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Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a diagnostic tool whose inexpensiveness, simplicity and innocuousness have led it to be increasingly accepted in daily medical practice. This method, which is useful for the study of lesions that are accessible by radiological exploration or palpation, provides information about the cytological aspects of punctured lesions. Sometimes, such information can be extended to the histological area through study of cell blocks, true microbiopsies, which are of great diagnostic use. This was the technique used in the case described in the present report.  相似文献   
The regulatory NEMO (NF-κB essential modulator) protein has a crucial role in the canonical NF-κB signaling pathway notably involved in immune and inflammatory responses, apoptosis and oncogenesis. The regulatory domain is located in the C-terminal half of NEMO and contains a classical CCHC-type zinc finger (ZF). We have investigated the structural and functional effects of a cysteine to phenylalanine point mutation (C417F) in the ZF motif, identified in patients with anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency. The solution structures of the wild type and mutant ZF were determined by NMR. Remarkably, the mutant adopts a global ββα fold similar to that of the wild type and retains thermodynamic stability, i.e., the ability to bind zinc with a native-like affinity, although the last zinc-chelating residue is missing. However, the mutation induces enhanced dynamics in the motif and leads to an important loss of stability. A detailed analysis of the wild type solution structure and experimental evidences led to the identification of two possible protein-binding surfaces that are largely destabilized in the mutant. This is sufficient to alter NEMO function, since functional complementation assays using NEMO-deficient pre-B and T lymphocytes show that full-length C417F pathogenic NEMO leads to a partial to strong defect in LPS, IL-1β and TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation, respectively, as compared to wild type NEMO. Altogether, these results shed light onto the role of NEMO ZF as a protein-binding motif and show that a precise structural integrity of the ZF should be preserved to lead to a functional protein-recognition motif triggering full NF-κB activation.  相似文献   
Eg5, a member of the widely conserved kinesin-5 family, is a plus-end-directed motor involved in separation of centrosomes, and in bipolar spindle formation and maintenance during mitosis in vertebrates. To investigate the requirement for Eg5 in mammalian development, we have generated Eg5 deficient mice by gene targeting. Heterozygous mice are healthy, fertile, and show no detectable phenotype, whereas Eg5−/− embryos die during early embryogenesis, prior to the implantation stage. This result shows that Eg5 is essential during early mouse development and cannot be compensated by another molecular motor.  相似文献   
The physiological role of the NADH-dependent glutamine-2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (NADH-GOGAT) enzyme was addressed in Arabidopsis using gene expression analysis and by the characterization of a knock-out T-DNA insertion mutant (glt1-T) in the single NADH-GOGAT GLT1 gene. The NADH-GOGAT GLT1 mRNA is expressed at higher levels in roots than in leaves. This expression pattern contrasts with GLU1, the major gene encoding Fd-GOGAT, which is most highly expressed in leaves and is involved in photorespiration. These distinct organ-specific expression patterns suggested a non-redundant physiological role for the NADH-GOGAT and Fd-GOGAT gene products. To test the in vivo function of NADH-GOGAT, we conducted molecular and physiological analysis of the glt1-T mutant, which is null for NADH-GOGAT, as judged by mRNA level and enzyme activity. Metabolic analysis showed that the glt1-T mutant has a specific defect in growth and glutamate biosynthesis when photorespiration was repressed by 1% CO2. Under these conditions, the glt1-T mutant displayed a 20% decrease in growth and a dramatic 70% reduction in glutamate levels. Herein, we discuss the significance of NADH-GOGAT in non-photorespiratory ammonium assimilation and in glutamate synthesis required for plant development.  相似文献   
Summary In Ascobolus immersus, 16 unstable mutants with white ascospores were isolated. These mutants mutate back to the wild-type phenotype with brown ascospores. Only two mutants B and 301 are the object of the present study. At least in these two mutants it was demonstrated that true back-mutations occur. The frequencies of back-mutations are quite high and can reach 0.30 in the case of mutant B.The reversions appear at well defined but different for each mutant stages of the developmental cycle. These stages are relatively short and involve not more than about ten nuclear divisions cycles. In the case of mutant B, the back-mutations occur only in very young mycelia and at elevated temperature. Thus, the frequencies of back-mutations observed depend on the time of the transfer to higher temperature condition.The back-mutations of 301 mutant occur only in spermatized female organ and depend on the genotype of the female parent.The data established for Ascobolus immersus are compared with genic instability due to transposable elements described in corn by B. Mc Clintock.  相似文献   
The thyrotropin (TSH) receptor is an interesting model to study G protein-coupled receptor activation as many point mutations can significantly increase its basal activity. Here, we identified a molecular interaction between Asp(633) in transmembrane helix 6 (TM6) and Asn(674) in TM7 of the TSHr that is crucial to maintain the inactive state through conformational constraint of the Asn. We show that these residues are perfectly conserved in the glycohormone receptor family, except in one case, where they are exchanged, suggesting a direct interaction. Molecular modeling of the TSHr, based on the high resolution structure of rhodopsin, strongly favors this hypothesis. Our approach combining site-directed mutagenesis with molecular modeling shows that mutations disrupting this interaction, like the D633A mutation in TM6, lead to high constitutive activation. The strongly activating N674D (TM7) mutation, which in our modeling breaks the TM6-TM7 link, is reverted to wild type-like behavior by an additional D633N mutation (TM6), which would restore this link. Moreover, we show that the Asn of TM7 (conserved in most G protein-coupled receptors) is mandatory for ligand-induced cAMP accumulation, suggesting an active role of this residue in activation. In the TSHr, the conformation of this Asn residue of TM7 would be constrained, in the inactive state, by its Asp partner in TM6.  相似文献   
Fourteen mono- and dichloro-8-quinolinols were tested against five fungi (Aspergillus niger, A. oryzae, Myrothecium verrucaria, Trichoderma viride, and Mucor circinelloides) and compared with the fungitoxicity of 8-quinolinol in Yeast Nitrogen Base containing 1% D-glucose and 0.088% L-asparagine. All of the compounds were more fungitoxic than 8-quinolinol except for the surprising activity of 8-quinolinol against A. oryzae. Mixtures of the MICs of monochloro- and dichloro-8-quinolinols in which the halogens were in different positions of the quinoline ring showed synergism. Comparable mixtures in which one position of each compound was occupied by the same halogen showed additive activity. In a different study we showed that 3,5,6-, 3,5,7-, 4,5,7-, and 5,6,7-trichloro-8-quinolinols were not toxic to M. circinelloides, whereas the combinations of the correspondingly substituted mono- and dichloro-8-quinolinols as well as 3,6-dichloro- and 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinols were inhibitory. This indicated that a steric factor can be involved in affecting fungitoxicity.  相似文献   
The gamma-KTx-type scorpion toxins specific for K+ channels were found to interact with ERG channels on the turret region, while alpha-KTx3.2 Agitoxin-2 binds to the pore region of the Shaker K+ channel, and alpha-KTx5.3 BmP05 binds to the intermediate region of the small-conductance calcium-activated K-channel (SK(Ca)). In order to explore the critical residues for gamma-KTx binding, we determined the NMR structure of native gamma-KTx1.1 (CnErg1), a 42 amino acid residues scorpion toxin isolated from the venom of the Mexican scorpion Centruro?des noxius Hoffmann, and we used computational evolutionary trace (ET) analysis to predict possible structural and functional features of interacting surfaces. The 1H-NMR three-dimensional solution structure of native ergtoxin (CnErg1) was solved using a total of 452 distance constraints, 13 3J(NH-Halpha) and 10 hydrogen bonds. The structure is characterized by 2 segments of alpha-helices and a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet stabilized by 4 disulfide bridges. The ET and structural analysis provided indication of the presence of two important amino acid residue clusters, one hydrophobic and the other hydrophilic, that should be involved in the surface contact between the toxin and the channel. Some features of the proposed interacting surface are discussed.  相似文献   
Epidermal reconstructs incorporating pigment cells have been used in vitro over the last decade to study the physiology of the epidermal melanin unit. However, the major limitation of this technology is the duration of the assays, which need to be completed within 2-3 weeks to obviate the problem of epidermal senescence and excessive terminal differentiation. This becomes a major problem for studying long-term biological phenomena in photoprotection and epidermal skin cancers. We report here a simplified surgical technique in immunotolerant mice allowing long-term studies. The creation of a vascularized mouse skin flap is the key point of the surgical procedure. Long-term pigmentation of the xenografts seemed macroscopically successful, but surprisingly microscopy at 11 and 16 weeks postgrafting showed mostly dermal pigment aggregates and rare Melan-A positive dermal and epidermal pigment cells. In the same reconstructs maintained in vitro, dermal pigment and dermal pigment cells were never noted. It could be speculated that in our model, the colonization of the xenografted dead human dermis by murine cells influences melanocyte survival.  相似文献   
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