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The ability to locomote in one direction (oriented movement),and the ability to navigate toward a distant goal are relatedbehaviors that are phylogenetically widespread. Orientationbehaviors include finding the source of an odor or acousticsignal, using a sun-compass for guidance, and moving relativeto fluid-dynamic cues. Such abilities might require little morethan directionally selective sensors coupled to a turning mechanism.This type of behavior, therefore, can be implemented by relativelysimple circuits. In contrast, navigation involves both the abilityto detect direction, as well as a map-sense that provides position.Navigation is less common and arguably requires greater braincomputation than does simple orientation, but may be presentin arthropods as well as in vertebrates. Great progress hasbeen made in exploring the biophysical and sensory bases forthese behaviors, and in recent years the locations and the identityof the cellular transducers of the sensory stimuli (for example,geomagnetic fields) have been narrowed in some taxa. Similarly,neurons within the central nervous that most likely functionin higher order computational processes have been identified.For example, direction-selective and position-responsive braincells have been located in the brains of mammals and birds,and these cells might contribute to a cognitive map that canenable navigation. One model organism in which orientation andnavigation has been extensively studied is the sea slug Tritoniadiomedea. This animal orients its crawling to chemical, hydrodynamic,and geomagnetic cues. The brain of Tritonia has 7000 relativelylarge neurons that facilitate circuit analysis. Recent workhas characterized both peripheral and central neural correlatesof orientation signals, as well as the control of thrust andturning, and studies of their field behavior have suggestedhow these disparate orientation systems may be integrated. Thesefindings provide the basis for future studies to determine howthe nervous system combines multiple sensory cues into a complexhierarchy of signals that can direct motor output and thereforeguide navigational tasks.  相似文献   
The catabolism of fatty acids is important in the lifestyle of many fungi, including plant and animal pathogens. This has been investigated in Aspergillus nidulans, which can grow on acetate and fatty acids as sources of carbon, resulting in the production of acetyl coenzyme A (CoA). Acetyl-CoA is metabolized via the glyoxalate bypass, located in peroxisomes, enabling gluconeogenesis. Acetate induction of enzymes specific for acetate utilization as well as glyoxalate bypass enzymes is via the Zn2-Cys6 binuclear cluster activator FacB. However, enzymes of the glyoxalate bypass as well as fatty acid beta-oxidation and peroxisomal proteins are also inducible by fatty acids. We have isolated mutants that cannot grow on fatty acids. Two of the corresponding genes, farA and farB, encode two highly conserved families of related Zn2-Cys6 binuclear proteins present in filamentous ascomycetes, including plant pathogens. A single ortholog is found in the yeasts Candida albicans, Debaryomyces hansenii, and Yarrowia lipolytica, but not in the Ashbya, Kluyveromyces, Saccharomyces lineage. Northern blot analysis has shown that deletion of the farA gene eliminates induction of a number of genes by both short- and long-chain fatty acids, while deletion of the farB gene eliminates short-chain induction. An identical core 6-bp in vitro binding site for each protein has been identified in genes encoding glyoxalate bypass, beta-oxidation, and peroxisomal functions. This sequence is overrepresented in the 5' region of genes predicted to be fatty acid induced in other filamentous ascomycetes, C. albicans, D. hansenii, and Y. lipolytica, but not in the corresponding genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   
The prospect of biological attacks is a growing strategic threat. Covert aerosol attacks inside a building are of particular concern. In the summer of 2005, the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center convened a Working Group to determine what steps could be taken to reduce the risk of exposure of building occupants after an aerosol release of a biological weapon. The Working Group was composed of subject matter experts in air filtration, building ventilation and pressurization, air conditioning and air distribution, biosecurity, building design and operation, building decontamination and restoration, economics, medicine, public health, and public policy. The group focused on functions of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in commercial or public buildings that could reduce the risk of exposure to deleterious aerosols following biological attacks. The Working Group's recommendations for building owners are based on the use of currently available, off-the-shelf technologies. These recommendations are modest in expense and could be implemented immediately. It is also the Working Group's judgment that the commitment and stewardship of a lead government agency is essential to secure the necessary financial and human resources and to plan and build a comprehensive, effective program to reduce exposure to aerosolized infectious agents in buildings.  相似文献   
Condition indices for conservation: new uses for evolving tools   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biologists have developed a wide range of morphological, biochemicaland physiological metrics to assess the health and, in particular,the energetic status of individual animals. These metrics originatedto quantify aspects of human health, but have also proven usefulto address questions in life history, ecology and resource managementof game and commercial animals. We review the application ofcondition indices (CI) for conservation studies and focus onmeasures that quantify fat reserves, known to be critical forenergetically challenging activities such as migration, reproductionand survival during periods of scarcity. Standard methods scorefat content, or rely on a ratio of body mass rationalized bysome measure of size, usually a linear dimension such as winglength or total body length. Higher numerical values of theseindices are interpreted to mean an animal has greater energyreserves. Such CIs can provide predictive information abouthabitat quality and reproductive output, which in turn can helpmanagers with conservation assessments and policies. We reviewthe issues about the methods and metrics of measurement anddescribe the linkage of CIs to measures of body shape. Debatesin the literature about the best statistical methods to usein computing and comparing CIs remain unresolved. Next, we commenton the diversity of methods used to measure body compositionand the diversity of physiological models that compute bodycomposition and CIs. The underlying physiological regulatorysystems that govern the allocation of energy and nutrients amongcompartments and processes within the body are poorly understood,especially for field situations, and await basic data from additionallaboratory studies and advanced measurement systems includingtelemetry. For now, standard physiological CIs can provide supportingevidence and mechanistic linkages for population studies thathave traditionally been the focus of conservation biology. Physiologistscan provide guidance for the field application of conditionsindices with validation studies and development of new instruments.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Mutations in the PITX2 homeobox gene are known to contribute to Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (ARS), an autosomal-dominant developmental disorder. Although most mutations are in the homeodomain and result in a loss of function, there is a growing subset in the C-terminal domain that has not yet been characterized. These mutations are of particular interest because the C-terminus has both inhibitory and stimulatory activities. METHODS: In this study we used a combination of in vitro DNA binding and transfection reporter assays to investigate the fundamental issue of whether C-terminal mutations result in gain or loss of function at a cellular level. RESULTS: We report a new frameshift mutation in the PITX2 allele that predicts a truncated protein lacking most of the C-terminal domain (D122FS). This newly reported mutant and another ARS C-terminal mutant (W133Stop) both have greater binding than wild-type to the bicoid element. Of interest, the mutants yielded approximately 5-fold greater activation of the prolactin promoter in CHO cells, even though the truncated proteins were expressed at lower levels than the wild-type protein. The truncated proteins also had greater than wild-type activity in 2 other cell lines, including the LS8 oral epithelial line that expresses the endogenous Pitx2 gene. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that the PITX2 C-terminal domain has inhibitory activity and support the notion that ARS may also be caused by gain-of-function mutations.  相似文献   
The pace-of-life syndrome (POLS) hypothesis specifies that closely related species or populations experiencing different ecological conditions should differ in a suite of metabolic, hormonal and immunity traits that have coevolved with the life-history particularities related to these conditions. Surprisingly, two important dimensions of the POLS concept have been neglected: (i) despite increasing evidence for numerous connections between behavioural, physiological and life-history traits, behaviours have rarely been considered in the POLS yet; (ii) the POLS could easily be applied to the study of covariation among traits between individuals within a population. In this paper, we propose that consistent behavioural differences among individuals, or personality, covary with life history and physiological differences at the within-population, interpopulation and interspecific levels. We discuss how the POLS provides a heuristic framework in which personality studies can be integrated to address how variation in personality traits is maintained within populations.  相似文献   
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