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We characterized 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Four loci were isolated from house sparrow genomic libraries and 10 loci were identified by testing 100 loci that had been originally isolated in other passerine species. Loci were characterized in 37–54 unrelated sparrows from British and Norwegian populations. Each locus displayed between two and 31 alleles, with the observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.30 and 0.91.  相似文献   
Estimating the median survival time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
REID  NANCY 《Biometrika》1981,68(3):601-608
Abstract: We determined effectiveness of using mitochondrial DNA barcodes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [CO1]) to identify bird-aircraft collision (birdstrike) cases that lacked sufficient feather evidence for morphological diagnosis. From September through December 2006, 821 samples from birdstrike events occurring in the United States were submitted for DNA analysis. We successfully amplified a CO1 DNA barcode product from 554 (67.5%) of the samples; 267 (32.5%) did not contain viable DNA and depended on morphological methods (microscopy) for Order or Family level identification. We deemed 19 cases inconclusive either because the DNA barcode recovered from the sample did not meet our 98% match criteria when compared to the Barcode of Life Database (BoLD) or because the DNA barcode matched to a set of ≥ 2 closely related species with overlapping barcodes, preventing complete species identification. Age of the sample (≤6 months) did not affect DNA viability, but initial condition of the sample and the collection method was critical to DNA identification success. The DNA barcoding approach has great potential in aiding in identification of birds (and wildlife) for airfield management practices, particularly in regions of the world that lack the vast research collections and individual expertise for morphologic identifications.  相似文献   
Microsatellites were identified from three fully sequenced Y chromosome‐specific bacterial artificial chromosome clones from the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. Ten microsatellites were genotyped in male tammar wallabies. Four loci were polymorphic with between two and six alleles per locus. Eleven different haplotypes were identified from 22 male tammar wallabies. No amplifications were obtained from female samples. Each microsatellite was also shown to amplify reliably in at least one other macropod species. These markers may therefore prove useful as some of the first male‐specific genetic markers for marsupials, with potential application to studies of male‐biased dispersal and mating systems.  相似文献   
The lack of polymorphic genetic markers suitable for genotyping sperm, eggs, and all life stages of the important agricultural pest, Anastrepha suspensa, have prevented detailed genetic studies of its breeding system, reproductive dynamics, and population dynamics. We describe polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and reaction conditions for amplifying nine polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci isolated from this species. The PCR primers were tested on four to five individuals each collected from five geographically distant locations in Florida. Heterozygosity values and the number of alleles per locus varied from 0.11 to 0.89, and from two to 12, respectively.  相似文献   
We developed 22 microsatellite loci for boreal owls (Aegolius funereus). We genotyped 275 unrelated boreal owls (Aegolius f. richardsoni) and 36 unrelated Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius f. funereus) using seven loci that were polymorphic and did not have detectable null alleles. Among North American and Scandinavian boreal owls, respectively, allelic diversity ranged from three to 11 alleles and from one to 11 alleles, observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.31 to 0.80 and from 0.00 to 0.81, and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.28 to 0.81 and from 0.00 to 0.81. These markers appeared to amplify DNA in six other Strigidae species.  相似文献   
Effects of nitrogen (N) supply on leaf and flower developmentinLupinus angustifolius L. cv Merrit were examined in a temperature-controlledglasshouse. Low N supply (0.05 or 0.4 mM N) had little effecton leaf initiation but slowed leaf emergence on the main stemcompared with plants receiving high N supply (6.0 or 6.4 mMN), or with symbiotic N2-fixation. Plants experiencing transientN deficiency had slower leaf emergence than plants with a continuoussupply of 6.4 mM N. Nitrogen supply did not affect the timeof floral initiation, which occurred within 4 weeks of sowing,by which time nine to ten leaves had emerged. However, the floweringof low-N plants was delayed by 68 to 220 °C d (i.e. 4–14d) even though they had fewer leaves. The effect of N deficiencyon flowering time was largely a result of slower leaf emergence. Lupinus angustifolius L.; nitrogen; leaf; flower initiation; thermal time; plastochron; phyllochron  相似文献   
Stress Proteins in Mammalian Hibernation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many organisms whose body temperatures (Tb) vary when they areexposed to a wide range of environmental temperatures exhibitdifferential expression of stress (heat shock) proteins, presumablyto minimize protein damage during thermal stress. In contrast,we know relatively little about natural variation in stressproteins in homeotherms (i.e., birds and mammals), perhaps dueto the relatively constant Tb that is the hallmark of this vertebrategroup. The significant changes in Tb and metabolism characteristicof mammalian hibernators suggest they could provide insightinto the ecological relevance of stress proteins in mammals.Here we examined differential expression of stress proteinsin several tissues of active and torpid 13-lined ground squirrels.There were few significant differences in expression of inducibleHsp70 protein in liver, kidney, heart, intestine, and skeletalmuscle between active and torpid squirrels, and neither fastingin active squirrels nor torpor bout length in hibernators significantlyaltered Hsp70 abundance in these tissues. However, Hsp70 proteinwas lower in brown adipose tissue (BAT) of torpid compared withactive squirrels. In contrast, abundance of GRP75, the mitochondria]form of Hsp70, was greater in liver, skeletal muscle and intestineof torpid compared with active squirrels, with the greatestchange in intestine. Because GRP75 has been shown to be inducedby non-thermal stressors including glucose deprivation and oxidativestress, these results suggest that the ecological significanceof stress proteins for hibernators may be more closely associatedwith the metabolic demands of heterothermy rather than thermalstress per se.  相似文献   
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