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The (omega', omega) polot depicting the internucleotide P-O bond rotation angles in yeast phenylalanyl transfer RNA has established the interdependence of the phosphodiesters and the nucleotide geometries in the folding of the polynucleotide backbone. The plot distinguishes the regions characteristic of secondary helical structures and tertiary structural loops and bends. The folding of the polynucleotide chain is accomplished either solely by rotations around the P-O bonds or in concert with rotations around the nucleotide C4'-C5' bond with or without changes in the sugar ring pucker. In spite of differences in nucleotide sequence and intraloop tertiary interactions in the anticodon and pseudouridine loops, a characteristic repeating structural unit is found for the sugar-phosphate backbone of the tetranucleotide segment around the sharp turns.  相似文献   
The nucleoside constituents of nucleic acids prefer the anti conformation (1). When the sugar pucker is taken into account the nucleosides prefer the C2'endo-anti conformation. Of the nearly 300 nucleosides known, about 250 are in the anti conformation and 50 are in the syn-conformation, i.e., anti to syn conformation is 5:1. The nucleotide building blocks of nucleic acids show the same trend as nucleosides. Both the deoxy-guanosine and riboguanosine residues in nucleosides and nucleotides prefer the syn-C2'endo conformation with an intra-molecular hydrogen bond (for nucleosides) between the O5'-H and the N3 of the base and, a few syn-C3'endo conformations are also observed. Evidence is presented for the occurrence of the C3'endo-syn conformation for guanines in mis-paired double helical right-handed structures with the distorted sugar phosphate C4'-C5' and P-O5' bonds respectively, from g+ (gg) and g- to trans. Evidence is also provided for guanosine nucleotides in left-handed double-helical (Z-DNA) oligo and polynucleotides which has the same syn-C3'endo conformation and the distorted backbone sugar-phosphate bonds (C4'-C5' and P-O5') as in the earlier right-handed case.  相似文献   
French and Moroccan populations of the parasitoid Microctonus aethiopoides Loan were studied in the laboratory for their host selection, mating behavior, and reproductive success. The French strain, collected on Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), although capable of parasitizing and producing viable offspring on Sitona weevils, preferred Hypera weevils, its known target host. The Moroccan strain, collected on Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal, exhibited host specificity for Sitona. A partial reproductive isolation was observed between the two strains. Moroccan females mated more frequently with French males than did French females with Moroccan males. The pre-copulation time for mating pairs of opposite strains was significantly longer than that for mating pairs of the same strain. There was no significant difference in copulation time nor in larval and pupal duration between French and Moroccan strains. In summary, the French and Moroccan strains of M. aethiopoides are clearly separable by biological, behavioral, and morphometric traits and the preferred host for Hypera is the French strain and Sitona for the Moroccan strain. Consequently, geographic location and host source become important when considering this parasitoid as a potential biological control agent.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of an alternating RNA octamer, r(guauaca)dC (RNA bases are in lower case while the only DNA base is in upper case), with two 3' overhang residues one of them a terminal deoxycytosine and the other a ribose adenine, has been determined at 2.2 A resolution. The refined structure has an Rwork 18.6% and Rfree 26.8%. There are two independent duplexes (molecules I and II) in the asymmetric unit cell, a = 24.95, b = 45.25 and c = 73.67 A, with space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). Instead of forming a blunt end duplex with two a+.c mispairs and six Watson-Crick base-pairs, the strands in the duplex slide towards the 3' direction forming a two-base overhang (radC) and a six Watson-Crick base-paired duplex. The duplexes are bent (molecule I, 20 degrees; molecule II, 25 degrees) and stack head-to-head to form a right-handed superhelix. The overhang residues are looped out and the penultimate adenines of the two residues at the top end (A15) are anti and at the bottom (A7) end are syn. The syn adenine bases form minor groove A*(G.C) base triples with C8-H...N2 hydrogen bonds. The anti adenine in molecule II also forms a triple and a different C2-H...N3 hydrogen bond, while the other anti adenine in molecule I does not, it stacks on the looped out overhang base dC. The 3' terminal deoxycytosines form two stacked hemiprotonated trans d(C.C)+ base-pairs and the pseudo dyad related molecules form four consecutive deoxyribose and ribose zipper hydrogen bonds in the minor groove.  相似文献   
Crystal structure of a DNA.RNA hybrid, d(CTCCTCTTC).r(gaagagagag), with an adenine bulge in the polypurine RNA strand was determined at 2.3 A resolution. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and refined to a final R-factor of 19.9% (Rfree 22.2%). The hybrid duplex crystallized in the space group I222 with unit cell dimensions, a = 46.66 A, b = 47.61 A and c = 54.05 A, and adopts the A-form conformation. All RNA and DNA sugars are in the C3'-endo conformation, the glycosyl angles in anti conformation and the majority of the C4'-C5' torsion angles in g+ except two trans angles, in conformity with the C3'-endo rigid nucleotide hypothesis. The adenine bulge is looped out and it is also in the anti C3'-endo conformation. The bulge is involved in a base-triple (C.g)*a interaction with the end base-pair (C9.g10) in the minor groove of a symmetry-related molecule. The 2' hydroxyl group of g15 is hydrogen bonded to O2P and O5' of g17, skipping the bulged adenine a16 and stabilizing the sugar-phosphate backbone of the hybrid. The hydrogen bonding and the backbone conformation at the bulged adenine site is very similar to that found in the crystal structure of a protein-RNA complex.  相似文献   
The effect of ribose(O2′)-methylation on the stability of (O2′)-methylated polyribonucleotide helices has been studied by conformational energy calculations. The preferred orientation of the methyl group is found to further stabilize the helical phosphodiester conformation (g?,g?) due to the enhanced short-range interactions arising between the methyl groups and the adjacent ribose moieties. The experimentally observed increase in melting temperature of (O2′)-alkylated polyribonucleotides is thus attributable to the enhanced stability of the helical backbone conformation.  相似文献   
The phytoremediation potential of three aquatic plants namely, water lettuce(Pistia stratioes), water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), and water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) for nitrate N and phosphorus from nutrient treated ground water was assessed. A total of twelve treatment combinations including four levels of nitrate (expressed as nitrate N 0, 20, 40, and 60 mg/l) and three levels of phosphorus (0, 20, and 40 mg/l) were treated for the total volume of 1 and 20 liters of water respectively, for Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipes. For Ipomoea aquatica ten treatment combinations with five levels of nitrate N (0, 10, 20, 40, and 50 mg/l) and two levels of phosphorus (0 and 5 mg/l) were treated to 3 liters of water. The design used was a two factor factorial with three replicates. Water was analyzed at weekly interval for nitrate N and phosphorus. Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes and Ipomoea aquatica had the potential to remove nitrate N between 61.5–91.8%, 40–63.5%, and 29.3–75% during the period of six, three and three and weeks, respectively. In addition, 90–99%, 75–97.2%, and 75–83.3% of phosphorus was removed from water by Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes and Ipomoea aquatica respectively, during the same period.  相似文献   
Structure of Paramecium tetraurelia calmodulin at 1.8 A resolution.   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The crystal structure of calmodulin (CaM; M(r) 16,700, 148 residues) from the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia (PCaM) has been determined and refined using 1.8 A resolution area detector data. The crystals are triclinic, space group P1, a = 29.66, b = 53.79, c = 25.49 A, alpha = 92.84, beta = 97.02, and gamma = 88.54 degrees with one molecule in the unit cell. Crystals of the mammalian CaM (MCaM; Babu et al., 1988) and Drosophila CaM (DCaM; Taylor et al., 1991) also belong to the same space group with very similar cell dimensions. All three CaMs have 148 residues, but there are 17 sequence changes between PCaM and MCaM and 16 changes between PCaM and DCaM. The initial difference in the molecular orientation between the PCaM and MCaM crystals was approximately 7 degrees as determined by the rotation function. The reoriented Paramecium model was extensively refitted using omit maps and refined using XPLOR. The R-value for 11,458 reflections with F > 3 sigma is 0.21, and the model consists of protein atoms for residues 4-147, 4 calcium ions, and 71 solvent molecules. The root mean square (rms) deviations in the bond lengths and bond angles in the model from ideal values are 0.016 A and 3 degrees, respectively. The molecular orientation of the final PCaM model differs from MCaM by only 1.7 degrees. The overall Paramecium CaM structure is very similar to the other calmodulin structures with a seven-turn long central helix connecting the two terminal domains, each containing two Ca-binding EF-hand motifs. The rms deviation in the backbone N, Ca, C, and O atoms between PCaM and MCaM is 0.52 A and between PCaM and DCaM is 0.85 A. The long central helix regions differ, where the B-factors are also high, particularly in PCaM and MCaM. Unlike the MCaM structure, with one kink at D80 in the middle of the linker region, and the DCaM structure, with two kinks at K75 and I85, in our PCaM structure there are no kinks in the helix; the distortion appears to be more gradually distributed over the entire helical region, which is bent with an apparent radius of curvature of 74.5(2) A. The different distortions in the central helical region probably arise from its inherent mobility.  相似文献   
All crystal structures of A-DNA duplexes exhibit a typical crystal packing, with the termini of one molecule abutting the shallow grooves of symmetry related neighbors, while all other forms (B, Z, and RNA) tend to form infinitely stacked helices. The A-DNA arrangement leads to the formation of shallow groove base multiples that have implications for the structure of DNA in compacted states. The characteristic packing leaves big solvent channels, which can be sometimes occupied by B-DNA duplexes. Comparisons of the structures of the same oligomer crystallizing in two different space groups and of different sequences crystallizing in the same space group show that the lattice forces dominate the A-DNA conformation in the crystals, complicating the effort to elucidate the influence of the base sequence on the structures. Nevertheless, in both alternating and nonalternating fragments some sequence effects can still be uncovered. Furthermore, several studies have started to define the minimal sequence changes or chemical modifications that can interconvert the oligomers between different double-helical conformers (A-, B-, and Z-form). Overall, it is seen that the rigid nucleotide principle applies to the oligomeric fragments. Besides the structures of the naked DNAs, their interactions with water, polyamines, and metal ions have attracted considerable attention. There are conserved patterns in the hydration, involving both the grooves and the backbone, which are different from those of B-DNA or Z-DNA. Overall, A-DNA seems to be more economically hydrated than B-DNA, particularly around the sugar-phosphate backbone. Spermine was found to be able to bind exclusively to either of the grooves or to the phosphate groups of the backbone, or exhibit a mixed binding mode. The located metal cations prefer binding to guanine bases and phosphate groups. The only mispairs investigated in A-DNA are the wobble pairs, yielding structural insight into their effects on helix stabilities and hydration. G · T wobble pairs have been determined in various sequence contexts, where they differentially affect the conformations and stableness of the duplexes. The structure of a G · m5C base pair, which surprisingly also adopted the wobble conformation, suggests that a similar geometry may transiently exist for G · C pairs. These results from the crystalline state will be compared to the solution state and discussed in relation to their relevance in biology. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 44: 45–63, 1997  相似文献   
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