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Our study was part of the large European project ISAFRUIT aiming to reveal the biological explanations for the epidemiologically well-established health effects of fruits. The objective was to identify effects of apple and apple product consumption on the composition of the cecal microbial community in rats, as well as on a number of cecal parameters, which may be influenced by a changed microbiota.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that the growth of human tumours is driven by a small proportion of tumour stem cells with self-renewal properties. Multiplication of these cells leads to loss of self-renewal and after division for a finite number of times the cells undergo programmed cell death. Cell cycle times of human cancers have been measured in vivo and shown to vary in the range from two days to several weeks, depending on the individual. Cells cultured directly from tumours removed at surgery initially grow at a rate comparable to the in vivo rate but continued culture leads to the generation of cell lines that have shorter cycle times (1–3 days). It has been postulated that the more rapidly growing sub-population exhibits some of the properties of tumour stem cells and are the precursors of a slower growing sub-population that comprise the bulk of the tumour. We have previously developed a mathematical model to describe the behaviour of cell lines and we extend this model here to describe the behaviour of a system with two cell populations with different kinetic characteristics and a precursor–product relationship. The aim is to provide a framework for understanding the behaviour of cancer tissue that is sustained by a minor population of proliferating stem cells.  相似文献   
We have studied the acyl-chain conformation in stalk phases of model membranes by x-ray diffraction from oriented samples. As an equilibrium lipid phase induced by dehydration, the stalk or rhombohedral phase exhibits lipidic passages (stalks) between adjacent bilayers, representing a presumed intermediate state in membrane fusion. From the detailed analysis of the acyl-chain correlation peak, we deduce the structural parameters of the acyl-chain fluid above, at, and below the transition from the lamellar to rhombohedral state, at the molecular level.  相似文献   
Intracerebral Dialysis and the Blood-Brain Barrier   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate how implantation of a dialysis probe influences the blood-brain barrier. Leakage of endogenous serum albumin was evaluated by Evans blue/albumin staining and by immunohistochemistry. The passage from blood to dialysate of two substances that normally do not pass into the brain, [3H]inulin and glutamate, was studied 3 and 24 h after insertion of a dialysis probe. Evans blue, given 20 min before rats were killed, was observed around the probe and surrounding brain tissue. Albumin immunoreactivity was seen at considerable distance from the probe with larger spread at 24 h than at 3 h after probe insertion. Glutamate and [3H]inulin were detected in the dialysate with no significant further increase of radioactivity after intracarotid infusion of protamine sulfate that enhances the permeability over the blood-brain barrier. When protamine was followed by infusion of glutamate, the concentrations of taurine increased in the dialysate in four of eight rats. That plasma constituents have access to the brain around the dialysis probe is essential to consider, particularly in studies using substances and drugs that do not pass an intact blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   
An adult female red titi monkey (Callicebus cupreus) was found in a moribund state below a sleeping site at the Estación Biológica Quebrada Blanco in Peruvian Amazonia. Before death, the animal showed frequent convulsions. Post-mortem examination revealed the presence of Prosthenorchis elegans (Acanthocephala) in the small intestine. Major pathological findings concerned the digestive tract and the liver. Adult P. elegans provoked multifocal subacute to chronic enteritis with formation of ulcers in the small and large intestine. The liver revealed a severe chronic-active granulomatous hepatitis. While the cause of death could not be unambiguously identified, the infestation with P. elegans is likely to have played a key role in the pathogenesis of the chronic ulcerative enteritis and subsequent hepatitis; it possibly had a severe and long-term impact on the host’s resource utilisation and defence against intruding pathogens and toxins of the digestive tract. The death of the animal is attributed to the chronic inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.  相似文献   
Syndapins were proposed to interconnect the machineries for vesicle formation and actin polymerization, as they interact with dynamin and the Arp2/3 complex activator N-WASP (neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein). Syndapins, however, have only one Src homology 3 domain mediating both interactions. Here we show that syndapins self-associate via direct syndapin/syndapin interactions, providing a molecular mechanism for the coordinating role of syndapin. Cross-link studies with overexpressed and endogenous syndapins suggest that predominantly dimers form in vivo. Our analyses show that the N-terminal Fes/Cip4 homology domain but not the central coiled-coil domain is sufficient for oligomerization. Additionally, a second interface located further C-terminally mediated interactions with the N terminus. The Src homology 3 domain and the NPF region are not involved and thus available for further interactions interconnecting different syndapin binding partners. Our analyses showed that self-association is crucial for syndapin function. Both syndapin-mediated cytoskeletal rearrangements and endocytosis were disrupted by a self-association-deficient mutant. Consistent with a role of syndapins in linking actin polymerization bursts with endocytic vesicle formation, syndapin-containing complexes had a size of 300-500 kDa in gel filtration analysis and contained both dynamin and N-WASP. The existence of an interconnection of the GTPase dynamin with N-WASP via syndapin oligomers was demonstrated both by coimmunoprecipitations and by reconstitution at membranes in intact cells. The interconnection was disrupted by coexpression of syndapin mutants incapable of self-association. Syndapin oligomers may thus act as multivalent organizers spatially and temporally coordinating vesicle fission with local actin polymerization.  相似文献   
When the cell envelope integrity is compromised, bacteria trigger signaling cascades resulting in the production of proteins that counteract these extracytoplasmic stresses. Here, we show that the two‐component system EsrSR regulates a cell envelope stress response in the Actinobacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum. The sensor kinase EsrS possesses an amino‐terminal phage shock protein C (PspC) domain, a property that sets EsrSR apart from all other two‐component systems characterized so far. An integral membrane protein, EsrI, whose gene is divergently transcribed to the esrSR gene locus and which interestingly also possesses a PspC domain, acts as an inhibitor of EsrSR under non‐stress conditions. The resulting EsrISR three‐component system is activated among others by antibiotics inhibiting the lipid II cycle, such as bacitracin and vancomycin, and it orchestrates a broad regulon including the esrI‐esrSR gene locus itself, genes encoding heat shock proteins, ABC transporters, and several putative membrane‐associated or secreted proteins of unknown function. Among those, the ABC transporter encoded by cg3322‐3320 was shown to be directly involved in bacitracin resistance of C. glutamicum. Since similar esrI‐esrSR loci are present in a large number of actinobacterial genomes, EsrISR represents a novel type of stress‐responsive system whose components are highly conserved in the phylum Actinobacteria.  相似文献   
Biofilms in streams play an integral role in ecosystem processes and function yet few studies have investigated the broad diversity of these complex prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial communities. Physical habitat characteristics can affect the composition and abundance of microorganisms in these biofilms by creating microhabitats. Here we describe the prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial diversity of biofilms in sand and macrophyte habitats (i.e. epipsammon and epiphyton, respectively) in five macrophyte‐rich streams in Jutland, Denmark. The macrophyte species varied in growth morphology, C:N stoichiometry, and preferred stream habitat, providing a range in environmental conditions for the epiphyton. Among all habitats and streams, the prokaryotic communities were dominated by common phyla, including Alphaproteobacteria, Bacteriodetes, and Gammaproteobacteria, while the eukaryotic communities were dominated by Stramenopiles (i.e. diatoms). For both the prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the epipsammon were consistently the most diverse communities and the epiphytic communities were generally similar among the four macrophyte species. However, the communities on the least complex macrophyte, Sparganium emersum, had the lowest richness and evenness and fewest unique OTUs, whereas the macrophyte with the most morphological complexity, Callitriche spp., had the highest number of unique OTUs. In general, the microbial taxa were ubiquitously distributed across the relatively homogeneous Danish landscape as determined by measuring the similarity among communities (i.e. Sørensen similarity index). Furthermore, we found significant correlations between microbial diversity (i.e. Chao1 rarefied richness and Pielou's evenness) and biofilm structure and function (i.e. C:N ratio and ammonium uptake efficiency, respectively); communities with higher richness and evenness had higher C:N ratios and lower uptake efficiency. In addition to describing the prokaryotic and eukaryotic community composition in stream biofilms, our study indicates that 1) physical habitat characteristics influence microbial diversity and 2) the variation in microbial diversity may dictate the structural and functional characteristics of stream biofilm communities.  相似文献   
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