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Most European migratory birds wintering in sub‐Saharan Africa have anticipated arrival to the breeding areas over the past decades. This phenological change may be ultimately caused by warming of the Northern Hemisphere via evolutionary changes or phenotypic plasticity in migration behavior. First arrival dates are negatively predicted by temperatures upon arrival to the breeding grounds. This seems puzzling, because migrants should be unable to predict weather conditions at long range. Migrants can enjoy diverse fitness benefits from early arriving. However, if weather conditions at destination cannot be predicted, early arrival can also entail severe costs. If meteorological conditions in Europe during breeding covary with those in sub‐Saharan Africa during late winter, long‐distance migrants may have a clue to predict meteorological conditions in their breeding areas while they are still in Africa and adjust their migration schedule consequently, an idea that has never been tested. We analyzed the correlation between March–April temperature anomalies (Tan) in Europe and February Tan in the Sahel and sub‐Sahel, where long‐distance migrants winter or stop‐over. Tan in Africa negatively predicted Tan in Europe, the association being particularly strong (unsigned effect size, zr>0.35) for eastern Sahel and northern and eastern Europe, where the risks of early arrival may be larger. However, the strength of the correlations between Tan in the two continents has declined during the last 25 years; thus, possibly, partly compromising adaptive mechanisms of adjustment of migration. The existence of such climatic connectivity leads to several predictions, including that positive Tan in Africa should delay arrival. Consistent with this prediction, we found that first arrival dates of seven long‐distance migratory species positively covaried with February Tan in Africa. Thus, while wintering, migrants might be able to predict meteorological conditions at the beginning of the breeding season, and phenotypically adjust migration schedules to optimally tune arrival date.  相似文献   
Recent studies have shown that resistance in several dicotyledonous plants to viruses in the genus Potyvirus is controlled by recessive alleles of the plant translation initiation factor eIF4E or eIF ( iso ) 4E genes. Here we provide evidence that the barley rym 4 gene locus, controlling immunity to viruses in the genus Bymovirus , corresponds to eIF4E . A molecular marker based on the sequence of eIF4E was developed and used to demonstrate that eIF4E and rym 4 map to the same genetic interval on chromosome 3HL in barley . Another genetic marker was developed that detects a polymorphism in the coding sequence of eIF4E and consistently distinguishes between rym 4 and susceptible barley cultivars of diverse parentage. The eIF4E gene product from barley genotypes carrying rym 4 and allelic rym 5 and rym 6 genes, originating from separate exotic germplasm, and a novel resistant allele that we identified through a reverse genetics approach all contained unique amino acid substitutions compared with the wild-type protein. Three-dimensional models of the barley eIF4E protein revealed that the polymorphic residues identified are all located at or near the mRNA cap-binding pocket, similarly to recent findings from studies on recessive potyvirus resistance in dicotyledonous plants. These new data complement our earlier observations that specific mutations in bymovirus VPg are responsible for overcoming rym 4/5-controlled resistance. Because the potyviral VPg is known to interact with eIF4E in dicotyledonous plants, it appears that monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants have evolved a similar strategy to combat VPg-encoding viruses in the family Potyviridae .  相似文献   
Access to treatment, in HIV vaccine trials (HVTs), remains ethically controversial. In most prevention trials, including in South Africa, participants who seroconvert are referred to publicly funded programmes for treatment. This strategy is problematic when there is inadequate and uneven access to public sector antiretroviral therapy (ART) and support resources. The responsibilities, if any, of researchers, sponsors and public health authorities involved in HVTs has been hotly debated among academics, scholars, representatives of international organizations and sponsors. However, there is little published on community perceptions. Recent guidance asserts that communities should make inputs into treatment and care decisions. This qualitative study explored a South African community's perceptions of who should provide what to HVT participants as well as how and why this should be done. Twenty‐nine adults working at or attending five primary health care clinics in two rural areas in KwaZulu‐Natal participated in in‐depth interviews. Respondents expressed that researchers should ‘help participants to access’ treatment and care ‘because they are in a position to do so’ and ‘are in a relationship with’ trial participants. Respondents suggested that researchers could help by ‘facilitating referral’ until such time that participants can access care and treatment on their own. We highlight a series of implications for researchers in HVTs, including their need to be aware of prospective participants' considerable trust in and respect for researchers, the responsibility that this places on them, and the need for clear communication with communities so as not to erode community trust.  相似文献   
Ophrys sphegodes is a rare species in the United Kingdom. The largest extant population of the species, at Castle Hill National Nature Reserve in Sussex, has been monitored each year since 1975. At each annual census, which is conducted during the peak period of flowering (May), the co-ordinates of each plant are recorded, allowing the fate of individuals to be followed from one census to the next. In the present study the population was monitored throughout one complete year. The data collected allow the phenology of the species to be described and the effectiveness of the annual census to be assessed. The study shows that a substantial number of Ophrys sphegodes plants emerge above ground and re-enter the below ground phase before the census date. These results suggest that reliance on annual census records alone may result in the size of the population being underestimated and incorrect life-histories being ascribed to individual plants. True counts of the population may be obtained only if 'dormant' plants are retrospectively added to the population.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphisms in body size and head size are common among lizards and are often related to sexual selection on male fighting capacity (organismal performance) and territory defence. However, whether this is generally true or restricted to lizards remains untested. Here we provide data on body and head size, bite performance and indicators of mating success in the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), the closest living relative to squamates, to explore the generality of these patterns. First, we test whether male and female tuatara are dimorphic in head dimensions and bite force, independent of body size. Next, we explore which traits best predict bite force capacity in males and females. Finally, we test whether male bite force is correlated with male mating success in a free‐ranging population of tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). Our data confirm that tuatara are indeed dimorphic in head shape, with males having bigger heads and higher bite forces than females. Across all individuals, head length and the jaw closing in‐lever are the best predictors of bite force. In addition, our data show that males that are mated have higher absolute but not relative bite forces. Bite force was also significantly correlated to condition in males but not females. Whereas these data suggest that bite force may be under sexual selection in tuatara, they also indicate that body size may be the key trait under selection in contrast to what is observed in squamates that defend territories or resources by biting. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 287–292.  相似文献   
The evolution of migratory strategies in birds is likely to have been influenced by ecological as well as socio-sexual factors in both wintering and breeding areas. In this comparative study, we analysed timing of spring passage of 38 long-distance migratory bird species that winter south of the Sahara desert and breed in Europe, in relation to wintering and breeding latitudes, moult strategy, nesting site (open vs. cavity), and sexual dimorphism in size and coloration, which may reflect intensity of sexual selection. We employed a large data set consisting of more than 190 000 individuals ringed during spring migration in the Mediterranean Sea. We found that the species that migrated earlier were those wintering farther north, nesting in cavities and showing the largest degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). However, sexual dichromatism was not related to migration date. Among passerine species, moulting wing-feathers in Africa delayed migration. We found no support for the energetic constraint hypothesis, which proposes that early arrival selects for large male size, since early arriving species were not larger than late arriving ones. Thus, the observed associations suggest that variation in migration schedules at the interspecific level may have evolved in relation to ecological factors and SSD, possibly reflecting the intensity of mating competition.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 199–210.  相似文献   
Hatching failure is inversely correlated with population bottleneck size among exotic birds introduced to New Zealand, but the mechanism for this is unclear. We assess whether the bottlenecks these species experienced during their introduction have affected hatching failure through deleterious changes in egg morphology. We measured egg size and shape of 13 species that passed through bottlenecks of 11–800 individuals during their establishment in the 19th century. Eggs were also measured in the source populations ('pre-bottleneck') of each species to compare pre- and post-bottleneck egg morphology directly. Significant changes in egg volume were found in six of 13 species, with most laying smaller eggs in New Zealand. Egg shape changed in four of 13 species but there was no directional bias; two species developed more elongated eggs and two species broader eggs. There was no relationship between bottleneck size and change in egg volume, but species passing through severe bottlenecks had greater variability in egg volume and were more likely to have eggs that deviated in shape from their source populations. There was no relationship between changes in either egg volume or shape and rates of hatching failure. Further work is needed to assess whether changes in egg morphology have negative consequences on offspring fitness and whether the observed changes are the result of differing environmental conditions in the introduced range.  相似文献   
As climate is a key agro‐ecosystem driving force, climate change could have a severe impact on agriculture. Many assessments have been carried out to date on the possible effects of climate change (temperature, precipitation and carbon dioxide concentration changes) on plant physiology. At present however, likely effects on plant pathogens have not been investigated deeply. The aim of this work was to simulate future scenarios of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on grape under climate change, by combining a disease model to output from two general circulation models (GCMs). Model runs corresponding to the SRES‐A2 emissions scenario, characterized by high projections of both population and greenhouse gas emissions from present to 2100, were chosen in order to investigate impacts of worst‐case scenarios, among those currently available from IPCC. Three future decades were simulated (2030, 2050, 2080), using as baseline historical series of meteorological data collected from 1955 to 2001 in Acqui Terme, an important grape‐growing area in the north‐west of Italy. Both GCMs predicted increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation in this region. The simulations obtained by combining the disease model to the two GCM outputs predicted an increase of the disease pressure in each decade: more severe epidemics were a direct consequence of more favourable temperature conditions during the months of May and June. These negative effects of increasing temperatures more than counterbalanced the effects of precipitation reductions, which alone would have diminished disease pressure. Results suggested that, as adaptation response to future climate change, more attention would have to be paid in the management of early downy mildew infections; two more fungicide sprays were necessary under the most negative climate scenario, compared with present management regimes. At the same time, increased knowledge on the effects of climate change on host–pathogen interactions will be necessary to improve current predictions.  相似文献   
Fire can often occur in aquatic ecosystems, which may affect aquatic invertebrates. Despite the importance of aquatic invertebrates to ecosystem function, the effect of fire on these environments has been little studied. We studied the effects of fire on aquatic invertebrates in artesian springs in the arid zone of South Australia. Artesian springs are a unique and threatened ecosystem, containing several rare and endemic species. Evidence suggests these wetlands were routinely burnt by indigenous Aboriginal people before European settlement over 100 years ago. Recently, burning has been suggested as a reinstated management tool to control the dominant reed Phragmites australis. A reduction in the cover of the reed may benefit the threatened flora and fauna through enhancement of water flow. Three artesian springs were burnt and aquatic invertebrates sampled from the burnt and three unburnt springs. A single fire in late winter completely burnt the dominant vegetation, followed by recovery of Phragmites over the following 2 years. A single fire event did not deplete populations of endemic aquatic invertebrates in artesian springs, but probably did not substantially benefit these populations either. Isopods, amphipods, ostracods and three species of hydrobiid snail survived the fire event, and most had increased in number 1 month post fire but then returned to pre‐burnt numbers by 1 year post fire. Morphospecies richness of all identified invertebrates increased over time in all springs, but did not differ appreciably between burnt and unburnt springs. If burning artesian springs is to be adopted as a management tool to suppress the growth of Phragmites australis, we conclude that the endemic aquatic invertebrates will survive a single burn event, without negative effect to their populations.  相似文献   
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