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An in vitro study of digestion by the subterranean larva of S. geminata revealed the presence of enzymes able to digest starch, trehalose, salicin, cellobiose, melibiose, maltose, sucrose, casein, and several forms of cellulose. The midgut is the major source of all enzymes except invertase and CMC-cellulase, for which hindgut preparations are more active. The pH values of the gut contents are: foregut 6.9, midgut 9.0 and hindgut 7.5. The midgut fluid is pumped forward into the foregut, and the carbohydrases in it are generally more active at the pH of the foregut than at the pH of the midgut. It is possible, therefore, that the foregut, which is itself insignificant as a source of enzymes, is the site of considerable carbohydrate digestion. The proteinase is inhibited 28% by trypsin inhibitors.
Zusammenfassung Eine in vitro-Untersuchung über die Verdauungsvorgänge in den unterirdisch lebenden Larven von S. geminata wies Enzyme nach, die Stärke, Trehalose, Salicin, Cellobiose, Melibiose, Maltose, Rohrzucker, Kasein und mehrere Celluloseformen abbauen können. Versuche mit Vorder-, Mittel- und Enddarmextrakten zeigten, daß der Abbau von Rohrzucker und CMC-Cellulose in Ansätzen mit Enddarmpräparaten prozentual am höchsten war. Maximale Verdauung aller anderen geprüften Substrate erfolgte dagegen mit Mitteldarmpräparaten.Die pH-Werte betrugen im Vorderdarm 6,9, im Mitteldarm 9,0 und im Enddarm 7,5. Im Mittel- und Enddarm lagen die jewciligen optimalen pH-Werte für Maltose bei 6,5–7,0 und 7,5, für Melibiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 7,0–7,5, für Cellobiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 4,5, für Rohrzucker bei 7,0 und 6,0, für CMC bei 5,2 und 5,6.Die Verdauung unlöslicher Celluloseformen war durchweg gering, die der CMC dagegen beträchtlich.Die Mitteldarmflüssigkeit wird nach vorn in den Vorderdarm gepumpt. Die darin enthaltenen Carbohydrasen sind beim pH-Wert des Vorderdarmes meistens wirksamer als in dem des Mitteldarmes. Es ist deshalb möglich, daß im Vorderdarm, welcher selbst wahrscheinlich keine Enzyme produziert, doch eine beträchtliche Kohlenhydratverdauung stattfindet.Die Wirksamkeit der Proteinase wird durch bekannte Tryptin-Hemmstoffe um 28% reduziert.
Antiserum был подготовлен противингибитор вируса haemagglutination (IVH)одна из эмбриона chorioallantoic мембр анныепутем иммун изации морских св инокЭто анти-инги битора в сыворотке заблокирован ингибирование IVH из chorioallantoicмембран в haemagglutination испытанияно ника кого влияния на ре цепторы эритроци товСыворотке кро] ви не влияет рост chorioallantoic мембраны клет ок инет нейтрализ овать воздействи е на вирус гриппа Она снизилась спо собность chorioallantoic мембр ан для adsorb вируса гри ппа, а также степен ь размножения вир усав такого рода тканиАвторы хоте ли бы поблагодари ть г-н Г. Ruttkay-Ne -палубе и для проведения эле ктрофореза меру ния.  相似文献   
The loci DNF15S1 and DNF15S2 are members of a small repetitive sequence family at discrete chromosomal locations, namely, 1p36 and 3p21, respectively. Studies of the structure, arrangement, and interrelations of the family suggest that the single copy on chromosome 3 is the original member and that this gave rise to the several members on chromosome 1 by transposition, partial duplication, and amplification. Several restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been discovered at the DNF15S1 locus and these have been assigned to the different subfamilies of the repeat at this locus. The existence of these RFLPs, and the nonallelic restriction site variation also found in this sequence family, suggests that transposition and amplification occurred as discrete events. We sequenced across the ancient junction between chromosomes 1 and 3 and noted features which might explain the mechanics of the transposition and amplification events.  相似文献   
We isolated a glutamyltaurine from bovine brains and determined its structure as gamma-glutamyltaurine (gamma-Glu-Tau; glutaurine) by use of a new mass spectrometric technique [B/E linked scan sputtered ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)], which we have recently shown to be useful for distinguishing the gamma- from the alpha-isomer of glutamyl-dipeptides. Neither the alpha-isomer of glutamyltaurine nor any aspartyltaurines could be detected in bovine brain.  相似文献   
The immunogenicity and reactogenicity of Bordetella pertussis vaccine are mediated in part by the S1 subunit of pertussis toxin (PT). To identify the immune epitopes in the S1 subunit of PT, synthetic peptides were prepared and tested for their capacity to induce antibodies in mice with different MHC genotypes. In BALB/c mice, peptides corresponding to sequences 1-17, 70-82 and 189-199 generate T cell proliferative responses, induce the production of antibodies capable of neutralization of the toxin in the Chinese hamster ovary-cell assay, and protect mice from a shock-like syndrome caused by alternate injections of BSA and PT. Protection and neutralization correlated with the ability of these peptides to elicit high anti-PT titers. Different B cell epitopes were detected in other inbred mouse strains. The antibody reactivity against synthetic peptides from two infants vaccinated with pertussis vaccine was tested. These infants had antibodies reactive to a variety of epitopes in the S1 subunit, including peptides 1-17, 70-82, 99-112, 135-145, and 189-199. Thus, it appears that there are multiple T and B cell epitopes in the S1 subunit of PT.  相似文献   
Isolated microspores of rice (Oryza saliva L.) cultivars, IR36and IR43, belonging to the recalcitrant indica subspecies werecultured. Two types of microspores were observed after isolationfrom the fresh anthers and from pre-cultured anthers—onetype consisted of vacuolated, larger-sized grains, while theother was composed of microspores of smaller sizes with densecytoplasm. Within few days in culture, all the smaller sizedgrains were dead, and only the large grains were viable andproduced pollen embryos. After 30 days from culture, microcalliwere transferred to semisolid modified Murashige and Skoog mediumcontaining 1 mg/liter each of kinetin and naphthaleneaceticacid and kept under continuous light at 25?C. IR36 showed onlycell division while IR43 gave 32 green plants from these experiments. (Received January 18, 1990; Accepted July 4, 1990)  相似文献   
A significant increase of the content of corticosterone in the blood collected from intravenous cannula or by intracardiac punction has been detected using radioimmunoassay in non-operated and adenohypophysectomized frogs Rana catesbeiana subjected to dehydration in 6.2% mannitol solution during 24 hours. The osmolality of the blood plasma of these animals also increases although less significantly than the growth of plasma corticosterone content. There is a tendency to substantial increase of plasma arginine-vasotocin level prior to the growth of corticosterone level, already after 6 hours of dehydration. Based on the present results and literature data, it is suggested that in adenohypophysectomized frogs lacking endogenous ACTH just the increase of blood arginine-vasotocin level results in a substantial activation of corticosteroid-producing cells of the interrenal gland and in the growth of plasma content of corticosterone.  相似文献   
Summary A new method was developed for rabbit skin organ culture. In a two-compartment model, skin discs were cultured on a Millicell-HA insert unit with a microporous membrane which allows transport of culture medium via the dermis into the epidermis, whereas the epidermal side remains free of direct contact with culture medium. In this relatively simple two-compartment organ culture model, rabbit skin could be cultured for 7 d in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum, or for 2 d in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with cofactors. The histomorphology and ultrastructure of 7-d cultured rabbit skin discs was essentially similar to that of freshly isolated rabbit skin. Keratinocytes in the stratum basale continued to divide during organ culture. The terminal differentiation of the epidermis continued in vitro as was found by the presence of keratohyalin granules, the intact stratum corneum, and keratin expression. Furthermore, glucose consumption continued until culture Day 7, but thereafter it declined rapidly. Concomitantly, degenerative changes were found. At the end of the 7-d culture period the distance between single dermal collagen fibrils had increased as compared to noncultured skin. This model of skin organ cultures can be used to study biological processes, dermal toxicity, and penetration and metabolism of xenobiotics in intact skin. Furthermore, within certain limits, processes responsible for repair and regeneration of damaged skin can also be studied in this model because the rabbit skin can be cultured for 7 d. The present study was financially supported by grants of Duphar B. V. (Weesp, Netherlands), the European Community, and the Dutch animal welfare organizations Samenwerkingsverband van de Nederlandse Vereniging tot Bescherming van Dieren en de Nederlandse Bond tot Bestrijding van de Vivisectie, Anti-Vivisectie Stichting en Stichting Schoonheid Zonder Wreedheid.  相似文献   
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