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The first empirically supported phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships for the southern African endemic butterfly tribe Dirini is presented. Data derived from the morphology and ecology of the adults and immature stages (33 characters), and portions of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the nuclear genes elongation factor 1α (EF1α) and wingless (WG) (totalling 1734 bp) were used to infer the relationships of the in‐group genera. An expanded molecular dataset using four genera from the Nymphalini and Satyrini to root the tree, and three genera from the Melanitini to test the monophyly of the tribe, was analysed using parsimony and Bayesian methods. Estimates of divergence times were calculated using two fossil calibrations under a relaxed molecular clock model. The monophyly of the tribe and each in‐group genus were strongly supported. Key findings are the sister‐taxon relationship of Aeropetes and Tarsocera, the apparent simultaneous or nearly simultaneous radiation of four lineages, the polyphyly of the species within Torynesis, and the apparent trans‐Atlantic dispersal of the ancestors of Manataria about 40 Ma. Estimates of divergence times indicate that the tribe has undergone two major radiations since its origin: the first when they left forest habitats in the mid–late Oligocene, shortly after the radiation of the grasses (Poaceae), and the second in the early‐middle Pliocene, coinciding with the aridification of southern Africa and the spread of conditions that favoured C4 grasses over the C3 grasses that dirine larvae prefer to eat. The high species diversity within the tribe appears to be partly a taxonomic artefact that may have resulted from the misinterpretation of climate‐related phenotypic variation within extant species. Relocation and breeding experiments should test this hypothesis.  相似文献   
The enzymes of the arginine dihydrolase pathway were demonstrated in Tritrichomonas foetus and their subcellular localization determined for both T. foetus and Trichomonas vaginalis. Ornithine carbamyltransferase (anabolic and catabolic activities), ornithine decarboxylase and carbamate kinase activity were localized predominately (56–80%) in the non sedimentable fraction of both species. A large proportion (35–40%) of the arginine deiminase was, however, recovered in the large granular fraction, and this distribution was unchanged by increasing the ionic strength of the buffer. Upon density gradient centrifugation the particles containing arginine deiminase activity had an isopycnic density of 1.09 g/ml in percoll, and separated from hydrogenosomes (1.18 g/ml) and lysosomes (1.12 g/ml). Arginine deiminase was also the only enzyme of the dihydrolase pathway which demonstrated latency upon treatment of the 1.09 g/ml fraction with non-ionic detergents. The results demonstrate the presence of the arginine dihydrolase pathway in T. foetus and indicate that at least a portion of the arginine deiminase in trichomonads is membrane associated.  相似文献   
Abstract This study describes the floristics and structure of a 0.95‐ha lowland tropical rainforest plot at the Australian Canopy Crane Research Facility at Cape Tribulation, Queensland. Five years of post‐cyclonic change in forest floristics and structure following the passage of Tropical Cyclone ‘Rona’ in February 1999 are examined. Local and regional variation in tropical rainforest is examined in comparison with other lowland plots established nearby and mid‐elevation plots located elsewhere in north Queensland at Eungella, Paluma and the Atherton Tablelands. These plots are placed in a broader Australasian context along with lowland rainforest plots at Baitabag and Oomsis, Papua New Guinea. The 2005 survey found 680 stems of 82 species ≥10 cm d.b.h. on the crane plot, an increase of 30.3% in stems and 16.4% of species in the 5 years since the previous survey. The most abundant families were Meliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae and Apocynaceae and the most abundant species were Cleistanthus myrianthus, Alstonia scholaris, Myristica insipida, Normanbya normanbyi and Rockinghamia angustifolia. Temporal floristic and structural variation suggests that the crane site remains in an active stage of post‐cyclonic recovery. Local spatial variability in floristics and structure at Cape Tribulation exceeded the variation exhibited by a single plot over a period of 5 years, despite the impact of Cyclone Rona. This finding suggests a high degree of temporal stability within this stand of rainforest despite frequent catastrophic disturbances. The rainforests of Cape Tribulation constitute a relatively unique floristic community when observed in an Australasian context. Variation in rainforest community composition across the region shows the importance of biogeographical connections, the impacts of local topography, environmental conditions and disturbance history.  相似文献   
We present the results of spring and winter surveys of birds using 22 willow short-rotation coppice (SRC) fields and 22 paired arable or grassland controls over a 5 year period in central and northern England. The study sites were linked to the first commercial wood-fuelled electricity plant in Yorkshire and were managed commercially. We use the findings of this study, in the context of other work on birds in energy crops, to suggest how birds may be affected by commercial cropping of SRC or energy grasses on UK farmland. For willow SRC, most existing farmland species were not completely displaced by SRC cropping. Even farmland specialists such as Skylark Alauda arvensis used cut SRC fields. Some species characteristic of scrub and wood-type habitats were attracted onto farmland by SRC. Birds were more abundant in hedgerows next to SRC than in those adjoining arable or grass. The interior of large SRC plots contained fewer birds than the edge-zone (< 50 m). In winter, the same resident species occured in SRC as the summer, plus winter migrants such as Snipe Gallinago gallinago and Fieldfare Turdus pilaris . Overall, more individuals and species were recorded in and around SRC than equivalent arable or grassland throughout the year. Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava and certain locally occurring farmland specialists may be displaced by SRC plantations. Equivalent census data for energy grasses in the UK are not available. The impact of large regional energy crop developments on birds is not known. We do not know if species commonly recorded in these crops survive and breed well so population effects are unknown. However SRC crops are often weedy and insect rich and hence have potential as foraging habitats in summer and winter. The scope for agri-environment schemes to include energy crops is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: New diagnostic morphological features discovered following a re‐examination and further preparation of the holotype of Leverhulmia mariae Anderson and Trewin from the Early Devonian (Pragian) Windyfield chert are described and discussed here. The discovery of anterior (thoracic?) leg appendages with attached pretarsal elements comprising a fixed median unguis, a pair of articulated lateral ungues and possible unguitractor plate has allowed us to reclassify this enigmatic fossil as Hexapoda incertae sedis. We interpret the holotype as part of an abdomen bearing at least five pairs of segmented leglets. The condition of the ungues on the anterior appendages is strongly reminiscent of Archaeognatha and Zygentoma (= Thysanura s.s.), and the segmented leglets on the abdomen show similarities with certain fossil ‘apterygotes’ known from the Carboniferous. Leverhulmia is the third hexapod species found in the cherts at Rhynie, the other forms being the collembolan Rhyniella praecursor Hirst and Maulik, and the pterygote insect Rhyniognatha hirsti Tillyard. Showing closer affinities with Archaeognatha and Zygentoma, Leverhulmia may well represent the earliest fossil apterous insect known to date.  相似文献   
Many wetland ecosystems such as peatlands and wet tundra hold large amounts of organic carbon (C) in their soils, and are thus important in the terrestrial C cycle. We have synthesized data on the carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange obtained from eddy covariance measurements from 12 wetland sites, covering 1–7 years at each site, across Europe and North America, ranging from ombrotrophic and minerotrophic peatlands to wet tundra ecosystems, spanning temperate to arctic climate zones. The average summertime net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) was highly variable between sites. However, all sites with complete annual datasets, seven in total, acted as annual net sinks for atmospheric CO2. To evaluate the influence of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) on NEE, we first removed the artificial correlation emanating from the method of partitioning NEE into GPP and Reco. After this correction neither Reco (P= 0.162) nor GPP (P= 0.110) correlated significantly with NEE on an annual basis. Spatial variation in annual and summertime Reco was associated with growing season period, air temperature, growing degree days, normalized difference vegetation index and vapour pressure deficit. GPP showed weaker correlations with environmental variables as compared with Reco, the exception being leaf area index (LAI), which correlated with both GPP and NEE, but not with Reco. Length of growing season period was found to be the most important variable describing the spatial variation in summertime GPP and Reco; global warming will thus cause these components to increase. Annual GPP and NEE correlated significantly with LAI and pH, thus, in order to predict wetland C exchange, differences in ecosystem structure such as leaf area and biomass as well as nutritional status must be taken into account.  相似文献   
Throughout the Holocene, northern peatlands have both accumulated carbon and emitted methane. Their impact on climate radiative forcing has been the net of cooling (persistent CO2 uptake) and warming (persistent CH4 emission). We evaluated this by developing very simple Holocene peatland carbon flux trajectories, and using these as inputs to a simple atmospheric perturbation model. Flux trajectories are based on estimates of contemporary CH4 flux (15–50 Tg CH4 yr−1), total accumulated peat C (250–450 Pg C), and peatland initiation dates. The contemporary perturbations to the atmosphere due to northern peatlands are an increase of ∼100 ppbv CH4 and a decrease of ∼35 ppmv CO2. The net radiative forcing impact northern peatlands is currently about −0.2 to −0.5 W m−2 (a cooling). It is likely that peatlands initially caused a net warming of up to +0.1 W m−2, but have been causing an increasing net cooling for the past 8000–11 000 years. A series of sensitivity simulations indicate that the current radiative forcing impact is determined primarily by the magnitude of the contemporary methane flux and the magnitude of the total C accumulated as peat, and that radiative forcing dynamics during the Holocene depended on flux trajectory, but the overall pattern was similar in all cases.  相似文献   
Arctotis debensis R.J.McKenzie, a new species from the Albany Centre of Floristic Endemism, South Africa, is described and illustrated. It grows almost exclusively in grassland on kommetjies, a distinctive landform of depressions and mounds associated with giant earthworms, in a restricted area west of King William's Town, Eastern Cape Province. It is the first plant taxon reported to be endemic or near-endemic to this unusual habitat. The new species appears to have been collected rarely and previous collections examined have remained undetermined to species level. The new species is distinguished from closely allied species by the combination of its usually larger dimensions in all parts, prostrate habit, coriaceous leaves that are green, scabrous, and eglandular on the adaxial surface and densely lanate on the abaxial surface, and involucral-bract morphology.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 581–588.  相似文献   
Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen is responsible for widespread changes in the structure and function of sensitive seminatural ecosystems. The proposed reduction in emissions of nitrogenous pollutants in Europe under the Gothenburg Protocol raises the question of whether affected ecosystems have the potential to recover to their previous condition and, if so, over what timescale. Since 1998, we have monitored the response of a lowland heathland in southern England following the cessation of a long‐term nitrogen addition experiment, and subsequent management, assessing changes in vegetation growth and chemistry, soil chemistry and the soil microbial community. Persistent effects of earlier nutrient loading on Calluna growth and phenology, and on the abundance of lichens, were apparent up to 8 years after nitrogen additions ceased, indicating the potential for long‐term effects of modest nutrient loading (up to 15.4 kg N ha?1 yr?1, over 7 years) on heathland ecosystems. The size and activity of the soil microbial community was elevated in former N‐treated plots, 6–8 years after additions ceased, suggesting a prolonged effect on the rate of nutrient cycling. Although habitat management in 1998 reduced nitrogen stores in plant biomass, effects on belowground nitrogen stores were small. Although some parameters (e.g. soil pH) recover pretreatment levels relatively rapidly, others (e.g. vegetation cover and microbial activity) respond much more slowly, indicating that the ecological effects of even small increases in nitrogen deposition will persist for many years after deposition inputs are reduced. Indeed, calculations suggest that the additional soil nitrogen storage associated with 7 years of experimental nitrogen inputs could sustain the observed effects on plant growth and phenology for several decades. Carry over effects on plant phenology and sensitivity to drought suggest that the persistence of vegetation responses to nitrogen deposition should be integrated into long‐term assessments of the impact of global climate change on sensitive ecosystems.  相似文献   
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