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Polymorphism of four enzymatic loci has been examined in 27 populations of Tetranychus urticae in relation to their geographical distribution and to two ecological parameters: open field vs. greenhouse habitats, and species of the colonized host plant. Genetic differentiation was significantly correlated to geographical distance in both types of habitat. Mite density and distribution of infested plants appear to be important factors for the population structure of T. urticae . In open field, T. urticae specimens from citrus trees were genetically more similar to other 'citrus' samples collected in different localities than they were from mites collected in the same locality on other plant species.  相似文献   
Androdioecy (the coexistence of two genders, cosexuals and males, in a single population) is a rare breeding system. In terms of functional gamete production, androdioecy has been reported in a small number of wind-pollinated and insect-pollinated species. In this study we examine the floral biology, stability of gender, and fruit and seed production after self-pollination and outcrossing pollination in a potentially androdioecious tree, Fraxinus ornus , in southern France. Individual trees have either hermaphrodite flowers or male flowers, the latter lacking a well-developed gynoecium. The two genders produce morphologically similar pollen and were present in 1:1 or slightly male-biased ratios. Only hermaphrodites set fruit during 2–4 yr of observation at four different sites in southern France. Experimental pollinations of eight trees in two different sites showed that hermaphrodites produce viable pollen in dehiscent anthers and viable seeds. Thus, in terms of functional gamete production, F. ornus is a new case of functional androdioecy. Seven hermaphrodites were self-compatible, and such self-compatibility of hermaphrodites might improve the colonizing ability of F. ornus in a region where this species is actively expanding its range.  相似文献   
The endemic fauna of the Comoro Archipelago is composed of a mixture of taxa originating from Africa and Madagascar. Bats are the only native land dwelling mammals on this archipelago, but the biogeographical origins for the vast majority of species within this group are ambiguous. We report here genetic analyses based on two mitochondrial DNA markers to infer the origin of Comorian bats belonging to a reputed species complex of Miniopterus that is further distributed across Africa and Madagascar. Phylogenetic reconstructions show that east African M. minor are not closely related to the insular Miniopterus of Madagascar and the Comoros (Grande Comore and Anjouan). The latter cluster into two distinct, monophyletic clades (Clade 1 and Clade 2). Representatives of these clades occur sympatrically both on the Comoros and on Madagascar, and are distinguished by a large genetic distance (K2P: 9.9% for cytochrome b). No haplotypes are shared between any islands, suggesting the absence of contemporary gene flow. Populations of the widespread Clade 1 are furthermore characterized by a significant inter‐island structure (ΦCT = 0.249), and by high haplotype and nucleotide diversities (h = 0.90–0.98, π = 0.04–0.06). Demographic analyses of Clade 1 suggest secondary contact between two distinct phylogroups (Subclade 1 A and 1B) that reached Grande Comore and Anjouan, and a large, stable population with a long evolutionary history on Madagascar. These results and the current distribution of related lineages suggest that the Comoros were colonized independently at least two or three times by ancestors from Madagascar.  相似文献   
To improve our mechanistic understanding and predictive capacities with respect to climate change effects on the spring phytoplankton bloom in temperate marine systems, we used a process‐driven dynamical model to disentangle the impact of potentially relevant factors which are often correlated in the field. The model was based on comprehensive indoor mesocosm experiments run at four temperature and three light regimes. It was driven by time‐series of water temperature and irradiance, considered edible and less edible phytoplankton separately, and accounted for density‐dependent grazing losses. It successfully reproduced the observed dynamics of well edible phytoplankton in the different temperature and light treatments. Four major factors influenced spring phytoplankton dynamics: temperature, light (cloudiness), grazing, and the success of overwintering phyto‐ and zooplankton providing the starting biomasses for spring growth. Our study predicts that increasing cloudiness as anticipated for warmer winters for the Baltic Sea region will retard phytoplankton net growth and reduce peak heights. Light had a strong direct effect in contrast to temperature. However, edible phytoplankton was indirectly strongly temperature‐sensitive via grazing which was already important in early spring at moderately high algal biomasses and counter‐intuitively provoked lower and later algal peaks at higher temperatures. Initial phyto‐ and zooplankton composition and biomass also had a strong effect on spring algal dynamics indicating a memory effect via the broadly under‐sampled overwintering plankton community. Unexpectedly, increased initial phytoplankton biomass did not necessarily lead to earlier or higher spring blooms since the effect was counteracted by subsequently enhanced grazing. Increasing temperature will likely exhibit complex indirect effects via changes in overwintering phytoplankton and grazer biomasses and current grazing pressure. Additionally, effects on the phytoplankton composition due to the species‐specific susceptibility to grazing are expected. Hence, we need to consider not only direct but also indirect effects, e.g. biotic interactions, when addressing climate change impacts.  相似文献   
Glochinema phaleratum sp. n. and Metaglochinema strigosum sp. n. (Glochinematinae, Epsilonematidae) arc described from supralittoral marine sediments in New Caledonia.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Large wildfires are common in many western coniferous forests, and these fires can affect woodpecker reproduction and habitat use. Our objectives were to examine nesting densities, reproductive parameters, and species-specific habitat selection of woodpeckers in a recently burned region of the Black Hills in South Dakota, USA, between 2001 and 2004. Postfire nesting densities were greatest in areas dominated by high prefire canopy cover, and reproductive success averaged >70%. For some species of woodpeckers, factors such as diameter at breast height, burn severity, and distance to unburned patches were important for nest-site selection. Our data indicated that nesting densities of many woodpeckers in the Black Hills were lower than what has been recorded elsewhere following recent, large wildfires in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests. Management activities that simulate mixed-severity fire effects and retain higher numbers of large snags are likely to benefit cavity nesters in this region.  相似文献   
Obtention of epinasty in the cotyledons of Sinapis alba under continuous far-red illumination. Relation to the development of hypocotyl and cotyledons. Treatment by far red light induces epinasty of the cotyledonary leaf. The effects of light treatments of different intensities were recorded for hypocotyl length, percentage of epinasty and the cotyledon leaf area. The percentage of epinasty increases as a function of treatment duration and light intensity. As from the second day of treatment a correlation is obtained between the percentage of epinasty and hypocotyl length when the seedlings are given far-red light treatment of different durations.  相似文献   
Approximately 20 000 years ago the last glacial maximum (LGM) radically altered the distributions of many Northern Hemisphere terrestrial organisms. Fewer studies describing the biogeographic responses of marine species to the LGM have been conducted, but existing genetic data from coastal marine species indicate that fewer taxa show clear signatures of post-LGM recolonization. We have assembled a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data set for 14 co-distributed northeastern Pacific rocky-shore species from four phyla by combining new sequences from ten species with previously published sequences from eight species. Nuclear sequences from four species were retrieved from GenBank, plus we gathered new elongation factor 1-α sequences from the barnacle Balanus glandula . Results from demographic analyses of mtDNA for five (36%) species ( Evasterias troschelii, Pisaster ochraceus, Littorina sitkana, L. scutulata, Xiphister mucosus ) were consistent with large population expansions occurring near the LGM, a pattern expected if these species recently recolonized the region. However, seven (50%) species ( Mytilus trossulus, M. californianus, B. glandula, S. cariosus, Patiria miniata, Katharina tunicata , X. atropurpureus ) exhibited histories consistent with long-term stability in effective population size, a pattern indicative of regional persistence during the LGM. Two species of Nucella with significant mtDNA genetic structure showed spatially variable demographic histories. Multilocus analyses for five species were largely consistent with mtDNA: the majority of multilocus interpopulation divergence times significantly exceeded the LGM. Our results indicate that the LGM did not extirpate the majority of species in the northeastern Pacific; instead, regional persistence during the LGM appears a common biogeographic history for rocky-shore organisms in this region.  相似文献   
The hydrolysis of seven peptidase substrates by petal extracts of tulip (Tulipa sp. cv. Guillaume Tell) was assayed at four stages in the life cycle of the petals. During senescence pronounced increases from three- to sixfold took place in all the activities. At the same time the amount of soluble protein decreased about 75% and there was a simultaneous increase in free amino acids. The activity levels (on a dry weight basis) in the petals at the beginning of withering were rather similar to those present in normal leaves. Despite their different pH-optima (5-9), all the peptidases probably act in the mobilization of protein amino acids in the senescing petals.  相似文献   
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