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目的:探讨胞苷酸鸟苷寡脱氧核苷酸(CpG ODN)联合铝佐剂对丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)重组免疫原的体液免疫作用。方法:采用高交叉HCV-HVR1和E1重组蛋白与CpG ODN、铝佐剂组合,免疫BALB/c小鼠后以ELISA、酶联免疫斑点测定、流式细胞术、免疫沉淀等方法检测相关体液免疫指标和免疫血清多抗的交叉反应性。结果:CpG联合铝佐剂激发了最高的特异性抗体滴度;佐剂通过提高抗体分泌细胞数量、增加脾脏中记忆B细胞数量、增加脾淋巴细胞IL-6、IL-10分泌浓度实现体液免疫增效;CpG则能提高免疫效率,联合铝佐剂时显著提高浆细胞数量;12份HCV阳性血清中有10份可与多抗HVR1 IgG发生免疫沉淀。结论:CpG和铝佐剂联合应用具有协同作用,多抗HVR1 IgG具有较好的交叉反应性。  相似文献   
一种新的制备多克隆抗体的方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用亲和色谱纯化的rhEPO作为抗原免疫KM小鼠和Bal b/c小鼠,然后腹腔注射S180细胞或SP2/0细胞。S180细胞可刺激KM小鼠产生腹水,腹水量大,抗体效价高。而直接注射SP2/0细胞既未能使KM小鼠产生腹水,也未能使Bal b/c小鼠产生腹水。实验提供了一种新的简便、快速、经济地制备高效价多克隆抗体的方法。  相似文献   
报道了海南8种植物新记录种,隶属于8科8属,其中3属为海南新记录属。新记录属分别为金线草属Antenoron Rafin.、变豆菜属Sanicula Linn.、龙珠属Tubocapsicum (Wettst.) Makino;新记录种包括龙眼润楠Machilus oculodracontis、金线草Antenoron filiforme、大叶拿身草Desmodium laxiflorum、钦州柯Lithocarpus qinzhouicus、多序楼梯草Elatostema macintyrei、膜叶变豆菜Sanicula lamelligera、小叶乌饭树Vaccinium bracteatum var. chinense、龙珠Tubocapsicum anomalum。凭证标本存放在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)、香港嘉道理农场暨植物园植物标本室(KFBG)及香港政府标本室(HK)。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT In the sexual process, amicronucleate Paramecium tetraurelia , unlike micronucleates, fail to produce an oral apparatus, but resorb the pre-existing one. Exceptions were found in some amicronucleate cell lines in which about 1% of the cells possessed oral structures, including pieces of oral membranelles, sometimes complete with buccal cavity, after autogamy or conjugation. By following oral development in the sexual process in some detail, the present study supports the view that these oral structures are derived from the pre-existing oral apparatus and not newly developed from the oral primordium. The possible involvement of the micronucleus and the pre-existing oral apparatus in oral resorption is discussed. The possession of a functional oral apparatus after the sexual process may open up a new evolutionary avenue to the amicronucleates.  相似文献   
Studies using genetic and biochemical probes have suggested that mouse sperm surface galactosyltransferases may participate during fertilization by binding N- acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues in the egg zona pellucida. In light of these results, we examined sperm surface galactosyltransferase activity during in vitro capacitation to determine whether changes in enzymatic activity correlated with fertilizing ability. Results show that surface galactosyltransferases on uncapacitated sperm was preferentially loaded with poly N-acetyllactosamine substrates. As a consequence of capacitation in Ca(++)-containing medium, these polylactosaminyl substrates are spontaneously released from the sperm surface, thereby exposing the sperm galactosyltransferase for binding to the zona pellucida. Sperm capacitation can be mimicked, in the absence of Ca(++), either by washing sperm in Ca(++)-free medium, or by pretreating sperm with antiserum that reacts with the galactosyltransferase substrate. In both instances, sperm galgactosylation of endogenous polylactosaminyl substrates is reduced, coincident with increased galactosylation of exogenous GlcNAc, and increased binding to the zona pellucida. Binding of capacitated sperm to the egg can be inhibited by pronase-digested high molecular weight polyactosaminyl glycoside extracted from epidymal fluids or from undifferentiated F9 embryonal carninoma cells. Thus, these glycosides function as “decapacitation factors” when added back to in vitro fertilization assays. These glycoside “decapacitation factors” inhibit sperm-egg binding by competeing for the sperm surface galactosyltransferase, since (a) they are galactosylated by sperm in the presence of UDP[(3)H]galactose, and (b) enzymatic removal of terminal GlcNAc residues reduces “decapacitation factio” competition. On the other hand “conventional” low molecular weight glycosides, isolated from either epididymal fluid or differentiated F9 cells, fail to inhibit capacitated sperm binding to the zona pellucida. These results define a molecular mechanism for one aspect of sperm capacitation, and help explain why removal of “decapacitation factos” is a necessary prerequisite for sperm binding to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   
The in vivo absorbance spectrum of the inner seed coat of Cyclanthera explodens Naud. showed a main peak in the red region at 671 nm and a weak shoulder at about 640 nm. The pigments were extracted with acetone. separated by paper chromatography and analysed spectrophotometrically. The only detectable pigment was protochlorophyll. The in vivo fluorsecence emission spectra had two main peaks, one at 632 and one at 691 nm. The relation between the two peaks was changed when the exvcitation wavelength was altered from 440 to 460 nm. Excitation at 420 nm gave an additional fluorescence emission peak at 595 nm. These data indicate the presence of at least three forms of protochlorophyll in the Cyclantera seed coat. The spectrum of circular dichroism had a very intence and characteristic signal in the red region with a negative asymmetrical Cotton effect (664 (+), 669 (0) and 687 (?) nm). This indicates that at least one of the protochlorophyll forms is present in a more or less crystalline form.  相似文献   
Five cDNA clones were isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) that encoded mRNAs related to xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET). One of the clones encoded a protein with XET activity in vitro. Sequence comparisons revealed five families of XET-related sequences, one of which (containing two of the barley genes) was novel. Hybridization studies using clone-specific probes indicated that the corresponding genes were represented once, or possibly twice, in the barley genome. Treatment of dwarf mutants with gibberellic acid (GA3), or homozygosity at the ‘slender’ (sln1) locus, resulted in a 2.5-fold (approximately) stimulation of blade elongation rate. Three of the five clones detected mRNAs that were maximally expressed towards the base of the blade, and present in greater quantities in GA3-treated or slender seedlings. The remaining two clones detected mRNAs that were maximally expressed in the middle of the blade. Relative elemental growth rate (REGR) profiles of leaves growing with or without GA3 treatment revealed similar maximal REGR values despite a 2.5-fold difference in leaf elongation rate. Segments of GA3-treated leaves attained their maximal REGR values more rapidly, this being associated with enhanced expression of the three ‘basal’ XET-related mRNAs. Highest XET activities were detected in the base of the elongation zone, and in GA3-treated seedlings a second activity peak was observed near the distal end of the elongation zone. We conclude that there are likely to be several XET isoenzymes with different expression patterns, and identify those XET-related proteins potentially involved in leaf elongation.  相似文献   
We investigated development of cortical ciliature in Stylonychia mytilus during starvation-induced physiological reorganization, and during regeneration following amputation of the anterior part of the cell. Cortical reorganization in the two processes is generally similar. The posterior part of the adoral zone of membranelles is resorbed and replaced with newly assembled membranelles. The pre-existing set of ventral cirri and dorsal bristles is entirely resorbed and replaced with new ones. Regenerants exhibit posterior displacement of the frontal-ventral-transverse cirri primordium and the undulating membrane primordium, and recruit basal bodies from ectopic locations for the development of these ciliature. This illustrates flexibility in the initiation site of ciliary primordia, and opportunism in utilizing building blocks. Such morphogenetic versatility of hypotrichs provides the basis for the operation of a global control of pattern formation, which governs cortical reorganization in dividers, and additionally, in the absence of the prerequisites for binary fission, alternative modes of cortical development such as physiological reorganization or regeneration. These considerations suggest that the three processes are homologous and that physiological reorganization and regeneration have evolved from binary fission. In physiological reorganization and regeneration, the micro- and macronuclei reorganize to resemble that in binary fission; these nuclear events are considered evolutionary relics of the nuclear development of binary fission. Tetrahymena also exhibits such morphogenetic flexibility; stomatogenesis is under global control, so that asexual cells can replace its oral apparatus without undergoing binary fission. Paramecium , on the other hand, adopts a more rigid strategy in relying heavily on pre-existing structures for morphogenetic cues; this could have imposed constraints in the exploration of alternative modes of asexual development.  相似文献   
怀集石燕燕窝促细胞分裂活性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
江润祥  吴文瀚 《动物学报》1989,35(4):429-435
1.借助Bio—Gel P—10柱层析法,由怀集石燕燕窝水提物部分纯化得一具有EGP活性的成分EGF-2。 2.在放射标记受体活性测定中,EGF-2与受体的竞争性结合曲线与小鼠EGF标准曲线相平行。EGF-2能显著刺激氚标记的胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷对小鼠3T3成纤维细胞的掺入作用。这种活性不受抗小鼠EGF抗体的抑制。 3.借助Sephacry1-200 Superfine柱层析法,由上述水提物分离得一蛋白质组分(S-200Ⅰ+Ⅱ),对培养的人脐带淋巴细胞有促细胞分裂作用。并对培养的、经Con A转化的淋巴细胞有辅促细胞分裂作用。  相似文献   
An outbreak of a dryberry disease caused by Peronospora sparsa (syn. P. rubi) occurred in plantations of arctic bramble (Rubus arcticus subsp. arcticus) in Finland in the middle of 1990s. The disease persists and is most severe in cool and rainy summers. The disease has not been encountered in northern Sweden where cultivars (R. arcticus nothosubsp. stellarcticus) different from those in Finland are used. The occurrence of P. sparsa in wild Rubus spp. is virtually unknown in both areas and it is not known whether they constitute a potential infection source. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of P. sparsa on wild Rubus spp. growing in the vicinity of cultivations of arctic bramble. Symptomatic plants were sampled in 1997–1999. P. sparsa was detected using a light microscope, preceded by incubation of the sample in vitro if necessary, and by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method. Plants of cultivated R. arcticus subsp. arcticus were commonly infected by P. sparsa in Finland. P. sparsa was also found on the cultivated R. arcticus nothosubsp. stellarcticus in Finland and Sweden. However, the infected plants of the cultivars of nothosubsp. stellarcticus seemed to be much less damaged than the cultivars of subsp. arcticus. Plants infected with P. sparsa were found in the populations of wild R. arcticus subsp. arcticus in both countries, and in cloudberry (R. chamaemorus) in natural habitats in Finland. In addition, P. sparsa was detected on specimens of R. arcticus subsp. arcticus (collected in 1966–1985) and R. chamaemorus (collected in 1899–1981) in Finnish herbaria. The samples of R. idaeus and R. saxatilis collected from the field in this study or investigated in the herbaria were not infected with P. sparsa. These data show that P. sparsa has not recently invaded Finland but has become an economically significant pathogen during the rapid expansion of cultivation of the apparently sensitive clones of arctic bramble.  相似文献   
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