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Antibiotic-resistant and antimetabolite-resistant mutants of the nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacterium Frankia were isolated to provide strains with genetic backgrounds amenable to genetic analysis. The lethal and mutagenic effects of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and UV light on four Frankia strains were investigated. UV irradiation or EMS treatment of strain EuI1c cells resulted in the formation of two different colony types: rough and smooth. The smooth colonies were conditional sporulation mutants. In the case of EMS-induced cells of strain Cc1.17, resistance to lincomycin, ampicillin, and 5-fluorouracil occurred at a frequency of 1 x 10(-5), 1 x 10(-5), and 4 x 10(-5), respectively. The lincomycin-resistant mutants produced a yellow-tan pigment that was released into the growth medium. Resistance to tetracycline and lincomycin with EMS-induced cells of strain EuI1c occurred at a frequency of 3.2 x 10(-3) and 4.7 x 10(-4), respectively. These strains will be useful for the development of genetic methods for Frankia.  相似文献   
The recent Parkinson Disease GWAS Consortium meta-analysis and replication study reports association at several previously confirmed risk loci SNCA, MAPT, GAK/DGKQ, and HLA and identified a novel risk locus at RIT2. To further explore functional consequences of these associations, we investigated modification of gene expression in prefrontal cortex brain samples of pathologically confirmed PD cases (N = 26) and controls (N = 24) by 67 associated SNPs in these 5 loci. Association between the eSNPs and expression was evaluated using a 2-degrees of freedom test of both association and difference in association between cases and controls, adjusted for relevant covariates. SNPs at each of the 5 loci were tested for cis-acting effects on all probes within 250 kb of each locus. Trans-effects of the SNPs on the 39,122 probes passing all QC on the microarray were also examined. From the analysis of cis-acting SNP effects, several SNPs in the MAPT region show significant association to multiple nearby probes, including two strongly correlated probes targeting the gene LOC644246 and the duplicated genes LRRC37A and LRRC37A2, and a third uncorrelated probe targeting the gene DCAKD. Significant cis-associations were also observed between SNPs and two probes targeting genes in the HLA region on chromosome 6. Expanding the association study to examine trans effects revealed an additional 23 SNP-probe associations reaching statistical significance (p<2.8×10−8) including SNPs from the SNCA, MAPT and RIT2 regions. These findings provide additional context for the interpretation of PD associated SNPs identified in recent GWAS as well as potential insight into the mechanisms underlying the observed SNP associations.  相似文献   
羊草与其主要伴生种竞争与共存的格局分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在羊草种群与其它植物种群的交错区,应用频度、格避形式,格局强度指数对羊草及其主要伴生种之间的共存格局进行了分析。结果表明,羊草及其主要伴生种的格局呈多样化,集聚格局形式是羊草抵御外来物种入侵,或者是自身扩散的一种对策,羊草与其主要伴生种之间存在竞争与共存作用,羊草与芦苇之间通过拮抗作用实现竞争与共存,羊草与鸡儿肠通过竞争而实现共存,光稃茅香,碱茅以营养繁殖策略实现与羊草竞争,指子茅的生长受羊草竞争的抑制。  相似文献   
The granular glands of nine species of dendrobatid frogs were examined using light and electron microscopy. The glands are surrounded by a discontinuous layer of smooth muscle cells. Within the glands proper the secretory cells form a true syncytium. Multiple flattened nuclei lie at the periphery of the gland. The peripheral cytoplasm also contains mitochondria, rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and an abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Centrally, most of the gland is filled with membrane-bound granules surrounded by amorphous cytoplasm. Few other organelles are found in this region. Early in the secretory cycle, the central part of the gland is filled with flocculent material which appears to be progressively partitioned off by membranes to form the droplet anlage. As granules form, the structure of the contents becomes progressively more vesicular. Dense vesicles, which bud off from the Golgi apparatus, fuse with the granular membrane during the development of granules, and might contain enzymes involved in toxin synthesis. The granules at this point resemble multivesicular bodies. Their structure is similar in all species of dendrobatid frogs even though the different frogs secrete substances of different chemical structure and toxicity.  相似文献   
AIMS: The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence and distribution of haemolysin genes, plasmid profile, serogroup analysis and cellular urease activity for Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from infected human patients and oysters from the Pacific north-western United States between 1988 and 1997. METHODS AND RESULTS: All of the clinical and environmental isolates tested in this study exhibited the presence of the thermolabile haemolysin gene, tl, confirming that all of the isolates were V. parahaemolyticus. Furthermore, the V. parahaemolyticus isolates that contained either the thermostable direct haemolysin gene, tdh, or the thermostable direct haemolysin-related gene, trh, or both, were also positive for urease. Isolates from infected human patients belong to serogroups O1 and O4, whereas, the isolates from oysters belong to serogroups O1, O4 and O5. These results suggest that the presence of a V. parahaemolyticus serogroup O1 and O4 could indicate the presence of a virulent strain of this pathogen. In this study, the presence of the haemolysin genes, serogroup profiles and urease production in V. parahaemolyticus isolated from human patients correlated with the oysters collected during the outbreaks. However, no significant correlation of the plasmid profiles was detected, based on their distribution and molecular weights, between V. parahaemolyticus isolated from infected human patients and from oysters collected during this outbreak. CONCLUSIONS, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: It is apparent from this study that the identification of the haemolysin genes by multiplex PCR amplification, in conjunction with serogroup analysis and urease production, can be used to monitor shellfish for the presence of potentially pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus.  相似文献   
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a serious complication of pregnancy with potentially life threatening consequences for both mother and baby. Presently there is no test with the required performance to predict which healthy first-time mothers will go on to develop PE. The high specificity, sensitivity, and multiplexed nature of selected reaction monitoring holds great potential as a tool for the verification and validation of putative candidate biomarkersfor disease states. Realization of this potential involves establishing a high throughput, cost effective, reproducible sample preparation workflow. We have developed a semi-automated HPLC-based sample preparation workflow before a label-free selected reaction monitoring approach. This workflow has been applied to the search for novel predictive biomarkers for PE.To discover novel candidate biomarkers for PE, we used isobaric tagging to identify several potential biomarker proteins in plasma obtained at 15 weeks gestation from nulliparous women who later developed PE compared with pregnant women who remained healthy. Such a study generates a number of “candidate” biomarkers that require further testing in larger patient cohorts. As proof-of-principle, two of these proteins were taken forward for verification in a 100 women (58 PE, 42 controls) using label-free SRM. We obtained reproducible protein quantitation across the 100 samples and demonstrated significant changes in protein levels, even with as little as 20% change in protein concentration. The SRM data correlated with a commercial ELISA, suggesting that this is a robust workflow suitable for rapid, affordable, label-free verification of which candidate biomarkers should be taken forward for thorough investigation. A subset of pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSGs) had value as novel predictive markers for PE.The identification of clinically relevant plasma biomarkers with diagnostic and/or predictive value continues to challenge the proteomics field. Whereas once the biomarker pipeline was described as a two part discovery and validation process, there is increasing consensus that an intermediate step is required in which the proteins identified in the discovery phase are technically verified in 50 to 200 samples. This verification step identifies false positives from the discovery phase and allows prioritization of proteins to be taken into large-scale clinical validation studies (1). Although commercial ELISA kits may be used in this phase, these are unavailable for many proteins, are expensive, and may lack specificity. In addition, sample requirements may be too high to perform ELISA on all candidates, especially if many proteins are identified as potential markers by low powered, high penetration discovery workflows.Selected reaction monitoring (SRM)1 mass spectrometry has great potential as an alternative verification method (26) as it can be multiplexed, customized, and is highly specific. This potential has not been exploited to date, largely because of technical issues developing a low-cost, reproducible workflow encompassing plasma and serum preparation and LC/MS analysis with the capability to measure protein levels reproducible in hundreds of samples. With traditional stable isotope dilution SRM (SID-SRM), the high cost of accurately quantified, purified stable isotope encoded peptides or proteins may be prohibitive for the verification of multiple peptides from many proteins. Label-free relatively quantitative methods are increasingly popular in discovery proteomics but to a much lesser extent in targeted SRM studies (7, 8).For any SRM method, sample preparation workflows must balance the extent of enrichment and fractionation to enable quantification of lower abundance proteins, against increased technical variability (which is influenced by the number of sample handling steps) and reduced multiplexed potential as a consequence of fractionating peptides from the protein of interest into several distinct fractions. It is also essential that the true technical variation in the workflow is quantitatively evaluated from freezer to MS analysis, rather than just the variation within the LC-SRM part of the experiment. As a paradigm for a label-free SRM assay, we developed our workflow and applied it to the verification of candidate biomarkers that indicate the risk of pre-eclampsia (PE).PE affects 2–8% of pregnancies, and is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, which may progress to severe maternal complications or death (9). Because delivery of the infant is the only effective intervention, a third of babies are born premature and fetal or newborn mortality is increased three- to 10-fold (10). Its complex etiology involves abnormal placentation, an altered immune response and a sensitized maternal vascular endothelium (11). Prediction of the condition in early pregnancy would allow prevention strategies, such as low dose aspirin, to be targeted to high risk women. In first-time pregnant women, a group particularly at risk, biomarkers continue to fall short of a test that would be useful or cost effective in clinical practice (1214). Better-performing novel biomarkers are required.The aim of this study was to identify candidate predictive biomarkers for PE and then develop a verification assay using mass spectrometry to determine whether these should be taken forward into more extensive and expensive validation studies. Initial discovery experiments were employed using a pooled sample iTRAQ approach using two different MS platforms to increase plasma proteome coverage. Among the set of proteins discovered, we then developed a label-free SRM assay for relative quantification of CXCL7 (Platelet basic protein; PBP) and members of the Pregnancy specific glycoprotein (PSG) family in a 100-sample set from the international SCreeningfOr Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) study (www.scopestudy.net). Our workflow allowed the specificity and linearity of response for each peptide to be determined, along with true technical variability. Although absolute concentration and LOD/LOQ cannot be calculated using this approach, we aimed to test the hypothesis that a label-free SRM approach could provide a rapid, robust, and efficient screen of candidate plasma biomarkers.  相似文献   
Summary In vitro pollination of placenta attached ovules was useful in bypassing unilateral incongruity barriers for several Nicotiana interspecific hybrid combinations (N. tabacum cv. Ky 17 X N. amplexicaulis, Ky 17 X N. benthamiana, and Ky 17 X N. repanda). By measuring the pollen tube growth over time, prefertilization barriers were determined to be the cause of the incongruity. Seedling necrosis was a problem in the development of the N. amplexicaulis hybrid and it prevented maturation of the N. repanda hybrid. Callus produced from cotyledons of the N. amplexicaulis hybrid eventually resulted in plants that survived to maturity. This procedure was not successful for the N. repanda materials. The N. amplexicaulis and N. benthamiana hybrids were sterile but following chromosome doubling by midrib culture, male and female fertile plants were produced.Conventional hybridization, fertilized ovule culture, and in vitro pollination were unsuccessful in obtaining hybrids of Ky 17 crossed with N. arentsii or N. bonariensis. Apparently, strong postfertilization barriers prevent the production of viable seed of these hybrids. Each of the N. repanda — N. tabacum reciprocal hybrids could not be rescued using callus culture; this adds support to the existence of strong sexual postfertilization barriers. A recent report, however, showed that it was possible to obtain this hybrid using the technique of somatic hybridization. Thus, it appears that it may also be possible to obtain asexual hybrids of N. arentsii and N. bonariensis with N. tabacum.The investigations reported herein were supported by USDA/SEA/CRGO Project 59-2213-1-1-613-0 and the paper (No. 86-3-137) is published with approval of the Director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment StationThe research reported in this paper is in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. requirements for the senior author  相似文献   
D M Denbow  R D Myers 《Peptides》1982,3(5):739-743
The central effect of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK), SQ 19,844 or sincalide, on the intake of food and water and on colonic temperature (Tc) was investigated using the broiler cockerel. Four-week old chicks were maintained in a thermoneutral environment of 23-24 degrees C. After food was removed for a 24 hr interval, CCK was infused in a volume of 10.0 microliters into the lateral cerebral ventricle (ICV) in doses ranging from 10-150 ng. Although lower doses of CCK had no effect on food intake, 100 or 150 ng of CCK significantly reduced consumption of food in a dose-dependent manner; water drinking was significantly decreased by 100 ng of CCK. In addition, CCK at doses of 100 and 150 ng prevented the slow rise in Tc observed following infusions of control CSF. This latter effect appeared to be a result of feeding activity associated with caloric intake and the heat increment in the control birds rather than a specific thermoregulatory effect. Overall, our results suggest that CCK may comprise a part of the central mechanism underlying the neural control of short term satiety in an avian species similar to that proposed for the mammal.  相似文献   
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