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Nonrandom dispersal has been recently advanced as a mechanism promoting fine-scale genetic differentiation in resident populations, yet how this applies to species with high rates of dispersal is still unclear. Using a migratory species considered a classical example of male-biased dispersal (the greater snow goose, Chen caerulescens atlantica ), we documented a temporally stable fine-scale genetic clustering between spatially distinct rearing sites (5–30 km apart), where family aggregates shortly after hatching. Such genetic differentiation can only arise if, in both sexes, dispersal is restricted and nonrandom, a surprising result considering that pairing occurs among mixed flocks of birds more than 3000 km away from the breeding grounds. Fine-scale genetic structure may thus occur even in migratory species with high gene flow. We further show that looking for genetic structure based on nesting sites only may be misleading. Genetically distinct individuals that segregated into different rearing sites were in fact spatially mixed during nesting. These findings provide new, scale-dependent links between genetic structure, pairing, and dispersal and show the importance of sampling different stages of the breeding cycle in order to detect a spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   
Hybridization phenomena can be considered in different ways. Hybridization studies can be used to elucidate some aspects of speciation and adaptation. However, hybridization may be a threat to endemic species. Here, we studied bidirectional introgression between two sympatric species of Cyprinidae: Chondrostoma toxostoma toxostoma and C. nasus nasus . Analysis of morphology, allozymes and mtDNA sequences revealed that the hybridization between these two cyprinids takes different forms in the same river. The mosaic hybrid zone (so called because of the absence of a simple cline) appeared to be partitioned due to the proportions of the two species along a spatial scale. The proportion of each hybrid group in this zone was unstable over a 5-year period. We propose various protection/conservation states for the C. t. toxostoma populations based on the level of introgressive hybridization and the genetic structure of both species in 'pure' populations.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 135–155.  相似文献   
This review of the genus Dichopteris De Zigno is based on the original fossil specimens collected from the Lower Jurassic of the Grey Limestones of Veneto (Northern Italy). The cuticular diagnosis of the genus is emended and only Dichopteris visianica De Zigno is retained within the genus. In addition, transverse and longitudinal sections of cuticles examined using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) indicate close similarities between D. visianica and other pteridosperm cuticles, especially the occurrence of granules arranged in areas of different densities in the epidermal cells and stomatal apparatus. Moreover, the dichotomy and the impressive size of the frond of D. visianica imply a specific architecture with a typical arrangement of the pinnae and pinnules. They preclude an herbaceous habit for the plant. Finally, architectural, microstructural and ultrastructural observations are consistent with palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental data, and most probably support an understorey habit for D. visianica .  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 313–332.  相似文献   
Polygala vayredae is a narrow endemic species from the oriental pre-Pyrenees. Despite its conservation status and rarity, no information is available on its reproductive biology. As the flower is the structure directly involved in pollinator attraction, its morphological and functional traits have major effects on the reproductive success of the plant. In this work, the flower biology and breeding system of P. vayredae were studied to evaluate how they affect the reproductive outcome in natural populations. Flower morphology, flower rewards, and male and female functioning throughout the lifespan of the flower were assessed. Pollination experiments, involving pollinator exclusion and pollen from different sources, were conducted, and the pollen ovule index was determined. Female fitness and the occurrence of pollen limitation were assessed in three natural populations over 2 years by observing the presence of pollen on the stigma, pollen tube development, and fruit production. Polygala vayredae flowers are elaborate and long-lived with nectar rewards. The floral traits are well adapted to xenogamy and entomophily, which are in accordance with the observed breeding system and auto-incompatibility system. No mechanism of reproductive assurance was observed and P. vayredae strictly depends on pollinators to set fruit. Low fruit production was observed in the studied populations, which was largely the result of scarce, unreliable, and/or inefficient pollinators and poor pollen quality. In addition, available resources may be a limiting factor. The reproductive strategy of P. vayredae prevents inbreeding depression by a self-incompatibility system, which in years of scarce pollinators is overcome by the plant habit.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 67–81.  相似文献   
1. In polymorphic species, two or more discrete phenotypes co‐occur simultaneously. Sex‐limited polymorphism is a particular case of polymorphism, in which several discrete morphs coexist within one of the two sexes only. Several hypotheses were proposed to explain the existence and the maintenance of sex‐limited polymorphism in insects: (i) the morphs have similar fitness, such as similar survival and expected fecundity, and their frequencies vary randomly (i.e. the null hypothesis); (ii) harassment by males is reduced towards the less common female morph, in this case andromorph females (i.e. the male mimicry and learned mate recognition hypotheses); (iii) morphs differ in predation risk (i.e. the predation hypothesis); or (iv) morphs differ in thermoregulation ability (i.e. the thermoregulation hypothesis). 2. Field observations and experiments were employed to compare the relative support of these hypotheses using dimorphic females of the bog fritillary butterfly. Differences were detected between morphs in survival, fecundity, harassment by males, predation pressure and thermal properties, thereby rejecting the null hypothesis. 3. The lifestyle of both morphs is associated with different costs and benefits, with advantages in daily survival and precocious emergence for the gynomorph females, and advantages in fecundity, predation and male harassment for the andromorph females. Besides, as the bog fritillary butterfly is protandrous (i.e. males emerge before females), the longer development of andromorph females puts them at risk of emerging when all the males are dead. The results raise the question as to which mechanisms control the ontogenetic pathways driving the production of the two morphs (i.e. genetic polymorphism or phenotypic plasticity).  相似文献   
We studied the taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of species within Praomys, a common rodent genus present in rainforests and montane forests in sub‐Saharan Africa. The taxonomy of the group is problematic, and for the sampled region of Kisangani (Democratic Republic of Congo) no prior genetic study has been published. We used a combination of molecular (cyt b sequencing) and craniometric techniques (canonical analyses of skull measurements) for the species identification of a total of 654 specimens. We confirm the presence of Praomys minor in the region, up to now only known from the type and paratype specimens. At least seven species are present in the Kisangani region, and two clades occur along both banks of the Congo River. The present‐day distribution of the genus seems to be influenced by large‐scale rainforest fragmentation related to drier periods in geological history. The Congo River could in this case constitute a modern barrier to gene flow when the climate enabled rainforest expansion. The tributaries of the Congo River play no role in limiting Praomys species distribution, apart from the Aruwimi River for Praomys jacksoni s.l. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 983–1002.  相似文献   
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