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1. In polymorphic species, two or more discrete phenotypes co‐occur simultaneously. Sex‐limited polymorphism is a particular case of polymorphism, in which several discrete morphs coexist within one of the two sexes only. Several hypotheses were proposed to explain the existence and the maintenance of sex‐limited polymorphism in insects: (i) the morphs have similar fitness, such as similar survival and expected fecundity, and their frequencies vary randomly (i.e. the null hypothesis); (ii) harassment by males is reduced towards the less common female morph, in this case andromorph females (i.e. the male mimicry and learned mate recognition hypotheses); (iii) morphs differ in predation risk (i.e. the predation hypothesis); or (iv) morphs differ in thermoregulation ability (i.e. the thermoregulation hypothesis). 2. Field observations and experiments were employed to compare the relative support of these hypotheses using dimorphic females of the bog fritillary butterfly. Differences were detected between morphs in survival, fecundity, harassment by males, predation pressure and thermal properties, thereby rejecting the null hypothesis. 3. The lifestyle of both morphs is associated with different costs and benefits, with advantages in daily survival and precocious emergence for the gynomorph females, and advantages in fecundity, predation and male harassment for the andromorph females. Besides, as the bog fritillary butterfly is protandrous (i.e. males emerge before females), the longer development of andromorph females puts them at risk of emerging when all the males are dead. The results raise the question as to which mechanisms control the ontogenetic pathways driving the production of the two morphs (i.e. genetic polymorphism or phenotypic plasticity).  相似文献   
We studied the taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of species within Praomys, a common rodent genus present in rainforests and montane forests in sub‐Saharan Africa. The taxonomy of the group is problematic, and for the sampled region of Kisangani (Democratic Republic of Congo) no prior genetic study has been published. We used a combination of molecular (cyt b sequencing) and craniometric techniques (canonical analyses of skull measurements) for the species identification of a total of 654 specimens. We confirm the presence of Praomys minor in the region, up to now only known from the type and paratype specimens. At least seven species are present in the Kisangani region, and two clades occur along both banks of the Congo River. The present‐day distribution of the genus seems to be influenced by large‐scale rainforest fragmentation related to drier periods in geological history. The Congo River could in this case constitute a modern barrier to gene flow when the climate enabled rainforest expansion. The tributaries of the Congo River play no role in limiting Praomys species distribution, apart from the Aruwimi River for Praomys jacksoni s.l. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 983–1002.  相似文献   
Plant density and sowing date were shown to affect branchingin spring-sown white lupin (Lupinus albusL.), but the responsevaried among environments. The patterns of primary and secondarybranching in the cv. Lublanc were studied as a function of boththe number of axillary buds and the plant growth rate. Fieldexperiments that used a wide range of sowing dates and plantdensities to alter plant architecture were conducted over 5years, and these were supplemented with data from additionalglasshouse and growth cabinet experiments. The number of axillary buds on the main stem or primary branches,which determined the potential number of branches, increasedlinearly with the number of nodes. In situations where all axillarybuds did not produce branches, it was found that the numberof primary and secondary branches produced was related to theplant growth rate at the beginning of branch elongation. Knowledgeof the number of axillary buds improved the analysis of theinteraction between cultural practices and environmental conditionson plant architecture. The variability of branching potentialamong genotypes was discussed. Lupinus albus; branches; axillary buds; growth; sowing date; plant density  相似文献   
Two sibling species of the rodent genus Praomys occur in West African forests: P. tullbergi and P. rostratus. By sampling across their geographical ranges (459 individuals from 77 localities), we test the hypothesis that climatic oscillations during the Quaternary made an impact on the observed pattern of cytochrome b sequence variation. We show that, although these two species have parapatric geographical distributions, their phylogeographical histories are dissimilar, which could be related to their distinct ecological requirements. Since the arid phases of the Pleistocene were characterized by isolated forest patches, and intervening wetter periods by forest expansion, these changes in forest cover may be the common mechanism responsible for the observed phylogeographical patterns in both of these species. For example, in both species, most clades had either allopatric or parapatric geographical distributions; however, genetic diversity was much lower in P. tullbergi than in P. rostratus. The genetic pattern of P. tullbergi fits the refuge hypothesis, indicating that a very small number of populations survived in distinct forest blocks during the arid phases, then expanded again with forest recovery. In contrast, a number of populations of P. rostratus appear to have survived during the dry periods in more fragmented forest habitats, with varying levels of gene flow between these patches depending on climatic conditions and forest extent. In addition, historical variations of the West African hydrographic network could also have contributed to the pattern of genetic differentiation observed in both species.  相似文献   

The boatwhistle sound produced by male toadfish during the reproductive season attracts females to the nest site. Boatwhistles consist of a series of rapidly produced, amplitude modulated ‘pulses’ of sound that are generated by specific muscles of the gas bladder. Previous studies have shown that boatwhistle characteristics vary with temperature and geographic location. This study investigated the normal range of variation in boatwhistles produced by males in a northern population of O. tau. Multiple boatwhistles were recorded from individuals at different sites around Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. Multiple boatwhistles were recorded at different sites to assess the range of variation in boatwhistle production from this population. Pulse repetition rates varied from a low of 125 pulses/sec at 16 °C to a high of 219 pulses/sec at 21 °C. Careful examination of recordings from different sites indicated that individuals vary in the durations of their boatwhistles as well as in the pulse repetition rates during the very consistently produced second segment of the call. In particular, pulse repetition rate (PRR) varied significantly (p < 0.001) among most individuals recorded at the same temperatures. Psychophysical testing as well as behavioral choice experiments are needed to assess the relative importance of PRR and spectral cues in species recognition and/or mate choice.  相似文献   
We developed a set of six polymorphic microsatellite loci for the woodlouse, Porcellionides pruinosus. We screened 43 individuals from three French populations and found that locus‐specific allelic diversity ranges from 3 to 17 alleles (mean = 9.8) and observed heterozygosity ranges from 0.51 to 0.89 (mean = 0.77). These are the first microsatellites loci reported from the woodlouse.  相似文献   
Within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, articles 3.3 and 3.4 stipulate that some voluntary activities leading to an additional carbon (C) sequestration in soils could be accounted as C sinks in national greenhouse gas inventories. These additional C stocks should be verifiable. In this work, we assess the feasibility of verifying the effects of changes in land use or management practice on soil organic carbon (SOC), by comparing minimum detectable changes in SOC concentration for existing European networks suitable for soil monitoring. Among the tested scenarios, the minimum detectable changes differed considerably among the soil-monitoring networks (SMNs). Considerable effort would be necessary for some member states to reach acceptable levels of minimum detectable change for C sequestration accounting. For SOC, a time interval of about 10 years would enable the detection of some simulated large changes in most European countries. In almost all cases, the minimum detectable change in SOC stocks remains greater than annual greenhouse gases emissions. Therefore, it is unlikely that SMNs could be used for annual national C accounting. However, the importance of organic C in soil functions, and as an indicator of soil condition and trends, underlines the importance of establishing effective national SMNs.  相似文献   
The development of an expressed sequence tag (EST) collection for the poplar pathogen Septoria musiva presented an opportunity for the development of locus‐specific polymorphic markers. Five microsatellites simple sequence repeat (SSR) and six polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were identified and tested on three S. musiva populations collected in the north‐central and northeastern regions of North America. The results obtained support previously published random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data.  相似文献   
Previous phylogenetic analyses of Orchidaceae subtribe Orchidinae resulted in the proposal to classify Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartman within the genus Dactylorhiza in order to maintain its monophyly. In this paper, we report some results that contradict previous studies regarding the monophyly of the traditional Dactylorhiza and its phylogenetic relationship with Coeloglossum. Our results, which combine sequences of the internal and external transcribed spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, support the monophyly of Dactylorhiza , with Coeloglossum being a sister clade. The position of C. viride in the phylogenetic tree, and the considerable morphological differences with respect to Dactylorhiza , incline us to retain both lineages as distinct genera.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 261–269.  相似文献   
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