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Nitric oxide (NO) donors and protein kinase G (PKG) acutely up-regulate K-Cl cotransporter-1 and -3 (KCC1 and KCC3) mRNA expression in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Here, we report the presence, relative abundance, and regulation by sodium nitroprusside (SNP) of the novel KCC3a and KCC3b mRNAs, in primary cultures of rat VSMCs. KCC3a and KCC3b mRNAs were expressed in an approximate 3:1 ratio, as determined by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis. SNP as well as YC-1 and 8-Br-cGMP, a NO-independent stimulator of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and PKG, respectively, increased KCC3a and KCC3b mRNA expression by 2.5-fold and 8.1-fold in a time-dependent manner, following a differential kinetics. Stimulation of the NO/sGC/PKG signaling pathway with either SNP, YC-1, or 8-Br-cGMP decreased the KCC3a/KCC3b ratio from 3.0+/-0.4 to 0.9+/-0.1. This is the first report on a differential regulation by the NO/sGC/PKG signaling pathway of a cotransporter and of KCC3a and KCC3b mRNA expression.  相似文献   
We report a new method for histochemical localization of cytokinins (CKs) in plant tissues based on bromophenol blue/silver nitrate staining. The method was validated by immunohistochemistry using anti-trans-zeatin riboside antibody. Indole-3-acetic acid (auxin, IAA) was localized by anti-IAA antibody in plant tissues as a proof for IAA histolocalization. We used root sections, because they are major sites of CKs synthesis, and insect galls of Piptadenia gonoacantha that accumulate IAA. Immunostaining confirmed the presence of zeatin and sites of accumulation of IAA indicated by histochemistry. The colors developed by histochemical reactions in free-hand sections of plant tissues were similar to those obtained by thin layer chromatography (TLC), which reinforced the reactive sites of zeatin. The histochemical method for detecting CKs is useful for galls and roots, whereas IAA detection is more efficient for gall tissues. Therefore, galls constitute a useful model for validating histochemical techniques due to their rapid cell cycles and relatively high accumulation of plant hormones.  相似文献   
Red blood cells (RBCs) from different mammalian species were investigated for the presence of diamide-induced oxidative activation of K-Cl cotransport reported to be present in sheep but absent in human RBCs. K efflux was measured in RBCs from human with hemoglobin (Hb) A or S, glucose-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and a cytoskeletal deficiency, and from rat, mouse and rabbit. RBCs were incubated with diamide (0–1.0 mm) in K-free Cl or NO3 media of variable osmolalities (200–450 mOsM). Cl-dependent K efflux or K-Cl cotransport (estimated as the difference between K efflux rate constants in Cl and NO3) was activated by diamide in a sigmoidal fashion. Relative maximum K-Cl cotransport followed the sequence: human HbA (1) < rabbit (1.8) < sheep (6.9) < human HbS (9.5) ∼ rat (9.7). Relative diamide concentrations for half maximal activation of K-Cl cotransport followed the sequence: sheep (1.9) > human Hb A (1) > rabbit (0.75) > human HbS and rat (0.67). Cell swelling in 200 mOsM doubled K-Cl cotransport in diamide, both in human HbA and S cells but reduced that in rat RBCs. In contrast, cell shrinkage at 450 mOsM obliterated K-Cl cotransport in human HbA and S but not in rat RBCs. Human RBCs with G6PDH and a cytoskeleton deficiency behaved like HbA RBCs. In mouse RBCs, diamide-activated K-Cl cotransport was 30% higher in isotonic than in hypotonic medium. In human HbA and S, and in low or high K sheep RBCs fractionated by Percoll density gradient, diamide increased the activity of K-Cl cotransport, an effect inversely correlated with cell density. Analysis of pooled data reveals that K-Cl cotransport accounted for about 80% of all K flux in Cl. There was a statistically significant correlation between K-Cl cotransport and K efflux in Cl (P < 0.00001) and in NO3 (P < 0.00001). In conclusion, a diamide-activated K-Cl cotransport was present in human RBCs and in all other mammalian RBCs tested, with a large inter-, and for human and sheep, intraspecies variability for its maximum activity. Received: 5 June 1996/Revised: 4 October 1996  相似文献   
Sheep K-Cl cotransporter-1(shKCC1) cDNA was cloned from kidney by RT-PCR with an open reading frame of 3258 base pairs exhibiting 92%, 90%, 88% and 87% identity with pig, rabbit and human, rat and mouse KCC1 cDNAs, respectively, encoding an approximately 122 kDa polypeptide of 1086-amino acids. Hydropathy analysis reveals the familiar KCC1 topology with 12 transmembrane domains (TMDs) and the hydrophilic NH2-terminal (NTD) and COOH-terminal (CTD) domains both at the cytoplasmic membrane face. However, shKCC1 has two rather than one large extracellular loops (ECL): ECL3 between TMDs 5 and 6, and ECL6, between TMDs 11 and 12. The translated shKCC1 protein differs in 12 amino acid residues from other KCC1s, mainly within the NTD, ECL3, ICL4, ECL6, and CTD. Notably, a tyrosine residue at position 996 replaces aspartic acid conserved in all other species. Human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells and mouse NIH/3T3 fibroblasts, transiently transfected with shKCCI-cDNA, revealed the glycosylated approximately 150 kDa proteins by Western blots and positive immunofluorescence-staining with polyclonal rabbit anti-ratKCC1 antibodies. ShKCC1 was functionally expressed in NIH/3T3 cells by an elevated basal Cl-dependent K influx measured with Rb as K-congener that was stimulated three-fold by the KCC-activator N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   
Red blood cells (RBCs) possess the K-Cl cotransport (KCC) isoforms 1, 3, and 4. Mutations within a given isoform may affect overall KCC activity. In a double-blind study, we analyzed, with Rb as a K congener, K fluxes (total flux, ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+ pump, and bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-2Cl cotransport, Cl-dependent, and ouabain- and bumetanide-insensitive KCC with or without stimulation by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and staurosporine or Mg removal, and basal channel-mediated fluxes, osmotic fragility, and ions and water in the RBCs of 8 controls, and of 8 patients with hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with agenesis of corpus callosum (HMSN-ACC) with defined KCC3 mutations (813FsX813 and Phe529FsX532) involving the truncations of 338 and 619 C-terminal amino acids, respectively. Water and ion content and, with one exception, mean osmotic fragility, as well as K fluxes without stimulating agents, were similar in controls and HMSN-ACC RBCs. However, the NEM-stimulated KCC was reduced 5-fold (p < 0.0005) in HMSN-ACC vs control RBCs, as a result of a lower Vmax (p < 0.05) rather than a lower Km (p = 0.109), accompanied by corresponding differences in Cl activation. Low intracellular Mg activated KCC in 6 out of 7 controls vs 1 out of 6 HMSN-ACC RBCs, suggesting that regulation is compromised. The lack of differences in staurosporine-activated KCC indicates different action mechanisms. Thus, in HMSN-ACC patients with KCC3 mutants, RBC KCC activity, although indistinguishable from that of the control group, responded differently to biochemical stressors, such as thiol alkylation or Mg removal, thereby indirectly indicating an important contribution of KCC3 to overall KCC function and regulation.  相似文献   
Summary Ouabain-resistant effluxes from pretreated cells containing K+/Na+=1.5 into K+ and Na+ free media were measured.Furosemide-sensitive cation effluxes from cells with nearly normal membrane potential and pH were lower in NO 3 media than in Cl media; they were reduced when pH was lowered in Cl media. When the membrane potential was positive inside furosemide increased the effluxes of Na+ and K+ (7 experiments). With inside-positive membrane potential thefurosemideinsensitive effluxes were markedly increased, they decreased with decreasing pH at constant internal Cl and also when internal Cl was reduced at constant pH. The correlation between cation flux and the membrane potential was different for cells with high or low internal chloride concentrations. The data with chloride47mm showed a better fit with the single-barrier model than with the infinite number-of-barriers model. With low chloride no significant correlation between flux and membrane potential was found. The data are not compatible with pure independent diffusion of Na+ and K+ in the presence of ouabain and furosemide.  相似文献   
Chevalier  J.  Adragna  N.  Bourguet  J.  Gobin  R. 《Cell and tissue research》1981,218(3):595-606
Summary The fine structure of ADH-induced intramembrane particle aggregates has been studied in different tissues and under different experimental conditions. Particle aggregates similar to those previously observed in the amphibian urinary bladder and in the mammalian collecting duct were also found in the frog skin, another ADH target tissue. In the frog urinary bladder, typical aggregates were observed in the absence of glutaraldehyde fixation. Two experimental approaches were used a) the absence of both fixative and cryoprotectant treatments and b) the absence of only glutaraldehyde treatment. In the latter case the reversal of hydrosmotic action was prevented by exposing the preparations to N-ethyl maleimide. In specimens of frog urinary bladder conventionally fixed with glutaraldehyde, two fracture levels could be observed in the aggregates, suggesting that the aggregated particles span an appreciable part of the membrane thickness.J. Chevalier is a career investigator from the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, INSERM U 48, France  相似文献   


Caesarean section (CS) rates are rising worldwide. In the Netherlands, the most significant rise is observed in healthy women with a singleton in vertex position between 37 and 42 weeks gestation, whereas it is doubtful whether an improved outcome for the mother or her child was obtained. It can be hypothesized that evidence-based guidelines on CS are not implemented sufficiently. Therefore, the present study has the following objectives: to develop quality indicators on the decision to perform a CS based on key recommendations from national and international guidelines; to use the quality indicators in order to gain insight into actual adherence of Dutch gynaecologists to guideline recommendations on the performance of a CS; to explore barriers and facilitators that have a direct effect on guideline application regarding CS; and to develop, execute, and evaluate a strategy in order to reduce the CS incidence for a similar neonatal outcome (based on the information gathered in the second and third objectives).


An independent expert panel of Dutch gynaecologists and midwives will develop a set of quality indicators on the decision to perform a CS. These indicators will be used to measure current care in 20 hospitals with a population of 1,000 women who delivered by CS, and a random selection of 1,000 women who delivered vaginally in the same period. Furthermore, by interviewing healthcare professionals and patients, the barriers and facilitators that may influence the decision to perform a CS will be measured. Based on the results, a tailor-made implementation strategy will be developed and tested in a controlled before-and-after study in 12 hospitals (six intervention, six control hospitals) with regard to effectiveness, experiences, and costs.


This study will offer insight into the current CS care and into the hindering and facilitating factors influencing obstetrical policy on CS. Furthermore, it will allow definition of patient categories or situations in which a tailor-made implementation strategy will most likely be meaningful and cost effective, without negatively affecting the outcome for mother and child.

Trial registration

http://www.clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01261676  相似文献   
Visualization and analysis of molecular networks are both central to systems biology. However, there still exists a large technological gap between them, especially when assessing multiple network levels or hierarchies. Here we present RedeR, an R/Bioconductor package combined with a Java core engine for representing modular networks. The functionality of RedeR is demonstrated in two different scenarios: hierarchical and modular organization in gene co-expression networks and nested structures in time-course gene expression subnetworks. Our results demonstrate RedeR as a new framework to deal with the multiple network levels that are inherent to complex biological systems. RedeR is available from http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/RedeR.html.  相似文献   
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