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Abstract. 1. We determined the phenology of the shrub Spiraea latifolia Ait. Bork. (Rosaceae), which has indeterminate shoot growth, and the effects of phenological changes in leaf quality on growth rate of the early-spring feeding buckmoth caterpillars, Hemileuca lucina Hy. Edw. (Saturniidae).
2. Leaves, regardless of whether they were newly expanded or several weeks old, were tougher later in the growth season (mid-June) than similarly aged leaves collected earlier; correspondingly, water and nitrogen content for leaves of all ages declined through the larval period. By July, newly expanded leaves had no more nitrogen than mature leaves.
3. Relative growth rate of third instar larvae fed new leaves or a mixture of new and mature leaves in early June was higher than that of those fed mature leaves, and efficiency of conversion of digested food to biomass was higher for larvae fed new leaves than for those fed mature leaves or a mixture.
4. In another experiment, larvae were reared on new leaves through the fourth instar and then fed a diet of new, mature or a combination of new and mature leaves, a regimen that was similar to the phenologies of both plants and caterpillars in the field. There was no difference in time to pupation or pupal weights among these treatments.  相似文献   
Abstract: Chronic wasting disease is a fatal, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy found among cervids. Spread of the disease across the landscape is believed to result from movements (dispersal, exploratory, transient, or migratory) of infected deer, serving as the vectors for the disease. We document an unusual long-distance movement of a young female, out of the chronic wasting disease eradication zone in south-central Wisconsin. This type of movement could function as a rapid, long-distance dispersing mechanism for the disease only if the following conditions are met: the deer is infected and shedding prions, the deer directly contacts other deer and transmits secretions carrying an infectious dose of prions, or an infectious dose of prions is transmitted to the environment and taken up by other deer. Despite lower prevalence rates of chronic wasting disease among young deer, we believe managers should not dismiss deer making long-distance movements such as we report, as they could serve as potential long-distance vectors of the disease.  相似文献   
Microsatellites were identified from fully sequenced bacterial artificial chromosome clones from the X chromosome and chromosome 2 of the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. A total of 20 microsatellites were genotyped. Seven X chromosome loci and eight loci from chromosome 2 were polymorphic, with between two and 11 alleles per locus. These markers will facilitate genetic mapping in the tammar wallaby and will have wider applications in macropod population genetics. In particular, X chromosome microsatellites will provide a novel evolutionary perspective from which to view macropod mating systems and gene flow.  相似文献   
A comparison was made of the levels of extractable cytokinin-likecompounds and free nitrate in the tissues of Betula pendulaand Acer pseudoplatanus at two levels of nitrogen nutrition.In further studies comparisons were made of the levels of cytokinin-likecompounds and free amino acids extracted from the tissues ofB. pendula supplied with nitrogen as ammonium sulphate, ammoniumnitrate, or calcium nitrate. These results were then relatedto growth differences between the treatments. B. pendula supplied with a low level of nitrogen as ammoniumnitrate continued to make slow growth whereas A. pseudoplatanusformed terminal resting buds after 2–3 weeks, furthergrowth being arrested. The low levels of extractable cytokinin-likecompounds found in the leaves of B. pendula receiving a lownitrogen supply were in contrast to the results from A. pseudoplatanus,where only a small reduction was found in response to low nitrogensupply. Analysis of the plant tissue showed that free nitrateand amino acids were depleted to a greater extent from B. pendulathan from A. pseudoplatanus under conditions of low nitrogensupply. It is suggested that the ability of B. pendula to continueactive growth with low nitrogen supply may be related to thereadiness with which nitrogen can be mobilized and re-circulatedin the plant, a process including sequential leaf senescence. Contrasting growth habits were seen in B. pendula in ammoniumnitrate- and ammonium sulphate-fed plants. Lateral shoot growthin ammonium sulphate-fed plants was completely inhibited andno detectable cytokinin activity was found in tissue extracts,whereas ammonium nitrate-fed plants grew rapidly, and showedconsiderable development of laterals. Changes in the levelsof individual amino acids show that the form in which nitrogenis taken up by plants affects the subsequent pathways of metabolism.  相似文献   
Inorganic 35S-sulfate was injected into Xenopus laevis embryos before first cleavage to study incorporation of the label into the yolk platelets in order to localize glycosaminoglycan synthesis. Electron microscope autoradiography of embryonic thin sections from blastulae and gastrulae revealed that the primary site of label incorporation is at the edge of the yolk platelets, and, to a lesser extent, in their interiors. Autoradiography of isolated yolk platelets, lacking unit membranes, indicated the absence of label. Thus, edge associated label comes from the yolk platelets membrane, and interior label is solubilized in the glycerol-water gradient during yolk platelets isolation.
Ruthenium red staining of yolk platelet in situ shows heavy deposits of the dye on the yolk platelet membrane surface facing the cytoplasmic surface. The crystalline main body of isolated yolk platelets does not take up the dye.
It appears that continuous synthesis or sulfation of glycosaminoglycan occurs primarily at the outer surface yolk platelet membranes during early development, providing a novel site for this process.  相似文献   
Abstract Southern British Columbia, Canada, is the northwestern range limit of the American badger (Taxidea taxus) and supports a nationally endangered subspecies. We initially investigated space-use, diet, and demography in southeastern British Columbia to characterize range-limit ecology. Resident badgers in the northern part (NP) of our study area were extirpated or nearly so during our study (λ = 0.7), whereas the southern (SP) badger population remained viable (λ = 1.2). This apparent difference in viability between NP and SP may have been confounded by timing because research occurred later in SP; litter size, number of Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) consumed, and home range size were each correlated nearly equally to latitude and date of research, and survivorship was greater later in the study for both the NP and SP. Collectively, these factors indicated temporal, not just spatial, variability. Therefore, we translocated badgers into the NP to 1) determine whether the NP had lost its capacity to support badgers or had merely experienced the variability expected at a range limit and, if the latter, 2) initiate recovery. Translocated animals and their offspring had kit production equivalent to that of SP residents, adult survivorship intermediate between the NP and SP residents, and no confirmed kit mortality, with population growth projected (λ = 1.3). Diet of translocated individuals was similar to that of residents. Home ranges of translocated females were intermediate between the 2 resident groups, and home ranges of translocated males were not different than either resident group. Juvenile dispersal dates and distances were similar to those of residents for each sex. Our results were consistent with the extirpation of the NP being driven by temporally variable conditions or the effect of random events expected at range limits. The extirpation of NP did not appear to have been primarily due to any permanent loss of the NP's capacity to support badgers. At 3.5 years after starting translocations, badgers remained in the NP within an apparently growing population. We found translocation to be a useful diagnostic and conservation tool for badgers at their northern limit. Its utility may extend to countering the fluctuations typical of other rare, range-limit species.  相似文献   
We have developed primer pairs for 24 microsatellite loci isolated from Acacia brevispica, which is widespread in woodland savannas of East Africa. The loci were screened for levels of variation using 16–52 individuals from Mpala Research Centre, Kenya. Number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 17, and polymorphic information content ranged from 0.248 to 0.864. Several loci showed the presence null alleles, but many loci will be useful in ongoing studies of genetic structure, gene flow, breeding systems, and natural selection.  相似文献   
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