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ABSTRACT. Dehydrogenase activity with hydroxysteroids has been observed in Tetrahymena furgasoni (formerly T. pyriformis strain W), and the enzyme responsible has been isolated from this organism. The purified dehydrogenase is active with a variety of steroid alcohols at apparent Km values ranging from 0.2 to 4.0 mM. The C-3 hydroxyl of ring A of the steroid nucleus is the preferred position of oxidation. However, a variety of other secondary alcohols are also substrates, with apparent Km values for 2-butanol, 2-pentanol, and cyclohexanol of 880, 1000. and 150 mM, respectively. With both steroidal and nonsteroidal alcohols. NAD is the preferred co-substrate, although low activity with NADP is observed. Evidence is presented that the activity with secondary alcohols, whether steroidal or not, is the property of a single protein species.  相似文献   
In axillary buds of Dactylis glomerata L., Secale cereale L.,and Lolium perenne L., the first two procambial strands of theprophyll and the median strand of the first normal leaf areinitiated in the bud in isolation from the vascular system ofthe parent axis. They rapidly form connections with the vascularsystem of the parent axis, presumably by downward extension,as is the case of the strands of leaf primordia on the mainaxis.  相似文献   
Enterocytozoon was 1st described in 1985, in an AIDS patient with intestinal malabsorption and diarrhea. Since then, additional cases of infection with this organism have been observed, but only in individuals with AIDS and malabsorption. Intestinal tissue biopsies were obtained from a 45-year-old man prior to AIDS diagnosis, again nine months later and then at autopsy two months later. When the biopsies were examined electron microscopically, both sets contained the microsporidian parasite. However, the 2nd intestinal biopsy, when wasting was much more severe, contained infection in almost every small intestinal enterocyte examined. The parasite was actively developing, allowing us to detail its life cycle. The parasite is apansporoblastic, polysporous and has characteristics not previously reported in the Microsporida: (1) an electron lucent inclusion not usually seen in Microsporida is prominent and always present; (2) extremely elongated sausage-shaped nuclei occur in the proliferative phase of parasite development; (3) the polar tube development uniquely involves the production of electron dense discs, yet results in the formation of a typical spore; and (4) polar tube development occurs prior to the final division of the multi-nucleate sporont. On the basis of these characteristics, we are placing this genus in a new family, Enterocytozoonidae, n. fam.  相似文献   
A thermoplate system is described which enables uniformly illuminatedpetri dish cultures to be maintained under a range of temperatureregimes. The system is evaluated and used to investigate theeffects of incubation temperatures between 10 and 35 ?C on rootinitiation. Sinapis cotyledons root most rapidly and in greatest numbersat 25 and 30 ?C. Below 25 ?C, rooting is reduced and delayed,and above 30 ?C rooting is prevented. The optimum temperaturefor initiation of primordia is close to 25 ?C, where, after4 days over 80 per cent of petioles have at least one primordiumand over half of these are already elongating. Initiation isconsiderably reduced at temperatures above 30 ?C and below 25?C and primordium elongation either fails to take place (35?C) or is delayed (20, 13, 10 ?C). At 25 ?C, 90 per cent of the primordia are initiated in theterminal 1.5 mm of the petriole. A similar pattern occurs atother temperatures, but the relative numbers of primordia initiatedin the upper petiole are increased when cotyledons are incubatedat temperatures below 25 ?C. At 25 ?C a higher proportion ofprimordia are initiated in the upper petiole in cotyledons withmany primordia than in cotyledons with few, but the developmentof primordia to the elongation stage is not affected by theirposition in the petiole nor by the numbers of primordia present.  相似文献   
Although Georgia is known for its wines, industrial production of beer far outstrips industrial wine production for local markets: wine consumption occurs in ritual contexts in which new wine, typically purchased from peasant producers, is preferred; bottled, aged wines are primarily for exports. Beer, therefore, is a key area in which industrial production for indigenous consumers has been elaborated. Such goods are packaged and presented as being both ecologically "pure" and following "traditional" methods, often referencing "ethnographic" materials about traditional life in brand images, even as they proclaim their reliance on Western technologies.  相似文献   
Abstract The Delmarva fox squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus) has been listed as endangered by the United States Department of Interior since 1967. A high-priority task for the recovery of this taxon is to determine its current geographic distribution. Toward this end, we have identified a microsatellite locus that unambiguously differentiates Delmarva fox squirrels from eastern gray squirrels (S. carolinensis), which frequently co-occur with Delmarva fox squirrels. Analysis of this marker in noninvasively collected hair samples will allow unequivocal identification of localities occupied by Delmarva fox squirrels with a minimum investment of funds, time, and effort because handling individuals will be unnecessary. This protocol will expedite site review in connection with the Endangered Species Act consultation process.  相似文献   
Nitrogen fixation in a desert stream ecosystem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Few measurements of nitrogen fixation exist for streams. Desertstreams are warm, well lighted, and often supportabundant cyanobacterial populations; thus N2 fixationmay be significant in these N-poor ecosystems. N2fixation was measured in situ by acetylene reductionfor two patch types (Anabaena mat and anepilithic assemblage). Patch-specific rates were highcompared with published values (maximum 775 µgN2 [83 µmol C2H4]mg chl a -1 h-1or 51 mg N2 [5.4 mmol C2H4] m-2 h-1).Daytime fixation was higher than nighttimefixation, and temperature, light and inorganic Nconcentration explained 52% of variance in hourlyrates over all dates. Diel input-output budgets wereconstructed on five dates when cyanobacteria werepresent in the stream. Diel N2 fixation rates weremeasured for comparison with reach-scale diel nitrogenretention, to assess the importance of this vector to Neconomy of the stream. Fixation accounted for up to85% of net N flux to the benthos, but its importancevaried seasonally. Finally, we applied biomass-specificfixation rates to 1992 and 1993 biomass data to obtainseasonal and annual N2 fixation estimates.Cyanobacteria were absent or rare during winter andspring, thus most of the annual N2 fixation occurredduring summer and autumn. Annual rates of nitrogenfixation for 1992 and 1993 (8.0 g/m2 and 12.5g/m2) were very high compared to other streams,and moderately high compared to other ecosystems.Like other phenomena in this disturbance-proneecosystem, nitrogen fixation is strongly influenced bythe number and temporal distribution of flood events.  相似文献   
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