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在15只戊巴比妥钠麻醉的开胸狗身上观察高渗溶液对血流动力学的影响,主要结果如下:1.静脉内注射50%葡萄糖溶液(3m1/kg,15s 内注毕),规律地引起心动徐缓、动脉血压降低、左心室(-dp/dt)减小、左心室 dp/dt 和心输出量增加,以及肾和股薄肌的血流阻力降低。25%甘露醇溶液具有类似作用。2.切断两侧颈迷走神经后,注射高渗溶液不再能诱发动脉低血压以及肾和股薄肌血流阻力的反射性降低,提示此类效应的传入通路主要为迷走神经。3.在切断迷走神经后注射高渗溶液,还使左心室 dp/dt 进一步增加,表明高渗溶液增强心肌收缩性。根据以上结果似可认为,静脉注射高渗溶液所致动脉血压降低,实质上反映着心输出量的增加不足以抵销外周阻力的减小。  相似文献   
Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a plant pathogenic bacterium that causes neoplastic growths, called ‘crown gall’, via the transfer and integration of transferred DNA (T‐DNA) from the bacterium into the plant genome. We characterized an acetosyringone (AS)‐induced tumour‐inducing (Ti) plasmid gene, tzs (trans‐zeatin synthesizing), that is responsible for the synthesis of the plant hormone cytokinin in nopaline‐type A. tumefaciens strains. The loss of Tzs protein expression and trans‐zeatin secretions by the tzs frameshift (tzs‐fs) mutant is associated with reduced tumorigenesis efficiency on white radish stems and reduced transformation efficiencies on Arabidopsis roots. Complementation of the tzs‐fs mutant with a wild‐type tzs gene restored wild‐type levels of trans‐zeatin secretions and transformation efficiencies. Exogenous application of cytokinin during infection increased the transient transformation efficiency of Arabidopsis roots infected by strains lacking Tzs, which suggests that the lower transformation efficiency resulted from the lack of Agrobacterium‐produced cytokinin. Interestingly, although the tzs‐fs mutant displayed reduced tumorigenesis efficiency on several tested plants, the loss of Tzs enhanced tumorigenesis efficiencies on green pepper and cowpea. These data strongly suggest that Tzs, by synthesizing trans‐zeatin at early stage(s) of the infection process, modulates plant transformation efficiency by A. tumefaciens.  相似文献   
The new names Gentiana membranulifera T. N. Ho and G. nudicaulisKurz var. assamensis T. N. Ho are proposed. The new combinations Gentiana lateriflora Hemsl. var. uncifolia (H. J. Lam) T. N. Ho, G. sumatrana Ridl.var. humifusa (S. Moore) T. N. Ho, G. quadrifaria Bl. var. wightii (Kusnez.)T. N. Ho, G. loerzingii Ridl. var. timida (Kerr) T. N. Ho, and G. membranulifera T. N. Ho var. recurvata (Kusnez.) T. N. Ho are made.  相似文献   
在31只氯醛糖和氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉的猫,观察了选择性激活颈动脉压力和化学感受器对巨细胞旁外侧核(PGL)单位放电的影响。136个PGL自发放电单位中,有84个在激活颈动脉压力感受器(BA)(新福林,1—2μg/kg,iv)和/或激活颈动脉化学感受器(CA)(nicotine 5—20μg,溶于0.25—0.5ml生理盐水中,注入甲状腺动脉)时,放电频率有变化。在这些有反应的单位中,16个仅对CA起反应(11个兴奋、5个抑制);54个以各种组合方式对CA和BA都起反应,其中以CA引起兴奋反应而BA引起抑制反应的占比例最大;14个仅对BA起反应(7个兴奋,7个抑制)。在定位分布上,那些只对CA起反应的单位多位于PGL的腹侧部份;仅对BA起反应的单位则位于对CA起反应单位的较背侧;对BA和CA均起反应的单位介于上述两者之间或在较深区域。这些结果表明,颈动脉区压力和化学感受器活动传入到PGL,并会聚在其中一些神经元上。 在PGL内全部有反应的单位中,68个对激活颈动脉压力感受器起反应,其中兴奋的29个,抑制的39个(P>0.05);70个对激活颈动脉化学感受器起反应,其中48个兴奋,22个抑制(P<0.005)。这些结果提示,BA对PGL神经元引起兴奋和抑制两种效应,而CA则诱发兴奋为主的反应。  相似文献   
To examine morphological differences among queens, workers and males, 14 external body characters were measured in two colonies of the Taiwanese stingless bee Trigona ventralis hoozana. Queens were largest in all of the body parts measured except eye width and mesoscutum length, and values for most variables in queens did not overlap with those of workers and males. In contrast, the worker : male size ratios for 11 variables were close to 1.0, showing that overall body size and shape of workers resembled that of males rather than of queens. Males had the largest eyes and their mesoscutum length was comparable to that of queens. ancova between 14 morphometric variables and mesoscutum width chosen as standard body size showed that allometric growth in most variables was not linear. Plotting of some variables on mesoscutum width showed that queens had a proportionally wider first metasomal tergum and longer antennal scape, but a proportionally narrower head and eye than workers and males. These tests suggest that the morphological caste differences in this species belong to a category of complete dimorphism.  相似文献   
近几年来,我国科学家们在恙虫方面的研究工作巳经取得了显著的成就。然而,这对于拥有辽阔疆土的我国来说,实在只不过是一个开始。我们在这方面的工作也做得很少,虽然从1953年开始收集标本,由于各种条件所限制,未能及时整理,以致大量标本散失或霉烂,十分可惜。本文内容,仅仅是将我站恙虫病调研工作组1957年在本省各地所采集的材料中的三种恙虫蚴加以描述,该三种恙虫蚴均系文献上未曾记载过的种类。  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M.tb) and human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) co-infection has become a public health issue worldwide. Up to now, there have been many unresolved issues either in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of M.tb/HIV coinfection or in the basic understanding of the mechanisms for the impairments to the immune system by interactions of these two pathogens. One important reason for these unsolved issues is the lack of appropriate animal models for the study of M.tb/HIV coinfection. This paper reviews the recent development of research on the animal models of M.tb/HIV co-infection, with a focus on the non-human primate models.  相似文献   
在25℃中,相对湿度为20—100%的范围内,卵的孵化率受湿度的影响不明显,在32℃中,相对湿度为40-100%的范围内,湿度对卵孵化率的影响亦不显著,但当相对湿度降至20%时,孵化率即有明显的下降;在25℃及32℃中,相对湿度对卵的发育速度有明显的影响,随相对湿度的增加,发育加快,二者呈直线正相关。 卵期湿度对一龄幼虫的成活及发育有明显的影响,在32℃中,随着卵期湿度的增加,幼虫成活率提高,二者呈正相关;在25℃及60%以下的相对湿度中,亦获得了相似的结果;25℃及32℃中,一龄幼虫的发育速率与卵期相对湿度呈正相关,随卵期湿度的增加,发育加快。 一龄幼虫期的湿度条件,对一龄幼虫有明显的影响,在25℃中,幼虫的成活率和发育速率与相对湿度均呈正相关,在32℃中,这种影响更为显著,当湿度降低到40%时,全部幼虫均不能存活,在60%以上的相对湿度中,成活率和发育速率均随湿度的提高而增加。  相似文献   
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