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The heptapeptide AsnTyrGluGluPheValGlnNH2 corresponding to residues 137–143 of vertebrate calmodulin is as immunoreactive as the entire 148-residue protein. A reproducible and rapid procedure for producing antisera against vertebrate calmodulin has been previously described (L. J. Van Eldik and D. M. Watterson (1981) J. Biol. Chem.256, 4205–4210). Most of the antisera elicited by this method react with a major immunoreactive region (residues 127–144) in the COOH-terminal domain of vertebrate calmodulin. In this report, the minimum segment of calmodulin required for reactivity with an antiserum that readily distinguishes various types of calmodulins is defined. These studies demonstrate that a linear segment of seven amino acid residues shows a competition curve in radioimmunoassay resembling the competition curve of intact calmodulin. This heptapeptide is the smallest calmodulin segment and the only sevenresidue segment in the 135–145 region that shows quantitative immunoreactivity with the anti-calmodulin serum. These data demonstrate that this heptapeptide is a major immunoreactive site of calmodulin. However, when this immunoreactive site heptapeptide is conjugated to a carrier and injected into rabbits, it does not elicit antisera that react with the native protein. These studies demonstrate that quantitative immunoreactivity of antisera produced in animals can be found in small peptide segments and that, for calmodulin, the requirements for production of anti-peptide antibodies that react with the native protein molecule are not as simple as surface exposure of the peptide region.  相似文献   
The ability of concanavalin A (conA) to disrupt food vacuole elimination at the cytoproct of Tetrahymena pyriformis, strain GL-C, was investigated using fluorescence microscopy and thin section electron microscopy. ConA was found to induce "tails" in Tetrahymena. These tails were specifically stained by fluorescent conA. Thin section observations of conA-treated cells revealed that these tails were the result of abnormal egestion of food vacuole contents at the cytoproct. Tail formation appears to result from an inhibition of endocytosis of food vacuole membrane during egestion. Instead, the food vacuole membrane appears to be cast out of the cell, along with the contents of the vacuole. The mechanism of this inhibition may be related to an apparent absence of microtubules or microfilamentous mat in the cytoproct region of conA-treated cells. Although conA is ingested into food vacuoles in large amounts, conA appears to affect endocytosis only from outside the cell; ingested conA does not appear to be effective. ConA may exert its influence by binding to the cytoproct region. The ability of conA to induce tail formation is inhibited by sugars specific to it. Numerous membranous vesicles are found in association with the oral cilia and cytoproct region of conA-treated cells. These vesicles may be the conA-binding material reported to be secreted by Tetrahymena.  相似文献   
Cytochalasin B produces multinucleated erythroid cells in tissue cultures of very young chick blastoderms. There is no apparent qualitative interference with differentiation and maturation of erythroid cells, but the amounts produced are reduced 4- and 10-fold. These effects of cytochalasin are readily reversible.  相似文献   
A genetic analysis of a multiply antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis was performed. Experiments designed to show reversion of organisms to antibiotic susceptibility, as well as studies of the influence of ultraviolet irradiation of phage on the transduction frequencies of the resistance markers, indicated that determinants of chloramphenicol (cml), tetracycline (tet), and neomycin (neo) resistance are present on separate plasmids, but the streptomycin marker is chromosomal. In 2 to 6% of tetracycline-resistant transductants, co-transduction of cml was also observed. By using CsCl-dye density gradients followed by neutral sucrose gradients, the plasmids carrying cml, tet, and neo could be isolated and their molecular weights could be determined. The tetracycline plasmid is shown to be incompatible with one of the cryptic plasmids of a recipient strain.  相似文献   
The various layers of the cell envelope of marine pseudomonad B-16 (ATCC 19855) have been separated from the cells and assayed directly for alkaline phosphatase activity under conditions established previously to be optimum for maintenance of the activity of the enzyme. Under conditions known to lead to the release of the contents of the periplasmic space from the cells, over 90% of the alkaline phosphatase was released into the medium. Neither the loosely bound outer layer nor the outer double-track layer (cell wall membrane) showed significant activity. A small amount of the alkaline phosphatase activity of the cells remained associated with the mureinoplasts when the outer layers of the cell wall were removed. Upon treatment of the mureinoplasts with lysozyme, some alkaline phosphatase was released into the medium and some remained with the protoplasts formed. Cells washed and suspended in 0.5 M NaCl were lysed by treatment with 2% toluene, and 95% of the alkaline phosphatase in the cells was released into the medium. Cells washed and suspended in complete salts solution (0.3 M NaCl, 0.05 M MgSO(4), and 0.01 M KCl) or 0.05 M MgSO(4) appeared intact after treatment with toluene but lost 50 and 10%, respectively, of their alkaline phosphatase. The results suggest that the presence of Mg(2+) in the cell wall is necessary to prevent disruption of the cells by toluene and may also be required to prevent the release of alkaline phosphatase by toluene when disruption of the cells by toluene does not take place.  相似文献   
Inhibition of growth and DNA synthesis was observed in WI 38 cells incubated with 8-methylthioadenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate or prostaglandin E(1). The effect of both compounds on cell growth was reversible. On removal of these compounds from culture media the cells initiated DNA synthesis and divided. In addition, prostaglandin E(1) stimulated cyclic AMP formation in these cells to over 40 times the normal basal value. The increase in cyclic AMP concentration in WI 38 cells after addition of prostaglandin E(1) showed a marked variation. Cells that had recently been treated with trypsin and plated at a lower cell density exhibited a smaller response to addition of prostaglandin E(1) than cells that had divided and reached confluence.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei einem Patienten mit multiplen Mißbildungen wurde eine Duplikation für die distale Hälfte vom kurzen Arm des Chromosoms 2 und eine Defizienz an einem C-Chromosom gefunden. In der Literatur sind vier Fälle mit ähnlicher Duplikation, jedoch jeweils einer klein n Defizienz am Chromosom 3 beschrieben worden. Ein Vergleich der klinischen Merkmale bei den fünf Patienten zeigt weitgehende Übereinstimmungen. Es wird gefolgert, daß die gleichartige Duplikation für das einheitliche klinische Bild der Patienten verantwortlich ist. Es wurden Chromosomenmessungen, Analysen der Replikationsmuster und Meioseuntersuchungen durchgeführt. Die Genloci für das Ss- und das Rh-System konnten von einer Lokalisierung auf dem duplizierten Segment ausgeschlossen werden.
2/C translocation in father and daughter: 46,XY t (2p-;Cp+) and 46,XX Cp+
Summary In a patient with multiple anomalies, a duplication comprising the distal half of the short arm of chromosome 2 and a small deficiency of a C-chromosome was found. Four other cases from the literature exhibit a similar duplication combined with a small deficiency each of chromosome 3. Comparison of the clinical pictures of the five patients revealed a conformity in the major features. It is concluded that the duplication is responsible for the uniform appearance of these patients. The studies performed include chromosome measurements, examination of replication patterns and meiosis. The gene loci for the Ss and Rh systems could be excluded from localization on the duplicated segment.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Mutants for 9 of the 10 steps in histidine biosynthesis have been isolated and identified by enzyme assay. Each locus has been mapped in relation to the aro cluster and to other histidine loci by deoxyribonucleic acid-mediated transformation. The genes which code for enzymes 3, 6, and 8 of the pathway are linked to the aro cluster. A major histidine linkage group is composed of the genes which specify enzymes 1, 2, 5, 7, and 10. The locus which codes for step 9 of the pathway is unlinked to any other identified his loci. The major histidine cluster is loosely linked to cysB and is unlinked to any of the loci concerned with aromatic amino acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   
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