mammals was documented by mapping mammal trails from air photographs. Trail densities ranging from 70 to 1550 m ha–1 in various areas of the marsh, provided evidence for widespread, and in some places frequent, mammal activity. Plant surveys indicated a pattern of increased species richness and frequency associated with these trails, particularly in late summer when Typha biomass increased off trails. Three mechanisms by which mammals might influence species richness: disturbance of the dominant Typha, nutrient enrichment, and seed dispersal, were investigated using field and lab experiments. Two types of disturbance, trampling and herbivory, at two levels of intensity were simulated within 2×2m plots with and without fertilizer added. Disturbance significantly affected species richness; high levels of trampling decreased while high levels of clipping increased species richness. Nutrients had no effect; there were no significant disturbance×nutrients interactions. The importance of seed dispersal by raccoon was studied by collecting raccoon scat from within the marsh, incubating scat in a growth chamber and comparing the species that emerged to those growing in the marsh. Although substantial numbers of viable seeds of terrestrial species were found in scat, only one of these species was actually part of the Typha mat community. We concluded that mammals do influence plant species richness in this marsh primarily through disturbance of the dominant Typha.  相似文献   
Many hosts of parasitic wasps are, when attacked, either at an immobile stage, living in a concealed environment, or both, thus making their detection especially difficult. Cryptine ichneumonid wasps often parasitize beetle or moth larvae, prepupae or even pupae in tunnels in wood, and many others attack cocooned hosts in various states of concealment. The structure of the antennal tips shows a range of adaptations at least the most extreme of which appear to be involved in locating deeply concealed hosts through vibrational sounding (= echolocation through solid media). We show that, within the Cryptinae, the tips of the antenna are modified into a hammer-like structure that is suitable for knocking a substrate; this form of echo-location is typical to the tribe Cryptini, although it is also found in a few phygadeuontines and in the hemigastrine genus Echthrus . Electron micrographs are presented to illustrate the different degrees of antennal modifications found in the subfamily. Comparative analysis using independent contrasts was then used to demonstrate a statistically significant association between degree of antennal hammer development and attacking, typically wood-boring, beetle hosts of the families Cerambycidae and Buprestidae.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 82–102.  相似文献   
The intensification of the hydrological cycle, with an observed and modeled increase in drought incidence and severity, underscores the need to quantify drought effects on carbon cycling and the terrestrial sink. FLUXNET, a global network of eddy covariance towers, provides dense data streams of meteorological data, and through flux partitioning and gap filling algorithms, estimates of net ecosystem productivity (FNEP), gross ecosystem productivity (P), and ecosystem respiration (R). We analyzed the functional relationship of these three carbon fluxes relative to evaporative fraction (EF), an index of drought and site water status, using monthly data records from 238 micrometeorological tower sites distributed globally across 11 biomes. The analysis was based on relative anomalies of both EF and carbon fluxes and focused on drought episodes by biome and climatic season. Globally P was ≈50% more sensitive to a drought event than R. Network‐wide drought‐induced decreases in carbon flux averaged ?16.6 and ?9.3 g C m?2 month?1 for P and R, i.e., drought events induced a net decline in the terrestrial sink. However, in evergreen forests and wetlands drought was coincident with an increase in P or R during parts of the growing season. The most robust relationships between carbon flux and EF occurred during climatic spring for FNEP and in climatic summer for P and R. Upscaling flux sensitivities to a global map showed that spatial patterns for all three carbon fluxes were linked to the distribution of croplands. Agricultural areas exhibited the highest sensitivity whereas the tropical region had minimal sensitivity to drought. Combining gridded flux sensitivities with their uncertainties and the spatial grid of FLUXNET revealed that a more robust quantification of carbon flux response to drought requires additional towers in all biomes of Africa and Asia as well as in the cropland, shrubland, savannah, and wetland biomes globally.  相似文献   
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