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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3 kinase) is implicated in the regulation of diverse cellular processes, including insulin-stimulated glucose transport. PI-3 kinase is composed of a 110-kDa catalytic subunit and an 85-kDa regulatory subunit. Here, we describe p55PIK, a new regulatory subunit that was isolated by screening expression libraries with tyrosine-phosphorylated insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). p55PIK is composed of a unique 30-residue NH2 terminus followed by a proline-rich motif and two Src homology 2 (SH2) domains with significant sequence identify to those in p85. p55PIK mRNA is expressed early during development, remains abundant in adult mouse brain and testis tissue, and is detectable in adult adipocytes and heart and kidney tissues. p55PIK forms a stable complex with p110, and it associates with IRS-1 during insulin stimulation. Moreover, the activated insulin receptor phosphorylates p55PIK in Sf9 cells, and insulin stimulates p55PIK phosphorylation in CHOIR/p55PIK cells. The unique features of p55PIK suggest that it is important in receptor signaling.  相似文献   
Flow field-flow fractionation is introduced as a new tool applicable to protein studies. Specific advantages of this method are discussed, including the capability for measuring diffusivities and Stokes radii directly, even for trace components. The theoretical equations of flow FFF are summarized and expanded to include an explicit dependence on the Stokes radius. Several native proteins are retained. The retention is shown to be systematically controllable by changes in cross flow and the results are in quantitative agreement with theory. Fractograms of different rat plasmas are then shown to produce coincident peaks, while human plasma exhibits several systematic peak shifts with respect to the fractogram of the rat plasma. Finally, changes in the Stokes radii of ferritin peaks are shown after various forms of treatment with SDS. Flow FFF in this study demonstrates a capability of working with a mass range of ∼ 105 in a single run.  相似文献   
A visual display board was designed to aid in the management of a barrier sustained athymic (nude) mouse colony. The board displayed pertinent information for breeding and weaning, including phenotype and age for each animal in the colony. In addition, the board showed the availability and current status of experimental groups. This system provided an efficient means of organizing production and planning utilization of animals in the colony.  相似文献   
Factors related to onset age of Huntington disease.   总被引:17,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
One prominent feature of Huntington disease (HD) is the variable age at which the characteristic neurological or psychiatric symptoms appear. Ages of manifestation varying from 4 to 65 years are found in a sample of 95 HD pedigrees compiled since 1968 from the Southeastern United States. Significant parent-child correlations of age of onset indicate consistency of onset age within nuclear families. However, an average intrafamily range of 9 years and an average intrapedigree range of 12 years reveal substantial variability of onset age within these groups. Of the nine cases of juvenile-onset HD identified in this sample, seven were of paternal descent. The preponderance of juvenile patients inheriting the HD gene from a father confirms similar findings from other studies. In addition, a trend toward earlier onset in all offspring of paternal transmission suggests that the juvenile-onset phenomenon is only the tail of a shift in the curve of onset ages for this group. A trend toward earlier onset in successive generations was noted. This "anticipation" may reflect the finding that persons of early onset in prior generations are selectively nonreproductive as a result of manifestation of the disorder. By identifying familial factors influencing onset age of HD, it may be possible to more effectively evaluate environmental factors that influence the onset of the disorder.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the ras-related protein Rho1p is essentially the only target for ADP-ribosylation by exoenzyme C3 of Clostridium botulinum. Using C3 to detect Rho1p in subcellular fractions, Rho1p was found primarily in the 10,000 g pellet (P2) containing large organelles; small amounts also were detected in the 100,000 g pellet (P3), and cytosol. When P2 organelles were separated in sucrose density gradients Rho1p comigrated with the Kex-2 activity, a late Golgi marker. Rho1p distribution was shifted from P2 to P3 in several mutants that accumulate post-Golgi vesicles. Rho1p comigrated with post-Golgi transport vesicles during fractionation of P3 organelles from wild-type or sec6 cells. Vesicles containing Rho1p were of the same size but different density than those bearing Sec4p, a ras-related protein located both on post-Golgi vesicles and the plasma membrane. Immunofluorescence microscopy detected Rho1p as a punctate pattern, with signal concentrated towards the cell periphery and in the bud. Thus, in S. cerevisiae Rho1p resides primarily in the Golgi apparatus, and also in vesicles that are likely to be early post-Golgi vesicles.  相似文献   
"Sprouting" vascular endothelial cells were used as an in vitro model system to study the progressive morphologic and biosynthetic changes associated with the formation of tubular structures. In vitro, sprouting endothelial cells formed spontaneously without the addition of any exogenous factors from cultures of cloned endothelium exhibiting a polygonal/cobblestone phenotype. These phenotypically variant endothelial cells differentiated to form associated cell networks or nodules which gradually reorganized into tubular structures. Concomitant with these morphologic changes, the biosynthesis of extracellular matrix proteins was modulated, as determined by Northern blot analysis, metabolic labeling, and immunocytochemistry. The initial sprouting phase was characterized by the induction of type I collagen synthesis and the appearance of fibronectin containing the ED-A domain, in comparison to their absence in cloned cultures displaying a stable polygonal/cobblestone phenotype. The organizational stage, where the sprouting endothelial cells assembled into tubular structures, was additionally characterized by the expression of type IV collagen. These studies demonstrate that the progression from polygonal/cobblestone to sprouting cultures, and subsequent tubular organization, involves major alterations in extracellular matrix protein expression. This developmental phenomenon, although not completely analogous to blood vessel formation in vivo, nevertheless may be helpful in understanding the role of matrix macromolecules in the angiogenic process.  相似文献   
Using deletion analysis of the Ac transposable element, we have shown that replacement of internal sequences from base pairs 181–3559 does not abolish transposition. We have done sequential deletion analysis of the 3'-end of the Ac element and found that deletion of the major transposase binding sites (AAACGG) abolishes transposition. But, surprisingly, we found a 3'-terminal deletion of the transposase binding sites which also contained a 71-bp internal sequence between base pairs 3559 and 3630 retained transposition ability. This 71-bp internal sequence did not have a transposase (ORFa) binding motif. These data suggest that two different domains may be involved in the minimal sequence necessary for transposition. Finally, we have identified functional prokaryotic promoter sequences and ARS sequences within the 5' and 3'-termini of Ac, but cannot ascribe any function to these sequences.  相似文献   
Aphelenchoides rutgersi was axenically cultured in modified Soytone, yeast extract, lyophilized chick embryo extract medium (3% ST:2% YE:20% CEE-L, w/v:w/v:v/v). Earlier formulations used 10% CEE, v/v, before the manufacturer changed the preparation. After reestablishing A. rutgersi in medium that permitted continuous subcultivadon and reproduction, a second medium was tested that contained 0.5% sucrose and 0.5% Lipid Concentrate. The commercially available Lipid Concentrate made it possible to incorporate nonaqueous soluble chemicals into the medium. In addition, 0.1% Fast Green #3 was added to both media to visually demonstrate active ingestion of nutriment.  相似文献   
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