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Neurochemical and pharmacological evidence has been obtained that noradrenergic varicosities (in mouse and rat vas deferens) and cholinergic varicosities (in the Auerbach's plexus) contain heterogenous alpha2-adrenoceptors through which the release of [3H]noradrenaline and [3H]acetylcholine can be modulated. The quantitative data also support the hypothesis that different noradrenaline and xylazine sensitive alpha2-adrenoceptors are present prejunctionally in the vas deferens and Auerbach's plexus preparations. Prazosin, although it has a presynaptic inhibitory effect on alpha2-adrenoceptors of noradrenergic axon terminals, has no effect on cholinergic axon terminals. These data suggest that there are two different types of alpha2-adrenoceptors at the presynaptic axon terminals.Special Issue Dedicated to Dr. Abel Lajtha  相似文献   
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is a relatively common autosomal dominant neuromuscular disorder. The gene for FSHD has recently been assigned to chromosome 4q35. Although abnormal mitochondrial and biochemical changes have been observed in FSHD, the molecular defect is unknown. In addition to the FSHD gene, the human muscle adenine nucleotide translocator gene (ANT1) is located on chromosome 4. Interestingly, biochemical studies recently showed a possible defect of ANT1. In order to evaluate the potential role of ANT1 in the etiology of FSHD, the human ANT1 gene was isolated by cosmid cloning and localized to 4q35, in the region containing the FSHD gene. However, in situ hybridization and physical mapping of somatic cell hybrids localized the ANT1 gene proximal to the FSHD gene. In addition, a polymorphic CA-repeat 5 kb upsstream of the ANT1 gene was used as a marker in FSHD and Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain families to perform linkage analysis. These data together exclude ANT1 as the primary candidate gene for FSHD. The most likely order of the loci on chromosome 4q35 is cen-ANT1-D4S171-F11-D4S187-D4S163-D4S139-FSHD-tel.  相似文献   
Oxysterols, particularly those oxidised at position 7, are toxic to cells in culture and have been shown to induce apoptosis in cell types such as vascular endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and monocytes. The precise mechanism by which oxysterols induce apoptosis is unknown but may involve the generation of oxidative stress. In the present study we examined the ability of alpha-TOC, alpha-TOC acetate (alpha-TOCA) and gamma-TOC to protect against 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol (7 beta-OHC)-induced apoptosis of human monocytic U937 cells. 7 beta-OHC is one of the most commonly detected oxysterols in foods and its level in plasma has been positively associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis. The present study demonstrates a significant decrease in cell membrane integrity and cellular glutathione levels when U937 cells were treated with 30 microM 7 beta-OHC. DNA fragmentation also occurred, as measured by agarose gel electrophoresis, and the number of apoptotic cells increased as assessed by nuclear morphology. Analysis by HPLC showed that there was a greater incorporation of gamma-TOC into U937 cells after a 48 h incubation, than either alpha-TOC or alpha-TOCA. However, despite the increased uptake of gamma-TOC, only alpha-TOC, and not gamma-TOC or alpha-TOCA was effective at inhibiting 7 beta-OHC-induced apoptosis in U937 cells.  相似文献   
Benoit SC  Clegg DJ  Woods SC  Seeley RJ 《Peptides》2005,26(5):751-757
The ingestion of foods is comprised of two distinct phases of behavior: appetitive and consummatory. While most food intake paradigms include both phases, the intraoral intake test emphasizes the stereotyped consummatory-phase by infusing a liquid food directly into the oral cavity. Several hypothalamic peptides have been shown to increase intake of chow in standard food intake paradigms and the current experiments sought to test whether these peptides would increase food intake in the intraoral intake paradigm. NPY, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and orexin-A were infused into the third ventricle (i3vt) in a counterbalanced latin-square design just prior to rats getting 0.1M sucrose solution infused via indwelling intraoral catheters and compared it to intake on bottle tests with access to the same sucrose solution. On the first day, each peptide increased intraoral intake relative to saline in the between-subjects comparison. Moreover, intake of sucrose following i3vt saline increased as a function of training. By the final day of the experiment, rats receiving saline consumed as much sucrose as rats receiving NPY, MCH, or orexin-A. This finding was conceptually replicated in the second experiment in which rats drank sucrose freely from a bottle on the home cage. A third experiment directly assessed the role of previous exposure in the sucrose intake induced by NPY. Those results confirm that repeated exposure to sucrose increases baseline intake and attenuates the hyperphagic effect of NPY. These results are consistent with two conclusions: (1) NPY, MCH, and orexin-A increase both appetitive and consummatory-phase ingestive behaviors on initial exposures; (2) repeated training interacts with the effects of these orexigenic peptides.  相似文献   
We describe a new method, Selected Ion Flow Tube-Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) for the rapid and sensitive real-time detection and quantification of volatile organic compounds from medically important fungi, grown on a range of laboratory media. SIFT-MS utilises the chemical ionisation reactions of mass-selected ions to characterise volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are produced as metabolites from fungi. This technique has the distinct advantage over others in that it readily detects low molecular weight, reactive volatiles, and allows for real-time, quantitative monitoring. The fungi examined in this study were Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Mucor racemosus, Fusarium solani, and Cryptococcus neoformans grown on or in malt extract agar, Columbia agar, Sabouraud's dextrose agar, blood agar, and brain-heart infusion broth. Common metabolites (ethanol, methanol, acetone, acetaldehyde, methanethiol, and crotonaldehyde) were detected and quantified. We found the fingerprint of volatiles, in terms of presence and quantity of volatiles to be strongly dependent on the culture medium, both in terms of variety and quantity of volatiles produced, but may form the basis for species specific identification of medically important fungi.  相似文献   
A microarray has been designed using 62,358 probes matched to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes. The array categorized environmental DNA to specific phylogenetic clusters in under 9 h. To a background of DNA generated from natural outdoor aerosols, known quantities of rRNA gene copies from distinct organisms were added producing corresponding hybridization intensity scores that correlated well with their concentrations (r=0.917). Reproducible differences in microbial community composition were observed by altering the genomic DNA extraction method. Notably, gentle extractions produced peak intensities for Mycoplasmatales and Burkholderiales, whereas a vigorous disruption produced peak intensities for Vibrionales, Clostridiales, and Bacillales.  相似文献   
Burkholderia pseudomallei and B. mallei are the causative agents of melioidosis and glanders, respectively. As iron regulation of gene expression is common in bacteria, in the present studies, we have used microarray analysis to examine the effects of growth in different iron concentrations on the regulation of gene expression in B. pseudomallei and B. mallei. Gene expression profiles for these two bacterial species were similar under high and low iron growth conditions irrespective of growth phase. Growth in low iron led to reduced expression of genes encoding most respiratory metabolic systems and proteins of putative function, such as NADH-dehydrogenases, cytochrome oxidases, and ATP-synthases. In contrast, genes encoding siderophore-mediated iron transport, heme-hemin receptors, and a variety of metabolic enzymes for alternative metabolism were induced under low iron conditions. The overall gene expression profiles suggest that B. pseudomallei and B. mallei are able to adapt to the iron-restricted conditions in the host environment by up-regulating an iron-acquisition system and by using alternative metabolic pathways for energy production. The observations relative to the induction of specific metabolic enzymes during bacterial growth under low iron conditions warrants further experimentation.  相似文献   
In the context of Lewy's phase delay hypothesis, the present study tested whether effective treatment of winter Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is mediated by advancing of circadian phase. Following a baseline week, 78 outpatients with SAD were randomized into 8 weeks of treatment with either fluoxetine and placebo light treatment or light treatment and placebo pill. Depression levels were measured on the Ham17+7 and the BDI-II, and circadian phase was estimated on the basis of daily sleep logs and self-reported morningness-eveningness. Among the 61 outpatients with complete data, both treatments were associated with significant antidepressant effect and phase advance. However, pre- and post-treatment comparisons found that the degree of symptom change did not correlate with the degree of phase change associated with treatment. The study therefore provides no evidence that circadian phase advance mediates the therapeutic mechanism in patients with SAD. Findings are discussed in terms of the limitations of the circadian measures employed.  相似文献   
Expression of the leaderless pac gene (LL pac), which lacks the coding region for the signal peptide of penicillin acylase (PAC), in Escherichia coli was conducted. It was demonstrated that the PAC precursor, proPAC, can be produced and even processed to form mature PAC in the cytoplasm, indicating that the posttranslational processing steps for PAC maturation can occur in both the periplasm and the cytoplasm of E. coli. The outcome of proPAC folding and PAC maturation could be affected by several factors, such as inducer type, proPAC formation rate, and chaperone availability. Misfolding of proPAC in the cytoplasm could be partially resolved through the coexpression of cytoplasmic chaperones, such as trigger factor, GroEL/ES, or DnaK/J-GrpE. The three chaperones tested showed different extents of the effect on proPAC solublization and PAC maturation, and trigger factor had the most prominent one. However, the chaperone-mediated solublization of proPAC did not guarantee its maturation, which is usually limited by the first autoproteolytic step. It was observed that arabinose could act as an effective inducer for the induction of LL pac expression regulated by the lac-derived promoter system of trc. In addition, PAC maturation could be highly facilitated by arabinose supplementation and coexpression of trigger factor, suggesting that the coordination of chaperone systems with proper culture conditions could dramatically impact recombinant protein production. This study suggests that folding/misfolding of proPAC could be a major step limiting the overproduction of PAC in E. coli and that the problem could be resolved through the search for appropriate chaperones for coexpression. It also demonstrates the analogy in the issues of proPAC misfolding as well as the expression bottleneck occurring in the cytoplasm (i.e., LL pac expression) and those occurring in the periplasm (i.e., wild-type pac expression).  相似文献   
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