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Male mice lacking ADAM2 (fertilin beta) or ADAM3 (cyritestin) are infertile; cauda epididymal sperm (mature sperm) from these mutant mice cannot bind to the egg zona pellucida. ADAM3 is barely present in Adam2-null sperm, despite normal levels of this protein in Adam2-null testicular germ cells (TGCs; sperm precursor cells). Here, we have explored the molecular basis for the loss of ADAM3 in Adam2-null TGCs to clarify the biosynthetic and functional linkage of ADAM2 and ADAM3. A small portion of total ADAM3 was found present on the surface of wild-type and Adam2(-/-) TGCs at similar levels. In the Adam2-null TGCs, however, surface-localized ADAM3 exhibited an increased amount of an endoglycosidase H-resistant form that may be related to instability of ADAM3. Moreover, we found a complex between ADAM2 and ADAM3 on the surface of TGCs and sperm. The intracellular chaperone calnexin was a component of the testicular ADAM2-ADAM3 complex. Our findings suggest that the association with ADAM2 is a key element for stability of ADAM3 in epididymal sperm. The presence of the ADAM2-ADAM3 complex in sperm also suggests a potential role of ADAM2 with ADAM3 in sperm binding to the egg zona pellucida.  相似文献   
Skin pigmentation is a human phenotype that varies greatly among human populations and it has long been speculated that this variation is adaptive. We therefore expect the genes that contribute to these large differences in phenotype to show large allele frequency differences among populations and to possibly harbor signatures of positive selection. To identify the loci that likely contribute to among-population human skin pigmentation differences, we measured allele frequency differentiation among Europeans, Chinese and Africans for 24 human pigmentation genes from 2 publicly available, large scale SNP data sets. Several skin pigmentation genes show unusually large allele frequency differences among these populations. To determine whether these allele frequency differences might be due to selection, we employed a within-population test based on long-range haplotype structure and identified several outliers that have not been previously identified as putatively adaptive. Most notably, we identify the DCT gene as a candidate for recent positive selection in the Chinese. Moreover, our analyses suggest that it is likely that different genes are responsible for the lighter skin pigmentation found in different non-African populations. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
Alterations in bone tissue composition during osteoporosis likely disrupt the mechanical environment of bone cells and may thereby initiate a mechanobiological response. It has proved challenging to characterize the mechanical environment of bone cells in vivo, and the mechanical environment of osteoporotic bone cells is not known. The objective of this research is to characterize the local mechanical environment of osteocytes and osteoblasts from healthy and osteoporotic bone in a rat model of osteoporosis. Using a custom-designed micromechanical loading device, we apply strains representative of a range of physical activity (up to 3000 με) to fluorescently stained femur samples from normal and ovariectomized rats. Confocal imaging was simultaneously performed, and digital image correlation techniques were applied to characterize cellular strains. In healthy bone tissue, osteocytes experience higher maximum strains (31,028 ± 4213 με) than osteoblasts (24,921 ± 3,832 με), whereas a larger proportion of the osteoblast experiences strains >10,000 με. Most interestingly, we show that osteoporotic bone cells experience similar or higher maximum strains than healthy bone cells after short durations of estrogen deficiency (5 weeks), and exceeded the osteogenic strain threshold (10,000 με) in a similar or significantly larger proportion of the cell (osteoblast, 12.68% vs. 13.68%; osteocyte, 15.74% vs. 5.37%). However, in long-term estrogen deficiency (34 weeks), there was no significant difference between bone cells in healthy and osteoporotic bone. These results suggest that the mechanical environment of bone cells is altered during early-stage osteoporosis, and that mechanobiological responses act to restore the mechanical environment of the bone tissue after it has been perturbed by ovariectomy.  相似文献   
Assessing broad‐scale changes in seabird populations across the North Atlantic requires an integration of available datasets to understand the spatial extent of potential drivers and demographic change. Here, we compared survival of Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis from a Scottish and an Irish colony from 1974 to 2009. Despite lower recapture probabilities of monel‐ringed Irish birds compared with colour‐ringed Scottish birds, survival probability decreased at both colonies. The extent to which the decline in survival is related to density‐dependent processes or other external drivers remains uncertain, but our results suggest that these changes in survival are possibly indicative of larger‐scale processes and are not confined to local colony dynamics.  相似文献   
An increasing diversity of highly specialized pollination systems are being discovered, many of which are likely to be vulnerable to anthropogenic landscape modification. Here, we investigate if a specialized pollination system limits the persistence of Caladenia huegelii (Orchidaceae), an endangered species pollinated by sexual deception of thynnine wasps. Once locally common in part of its geographical range, C. huegelii is now largely restricted to small habitat remnants in urban areas. Pollinator surveys coupled with DNA barcoding detected a single pollinator taxon, a small form of Macrothynnus insignis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that small M. insignis from within the range of C. huegelii are strongly divergent from other wasp populations, suggesting that some reproductive isolation may exist. Although common in intact landscapes outside the range of C. huegelli, small M. insignis individuals were recorded at only 4% of sites in suitable C. huegelii habitat. Accordingly, reproductive success in C. huegelii was low compared with related Caladenia spp., with 33–60% of populations failing to set fruit in any given year. As such, populations are likely to now persist primarily through individual plant longevity rather than reproduction. Due to the low reproductive success of C. huegelii, ongoing human intervention will almost certainly be needed to sustain the species. Future research will need to focus on optimizing hand pollination to maintain reproduction and high seed fitness. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 511–525.  相似文献   
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are complex disorders caused by a combination of environmental, microbial, and genetic factors. Genome-wide association studies in humans have successfully identified multiple genes and loci associated with disease susceptibility, but the mechanisms by which these loci interact with each other and/or with environmental factors (i.e., intestinal microbiota) to cause disease are poorly understood. Helicobacter hepaticus-induced intestinal inflammation in mice is an ideal model system for elucidating the genetic basis of IBD susceptibility in a bacterially induced system, as there are significant differences in H. hepaticus-induced disease susceptibility among inbred mouse strains. Infected A/J mice develop acute overexpression of proinflammatory cytokines followed 2?C3?months later by chronic cecal inflammation, whereas infected C57BL/6 mice fail to develop cecal inflammation or increased cytokine expression. The goal of this project was to use quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping to evaluate genetic factors that contribute to the differential disease susceptibility between these two mouse strains. Using acute cecal IL-12/23p40 expression as a biomarker for disease susceptibility, QTL analysis of H. hepaticus-infected F2 mice revealed involvement of multiple loci. The loci with the strongest association were located on Chromosome 3 and Chromosome 17, with logarithm of odds (LOD) scores of 6.89 and 3.09, respectively. Cecal expression of IL-12/23p40 in H. hepaticus-infected C57BL/6J-Chr3A/J/NaJ chromosome substitution mice had an intermediate phenotype, significantly higher than in resistant C57BL/6 but lower than in susceptible A/J mice, confirming the importance of this locus to the immune response to H. hepaticus infection.  相似文献   
Ecological restoration of plant-pollinator interactions has received surprisingly little attention, despite animal-mediated pollination underpinning reproduction of the majority of higher plants. Here, we offer a conceptual and practical framework for the ecological restoration of pollination mutualisms. Through the use of targeted restoration plantings to attract and sustain pollinators and increased knowledge of the ecological requirements of pollinators, we propose that pollination could be successfully restored in degraded ecosystems. The challenge for pollination biologists is to integrate their findings with those of plant restoration ecologists to ensure sustainable pollination in restored ecosystems.  相似文献   
The increasing volume of ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq data being generated creates a challenge for standard, integrative and reproducible bioinformatics data analysis platforms. We developed a web-based application called Cistrome, based on the Galaxy open source framework. In addition to the standard Galaxy functions, Cistrome has 29 ChIP-chip- and ChIP-seq-specific tools in three major categories, from preliminary peak calling and correlation analyses to downstream genome feature association, gene expression analyses, and motif discovery. Cistrome is available at http://cistrome.org/ap/.  相似文献   
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