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The rodent genus Praomys is widely distributed in the African tropics. The species are cryptic, rendering the species taxonomy unclear. There are differences of opinion concerning the specific status of Praomys misonnei and Praomys tullbergi, and their geographical distribution. We sequenced the cytochrome b and/or the 16S gene of 221 specimens from 12 countries in order to evaluate the genetic variability within these two species, and to precisely determine their geographical distribution. Morphological and morphometrical analyses on the sequenced specimens were also performed to find criteria useful for the identification of museum specimens. Our results confirm that P. misonnei and P. tullbergi are two valid species that can be separated by molecular data. However, no single discrete morphological character or simple metric measurement can be used to discriminate them. The percentage of misclassified individuals in multivariate discriminant analysis is relatively high (10%). The two species have allopatric distributions: P. tullbergi occurs in West Africa, from eastern Guinea to western Ghana, and P. misonnei is widely distributed from eastern Ghana to western Kenya. Within P. misonnei we identified three or four major geographical clades: a West Central African clade, an East African clade, a Nigerian clade, and a possible West African clade. Within P. misonnei, high geographical morphometrical variability was also identified. The role of both rivers and Pleistocene forest refugia in promoting speciation within the genus Praomys is discussed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 397–419.  相似文献   
Shearwaters are nocturnal burrowing seabirds. They return to their colony at dusk and exhibit high vocal activity, underlining the usefulness of acoustic cues to nocturnal communication. The present study aimed to test whether acoustic communication systems of two sympatric shearwater species, the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan and the Mediterranean Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea diomedea , converge to similar strategies. Inter-annual mate fidelity and incubation relays led us to focus on sex and individual acoustic signatures. We first characterized those two signatures by analysing the major call emitted by incubating birds. Second, we performed playback experiments to assess ability of birds to vocally discriminate between sexes and mate versus non-mate. The results obtained show that both species use a reliable sex vocal signature supported by frequency and energy features, enabling sex identification of the emitter. By responding only to conspecific same-sex calls, birds may ensure burrow and mate guarding. Conversely, individual vocal signature was mainly supported by temporal parameters, and was more reliable in the Cory's shearwater. Moreover, this species uses vocal exchanges to identify the mate during incubation relays, whereas Yelkouan shearwaters probably need additional cues. In conclusion, we observe an evolutionary convergence in intra-sex communication process but a divergence in mate greeting strategy.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 115–134.  相似文献   
C4 grasses constitute the main component of savannas and are pervasive in other dry tropical ecosystems where they serve as the main diet for grazing animals. Among potential factors driving C4 evolution of grasses, the interaction between grasses and grazers has not been investigated. To evaluate if increased grazing pressure may have selected for higher leaf silica production as the grasses diverged, we reconstructed the phylogeny of all 800 genera of the grass family with both molecular (combined multiplastid DNA regions) and morphological characters. Using molecular clocks, we also calculated the age and number of origins of C4 clades and found that shifts from C3 to C4 photosynthesis occurred at least 12 times starting 30.9 million years ago and found evidence that the most severe drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide in the late Oligocene (between 33 and 30 million years ago) matches the first origin of C4 photosynthesis in Chloridoideae. By combining fossil and phylogenetic data for ungulates and implementing a randomization procedure, our results showed that the appearance of C4 grass clades and ungulate adaptations to C4-dominated habitats match significantly in time. An increase of leaf epidermal density of silica bodies was found to correspond to postulated shifts in diversification rates in the late Miocene [24 significant shifts in diversification ( P <0.05) were detected between 23 and 3.7 million years ago]. For aristidoid and chloridoid grasses, increased grazing pressure may have selected for a higher leaf epidermal silica production in the late Miocene.  相似文献   
Twenty‐six polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from (AC)n and (AG)n microsatellite‐enhanced genomic libraries of the gray, short‐tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica. All 26 loci showed high allelic diversity, with allele numbers ranging from five to 11 in a subset of 35 animals. Normal Mendelian inheritance was confirmed for 24 loci by analysing allelic segregation in 10, two‐generation, families. Non‐amplifying (null) alleles were detected at two loci, which we recommend be used only if pedigree data are available. We conclude that all of these microsatellite markers would be useful for quantitative trait locus mapping and population genetic studies.  相似文献   
Modern herbicides greatly contribute to world agricultural production but their sustainability is threatened by the widespread evolution of herbicide resistant weedy plant populations. Despite the commercial and scientific importance of resistance, there has not been an experimental model system for pro-actively evaluating the potential for herbicide resistance evolution. Here, utilizing the rapidly growing, unicellular photosynthetic microalgae Chlamydomona s reinhardtii (Dangeard), a ratchet protocol has been developed that solves the problem of maintaining both large populations and strong herbicide selection. The ratchet protocol is a progressive set of cycles, each cycle commencing with a population of approximately one million individuals apportioned amongst three herbicide doses for 14 days. Whenever the evolving population demonstrates growth across the three herbicide selection intensities, then the population ratchets to the next cycle of higher herbicide dose. Therefore, by always maintaining large populations under selection pressure, this system offers the opportunity for beneficial mutations to arise and be enriched. Using the well-characterized atrazine herbicide, the ratchet protocol resulted in rapid evolution of populations with different levels of resistance. This robust laboratory based Chlamydomonas system is proposed for application in establishing the respective propensity for resistance evolution to herbicides or other selecting agents.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 257–266.  相似文献   
  • 1 Near-bed flow equations and definitions have been reviewed by Carling (1992). The main errors and ambiguities in this contribution are identified.
  • 2 The hypotheses required to derive the governing equations are usually violated in complex flows of natural streams.
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