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(+/-)-N-(n-propyl) amphetamine (I), a secondary amine, was readily metabolized by Cumminghamella echinulata. The products included known C- and N-oxygenated mammalian metabolites as well as N-acetylamphetamine and were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
Previous studies by other investigators have established that L-region methyl derivatives of dibenz[a,h]anthracene (DBA) were more carcinogenic than the parent hydrocarbon. The bioalkylation of DBA was investigated by incubating the hydrocarbon with rat liver cytosol fortified with S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 1 h at 37 degrees C in air. The reaction was stopped by the addition of cold acetone and the mixture extracted with ethyl acetate and washed with water. The organic phase was evaporated and the residue dissolved in methylene chloride for analysis by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy GC/MS. Products were found that were indistinguishable from 7-methyl-DBA and 7,14-dimethyl-DBA, 7-hydroxymethyl-DBA, 7-hydroxymethyl-14-methyl-DBA, and 7,14-dihydroxymethyl-DBA. The results suggest that unsubstituted carcinogenic hydrocarbons are preprocarcinogens that react with SAM in liver cytosol preparations, to form alkyl substituted procarcinogens, which are more potent than the corresponding preprocarcinogens.  相似文献   
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a serious complication of pregnancy with potentially life threatening consequences for both mother and baby. Presently there is no test with the required performance to predict which healthy first-time mothers will go on to develop PE. The high specificity, sensitivity, and multiplexed nature of selected reaction monitoring holds great potential as a tool for the verification and validation of putative candidate biomarkersfor disease states. Realization of this potential involves establishing a high throughput, cost effective, reproducible sample preparation workflow. We have developed a semi-automated HPLC-based sample preparation workflow before a label-free selected reaction monitoring approach. This workflow has been applied to the search for novel predictive biomarkers for PE.To discover novel candidate biomarkers for PE, we used isobaric tagging to identify several potential biomarker proteins in plasma obtained at 15 weeks gestation from nulliparous women who later developed PE compared with pregnant women who remained healthy. Such a study generates a number of “candidate” biomarkers that require further testing in larger patient cohorts. As proof-of-principle, two of these proteins were taken forward for verification in a 100 women (58 PE, 42 controls) using label-free SRM. We obtained reproducible protein quantitation across the 100 samples and demonstrated significant changes in protein levels, even with as little as 20% change in protein concentration. The SRM data correlated with a commercial ELISA, suggesting that this is a robust workflow suitable for rapid, affordable, label-free verification of which candidate biomarkers should be taken forward for thorough investigation. A subset of pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSGs) had value as novel predictive markers for PE.The identification of clinically relevant plasma biomarkers with diagnostic and/or predictive value continues to challenge the proteomics field. Whereas once the biomarker pipeline was described as a two part discovery and validation process, there is increasing consensus that an intermediate step is required in which the proteins identified in the discovery phase are technically verified in 50 to 200 samples. This verification step identifies false positives from the discovery phase and allows prioritization of proteins to be taken into large-scale clinical validation studies (1). Although commercial ELISA kits may be used in this phase, these are unavailable for many proteins, are expensive, and may lack specificity. In addition, sample requirements may be too high to perform ELISA on all candidates, especially if many proteins are identified as potential markers by low powered, high penetration discovery workflows.Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)1 mass spectrometry has great potential as an alternative verification method (26) as it can be multiplexed, customized, and is highly specific. This potential has not been exploited to date, largely because of technical issues developing a low-cost, reproducible workflow encompassing plasma and serum preparation and LC/MS analysis with the capability to measure protein levels reproducible in hundreds of samples. With traditional stable isotope dilution SRM (SID-SRM), the high cost of accurately quantified, purified stable isotope encoded peptides or proteins may be prohibitive for the verification of multiple peptides from many proteins. Label-free relatively quantitative methods are increasingly popular in discovery proteomics but to a much lesser extent in targeted SRM studies (7, 8).For any SRM method, sample preparation workflows must balance the extent of enrichment and fractionation to enable quantification of lower abundance proteins, against increased technical variability (which is influenced by the number of sample handling steps) and reduced multiplexed potential as a consequence of fractionating peptides from the protein of interest into several distinct fractions. It is also essential that the true technical variation in the workflow is quantitatively evaluated from freezer to MS analysis, rather than just the variation within the LC-SRM part of the experiment. As a paradigm for a label-free SRM assay, we developed our workflow and applied it to the verification of candidate biomarkers that indicate the risk of pre-eclampsia (PE).PE affects 2–8% of pregnancies, and is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, which may progress to severe maternal complications or death (9). Because delivery of the infant is the only effective intervention, a third of babies are born premature and fetal or newborn mortality is increased three- to 10-fold (10). Its complex etiology involves abnormal placentation, an altered immune response and a sensitized maternal vascular endothelium (11). Prediction of the condition in early pregnancy would allow prevention strategies, such as low dose aspirin, to be targeted to high risk women. In first-time pregnant women, a group particularly at risk, biomarkers continue to fall short of a test that would be useful or cost effective in clinical practice (1214). Better-performing novel biomarkers are required.The aim of this study was to identify candidate predictive biomarkers for PE and then develop a verification assay using mass spectrometry to determine whether these should be taken forward into more extensive and expensive validation studies. Initial discovery experiments were employed using a pooled sample iTRAQ approach using two different MS platforms to increase plasma proteome coverage. Among the set of proteins discovered, we then developed a label-free SRM assay for relative quantification of CXCL7 (Platelet basic protein; PBP) and members of the Pregnancy specific glycoprotein (PSG) family in a 100-sample set from the international SCreeningfOr Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) study (www.scopestudy.net). Our workflow allowed the specificity and linearity of response for each peptide to be determined, along with true technical variability. Although absolute concentration and LOD/LOQ cannot be calculated using this approach, we aimed to test the hypothesis that a label-free SRM approach could provide a rapid, robust, and efficient screen of candidate plasma biomarkers.  相似文献   
Site‐to‐site variation in species composition (β‐diversity) generally increases from low‐ to high‐diversity regions. Although biogeographical differences in community assembly mechanisms may explain this pattern, random sampling effects can create this pattern through differences in regional species pools. Here, we compared assembly mechanisms between spatially extensive networks of temperate and tropical forest plots with highly divergent species pools (46 vs. 607 species). After controlling for sampling effects, β‐diversity of woody plants was similar and higher than expected by chance in both forests, reflecting strong intraspecific aggregation. However, different mechanisms appeared to explain aggregation in the two forests. In the temperate forest, aggregation reflected stronger environmental correlations, suggesting an important role for species‐sorting (e.g. environmental filtering) processes, whereas in the tropics, aggregation reflected stronger spatial correlations, more likely reflecting dispersal limitation. We suggest that biogeographical differences in the relative importance of different community assembly mechanisms contribute to these striking gradients in global biodiversity.  相似文献   
B. pseudomallei is a gram-negative bacterium that causes the tropical infection melioidosis. In northeast Thailand, mortality from melioidosis approaches 40%. As exemplified by the lipopolysaccharide-Toll-like receptor 4 interaction, innate immune responses to invading bacteria are precipitated by activation of host pathogen recognition receptors by pathogen associated molecular patterns. Human melioidosis is characterized by up-regulation of pathogen recognition receptors and pro-inflammatory cytokine release. In contrast to many gram-negative pathogens, however, the lipopolysaccharide of B. pseudomallei is considered only weakly inflammatory. We conducted a study in 300 healthy Thai subjects to investigate the ex vivo human blood response to various bacterial pathogen associated molecular patterns, including lipopolysaccharide from several bacteria, and to two heat-killed B. pseudomallei isolates. We measured cytokine levels after stimulation of fresh whole blood with a panel of stimuli. We found that age, sex, and white blood cell count modulate the innate immune response to B. pseudomallei. We further observed that, in comparison to other stimuli, the innate immune response to B. pseudomallei is most highly correlated with the response to lipopolysaccharide. The magnitude of cytokine responses induced by B. pseudomallei lipopolysaccharide was significantly greater than those induced by lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli and comparable to many responses induced by lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella minnesota despite lower amounts of lipid A in the B. pseudomallei lipopolysaccharide preparation. In human monocytes stimulated with B. pseudomallei, addition of polymyxin B or a TLR4/MD-2 neutralizing antibody inhibited the majority of TNF-α production. Challenging existing views, our data indicate that the innate immune response to B. pseudomallei in human blood is largely driven by lipopolysaccharide, and that the response to B. pseudomallei lipopolysaccharide in blood is greater than the response to other lipopolysaccharide expressing isolates. Our findings suggest that B. pseudomallei lipopolysaccharide may play a central role in stimulating the host response in melioidosis.  相似文献   


Although levels of iron are known to be increased in the brains of patients with Parkinson disease (PD), epidemiological evidence on a possible effect of iron blood levels on PD risk is inconclusive, with effects reported in opposite directions. Epidemiological studies suffer from problems of confounding and reverse causation, and mendelian randomization (MR) represents an alternative approach to provide unconfounded estimates of the effects of biomarkers on disease. We performed a MR study where genes known to modify iron levels were used as instruments to estimate the effect of iron on PD risk, based on estimates of the genetic effects on both iron and PD obtained from the largest sample meta-analyzed to date.

Methods and Findings

We used as instrumental variables three genetic variants influencing iron levels, HFE rs1800562, HFE rs1799945, and TMPRSS6 rs855791. Estimates of their effect on serum iron were based on a recent genome-wide meta-analysis of 21,567 individuals, while estimates of their effect on PD risk were obtained through meta-analysis of genome-wide and candidate gene studies with 20,809 PD cases and 88,892 controls. Separate MR estimates of the effect of iron on PD were obtained for each variant and pooled by meta-analysis. We investigated heterogeneity across the three estimates as an indication of possible pleiotropy and found no evidence of it. The combined MR estimate showed a statistically significant protective effect of iron, with a relative risk reduction for PD of 3% (95% CI 1%–6%; p = 0.001) per 10 µg/dl increase in serum iron.


Our study suggests that increased iron levels are causally associated with a decreased risk of developing PD. Further studies are needed to understand the pathophysiological mechanism of action of serum iron on PD risk before recommendations can be made. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   
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