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The crystal structure of the alternating 5'-purine start decamer d(GCGCGCGCGC) was found to be in the left-handed Z-DNA conformation. Inasmuch as the A.T base pair is known to resist Z-DNA formation, we substituted A.T base pairs in the dyad-related positions of the decamer duplex. The alternating self-complementary decamer d(GCACGCGTGC) crystallizes in a different hexagonal space group, P6(1)22, with very different unit cell dimensions a = b = 38.97 and c = 77.34 A compared with the all-G.C alternating decamer. The A.T-containing decamer has one strand in the asymmetric unit, and because it is isomorphous to some other A-DNA decamers it was considered also to be right-handed. The structure was refined, starting with the atomic coordinates of the A-DNA decamer d(GCGGGCCCGC), by use of 2491 unique reflections out to 1.9-A resolution. The refinement converged to an R value of 18.6% for a total of 202 nucleotide atoms and 32 water molecules. This research further demonstrates that A.T base pairs not only resist the formation of Z-DNA but can also assist the formation of A-DNA by switching the helix handedness when the oligomer starts with a 5'-purine; also, the length of the inner Z-DNA stretch (d(CG)n) is reduced from an octamer to a tetramer. It may be noted that these oligonucleotide properties are in crystals and not necessarily in solutions.  相似文献   
The two helical parameters n and h where n is the number of nucleotide residues per turn and h is the height per nucleotide residue have been evaluated for single stranded helical polynucleotide chains comprising C(3') -endo and C(2') endo class of nucleotides. The helical parameters are found to be especially sensitive to the C(4')-C(3') (sugar pucker) and the C(4')-C(5') torsions. The (n-h) plots display only one important helix forming domain for each class of nucleotides characterized by the sugar pucker and the C(4')-C(5') torsion. A correlation between the (n-h) plots and the known RNA (A,A') and DNA (A,B,C) helical forms has been established. It is found that all forms of helices except the C-DNA possess a favorable combination of P-O torsions. The analysis of the (n-h) plots suggests that C-DNA can have a conformation very similar to B-DNA. Although the (n-h) plots predict the stereochemical possibility of both right-handed and left-handed helices, nucleic acids apparently prefer right-handed conformation because of the energetics associated with the sugar-phosphate backbone and the base.  相似文献   

The X-ray structures of the isomorphous Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+ and Co2+ complexes of ATP have been determined. The metal ions are wrapped in hexa-coordination by the α, β and γ phosphate groups of two ATP molecules thus blocking the interaction of the metal ions with the adenine base. A second metal ion which is fully hydrated, M(H2O)2+ 6, is engaged in a strong hydrogen bond with the γ phosphate group of ATP and suggests a possible step in facilitating the cleavage between the β and γ phosphates in phosphoryl transfer reactions.  相似文献   
C Bingman  X Li  G Zon  M Sundaralingam 《Biochemistry》1992,31(51):12803-12812
The structure of the self-complementary deoxyoctanucleotide d(GTGCGCAC), which crystallized as an A-type helix in the space group P4(3)2(1)2, with one strand in the crystallographic asymmetric unit has been determined and refined to a final R-value of 0.154 using 1.64-A diffraction data collected on an area detector. In contrast to the closely related sequence d(GTGTACAC)tet, there was no evidence for an ordered spermine molecule in the major groove of this octamer. Ordered water is found associated with almost all the exposed hydrogen bonding groups of the octamer. A pentagonal ring of water molecules is hydrogen bonded to O6 and N7 of G3 and the N4 and O6 of the C4.G13 base pair. A detailed comparison of the local helical parameters of d(GTGCGCAC) and d(GTGTACAC)tet is presented. The base sequence change at the center of the octamers affects several of the local helical parameters, via both intra- and interduplex interactions within the crystal.  相似文献   
Pan B  Mitra SN  Sundaralingam M 《Biochemistry》1999,38(9):2826-2831
G.A mispairs are one of the most common noncanonical structural motifs of RNA. The 1.9 A resolution crystal structure of the RNA 16-mer r(GCAGAGUUAAAUCUGC)2 has been determined with two isolated or nonadjacent G.A mispairs. The molecule crystallizes with one duplex in the asymmetric unit in space group R3 and unit cell dimensions a = b = c = 49.24 A and alpha = beta = gamma = 51.2 degrees. It is the longest known oligonucleotide duplex at this resolution and isomorphous to the 16-mer duplex with the C.A+ mispairs [Pan, et al., (1998) J. Mol. Biol. 283, 977-984]. The C.A+ mispair behaves like a wobble pair while the G.A+ does not. The G.A mispairs are protonated at N1 of the adenines as in the C.A+ mispairs, and two hydrogen bonds in the G(syn).A+(anti) conformation are formed. The syn guanine is stabilized by an intranucleotide hydrogen bond between the 2-amino and the 5'-phosphate groups. The G(syn).A+(anti) conformation can provide a different surface for recognition in the grooves compared to other G.A hydrogen bonding schemes. The major groove is widened between the two mispairs allowing access to ligands. One of the 3-fold axes is occupied by a sodium ion and a water molecule, while a second is occupied by another water molecule.  相似文献   
Bulges are an important structural motif in RNA and can be used as recognition and interaction sites in RNA-protein interaction and RNA-RNA interaction. Here we report the first crystal structure of a bulged RNA tetraplex at 1.1 A resolution. The hexamer r(U)(BrdG)r(UGGU) forms a parallel tetraplex with the uridine sandwiched by guanines bulging out. The bulged uridine adopts the syn glycosidic conformation and its O2 and N3 atoms face outwards, serving as an effective recognition and interaction site. The bulge formation both widens the groove width and changes the groove hydrogen-bonding pattern on its 5' side. However, the bulge does not make any bends or kinks in the tetraplex structure. The present study demonstrates the dramatic difference between uridine and guanine in forming tetraplex structure. In addition, both G(syn) tetrad and G(anti) tetrad have been observed. They display the same base-pairing pattern and similar C1'-C1' distance but different hydrogen-bonding patterns in the groove.  相似文献   
To probe the role of the Asp-99 ... His-48 pair in phospholipase A2 (PLA2) catalysis, the X-ray structure and kinetic characterization of the mutant Asp-99-->Asn-99 (D99N) of bovine pancreatic PLA2 was undertaken. Crystals of D99N belong to the trigonal space group P3(1)21 and were isomorphous to the wild type (WT) (Noel JP et al., 1991, Biochemistry 30:11801-11811). The 1.9-A X-ray structure of the mutant showed that the carbonyl group of Asn-99 side chain is hydrogen bonded to His-48 in the same way as that of Asp-99 in the WT, thus retaining the tautomeric form of His-48 and the function of the enzyme. The NH2 group of Asn-99 points away from His-48. In contrast, in the D102N mutant of the protease enzyme trypsin, the NH2 group of Asn-102 is hydrogen bonded to His-57 resulting in the inactive tautomeric form and hence the loss of enzymatic activity. Although the geometry of the catalytic triad in the PLA2 mutant remains the same as in the WT, we were surprised that the conserved structural water, linking the catalytic site with the ammonium group of Ala-1 of the interfacial site, was ejected by the proximity of the NH2 group of Asn-99. The NH2 group now forms a direct hydrogen bond with the carbonyl group of Ala-1.  相似文献   

Crystalline complexes of yeast phenylalanine tRNA and Lead (II) ion were prepared by soaking pregrown orthorhombic crystals of tRNA in saturated lead chloride solutions. The locations of tightly bound lead ions on the tRNA were determined by difference Fourier methods. There are three major lead binding sites; two of these replace tightly bound magnesium ions in the native tRNA structure. Site I is located in the dihydrouridine loop of the molecule adjacent to phosphate P18 which is specifically cleaved by lead. This is evident from changes observed in the Pb-native difference electron density maps. A possible mechanism for lead ion hydrolysis of the polynucleotide chain is proposed.  相似文献   

A crystalline complex of yeast tRNAphe and dirhodium tetraacetate (DRTA) was prepared and its X-ray structure determined. The bifunctional DRTA forms an intermolecular crosslink between the N(1) position of adenine A36 in the anticodon triplet and possibly a ribose hydroxyl group of residue A76 at the 3′ terminus of a symmetry related tRNA molecule. The rhodium complex apparently shows a preference for binding to the N(l) position of adenine in a single strand region of the tRNA molecule.  相似文献   
The structure of the octamer d(G-T-G-T-A-C-A-C) was determined in two different crystal forms, tetragonal P4(3)2(1)2 and hexagonal P6(1)22. Although in both forms the octamer adopts an A-DNA structure, there are significant conformational differences between them. In particular, the P-05' and the C5'-C4' bonds of the middle adenine (A5) residue exhibit a distorted trans-trans conformation in the tetragonal form, while they adopt the standard gauche-, gauche+ conformation in the hexagonal form. These differences can be correlated with certain features of the crystal packing interactions in the two forms. Furthermore, a comparison of the structures of various A-DNA octamers reveals that the A-form can be divided into two subclasses such that the hexagonal structures have helical and base pair parameters that fall closer to fiber A-DNA values, while in the tetragonal structures these parameters deviate more from fiber A-DNA. These results indicate that environment plays a major role in determining DNA conformation.  相似文献   
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