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Summary As a part of integrated study of makhana, the mineral contents of the plant parts and the fruits of makhana (Euryale ferox) have been presented here. It has been observed that the fruits were not only rich in minerals but also in protein. The plant parts also contained high amounts of micronutrients. Its fruits are, therefore, a good supplement for minerals which are produced from otherwise agriculturally waste (water-logged) areas.  相似文献   
The effect of endogenous pyrogen (EP, from rabbit) and endotoxin (Salmonella typhosa) on rectal temperature (Tre) was investigated in normal and dehydrated rats of both sexes. Intraperitoneal injection of either EP or endotoxin did not affect body temperature. In addition, no changes in Tre were observed when endotoxin was injected intravenously in normally hydrated male rats, but significant falls in Tre occurred in normal female rats. However, intravenous injection of EP produced fever in both sexes, but females generally showed smaller responses. A second intravenous injection of endotoxin, given 3 days after the first injection, always produced fever in normally hydrated rats. The pattern of this febrile response was monophasic. In contrast to the response in normal rats, intravenous endotoxin produced significant fevers with a biphasic pattern in dehydrated rats of either sex, but the febrile responses of male rats were greater than those of female rats. On the other hand, there were no significant differences between febrile responses to intravenous EP exhibited by normal and dehydrated animals. These results show that rats of both sexes possess physiological mechanisms capable of producing a fever following intravenous injections of EP.  相似文献   
By means of the electron cytochemical method ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles, condensed chromatin (CCh) and ribosomes of cytoplasm are describe in normo- and hyperchromic neurons (HChN) of the V and VI layers of the sensomotor cortex. The normochromic neurons are characterized by nearly a complete absence of CCh, a great number of fibrillar RNP particles. The ribosomes of cytoplasma are organized as polysomes. This demonstrates a high metabolic activity of the DNA-RNA-protein system in these cells. In nuclei of one HChN group numerous small CCh clumps are revealed, amount of RNP particles does not change noticeably, comparing the nuclei of the normochromic cells. In cytoplasm a partial dissociation of polysomes takes place. All this demonstrates a decreased RNA synthesis in the nucleus and protein in cytoplasm of the given cells. In another HChN group the nucleus is filled with large CCh clumps. The number of fibrillar RNP particles decreases noticeably, and the number of granular ones increases. A complete dissociation of polysomes occurs. This demonstrates that in the cells mentioned not only RNA and protein synthesis is decreased, but the processing and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of RNA is disturbed. The presence of transitional forms between the neuronal forms described makes it possible to suppose certain cyclicity in the work of their plastic apparatus, the normo- and hyperchromic neurons being morphologic equivalents of certain phases of the cycle.  相似文献   
In this paper, results of the morphological studies of mammalian testicular tissue after exposure of one of the testes to powerful laser radiation are reported. The results obtained are compared with those reported in the literature on the biological effect of penetrating radiation. No negative influence of powerful laser radiation is registered at the organism level. The criteria for estimation are the tissue response, morphological picture of spermatogenesis, and reproductive functions of exposed animals and of their progeny.  相似文献   
In experiments on asynchronous population of HeLa S3 cells a study was made of the possibility of assessing DNA lesions which remained unrepaired for a long period of time following gamma-irradiation: in generation "O" directly affected by radiation and in generation "I" following the irradiated one. The presence of DNA damages was estimated by the reduction in survival of exposed cells incubated with inhibitors of repair and replicative syntheses of DNA, namely, with arabinoside cytosine and hydroxyurea. A considerable enhancement of the radiation effect was noted with the inhibitors added 0-6 h after irradiation (generation "O"), and a marked increase in the cell death was registered with the preparations injected 24-30 h after exposure (generation "I"). It is assumed that minor residual lesions persist in the generation of cells, following the one directly affected by gamma-radiation, which have completed the first postirradiation mitosis.  相似文献   
ESS germination strategies are studied in a model of annual plant population dynamics in a randomly varying environment. The possible strategies are different values of the annual germination fraction G, either constant over time or varying in response to a "cue" correlated with upcoming environmental conditions. The model generalizes D. Cohen's model (1966, J. Theor. Biol. 12, 119-129; 1968, J. Ecol. 56, 219-228) by allowing density-dependent per capita seed yields. ESSs are characterized in terms of the resulting harmonic mean growth rate of population density. The ESS criterion cannot be solved analytically, but qualitative relationships between the value of the ESS and other population parameters are obtained, and environments in which 100% germination is an ESS are identified. Some explicit predictions of the theory are summarized and compared with ideas of M. Westoby (1981, Amer. Nat. 118, 882-885). The results of this study are compared with those of Cohen (op. cit.) in a companion paper.  相似文献   
Following illumination with wavelengths longer than 700 nm, the intensity of light emission from Pothos aurea leaf falls for 1 min and then increases to a maximum after 2 min in the dark. The spectrum of this minute-range liminescence matches that of prompt fluorescence excited at the same wavelength, but differs from that of prompt or minute-range delayed emission excited by wavelengths shorter than 700 nm. This emission is less sensitive to heat damage than millisecond delayed emission, and may originate from photosystem I.  相似文献   
S Ghisla  C Thorpe  V Massey 《Biochemistry》1984,23(14):3154-3161
Butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase from Megasphera elsdenii catalyzes the exchange of the alpha- and beta-hydrogens of substrate with solvent [Gomes, B., Fendrich, G., & Abeles, R. H. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 1481-1490]. The stoichiometry of this exchange was determined by using 3H2O label as 1.94 +/- 0.1 per substrate molecule. The rate of 3H label incorporation into substrate under anaerobic conditions is monophasic, indicating that both the alpha- and beta-hydrogens exchange at the same rate. The exchange in 2H2O leads to incorporation of one 2H each into the alpha- and the beta-positions of butyryl-CoA, as determined by companion 1H NMR experiments and confirmed by mass spectroscopic analysis. In contrast, with general acyl-CoA dehydrogenase from pig kidney, only exchange of the alpha-hydrogen was found. The beta-hydrogen is the one that is transferred (reversibly) to the flavin 5-position during substrate dehydrogenation. This was demonstrated by reacting 5-3H- and 5-2H-reduced 5-deaza-FAD-general acyl-CoA dehydrogenase with crotonyl-CoA. Only one face of the reduced flavin analogue is capable of transferring hydrogen to substrate. The rate of this reaction is 11.1 s-1 for 5-deaza-FAD-enzyme and 2.2 s-1 for [5-2H]deaza-FAD-enzyme, yielding an isotope effect of 5. These values compare with a rate of 2.6 s-1 for the reaction of native reduced enzyme with crotonyl-CoA. The two reduced enzymes (normal vs. 5-deaza-FAD-enzyme) thus react at similar rates, indicating a similar mechanism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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