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Helicobacter pylori, like many other microbes, has the ability to bind to carbohydrate epitopes. Several sugar sequences have been reported as active for the bacterium, including some neutral, sulfated, and sialylated structures. We investigated structural requirements for the sialic acid-dependent binding using a number of natural and chemically modified gangliosides. We have chosen for derivatization studies two kinds of binding-active glycolipids, the simple ganglioside S-3PG (Neu5Ac alpha 3Gal beta 4GlcNAc beta 3Gal beta 4Glc beta 1Cer, sialylparagloboside) and branched polyglycosylceramides (PGCs) of human origin. The modifications included oxidation of the sialic acid glycerol chain, reduction of the carboxyl group, amidation of the carboxyl group, and lactonization. Binding experiments confirmed a preference of H. pylori for 3-linked sialic acid and penultimate 4-linked galactose. As expected, neolacto gangliosides (with Gal beta 4GlcNAc in the core structure) were active in our assays, whereas gangliosides with lacto (Gal beta 3GlcNAc) and ganglio (Gal beta 3GalNAc) carbohydrate chains were not. Negative binding results were also obtained for disialylparagloboside (with terminal NeuAc alpha 8NeuAc) and NeuAc alpha 6-containing glycolipids. Chemical studies revealed dependence of the binding on Neu5Ac and its glycerol and carboxyl side chains. Most of the derivatizations performed on these groups abolished the binding; however, some of the amide forms turned out to be active, and one of them (octadecylamide) was found to be an excellent binder. The combined data from molecular dynamics simulations indicate that the binding-active configuration of the terminal disaccharide of S-3PG is with the sialic acid in the anticlinal conformation, whereas in branched PGCs the same structural element most likely assumes the synclinal presentation.  相似文献   
For the efficient translocation of organic nitrogen, small peptides of two to three amino acids are posited as an important alternative to amino acids. A new transporter mediating the uptake of di- and tripeptides was isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana by heterologous complementation of a peptide transport-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant. AtPTR1 mediated growth of S. cerevisiae cells on different di- and tripeptides and caused sensitivity to the phytotoxin phaseolotoxin. The spectrum of substrates recognized by AtPTR1 was determined in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with AtPTR1 cRNA under voltage clamp conditions. AtPTR1 not only recognized a broad spectrum of di- and tripeptides, but also substrates lacking a peptide bond. However, amino acids, omega-amino fatty acids or peptides with more than three amino acid residues did not interact with AtPTR1. At pH 5.5 AtPTR1 had an apparent lower affinity (K(0.5) = 416 microm) for Ala-Asp compared with Ala-Ala (K(0.5) = 54 microm) and Ala-Lys (K(0.5) = 112 microm). Transient expression of AtPTR1/GFP fusion proteins in tobacco protoplasts showed that AtPTR1 is localized at the plasma membrane. In addition, transgenic plants expressing the beta-glucuronidase (uidA) gene under control of the AtPTR1 promoter demonstrated expression in the vascular tissue throughout the plant, indicative of a role in long-distance transport of di- and tripeptides.  相似文献   
Nitrate reductase (NR) is the first enzyme in the nitrogen assimilation pathway. The in vitro NR activity of Gracilaria chilensis was assayed under different conditions to reveal its stability and biochemical characteristics, and an optimized in vitro assay is described. Maximal NR activities were observed at pH 8.0 and 15 degrees C. The apparent Km value for NADH was 8 microM and for nitrate 680 microM. Crude extracts of G. chilensis stored at 4 degrees C showed a 50% decrease of NR activity after 24 h. The highest NR activity value (253.20+/-2.60 x 10(-3) U g(-1)) was obtained when 100% von Stosch medium (500 microM NO3-) was added before extraction of apical parts. Algae under light:dark cycles of 12:12h exhibited circadian fluctuation of NR activity and photosynthesis with more than 2 times higher levels in the light phase. No evidence of endogenous diel rhythm controlling NR activity or photosynthesis was observed. Light pulses lasting 10 or 60 min during the darkness increased the NR activity by 30% and 45%, respectively. The results indicate that NR and photosynthesis are regulated mainly by light and not by a biological clock.  相似文献   
The neural crest is an embryonic cell population that originates at the border between the neural plate and the prospective epidermis. Around the time of neural tube closure, neural crest cells emigrate from the neural tube, migrate along defined paths in the embryo and differentiate into a wealth of derivatives. Most of the craniofacial skeleton, the peripheral nervous system, and the pigment cells of the body originate from neural crest cells. This cell type has important clinical relevance, since many of the most common craniofacial birth defects are a consequence of abnormal neural crest development. Whereas the migration and differentiation of the neural crest have been extensively studied, we are just beginning to understand how this tissue originates. The formation of the neural crest has been described as a classic example of embryonic induction, in which specific tissue interactions and the concerted action of signaling pathways converge to induce a multipotent population of neural crest precursor cells. In this review, we summarize the current status of knowledge on neural crest induction. We place particular emphasis on the signaling molecules and tissue interactions involved, and the relationship between neural crest induction, the formation of the neural plate and neural plate border, and the genes that are upregulated as a consequence of the inductive events.  相似文献   
Oral bioavailability of natural and synthetic carotenoids is generally poor in rodents, and this has limited the ability to test these antioxidant compounds in well-defined rodent models of human disease. Various strategies have been employed, with variable success, to increase the percentage of the total oral dose absorbed by the rodent GI tract. In the current study, a novel carotenoid derivative (the disodium disuccinate diester of astaxanthin; Heptax) was administered by oral gavage in a lipophilic emulsion to C57BL/6 mice. Plasma appearance and tissue accumulation of non-esterified, free astaxanthin was studied by HPLC over 72 h after single- and multiple-dose regimens. One-time dosing of Heptax in emulsion at 500 mg/kg resulted in significant appearance of free astaxanthin in plasma (Cmax=0.2 mg/l; 381 nM) and accumulation in solid organs (e.g. liver Cmax=0.9 mg/l; 1735 nM), levels not previously reported after single carotenoid doses in rodents. At each point in the concentration/time curve (AUC), free astaxanthin levels in liver were greater than the corresponding concentration in plasma, suggesting concentrative uptake by the liver. As the ED50 as an antioxidant for non-esterified, free astaxanthin in model systems is approximately 200 nM, the current results suggest that hepatoprotection against oxidative insults may be achieved after a single dose of Heptax in these animals. In humans, where the bioavailability of oral carotenoids ranges from 40 to 60% of the total dose when given in lipophilic vehicle, much smaller oral doses may be utilized for therapeutic benefit in a particular clinical application.  相似文献   
Transfection of cells with expression vectors is one of the most important tools used to assess the effects of receptor mutations on ligand-induced receptor sequestration. Most transfection methods give rise to transiently or stably transfected clones with a wide range of receptor expression levels that may also depend on the mutations made. It is, therefore, important to determine how the regulation of the receptors depends on their numbers per cell. In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells expressing high levels of B(2) kinin receptors, we observed poor sequestration indicated by <20% reduction in cell surface receptor number after 10 min of stimulation with 1 microM bradykinin (BK) compared with >70% in low-expressing cells. Whereas the rate of [(3)H]BK internalization (internalized [(3)H]BK in percentage of total bound [(3)H]BK) in low-expressing cells was independent of the ligand-concentration used, in high-expressing cells a strong rate decrease was observed with higher (>1 nM) concentrations. Lower ligand concentrations, however, led to internalization rates identical to those obtained in low-expressing cells. Transiently transfected HEK and COS-7 cells showed results similar to those of stably high-expressing cells. Our results demonstrate the difficulty in determining the internalization pattern of (mutated) B(2) kinin receptors, and possibly of G protein-coupled receptors in general, using a sequestration assay in high-expressing cells or transiently transfected cells with high numbers of receptors per transfected cell. However, the receptor (mutant)-specific internalization rate can be measured, provided that the ligand concentrations used are below a threshold at which the internalization rate is still independent of the ligand concentration.  相似文献   
Lung disease is the major cause of death in individuals suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF), with abnormal lung-lining fluids occurring as early as early infancy. However, the precise etiology of CF lung disease is still poorly understood. We investigated the structural components of the airway surface-lining layer in targeted Cftrtm1HGU/Cftrtm1HGU mutant mice and non-CF controls. Five lungs per animal group were fixed by intravascular triple perfusion. The ultrastructure of the surface-lining layer of large and small intrapulmonary conducting airways was systematically investigated according to a standard protocol in transmission and scanning electron micrographs. In both animal groups, the surface-lining layer consisted of an aqueous phase and an osmiophilic film of variable thickness at the air-fluid interface. The aqueous phase usually did extend <1 microm beyond the uppermost tips of the epithelial cells in both animal groups. The aqueous phase of the small airways was slightly more electron dense in Cftrtm1HGU/Cftrtm1HGU than in non-CF mice. Neither the ultrastructure of the surfactant film at the air-fluid interface nor the forms assumed by the osmiophilic structures associated with surfactant turnover in the aqueous layer differed significantly in Cftrtm1HGU/Cftrtm1HGU and non-CF mice. Hence, there were no signs of any ultrastructural abnormalities in the surface-lining layer of young adult Cftrtm1HGU/Cftrtm1HGU mice before infection with CF-related pathogens.  相似文献   
To study the effect of extracellular acidosis on apoptosis and necrosis during ischemia and reoxygenation, we exposed human post-mitotic NT2-N neurones to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) followed by reoxygenation. In some experiments, pH of the cell medium was lowered to 5.9 during either OGD or reoxygenation or both. Staurosporine, used as a positive control for apoptosis, caused Poly(ADP-ribose)-polymerase (PARP) cleavage and nuclear fragmentation, but no PARP cleavage and little fragmentation were seen after OGD. Low molecular weight DNA fragments were found after staurosporine treatment, but not after OGD. No protective effect of caspase inhibitors was seen after 3 h of OGD and 21 h of reoxygenation, but after 45 h of reoxygenation caspase inhibition induced a modest improvement in 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) cleavage. While acidosis during OGD accompanied by neutral medium during reoxygenation protected the neurones (MTT: 228 +/- 117% of neutral medium, p < 0.001), acidosis during reoxygenation only was detrimental (MTT: 38 +/- 25%, p < 0.01). We conclude that apoptotic mechanisms play a minor role after OGD in NT2-N neurones. The effect of acidosis on neuronal survival depends on the timing of acidosis, as acidosis was protective during OGD and detrimental during reoxygenation.  相似文献   
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