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A rapid, specific, and sensitive (requiring only 20 fmole of antigen equivalent to 0.007 microliter of serum) radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed for the measurement of guinea pig corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). CBG was purified to homogeneity from guinea pig serum by affinity chromatography and used for immunization, as the standard and as the radiolabeled trace in the RIA. The antiserum to CBG was raised in rabbits. It was judged specific by immunoelectrophoresis and by comparison of RIA values with steroid-binding assay profiles obtained on serum separated on the basis of size and ion-exchange properties. The results of the radioimmunoassays agree with those of a steroid-binding assay run on identical samples. The sensitivity of the assay allows detection of CBG in serial serum samples, other biologic fluids such as milk, and cell culture supernatants.  相似文献   
The catecholamine content was quantitated and acetylcholinesterase activity determined in rat brain locally exposed to laser radiation. It was shown that the adrenaline/noradrenaline ratio changed in the tissues under study and the cholinergic system was involved in the abscopal effect of laser radiation.  相似文献   
RBE of p(34) + Be, p(45) + Be, p(65), + Be, p(75) + Be and d(50) + Be neutron beams produced at the cyclotron "Cyclone" of Louvain-la-Neuve were measured. The biological criterion was the regeneration of the crypts of the intestinal mucosa (50 regenerated crypts per circumference) after abdominal irradiation in mice. Taking the p(65) + Be neutrons as reference, RBE values were found equal to 1.12, 1.07, 1.00 (Ref.), 0.96 and 1.02 respectively. These results are consistent with those published for cell lethality in vitro. However, the RBE variation is smaller than this previously obtained in the laboratory for growth inhibition in Vicia faba.  相似文献   
A study was made of the structural changes in different organoids of enterocytes of the rat small intestine at "rest" and during lipid absorption using ultrathin sections, impregnation with Ur-Pb-Cu, and continuous impregnation with OsO4. With the latter technique a specific canalicular system was found in the enterocytes, which we failed to observe on ultrathin sections. During lipid absorption the canalicular system underwent fragmentation. The vesicules on the trans-surface of the Golgi apparatus were enlarged, and the number of flattened cisterns was significantly lower. The changes in cellular organoids and their interrelations observed in the present study support the earlier hypothesis of the resynthesis of triglycerides within the enterocytes, the formation of chylomicrons and their transfer into the intercellular space.  相似文献   
A simple electrophoretic method is introduced allowing to isolate five fractions of skeletal muscle ST-system vesicles. In a previous study differences in lipid content, 3H-ouabain binding and in presence of triads in individual fractions (Lehotsky et. al. 1986) were analysed. In the present study biochemical characterization was extended, and (in accordance with previous results) major differences were observed to exist between fraction 1 and fractions 3 and 4. SDS-PAGE showed that fractions 3 and 4 were enriched in a protein with m.w. 100 kD, these fractions showing the highest specific activities of (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase and oxalate-supported Ca2+-uptake; activities of Mg2+-ATPase and surface membrane marker enzymes were the lowest in these fractions. On the other hand, in fraction 1 the highest activities of Mg2+-ATPase and marker enzymes of the surface membrane were observed together with a decreased content of the 100 kD protein and activities of Ca2+ transport. It could be concluded that the method is suitable to differentiate between relatively pure SR (fractions 3 and 4) and fractions rich in sarcolemma or T-tubules components (fractions 1 and 5).  相似文献   
Colchicine and related drugs are known to inhibit milk secretion. They are also able to prevent stimulation of casein and DNA synthesis by prolactin in the mammary gland. The present report reports data obtained with tubulozole, a new antimitotic drug. Tubulozole C added to culture medium of isolated rabbit epithelial mammary cells strongly inhibited their multiplication. Simultaneously, at a concentration of 1 microM, it prevented almost completely the induction of beta-casein mRNA. Induced cells were rapidly deinduced by addition of the drug to the medium. A similar inhibition was observed when the induction was obtained with prolactin alone or with its two stimulators insulin and glucocorticoids. Tubulozole T, an isomer of tubulozole C which is known to be ineffective in disrupting microtubules, did not alter prolactin actions. These data and those obtained with other tubulin-binding drugs strongly suggest that the integrity of microtubules is required for prolactin to deliver its message to the mammary cell.  相似文献   
Experimental model consisted in blocking cells in G1 phase by cold treatment (12 h, 10 degrees C); following 3 h of postincubation at 20 degrees C, cells initiated S phase. In the present studies it has been shown that 2 h postincubation at 20 degrees C of cold-treated young seedlings of Helianthus annuus L. results in transformation of inactive meristematic nucleoli, characterized by small sizes, reduced amount of dry mass and granular component and by the presence of few and large fibrillar centres into large active nucleoli displaying high dry mass and granular component contents, numerous and small fibrillar centres. After 3 h of postincubation at 20 degrees C, nucleoli lose their granular component, decrease in size and dry mass content. At this moment cytoplasm enriches in ribosomes and its dry mass increases. Maximum of nucleolar activity is preceded by an accumulation of proteins in nucleoli. It is concluded that an enhanced transport of ribosomes is one of the conditions of S phase initiation.  相似文献   
A particulate translation system isolated from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was shown to translate faithfully in-vitro-transcribed mRNA coding for a mating hormone precursor (prepro-alpha-factor mRNA) and to N-glycosylate the primary translation product after its translocation into the lumen of the microsomal vesicles. Glycosylation of its three potential sugar attachment sites was found to be competitively inhibited by acceptor peptides containing the consensus sequence Asn-Xaa-Thr, supporting the view that the glycan chains are N-glycosidically attached to the prepro-alpha-factor polypeptide. The accumulation in the presence of acceptor peptides of a membrane-specific, unglycosylated translation product (pp-alpha-F0) differing in molecular mass from a cytosolically located, protease-K-sensitive alpha-factor polypeptide (pp-alpha-Fcyt) by about 1.3 kDa, suggests that, in contrast to previous reports, a signal sequence is cleaved from the mating hormone precursor on/after translocation. This conclusion is supported by the observation that the multiply glycosylated alpha-factor precursor is cleaved by endoglucosaminidase H to a product with a molecular mass smaller than the primary translation product pp-alpha-Fcyt but larger than the membrane-specific pp-alpha-F0. Translation and glycosylation experiments carried out in the presence of various glycosidase inhibitors (e.g. 1-deoxynojirimycin, N-methyl-1-deoxynojirimyin and 1-deoxymannojirimycin) indicate that the N-linked oligosaccharide chains of the glycosylated prepro-alpha-factor species are extensively processed under the in vitro conditions of translation. From the specificity of the glycosidase inhibitors applied and the differences in the molecular mass of the glycosylated translation products generated in their presence, we conclude that the glycosylation-competent microsomes contain trimming enzymes, most likely glucosidase I, glucosidase II and a trimming mannosidase, which process the prepro-alpha-factor glycans down to the (Man)8(GlcNAc)2 stage. Furthermore, several arguments strongly suggest that these three enzymes, which apparently represent the full array of trimming activities in yeast, are exclusively located in the lumen of microsomal vesicles derived from endoplasmic reticulum membranes.  相似文献   
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