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Two important glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) with structural roles in the body's cartilage are hyaluronan (HA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS). A simple mass spectrometric method for determining the amount of HA that may be present in isolated CS samples is presented in this article. Samples are subjected to selective enzymatic digestion using a bacterial hyaluronidase (HA lyase, EC 4.2.2, from Streptococcus dysgalactiae) specific for HA. Undigested CS GAG is then removed by centrifugal filtration, and digested HA left in the filtrate is quantified by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using an internal standard and selected ion monitoring. The described method was applied to the analysis of several CS samples prepared for use in nutritional supplements.  相似文献   
The protein phosphatase PP1gamma2 is critical in the regulation of sperm motility and fertility. Its activity is regulated by its binding proteins and by phosphorylation. We have recently shown that PP1gamma2 is phosphorylated and that the amount of phosphorylated PP1gamma2 increases during sperm epididymal maturation (Huang et al., Biol Reprod 2004; 70:439-447). Microsequencing revealed that protein 14-3-3 coeluted with phosphorylated PP1gamma2 during column chromatography of bovine sperm extracts. Western blot analyses confirmed the presence of protein 14-3-3 not only in bovine spermatozoa but also in spermatozoa of diverse species-bull, hamster, horseshoe crab, monkey, rat, turkey, and Xenopus. The binding between PP1gamma2 and protein 14-3-3 was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation experiments and in pull-down assays with recombinant GST-14-3-3. Western blot analysis and protein 14-3-3 immunoprecipitates with antibodies against the consensus binding domain of protein 14-3-3 reveal that, in addition to PP1gamma2, at least two other protein 14-3-3 binding partners are present in spermatozoa. Fluorescence immunocytochemistry results indicate that phosphorylated PP1gamma2 and protein 14-3-3 both localize to the postacrosomal region of the head and principal piece of bovine spermatozoa. Together, these results provide conclusive evidence that protein 14-3-3 is present in mature spermatozoa and that PP1gamma2 is one of its binding partners.  相似文献   
Brandt KD  Smith GN  Myers SL 《Biorheology》2004,41(3-4):493-502
We previously reported that intraarticular injections of hyaluronan (HA), administered prophylactically to dogs in whom knee osteoarthritis had been induced by transection of the anterior cruicate ligament, did not significantly modify the intraarticular pathology but decreased the proteogylcan concentration of the articular cartilage by as much as 30%. Because the cartilage proteoglycan concentration is directly related to the stiffness of the tissue, these results raised the possibility that intraarticular HA therapy could exacerbate OA. In the present study, using a different HA formulation, with a longer interval between intraarticular HA injection and examination of joint tissues, we found that neither prophylactic nor therapeutic administration of HA had an effect on the severity of OA pathology, the magnitude of vertical ground reaction forces generated by the unstable hind limb (a surrogate for joint pain), or the cartilage proteoglycan concentration. The data suggest that the suppression of proteoglycan synthesis induced by HA is temporary and fully reversible and that HA injections do not result in overloading of the OA extremity. A significant correlation was noted between the severity of chondropathy and the magnitude of the vertical ground reaction forces generated by the unstable limb.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP A1) is a prototype for the family of eukaryotic RNA processing proteins containing the common RNA recognition motif (RRM). The region consisting of residues 1-195 of hnRNP A1 is referred to as UP1. This region has two RRMs and has a high affinity for both single-stranded RNA and the human telomeric repeat sequence d(TTAGGG)(n). We have used UP1's novel DNA binding to investigate how RRMs bind nucleic acid bases through their highly conserved RNP consensus sequences. Nine complexes of UP1 bound to modified telomeric repeats were investigated using equilibrium fluorescence binding and X-ray crystallography. In two of the complexes, alteration of a guanine to either 2-aminopurine or nebularine resulted in an increase in K(d) from 88nM to 209nM and 316nM, respectively. The loss of these orienting interactions between UP1 and the substituted base allows it to flip between syn and anti conformations. Substitution of the same base with 7-deaza-guanine preserves the O6/N1 contacts but still increases the K(d) to 296nM and suggests that it is not simply the loss of affinity that gives rise to the base mobility, but also the stereochemistry of the specific contact to O6. Although these studies provide details of UP1 interactions to nucleic acids, three general observations about RRMs are also evident: (1) as suggested by informatic studies, main-chain to base hydrogen bonding makes up an important aspect of ligand recognition (2) steric clashes generated by modification of a hydrogen bond donor-acceptor pair to a donor-donor pair are poorly tolerated and (3) a conserved lysine position proximal to RNP-2 (K(106)-IFVGGI) orients the purine to allow stereochemical discrimination between adenine and guanine based on the 6-position. This single interaction is well-conserved in known RRM structures and appears to be a broad indicator for purine preference in the larger family of RRM proteins.  相似文献   
The genetic nature and biological effects of recombination between porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERV) were studied. An infectious molecular clone was generated from a high-titer, human-tropic PERV isolate, PERV-A 14/220 (B. A. Oldmixon, et al. J. Virol. 76:3045-3048, 2002; T. A. Ericsson et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:6759-6764, 2003). To analyze this sequence and 15 available full-length PERV nucleotide sequences, we developed a sequence comparison program, LOHA(TM) to calculate local sequence homology between two sequences. This analysis determined that PERV-A 14/220 arose by homologous recombination of a PERV-C genome replacing an 850-bp region around the pol-env junction with that of a PERV-A sequence. This 850-bp PERV-A sequence encompasses the env receptor binding domain, thereby conferring a wide host range including human cells. In addition, we determined that multiple regions derived from PERV-C are responsible for the increased infectious titer of PERV-A 14/220. Thus, a single recombination event may be a fast and effective way to generate high-titer, potentially harmful PERV. Further, local homology and phylogenetic analyses between 16 full-length sequences revealed evidence for other recombination events in the past that give rise to other PERV genomes that possess the PERV-A, but not the PERV-B, env gene. These results indicate that PERV-A env is more prone to recombination with heterogeneous backbone genomes than PERV-B env. Such recombination events that generate more active PERV-A appear to occur in pigs rather frequently, which increases the potential risk of zoonotic PERV transmission. In this context, pigs lacking non-human-tropic PERV-C would be more suitable as donor animals for clinical xenotransplantation.  相似文献   
Myogenic differentiation is characterized by permanent and irreversible cell cycle withdrawal and increased resistance to apoptosis. These functions correlate with changes in expression and activity of several cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, including p18, p21, and p27. In this study, we examined the requirements for p18, p21, and p27 in initiating growth arrest in multinucleated myotubes under differentiation conditions and in maintaining terminal arrest upon restimulation of differentiated myotubes with mitogenic signals. Under differentiation conditions, only p27(-/-) or p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes are capable of reentering the cell cycle and synthesizing DNA at a very low frequency. Escape from cell cycle arrest was significantly greater in p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes than in p27(-/-) myotubes. Stimulation of differentiated cultures with a mitogen-rich growth medium enhances p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube proliferation to encompass approximately half of the nuclei. p18(-/-)p21(-/-) and p21(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes remain terminally arrested. Nuclei within individual restimulated p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes can be found in all phases of the cell cycle, and a myotube can be multiphasic without any obvious deleterious effects. Increasing the time of differentiation or serum stimulation of p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes neither increases the proliferation index of the myotube nuclei, nor does it alter the percentage of nuclei in each of the cell cycle phases. During the first 24 h of serum stimulation, the p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube nuclei that escape G0 arrest will rearrest in either S or G2 phase, without either mitosis or endoreplication. Apoptosis is increased in restimulated p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube nuclei, but is not specific for any cell cycle phase. These results suggest a collaborative role for p18 and p27 in initiating and maintaining G0 arrest during myogenic differentiation. While p18 and p27 appear to be essential in initiating G0 arrest in a proportion of postmitotic myotube nuclei, there must be another cell cycle inhibitor protein that functions with p18 and p27 in maintaining terminal arrest. We propose that the combined rate-limiting expressions of p18, p27, and this other inhibitor determine whether the myotube nuclei will remain postmitotic, or reenter the cell cycle, and if the nuclei escape G0 arrest, in which phase of the cell cycle the nuclei will ultimately rearrest.  相似文献   
Lipopenia and skin barrier abnormalities in DGAT2-deficient mice   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The synthesis of triglycerides is catalyzed by two known acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) enzymes. Although they catalyze the same biochemical reaction, these enzymes share no sequence homology, and their relative functions are poorly understood. Gene knockout studies in mice have revealed that DGAT1 contributes to triglyceride synthesis in tissues and plays an important role in regulating energy metabolism but is not essential for life. Here we show that DGAT2 plays a fundamental role in mammalian triglyceride synthesis and is required for survival. DGAT2-deficient (Dgat2(-/-)) mice are lipopenic and die soon after birth, apparently from profound reductions in substrates for energy metabolism and from impaired permeability barrier function in the skin. DGAT1 was unable to compensate for the absence of DGAT2, supporting the hypothesis that the two enzymes play fundamentally different roles in mammalian triglyceride metabolism.  相似文献   
Kappa opioid receptor (KOR) desensitization was previously shown to follow agonist-dependent phosphorylation of serine 369 by G-protein receptor kinase (GRK) and beta-arrestin binding in transfected cells. To study the in vivo effects induced by phosphorylation of KOR(S369), C57Bl/6 mice were administered single or repeated doses of the KOR agonist, U50,488, and isolated brain glycoprotein was probed with an antibody, KOR-P, that specifically recognized phosphoserine 369 KOR. Western blot analysis using KOR-P antibody showed that labeling intensity increased after either single or repeated treatment of mice with U50,488 by 59 +/- 22% and 101 +/- 29%, respectively. In contrast, there was no change in labeling intensity by nonphosphoselective KOR antibodies following acute or chronic in vivo treatment with kappa agonist. Moreover, mice lacking GRK3 showed no increase in KOR-P labeling and developed significantly less analgesic tolerance following treatment with kappa agonist. The result suggests that tolerance to kappa agonists includes phosphorylation of serine 369 within KOR by GRK3. Recovery of analgesic potency and reduction of elevated KOR-P labeling in wild-type mice both required 2 weeks to return to base line. Consistent with these results, in vitro phosphorylation by GRK3 of KOR isolated from tolerant mice resulted in 46 +/- 7% less (32)P incorporation than in KOR isolated from untreated mice. In addition, in vitro (32)P incorporation returned to base line levels only in KOR isolated from tolerant mice allowed to recover for 2 weeks. The coincident reversal of analgesic tolerance and slow return to a basal phosphorylation state matched the regeneration rate of functional kappa receptors following irreversible antagonism and suggested that receptor replacement rather than dephosphorylation was required to restore sensitivity.  相似文献   
All three human glycoprotein hormone heterodimers are assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum by threading the glycosylated end of alpha-subunit loop two (alpha2) beneath a disulfide "latched" strand of the beta-subunit known as the "seatbelt." This remarkable event occurs efficiently even though the seatbelt effectively blocks the reverse process, thereby stabilizing each heterodimer. Studies described here show that assembly is facilitated by the formation, disruption, and reformation of a loop within the seatbelt that is stabilized by the most easily reduced disulfide in the free beta-subunit. We refer to this disulfide as the "tensor" because it shortens the seatbelt, thereby securing the heterodimer. Formation of the tensor disulfide appears to precede and facilitate seatbelt latching in most human choriogonadotropin beta-subunit molecules. Subsequent disruption of the tensor disulfide elongates the seatbelt, thereby increasing the space beneath the seatbelt and the beta-subunit core. This permits the formation of hydrogen bonds between backbone atoms of the beta-subunit cystine knot and the tensor loop with backbone atoms in loop alpha2, a process that causes the glycosylated end of loop alpha2 to be threaded between the seatbelt and the beta-subunit core. Contacts between the tensor loop and loop alpha2 promote reformation of the tensor disulfide, which explains why it is more stable in the heterodimer than in the uncombined beta-subunit. These findings unravel the puzzling nature of how a threading mechanism can be used in the endoplasmic reticulum to assemble glycoprotein hormones that have essential roles in vertebrate reproduction and thyroid function.  相似文献   
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