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The crystal structure of an alternating RNA heptamer r(GUAUACA) has been determined to 2.0 Å resolution and refined to an Rwork of 17.1% and Rfree of 18.5% using 2797 reflections. The heptamer crystallized in the space group C222 with a unit cell of a = 25.74, b = 106.58, c = 30.26 Å and two independent strands in the asymmetric unit. Each heptamer forms a duplex with its symmetry-related strand and each duplex contains six Watson–Crick base pairs and 3′-end adenosine overhangs. Therefore, two kinds of duplex (duplex 1 and duplex 2) are formed. Duplexes 1 stack on each other forming a pseudo-continuous column, which is typical of the RNA packing mode, while duplex 2 is typical of A-DNA packing with its termini in abutting interactions. Overhang adenine residues stack within the duplexes with C3′-endo sugar pucker and C2′-endo sugar pucker in duplexes 1 and 2, respectively. A Na+ ion in the crystal lattice is water bridged to two N1 atoms of symmetry-related A7 bases.  相似文献   
Purine-rich regions in DNA and RNA may contain both guanines and adenines, which have various biological functions. Here we report the crystal structure of an RNA purine-rich fragment containing both guanine and adenine at 1.4 A resolution. Adenines form an adenine tetrad in the N6-H em leader N7 conformation. Substitution of an adenine tetrad in the guanine tetraplex does not change the global conformation but introduces irregularity in both the hydrogen bonding interaction pattern in the groove and the metal ion binding pattern in the central cavity of the tetraplex. The irregularity in groove binding may be critical for specific binding in tetraplexes. The formation of G-U octads provides a mechanism for interaction in the groove. Ba(2+) ions prefer to bind guanine tetrads, and adenine tetrads can only be bound by Na(+) ions, illustrating the binding selectivity of metal ions for the tetraplex.  相似文献   
In this paper, hydrogen bonding interaction and hydration in crystal structures of both DNA and RNA oligonucleotides are discussed. Their roles in the formation and stabilization of oligonucleotides have been covered. Details of the Watson-Crick base pairs G.C and A.U in DNA and RNA are illustrated. The geometry of the wobble (mismatched) G.U base pairs and the cis and almost trans conformations of the mismatched U.U base pairs in RNA is described. The difference in hydration of the Watson-Crick base pairs G.C, A.U and the wobble G.U in different sequences of codon-anticodon interaction in double helical molecules are indicative of the effect of hydration. The hydration patterns of the phosphate, the 2'-hydroxyl groups, the water bridges linking the phosphate group, N7 (purine) and N4 of Cs or O4 of Us in the major groove, the water bridges between the 2'-hydroxyl group and N3 (purine) and O2 (pyrimidine) in the minor groove are discussed.  相似文献   
In the crystal structure of troponin C, the holo C-domain is bound in a head-to-tail fashion to the A-helix of the apo N-domain of a symmetry-related molecule. Using this interaction, we have proposed a model for the calmodulin-peptide complex. We find that the interaction of the C-domain with the A-helix is similar to that observed in the NMR structure of the calmodulin-myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) peptide complex. This similarity in binding has enabled us to make a precise sequence alignment of the target peptides in the calmodulin-binding cleft and to rationalize the amino acid sequence-dependent binding strengths of various peptides. Our model differs from that proposed by Strynadka and James (Proteins Struct. Funct. Genet. 7, 234-248, 1990) in that the peptides are rotated by 100 degrees in the calmodulin binding cleft.  相似文献   
X-ray crystallography has shown that the free acids of adenosine 5'- and 3'-monophosphates and of cytidine 5'- and 3'-monophosphates exist as zwiterions in the solid state with protonation of the adenine base at the N(1) site and of the cytosine base at the corresponding site N(3) and the phosphate group negatively charged. In this paper, evidence is presented for the zwitterionic character of the free acids of the monomeric nucleotides guanosine 5'-monophosphate and inosine 5'-monophosphate with protonation of the base at the N(7) site of the imidazole moiety.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the alternating dodecamer d(GCGTACGTACGC) (5'-GC) has been determined to a resolution of 2.55A using oscillation film data. The crystals belong to space group P6(1) 22, a = b = 46.2A, c = 71.5A with one strand in the asymmetric unit, and are isomorphous with a previously described non-alternating dodecamer, d(CCGTACGTACGG) (5'-CC). Refinement by X-PLOR/NUCLSQ gave a final R factor of 14.2% for 1089 observations. The molecule adopts the A-DNA form. The interchange of the terminal base pairs in the two dodecamers results in differences in the intermolecular contacts and may account for the differences in the bending. This dodecamer shows an axial deflection of 30 degrees, in the direction of the major groove compared to 20 degrees in 5'-CC and may be a consequence of additional contacts generated in 5'-GC by the interchange of end base pairs. The high helical axis deflection appreciably influences the local helical parameters. The molecule exhibits relatively high inclination angles, and has a narrow major groove. The helical parameters when described relative to the dyad-related hexamer halves of the molecule give more reasonable values. The crystal packing, local helical parameters, torsion angles, and hydration are described and also compared with the non-alternating 5'-CC dodecamer.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the dodecamer d(CCGTACGTACGG) has been determined at 2.5 A resolution. The crystals grow in the hexagonal space group P6(1)22, a = b = 46.2 A, c = 71.5 A with one strand as the asymmetric unit. Diffraction data were collected by the oscillation film method yielding 1664 unique reflections with an Rmerge of 0.04. The structure was solved by real-space rotational translational searches with idealized helical models of A, B and Z-DNA. The best agreement was given by an A-DNA model with its dyad axis along the diagonal crystallographic dyad axis, with an R-factor 0.43 and correlation coefficient of 0.59 for data between 10 and 5 A. Iterative map fitting and restrained least-squares refinement and addition of 40 solvent molecules brought the R-factor to 0.15 and the correlation coefficient to 0.97 for all data between 8.0 and 2.5 A. The stereochemistry of the atomic model is good, with a root-mean-square deviation in bond distances of 0.006 A. This is the first example of an A-DNA containing a full helical turn. The dodecamer displays a novel packing motif. In addition to the characteristic contacts between the terminal base-pairs and the minor grooves of symmetry-related molecules, there are also minor groove to minor groove interactions not previously observed. The packing leaves an approximately 25 A diameter solvent channel around the origin, along the c-axis. The presence of a prominent 3.4 A meridional reflection and other diffuse features in the diffraction pattern provided evidence for the presence of disordered B-DNA along the c-axis, which can be accommodated in these solvent channels. The molecular conformation of the dodecamer also displays novel features. The dyad-related halves of the molecule are bent at an angle of 20 degrees, and the helical parameters are affected by this bend. Unlike the shorter A-DNA octamers, the dimensions of the major groove can be directly measured. Novel correlations between local helical parameters and global conformational features are presented. Most of the solvent molecules are associated with the major groove and the sugar-phosphate backbone.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of Chromatium vinosum C77S HiPIP has been determined and is compared with that of wild type. This is the first reported crystal structure of a Ser ligated [4Fe-4S] cluster and reveals a 0.11 A shortening of the Fe-O bond (relative to Fe-S), but only minor structural alterations of the overall tertiary structure. Coordination changes are corroborated by resonance Raman spectroscopy. Comparison of the crystal and solution structures for HiPIPs identifies Phe48 as the main controller of solvent access to the Fe-S cluster; however, there is no significant change in cluster solvation of the C77S mutant relative to WT HiPIP. Ser ligation ultimately results in decreased cluster stability due to increased sensitivity to proton mediated degradation.  相似文献   
E Westhof  M Sundaralingam 《Biochemistry》1986,25(17):4868-4878
The structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA in the monoclinic form has been further refined by using the restrained least-squares method of Hendrickson and Konnert. For the 4019 reflections between 10 and 3 A, with magnitudes at least 3 times their standard deviations, the R factor is 16.8%. The variation of the atomic temperature factors along the sequence indicates that the major flexibility regions are the amino acid and anticodon stems. The two strands of the amino acid helix exhibit large differential temperature factors, suggesting partial uncoiling or melting of the helix. In this work, the occupancy of all atoms was also varied. Residues D16 and D17 of the dihydrouridine loop as well as U33 and G37 of the anticodon loop have occupancies around 70%, indicating some local disorder or large-scale mobility at these positions. One hundred fifteen solvent molecules, including five magnesium ions, were found in difference maps. The role of several water molecules is clearly related to the stabilization of the secondary and tertiary interactions. The gold sites, which were not previously discussed, are described and show an energetically favored binding mode similar to that of cobalt and nickel complexes with nucleotides.  相似文献   

Interconversion between energetically favored molecular conformations must proceed through less favored intermediate states. Thus, a knowledge of the nucleotide furanose ring conformations, other than the crystallographically well-determined ones, are of interest in investigating nucleotide conformational energies and dynamics. The sugar ring flexibility affects the conformation and dynamics of the monomer and determines the range of feasible nucleic acid secondary and tertiary structures. We have generated furanose geometries for varying amplitudes of pucker over its entire range of pseudorotation by making use of a ring closure procedure and the empirical dependence of endocyclic bond lengths and bond angles on sugar pucker. Atomic coordinates are tabulated here for the furanose ring at pseudorotation phase angle intervals of 9° for the average amplitude (τm) of pucker of 39° as well as for decreased (20° and 30°) and increased (44°) values of τm. However, the coordinates for any values of P and τm can be readily calculated.  相似文献   
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